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Her comments about ironing pyjamas. I just canā€™t wear unironed PJs. Looking at that reel this morning completely validates this for me!!
I was gonna reply to that early on here, I always iron my pjs and everyone elseā€™s but if they donā€™t need ironing I wonā€™t lol, the sort she has in usually do need an iron or to be dried properly that thereā€™s a lot less creasingā€¦.you arnt alone lol
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I found one in Cologne and my reaction was great if thereā€™s a clothing emergency I know where to go
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She said in a vlog they were hoping to go to California next year. Bet they only go to Disney
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Ok so first of all: this babette expects this woman to walk around all day while on holiday? Sheā€™s proud of herself for taking her small dog for a short walk a couple of times a week. And what if she has another fall? And have you totally forgotten about her exercise-induced asthma??

Secondly ā€œgot on my trainersā€???
Iā€™m sure thatā€™s not English. No, not even in Birmingham babs. And no itā€™s not a new thing you just invented youā€™re just a thick ex-teacher who canā€™t speak or type correctly and is too lazy to proofread anything. Hope that helps šŸ˜˜


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You really dont need a full week in California disney. Absolute waste of a trip to California if they do. Hopefully they visit Universal because the traffic around it is horrific and she may have a meltdown.
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Definitely not the same person. If she did that sheā€™s be sharing it to death and telling us all about her super healthy lunch!
I do remember TT tagging Emma when She released the book so itā€™s definitely her. I still dont believe Emma orders that.
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Can you imagine her in any kind of role now where there was some sort of self appraisal or colleague input on her performance? She'd be permanently living in the bathroom with Steve sat on top of her.
100% she's spent a decade living in her own bubble!! But it'd do her the world of good to re-enter the real world. Might put the massive issue of whether or not she feels confident in her swimming costume into perspective for her!
Can you imagine her in any kind of role now where there was some sort of self appraisal or colleague input on her performance? She'd be permanently living in the bathroom with Steve sat on top of her.
100% she's spent a decade living in her own bubble!! But it'd do her the world of good to re-enter the real world. Might put the massive issue of whether or not she feels confident in her swimming costume into perspective for her!
Wtf is she on about?!! 11 & 13 year olds šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† this was the age mine were in lockdown, they were on their own all day while my husband and I worked. They were totally fine. Youā€™ve done something wrong if your NT children canā€™t look after themselves for a few hours at that age.
Never not surprised that lazy ass Babs and wet wipe of all work Ste aren't fully embracing their kids being older and more capable. She doesn't like doing anything for herself and Ste could finally delegate out a few of his many domestic tasks!
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I have said it before but Emmaā€™s head is getting bigger (literally the size of it not just her ego) how is this happening. Because of this the headbands should be burned and roll neck jumpers along with them. She buys crap to fill the obvious gaping void in her life of anything fulfilling.
Sad on so many levels. Who gets excited about Primark? And who would go in one on holiday?

Plus this is for Ethanā€™s birthday so why would they go to Primark for Erin? Definitely not saying they should only do what Ethan wants .. but to go to Primark? When they live in a city with a massive one anyway?

Sheā€™s a sad cow.
I went in the Amsterdam one the other week to get out of the relentless rain there itā€™s crap weā€™ve better ones near me
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Is her current break over Ethanā€™s birthday so she doesnā€™t have to post about him or is that next week?
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Awwww I see , so you can follow them but choose not to see their stories?
You can do that but you have to mute them. You go to button that says "Following" and when you click on that the drop down will allow you to mute stories or grid posts so they dont appear. You still follow her and can see them but you have to look for them

Shadow banning is done by Instagram on accounts they think are spamming or have been given a warning about their content
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We got married in the 90s and a lot of our wedding list was Eternal Beau. I think it was from Boots if I remember correctly, but it might have been Argooose. Deffo not Rackham's.
Yep definitely Boots in the 80ā€™s/90ā€™s!!
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Where are we betting sheā€™s going for Ethanā€™s guilt trip football stadium trip? Iā€™m going in with Madrid to the Bernabeu
With Camp Nou being demolished Iā€™d have to agree unless they go to Princes Park and tie in a ā€œunexpected Disney tripā€
Villa Park, the circle back to Costco and The Fort on the way home.
The Coffee Bean or Bodymoor Heath šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
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