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Chatty Member
It feels like exploitation to me. I wonder are other family members comfortable with this arrangement?
I feel that people are thinking the same hence they are not showing much of Aoife this time. I know (from them) that she doesn't want to be paraded all over social media this time. But I really think a lot of folk are thinking it's all a bit much at this stage...once maybe, but twice and being a live in skivvy probably isn't sitting well. It really does smack of exploitation and Brian and Arthur know damn well it does. I think as the saying goes; they doth protest too much when the subject comes up, desperately trying to convince us that this is what Aoife wants 🙄!!

I am absolutely dying to see the baby shower. I wonder will it be the absolute circus it was last year🫣
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More articles about them on social media. FFS I’m so sick of the trouple and the kid. They are clearly hungry for fame and attention, it’s a desperate cry to stay relevant. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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Reading comments on their own posts congratulating them on becoming a family of 4.... not a mention of Aoife. It just baffles me, without her none of this would be possible ( they'd have to actually pay a surrogate). Do people not realise/ cop on that Aoife lives with them, minds/rears Blake, cooks and cleans for them like a modern Cinderella? They've kept her more hidden this time ( apparently she wants this) which on one hand is no harm for her sake but she is kind of being erased or else people who comment simply don't rate her role in all of this!!! Horrible!
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I used find Arthur relatively inoffensive, but this swimsuit carry on is disgusting. The way he films up and down her body and zooms in is disgusting. He's the one person who's meant to be minding her. And people rave about how good a father Arthur is - a good father wouldn't dream of doing this to his one year old daughter 😡 Same goes for Brian as he's also sharing the videos. Sick, sick, sick.

I see Arthur is filming the rest of the family today, to prove posters here wrong. Are the Dowlings all afraid to stand up to him and say no filming, or what?
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I know this move was sprung on them. It seemed sudden.

Just on this point. According to citizens information if you are in your rented accommodation then the landlord needs to give you 180 days notice.
So tbh, I wouldn't say it was sprung on them. I'd say they buried their head in the sand and just left it until the last minute.
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Sweet Jesus this bloody better be the baby shower - imagine getting an events company, catering, hair and make up to sit in the back garden in the rain????????
Myself & my daughter just hopped into bed after an hour in the garden. We’re frozen. Definitely not a day for sitting around eating crackers & cheese. Brian won’t feel it once the champagne kicks in
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Chatty Member
Would he ever just live in the moment ffs. Everything is recorded. I could not hang around with someone who is constantly filming. How do the sisters stick it? And the food recordings.... does anyone care? The way he swivels/swirls the phone around his and everyone else's food hurts my brain.
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Chatty Member
He's becoming too much. Over exposed and desperate.
Came on here to say this. I have always found Arthur to be massively desperate and over the top, to the point it made me uncomfortable as it’s so fake and anxiety-inducing but I mostly saw it as just desperate fame hunger. Now, he just seems almost manic. It feels like the wheels are coming off a bit now and I’m not sure why. I can only assume as they are on TV less as those two absolutely adore fame and that is why they still rent a house when by rights, Brian at least could have bought a house years ago, somewhere. Fame whoring and keeping up with the Jones is an expensive pastime.
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I had a similar reaction with my friends child. My friend was holding my newborn and her two year old got jealous (understandably) and she went to hit my baby. My friend apologised profusely and told her child off. These things happen. But not once did my friend stand behind her camera recording it, she intervened straight away. No harm done.

If a child was hitting my tiles with a shovel I’d bloody loose it. Brian’s siblings grafted hard for their houses, no one deserves that. Again, it’s not Blake’s fault, her parents need to teach her discipline. Arthur did intervene, but Brian just sat there recording her. That’s not okay.

that child has far too much screen time and also, the whole choc thing why is ur child allowed near a jar of Nutella? Shouldn’t it be off limits???
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I thought he could adopt her at 2 years? Didn't he say that around the time of the documentary?
I have an original birth cert and an adoption certificate. My birth mother is on the original birth cert (which was only made available to me in the last few years). Father left blank.
On my adoption cert it lists my adoptive parents and it's a legal document. To me they are my parents but all my life I have yearned to k ow who I really am. It would be outrageous even criminal to me if the powers that be just changed my original birth cert to get rid of my biological information. (Many birth certs were falsified of course).As other posters have said, and I said it myself, Brian cannot be on Blakes birth cert because he is not her biological father. Birth certs are supposed to state facts!
Hopefully it will be sorted in a way that will put Blake's interests front and centre!
Exactly! In order to be identified legally a child has to have a mother and father on the birth cert. It takes a sperm and an egg Brian to make a baby. You cannot obliterate the biological mother off the birthcert. Although Aoife isn’t the bio mother she carried her and gave birth to her so she’s on the birth cert. Brian has a complex about not being the kids father. 🙄If he was more present and acted like a dad, regardless of not being the bio father, it wouldn’t matter. He’s such a thick dope. 🙄
Is he organising a rally or a march on Leinster House or some high profile campaign to change the law seeing as they are both so well known and could front such a campaign, or is he going on political shows to voice his frustration for the current laws and lobby for change?
Or is he just heading for a facial and a spray tan.
He hasn’t got the brains to organise a rally - I’d go for the facial and spray tan! 😂
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It's obvious he's looking for a baby modelling, clothing collab for BMG. Poor girl is never going to have privacy.

Going down a rabbit hole this morning noticed his agent is Noel Kelly. He could get anyone a job but very little for Arthur on the horizon. Says it all.
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I can never understand parents showing their children in beach wear etc to thousands of strangers .
Or how it's allowed to be honest

It's vile and should be automatic ban from social media.

This gem of a human was in front of a judge yesterday, done for possession of video and images. The images of kids were taken from Tik Tok and Instagram. This is who these dopes are exposing that child to.

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Chatty Member
All Brian seems to do with the child is watch the tele. She watches a horrendous amount of tv for a toddler.
of course now that I’ve said this here, she will be brought to a playground or soft play or something !
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