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I don't remember books often, I was scrolling through my kindle insights from THIS YEAR and saw one on there that I nearly removed from the list because I thought it had been a mistake, it was only after I scrolled pretty much the whole first chapter that I realised I had indeed read it. Within the last 3 months! In my defence it was a Domestic Thriller and they all roll onto one eventually.
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Oh yea I definitely struggle with my mental health - been a lifelong battle. I don’t think I’ve dipped far enough for me to think anything major is going on but just in a proper funk. Probably a good place to try and change things up a bit, like get outside and eat a bit better to see if that all perks me up and gets me back on track. I also think I need to delete TikTok - it’s the only social media I’m on and I’ve fallen too far into its grip this last few weeks.
Yup. Defo delete. Social media destroys our attention span and makes us crave the instant dopamine hit rather than the slower releasing and stabilising enjoyment from healthier pursuits! Fresh air and sunshine are transformative ☀ it’s been a long grim winter here. Hopefully we will all benefit from longer sunnier days and brilliant books. ❤
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I really do wish libraries could be pushed and promoted more, maybe by councils. There seems to be a real reading renaissance and I know a lot of people don't realise they can get ebooks at the library, for example. Gen Z appear to like pretty hardbacks so hopefully a push in that direction will give bookshops a USP, things like limited edition covers, artwork competitions etc could make serious money turning books into collectors items, kind of like the huge resurgence in vinyl for music vs streaming.
Trouble is councils are absolutely strapped for cash. Libraries are a soft target to make budget cuts especially as they're usually lumped in with sports and leisure facilities. Many library buildings date from the 19th century and badly need investment to bring them up to 21st century standards.

E-books are a bit of sticky issue as it could be used to justify closing physical branches. Why pay money to heat, light and staff a building when readers can download an e-book to their own devices at home?

Librarians and library staff are trained to post-graduate levels and encompass so many roles, not too dissimilar to social workers or Job Center case workers. As far as I am aware no professional library course provides training in supporting the homeless, the elderly or non-digital natives. But yet they fill those roles in many local libraries.

Sorry, I've worked in libraries in the past and still know people that do. It's a depressing sector that's being asked to do so much with so little. Our local libraries are great. They had a big push offering activities for kids during the recent teachers strikes and Easter holidays. The staff in my local branch seem to remember everyone's names, even the little kids.

Libraries are one of the few public spaces we have left but some are struggling to stay afloat.
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I've just finished After I Do by TJR which I really enjoyed, probably my favourite of her books. My first book of May is Remarkably Bright Creatures after seeing it talked about on here.
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I definitely prefer reading on my kindle but will also buy a physical copy of a book if I loved it, so I can have it to admire 🤣
I also prefer reading on my kindle now (despite being adamant I wouldn’t) but I don’t buy physical books anymore. The cost is partly why but then I have tried to really declutter my home and the only books I have are a handful of unwritten fiction, some self development/non-fiction and the illustrated Harry Potters. I got rid of my huge collection a couple years ago as just didn’t have the space. And although I love looking at bookshelves, I just can’t justify the cost or space unfortunately.
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Caffeine Fiend

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Double plus stamps at Waterstones this weekend (7th to 10th) 😍😍😍

4% back at airtime rewards if you use it..

Im going to have to go now right? 🙊
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Caffeine Fiend

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Hope everyone had a lovely bank holiday. I managed a chunk of Happy Place, a chunk of Daisy Darker and 2 hours of Little Wing on audio! Our kids are still off here today which means Im also off work. Planning a lazy day with hopefully lots of reading ❤
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I've just tried to read Beartown but really didn't like it. It's a shame, I really wanted to like it but I've decided Frederik Backman is not for me.
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I’m reading The Family at No.12 and had a big audible gasp moment earlier. I love when a book makes you have a physical reaction. I’m only 34% through TFaN12 and can’t wait to go to bed later to keep reading.
You had me at audible gasp 😅

Might start this tonight as I finished my latest read earlier.

It was The Babysitter by Gemma Rogers and worth a read for anyone with KU or wanting to spend 99p. I gave it 4/5, I thought it had a really good storyline.
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Do all of them need to connect? I think sometimes there’s too much expectation on reading to be deep and meaningful in a way that we don’t apply to other forms of entertainment. We quite happily watch TV shows or films simply for something to do and a bit of light relief without expecting them to have some sort of impact on us, so why not books too? Unless you’re reading for academic/development purposes I think it’s fine for lots of books to just fill the time you read them and then never come to mind again. (As long as you’re not double buying of course!)
Oh this is an excellent point. I definitely put a lot of pressure on my reading. Like it’s a waste of time and effort if it’s not resonating and quote worthy and god damn life changing. Thank you for this!
That's the thing, it is key to not start scrolling on your phone otherwise you have lost a good chunk of reading time. I try very hard to not pick my phone up once I am in bed. Easier said than done when you think "I'll just look that up quickly....."
Yesssss. My phone is the death of my reading. Although I do spend a lot of phone time researching what to read 😂
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Just started The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, enjoying it very much. I would have continued to read it last night but my cat hates having the light on (i know, she’s spoilt 😂) so I grabbed the kindle and started reading Daisy Darker. Stayed up far too late reading it but it’s fantastic so far!
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In awe of all of you who manage to read double figures every month!! 4 for me in April, though I’m about 60% through Ask Again Yes so really it’s 4 + 2/3!!

Interestingly (for me anyway!) I’ve actually read more pages in April than I did in Feb when I finished 5 books. (January was a month of being ill so slept rather than read!) Gives me a weird reassurance that reading slower or longer books is not a bad thing! I’m still reading the same amount, or even more, despite the fact that the total number of books isn’t going up as quickly.


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Just saw this book scavenger hunt tag on insta and thought we could do it!😄

- A book with a person on the cover

- A book with a colour in the title

- A book with enemies to lovers

- A book with four words in the title

- A book with one word in the title

- A book you haven’t read yet

- A recent five star read

- A book with a person on the cover A Little Life

- A book with a colour in the title The Colour Purple

- A book with enemies to lovers The Hating Game 🥰🥰

- A book with four words in the title At The Existentialist Cafe

- A book with one word in the title Icebreaker (hehe)

- A book you haven’t read yet The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath - have started it multiple times but never read past the first 50 pages

- A recent five star read My Name is Lucy Barton
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Oh I can forgive her that. Inventing imaginary circumstances can be easier than trying to ensure one accurately reflects reality.

I am just so disappointed. I had Lucy by the Sea on my wish list for ages and was thrilled when I saw it on BorrowBox.

I just didn’t expect it to be allllll about the pandemic and so much politics, trump and capitol riots etc etc. I’m also not sure how wise it was to place it in such a very specific time. It may not age as well as the others. The political landscape and associated events are referenced without full context given so, whilst todays reader will be familiar with it all, in ten years time it may alienate modern readers.

And I have no idea how to rate it! Maybe it’s my own fault for not knowing more about it in advance? And it’s as well written as any of the others in the series. I was just bored and ultimately disappointed.

at least I didn’t pay for it!
Aw that's a shame. :(

The bit in bold - last year I read a book that had lots of references to Twitter, Instagram etc and I wondered if it would sound dated in the very near future. The early days of the pandemic are already foggy haha. Don't know if anyone else feels the same, but banana bread and Joe Wicks seem almost retro. 😅
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I’ve just read weyward! Read it really quickly - the plot pulls you along and every chapter definitely leaves you wanting to find out what happens next. Definitely encourages you to suspend your disbelief and there are some dark themes and topics too.

Currently reading…
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Recently got libby and borrowed a CoHo book- I didn't want to spend money on her books as I suspected I wouldn't really enjoy them😅. I read Ugly love this weekend and it was so rubbish 🤮, didn't care for the characters at all and found Miles super creepy in the flashbacks! 1*
Back to Sarah J Maas I go.. 😂
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I’ve read 24 books so far this year which is good going considering I have an absolute live wire of a 3-year-old who takes up most of my time and energy! 😆
Got these on Prime Reading, trying to have a month without buying so will work through these and my Netgalley list too.
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