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Yep, it was her last night and I definitely think it was a wasted opportunity from Billy as he could have gone out and seen P and meet her friends for the first time as it seems strange that he didn't bother to go out and see her.

I agree if she's home then they will definitely meet up but it wouldn't surprise me if he goes back home first to catch up with his family and friends. He will go back to Brighton next week I reckon and do various fitness tests and whatnot, then meet up with the squad officially and return to training the week after before going off to Japan for the pre-season tour and games.

I have to say something in the back of mind is telling me that P is well aware of the balcony girls and it is definitely still suss to me as well as I firmly believe that something went down although I doubt Billy was involved but I have to say if he was I would be extremely disappointed with him.
I reckon P reads here so she’ll know. I do think Billy will have been a good boy but who knows 🤷‍♀️

Time will tell! Watch this space 👀
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I do think Billy will be in Ibiza, he probably is already. Maybe he’s just keeping it on the down low? You wouldn’t go to Ibiza though if you wanted a low key holiday? 😆

LB wouldn’t be there if Billy wasn’t, surely? Just can’t see it. If Billy has indeed ditched the boys holiday and ends up in Thailand then kudos to him! 👍
I agree I honestly think that Billy will be in Ibiza and he probably already is. If he wanted to keep it on the down low though surely he would have chosen a place where people can't easily recognise him I mean he is going to be easily identifiable in Ibiza.

I agree LB wouldn't have gone to Ibiza if Billy wasn't going as it wouldn't have made much sense for him to go with just Harvey and his best mate. If he has indeed ditched the boys and ends up in Thailand then he has gone there to meet her family and friends.
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Yep it totally backfired and tbh I think a number of the players got stage fright as they didn't seem to know what to do. At least you managed to out-sing the Germans and score even if it was an own goal by Rüdiger.
At least we always win at out-singing the opposition 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🤣

We really need to get it together for the next two games! I’m sure we will. Lots to think about in the Scotland camp tonight 🫠
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Did you see the villa? Wow! 😮 Think she’ll be there for a while longer. She must be there with family etc as that place is huge! Wonder if Billy will be joining her? Just a thought as I’m not sure if he’s even in Ibiza….

Haven’t heard from my colleague again, she’s gone awol! 🤣 God help her today!

Billy must be in Ibiza surely? I can’t see LB going out there just to hang out with Billy’s 18 yr old little brother and his best mate who he barely knows? 🤷‍♀️ When I spoke to my colleague she said she saw LB, H and S, but not Billy. Maybe he just happened to not be there when she saw them? 🤷‍♀️

You’d think that LB would have been posting about B by now as well. He’s posted himself with H and S but not Billy? Very strange!

Maybe Billy has skipped Ibiza and just went to P in Thailand instead? Maybe she’s put her foot down? 👀 Maybe he’s had to ditch the boys last minute for her? 😆
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I know, lucky bitch getting to see Billy and Harvey Elliot! 😆

When does pre season start? Think Japan is mid July, but I imagine they’d meet up a week or so before? Maybe Billy will get a bit extra time off because of Scotland duties?

I wonder if the European tour is still happening? She’s just on a constant holiday, isn’t she? 😆🤣
Yep, lucky her I'm sure she'll tell you all the details when you next see her.

I think pre-season starts next week as usually teams return to training 6 weeks before the season starts but some clubs have just started their pre-season and Brighton's first game takes place on the 24th July so I guess they will meet up either on Monday or the week after. The players who have played in the Euros will certainly get a bit of extra time off (possibly a week) as they have had less time to recover than the players who didn't play in the Euros.

I think the European tour will happen after she gets back from Thailand because if she leaves it any later we will be in Autumn but I agree she just seems to be constantly on holiday and never seems to spend much time in the UK. I mean at this rate she's is hardly going to be seeing anything of him and don't forget she's supposed to be going back to Australia in October so that will be more time spent away from him and as a result I just can't see how the relationship is going to work if they are hardly going to be seeing one another.
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Exactly there may well be a plausible explanationfor those 2 girls to be on the balcony in the early hours of this morning as they may have just been invited to a party back at the villa by Luca as I doubt that Billy or Harvey would have invited them.

I agree though it doesn't look good in the slightest and like you if I was P and I saw that I would immediately be wanting answers about why some random girls were at the villa with them. I did say that I couldn't see it ending well and it looks like this might very well be the case but I just hope it isn't anything to do with Billy but I have a bad feeling that it might be. The fact that the random girl also started following Billy but none of the others tells me that she must have spent most of her time with Billy rather than Harvey, his best mate and Luca.
Yep, it may all be very innocent. A group might just have went back for a party and nothing more. I just can’t see B cheating. Not sure why it’s only him she’s following though? If there were lots of other people there surely she’d be following more people? 🤔 It does look suss though. Who knows 🤷‍♀️ His mate also has a girlfriend. LB and H are single as far as I know though so they can do what they want.

I noticed Billy had posted a pic of him and James Forrest early hours of this morning looking worse for wear but it’s been taken down now 😆 must have been meant for his private account? 🙈
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May have an increase in bikini posts from her, remind Billy what he’s missing 🤣😆

Wonder how long she’s in Thailand for? I reckon at least 10 days. Long way just for a week?

Wonder if the European tour is still happening?
I wouldn't be surprised of we get an increase in bikini posts because as you said she will want to make sure that Billy doesn't forget about her and say "Look at me Billy this is what you are missing".

I reckon she's in Thailand until Friday.

I think the European tour is still happening in late July/early August as I think she booked it with her friend months ago possibly at the end of last year. If this European tour does happen I wonder when they will next see each other persuming that she isn't in Ibiza with him.
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If she’s not in Thailand within the next week or so then she isn’t going. I wonder if she’s had a better offer of going to Germany and the Euros? 👀 Would not be surprised if she turns up in Germany!

Things seem to have taken a step up with Billy since she came back from Vegas, didn’t it?
Any travel plans she’s made this summer may be out of the window now that’s she’s in love?

If Billy goes to Ibiza then she’ll be there! No way will he be allowed to party with other girls etc on his own. I don’t think Billy would be the cheating type though. Really don’t think he’s like most other footballers.

In response to your earlier post, I thought she’d post a recent pic of them lovey dovey on holiday or in Scotland last week? Out of all the pics she has of them why that one? For some reason Portugal pics are still out of bounds it seems.
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Hope you’re right! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

She’s been posting nowt for weeks and all of a sudden gets a surge in followers? 🤷‍♀️ Nah, don’t get it! Unless it’s the Billy connection?

Will be interesting to see if she posts her usual bikini shots from this jaunt, if not then somethings up. Or maybe the influencer life isn’t required anymore? Seems like she can’t be arsed now? Or maybe she doesn’t want to upset Billy getting her bits out for all and sundry.
If I'm not right then I hope you're right go on Scotland it's time to make history we believe in you 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💙

As she hasn't posted for weeks that's why I think she is buying followers again because nobody who doesn't post regularly will get a surge in followers if anything people will unfollow them as they haven't posted. I doubt it's the Billy connection either as I don't think that people will know that she is dating him.

Didn't she say that she could wait to post bikini again last week so I wouldn't be surprised if she did post her usual bikini shots from this holiday but if she doesn't something is up IMO. I have to say it does feel like she can't be arsed now though as she has hardly posted anything within the last month and a half and even when she has posted on her stories they are just old photos that we have seen before. It just seems very strange to me to keep reposting pictures that are already on her main page.
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Yeah I reckon he’ll be home today. He usually only does a week in Ibiza. Will he have time to go to Thailand I wonder? 🤔🤣 He usually spends his last week at home and doing gym and some light training etc before he goes back down south.

They’ve all been very quiet these past few days on social media. Been keeping a low profile since those girls on the balcony 😆 either that or they’re hanging out of their arses with all the partying. Billy’s not a big drinker so he’ll be feeling the effects now most likely 🙈🤣
Who were the girls
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Yep, I have seen that they are after Fabian Hürzeler and from what I have read he loves to play attacking football, employs a high-pressing system to aims to win the ball back quickly, instructs his players to press aggressively particularly in the opponent's half, to force errors from the opposition and regain possesstion and this pressing is highly coordinated with triggers set to ensure that the team moves as a unit plus he has a great connection with the players. So, he sounds like a good fit for Brighton.

I have to say I'm surprised that De Zerbi is going to Marseille as I was convinced that he would have got the Chelsea or Man United job.
He reminds me a bit of Rob Edwards? We should alert the Wag thread immediately 🤣😆

Do you think Billys style of play would suit him?

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I reckon P reads here so she’ll know. I do think Billy will have been a good boy but who knows 🤷‍♀️

Time will tell! Watch this space 👀
Either P reads her or her friends do who they report back to her about what we have said so she will definitely know about the girls who were at the villa. I also think Billy will have been a good boy but who knows especially when LB was with him as IMO he would have tried to make out that Billy is single when he isn't.

Time will tell because if they don't see each other in the next week then that is a massive 🚩.

By the way did he like her recent posts.
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It most definitely will be an interesting next few days and I agree if they don't see one another then something is definitely up between them, although I think something has definitely happened in the last couple of weeks because I still find it very odd how she posted nothing about the Euros despite the fact that Billy was playing in the tournament.

At first I did wonder if Billy paid for that villa but tbh I don't think he did IMO as I think P arranged her trip to Thailand ages ago so I wouldn't be at all surprised her parents paid for her to stay at that villa.

The fact he hasn't liked either of them just confirms that he doesn't like these types of photos that P posts because whenever she posts these types of pictures he doesn't like them whereas if she posts a normal picture which don't show her bits then he likes them.
I mean the villa in Ibiza. That wasn’t cheap, wonder who paid towards it or if Billy paid it all? I think LB’s family are pretty well off so he’s probably got access to lots of money.

Yeah that villa in Thailand would have been her parents. They’re really wealthy, aren’t they? I think her parents were there?

Yep he definitely doesn’t like those type of posts. Will see how the next few days go 👀
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So was I as I thought that perhaps he might have had second thoughts and joined P in Thailand instead but I agree with you I don't think he'll go to Thailand now.

Yep, it's like Portugal all over again as he's keeping a very low profile and hasn't been seen either which is very strange when you consider who he is as surely somebody would have seen him and had their photo taken with him. It definitely feels like something has changed in him recently as he just seems to be constantly hiding and does not seem to want to have his photo taken either :unsure:.

I don't know when they'd next see each other either because as you have said it all depends on when she's going on her European tour which must be coming up soon I'd have thought. I would imagine that she'll be in Thailand for at least another week especially when her family and friends are with her and they might meet up at the end of next week, but for some reason I think P might go straight on her European tour with her friend especially if her friend is currently in Thailand with her.
The friend who’s going on the European tour isn’t there from what I can see. But maybe the others will join them as well.

Yeah he’s definitely having a more low key boy’s holiday this time around? My colleague wouldn’t have known only for me pointing out he was with LB. Maybe because he’s in a relationship now and he doesn’t want to draw attention to himself and be a good boy for P 😆
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I was kind of hoping for him to go to Thailand but can’t see it now.

He’s keeping a low profile in Ibiza, no posts from the boys of him and not been tagged in selfies from other holidaymakers like he usually does? 🤔

Not sure when they’d see each other again. All depends when she’s going on her European tour. He’ll be back from Ibiza start of next week. She’ll probably be in Thailand for another week. They might meet up end of next week?
So was I as I thought that perhaps he might have had second thoughts and joined P in Thailand instead but I agree with you I don't think he'll go to Thailand now.

Yep, it's like Portugal all over again as he's keeping a very low profile and hasn't been seen either which is very strange when you consider who he is as surely somebody would have seen him and had their photo taken with him. It's definitely strange that the boys haven't posted anything of him though.

I don't know when they'd next see each other either because as you have said it all depends on when she's going on her European tour which must be coming up soon I'd have thought. I would imagine that she'll be in Thailand for at least another week especially when her family and friends are with her and they might meet up at the end of next week, but for some reason I think P might go straight on her European tour with her friend especially if her friend is currently in Thailand with her.
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I wouldn't be surprised of we get an increase in bikini posts because as you said she will want to make sure that Billy doesn't forget about her and say "Look at me Billy this is what you are missing".

I reckon she's in Thailand until Friday.

I think the European tour is still happening in late July/early August as I think she booked it with her friend months ago possibly at the end of last year. If this European tour does happen I wonder when they will next see each other persuming that she isn't in Ibiza with him.
Maybe the European tour will kick off in Ibiza? 🤣😆

I’ve been to Thailand before and it’s 3-4 plane rides to where she’s at 🙈 seems a long way just for 1 week. She’ll be itching to see Billy, especially if he’s away with the boys.

Maybe we’ll see more posts of billy, she’ll make sure people know he’s hers 🤣
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If she’s not going to Germany that’ll be almost 3 weeks before she sees Billy (assuming Scotland get dumped at the group stages) then Billy will be off to Ibiza for a week with the boys (assuming she won’t be tagging along). He’ll then spend another week at home (she may join him then assuming her European tour hasn’t started) then he’s off to pre season in Japan for a fortnight. When will they see one another? I’m still a bit dubious about this relationship.
I was thinking about when they could next see one another and tbh the next time I can possibly see them seeing one another is late September/early October as I think this is the only time that they will be have a free schedule because I think when P goes on her European tour it will start in late July/ early August and finish in late September given that's when Summer officially ends as I can see her spending a few days at each place that she visits with her friend. I honestly can't see them meeting up before that tbh unless she goes to Ibiza which could be a possibility although I think that is very doubtful at the moment given that it will be a holiday for the boys. Like you I'm still a bit dubious about the relationship as something still isn't sitting right with me. Surely they can't go until late September/early October to next see one another though, but as I said further up it's possibly the only time I can see them next meeting up with one another.
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Like you I really thought she'd go to Germany so I am really surprised that she isn't going. Yep, I agree she obviously couldn't have been able to get a ticket from anywhere because if any were available she would have 100% got one as she wouldn't have wanted to miss out on the chance to go to the Euros. The tickets are definitely like gold dust hence the reason as to why she isn't going as I'm sure she would have tried everything in her power to get a ticket from somewhere.

Yep, it looks like she will be back to her usual influencing ways as she said that she'll be back to it on this trip she also mentioned that the reason as to why she hasn't posted in the last few weeks is that she has been quite unwell.
Quite unwell? Didn’t stop her going on her holidays and other jaunts?

Probably a coincidence but she’s answered what we’ve been talking about for past couple of days? It’s like she’s ticking off our questions for us! 😆🤣 👋
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