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Cem Hastan the VIP manager of O Beach started following Billy recently, so I think Billy was probably at O Beach yesterday. Definitely keeping things on the down low if he was! No selfies etc posted from anyone who was there? Unless his tags are off?

Still no word from my colleague, hope she’s ok! 🙈🤣

Looks like P has friends on their way to the villa in Thailand.

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I think others will join them on the holiday to Thailand as the villa they are staying at looks like it can accommodate 10 or more guests and at the moment it looks like only four friends have joined her so far.

Exactly he definitely seems to be having a low-key holiday hence the reason as to why he hasn't been seen and why the boys haven't posted anything of him. The thing is it was the same in Portugal as he didn't want to draw attention to himself and didn't want to be seen either as he also kept that holiday very low-key. What was the point of him going to Ibiza though if he's going to keep a low profile throughout the holiday I mean he would have been better off going to Thailand and meeting up with P.
You don’t go to Ibiza if you want a low key holiday 😆 I could understand Portugal being low key as it was his first holiday with P, but he’s in Ibiza with LB! You’re going to get a LOT of attention 🤣 And he’s a footballer, so again LOTS of attention!
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She’ll definitely be pissed he’s not in Thailand with her. I know I would be!

He’s still not liked her post from this morning. Maybe he doesn’t like her getting her bits out for all and sundry! Which is totally understandable.

Did you see Valentina Hartman has started following him? She’s Talia Storms sister 🙈🤣 she’s out in Ibiza just now, watch out Billy! 😆
How long will he be doing Ibiza a week
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I can see what you mean he does look like Rob and could be easily mistaken for his brother.

I would have thought that his style of play would suit Billy although whether it does or not remains to be seen. I guess we will find out in August.
That’s the thing with a new manager coming in as players never know if they’ll take to them or not. Hopefully he’ll be fine, just keep doing what you’re doing Bill!🤞

Have always said I can see Billy leaving after next season. He’ll have one year left on contract then and Brighton may want to cash in.
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LB sounds like somebody who just hangs around people and then discards them when they have served their purpose.

Exactly nobody would even know that Billy's in a relationship currently because he refuses to mention or acknowledge P and I agree it will be very interesting to see how all of this pans out. I don't think it will end well IMO.
That’s the impression I get of him as well 🤮

If I were P I wouldn’t be happy with my footballer boyfriend being in Ibiza with his mates, he’ll have trollops throwing themselves at him constantly. LB will probably encourage it tbh!
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Probably if she’s been to the game & Billy showed her the sights 😆
Big change of scenery for her up in Ardrossan! She’s used to sun, surf and palm trees! Not cold windy dreary Ardrossan 🤣

Definitely looks like she’s reinventing herself. May be why she’s been quiet on the posting front. She’s used to posting with her tits and arse out, can’t really do that anymore! 😆 Not sure Billy would like his girlfriend getting her bits out on SM either.

What on earth will she post then? 🤷‍♀️ Has she got the personality to carry off anything else?
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Good to know she’s feeling better now and will be back to her usual influencing ways soon.

If she could have got a ticket for the euros she would have been there without a doubt! Thailand isn’t a bad option though 😆

Wonder if we’ll get any Portugal content or if she’ll just skip to Thailand? I hope she’s managed to hone her photoshop skills during her few weeks of convalescing.
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I really thought she’d go to Germany. She couldn’t have been able to get a ticket as I think she’d have went given the chance. Tickets are like gold dust though and I heard B’s allocation was all used up months ago.

Looks like she’ll be back to her usual influencing ways then 😆🤣
Like you I really thought she'd go to Germany so I am really surprised that she isn't going. Yep, I agree she obviously couldn't have been able to get a ticket from anywhere because if any were available she would have 100% got one as she wouldn't have wanted to miss out on the chance to go to the Euros. The tickets are definitely like gold dust hence the reason as to why she isn't going as I'm sure she would have tried everything in her power to get a ticket from somewhere.

Yep, it looks like she will be back to her usual influencing ways as she said that she'll be back to it on this trip she also mentioned that the reason as to why she hasn't posted in the last few weeks is that she has been quite unwell.
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P enjoying life 😆 didn’t know she smoked? 🤣 Had to do a double take as didn’t recognise her. She photoshops her pics to the point it looks like a different person! 🤷‍♀️ Showing Billy what he’s missing with that post today, keep those randoms away 😆🤣

Also notice a couple of her friend’s boyfriends are also there. Why didn’t Billy go then? Would have been a perfect getaway to meet everyone! I bet she’s pissed her mates boyfriends are there and hers isn’t. Hers is a thousand miles away partying without her in Ibiza with randoms in his villa 🙄 She must have said to him about Thailand and hes said no he was just going to go to Ibiza?

Btw that place shes staying is about £2k per night, per person! How the other half live, eh?!

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It does look like she is having a good time in Thailand tbf as the villa they are staying at looks really nice but I didn't know she smoked either. Like you I had to do a double take as I didn't recognise her either as she looks so different in real life compared to her Instagram photos as she doesn't even look like the same person.

Like you I noticed that a couple of her friend's boyfriends are also there and it does make me wonder why on earth didn't Billy go to Thailand as 1. It would have been low-key which is what he likes as he wouldn't have got a lot of attention as I doubt people many people in Thailand know who he is and 2. As I don't think he has met any of her friends yet it would have been ideal for him to go out there and meet them for the first time. It just seems very strange as to why he hasn't gone out there to met any of her friends as you think he would want to get to know them a little bit better especially if he hasn't met them before which IMO I don't think he has. I wouldn't be surprised if P is annoyed and pissed off that everybody else's boyfriends have come on this trip yet Billy hasn't as I bet she couldn't wait to introduce him to her friends but she must be pretty upset that she couldn't introduce him to them due to him partying in Ibiza instead. She would have 💯 told him about her trip to Thailand and asked him if he wanted to go but IMO he told her that he couldn't as he was going off to Ibiza with the boys instead. IMO he still could have gone to Thailand though because seeing as he hasn't seen P for weeks it would have made perfect sense for him to go out there and see her as well as meeting her friends for the first time because with him not going he probably won't see her for ages.
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Made more sense for him to have went to Thailand. Ibiza with the boys was obviously his priority. He must have known about her trip to Thailand for ages. I think Ibiza was booked last minute for him as I don’t think Billy would have booked a holiday while in a tournament. He’d have been setting his sights on last 16! So I don’t think Ibiza was a done deal for him last week, so he could have still went to Thailand to see his girlfriend and meet her family and friends.
Yep, IMO he should have gone to Thailand to see P especially when he hasn't seen her for ages but Ibiza was definitely his priority hence the reason as to why he went there instead of Thailand. He would have most definitely known about her trip to Thailand as she would have mentioned it to him and told him that her family and friends were going over and that he should come so that he could met them for the first time. He also booked Ibiza at the last minute as like you he wouldn't have booked it whilst he was still at the Euros as his main priority would have been getting Scotland through to the last 16. I still find it strange that he didn't go to Thailand to see P and meet her family and friends especially when he hasn't seen her for ages and that he hasn't met her family and friends before I mean he had the time to go so why hasn't he it doesn't make any sense.
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I don’t think he’ll be overly happy with her tits and arse hanging out, especially with him being in Scotland camp just now they’ll all be ribbing him about it! But then again he knows what she’s like and must approve somewhat otherwise she wouldn’t be his girlfriend! I doubt he’ll be reposting any of them though! 🙈🤣

Wonder if she got her boobs done and that’s why she’s keeping a low profile and feeling unwell? 🤔

Our next game is Switzerland on Wednesday, was hoping it was Hungary as I think we’ll get a result from them and would have given us a confidence boost going into the Swiss game as I think they’ll be more difficult to break down 🙄🫠
If she had been posting with her tits and arse hanging out after or before he was with the Scotland camp I don't think it would have bothered him but with her posting them when he is away with Scotland I don't think he'll be overly happy about it as they will be ribbing him about it 24/7. Exactly he knows that she is like and must approve somewhat otherwise they wouldn't be in a relationship.

It did cross my mind if she perhaps had her boobs done and that is why she's keeping a low profile and feeling unwell but I don't think that the case tbh. Unless she had them done I mean you just never know with P.

I believe you can beat Switzerland but they will be very difficult to break down but if anyone can do it Scotland can.
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Robbo was absolutely buggered!

Yeah tactics wrong again 🙄 all they had to do was score 1 bloody goal! 😩

Billy will be heading home then. On his way to Ibiza most likely with the boys. Wonder if P will cut her holiday in Thailand short to join him? 🤣
Robbo looked shattered and could barely run before he was subbed off.

Steve Clarke got his tactics wrong in 2 games and IMO it cost Scotland a place in the round of 16 because if you had played with 2 up front from the start tonight I think you would have won the game.

Yep, Billy will be on his way home and then head off to Ibiza with the boys. I doubt P will cut her holiday in Thailand short as she had this trip planned for months but it will be interesting to see what happens next 👀
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Yep her bio says Syd / Ldn so that would indicate she stays in both places? That flat of hers in Sydney looks amazing.

Knew she was from West London as well. She must get an allowance from her parents and that’s why she’s always out in West London and Mayfair all the time. Billy stayed in Cobham when he was at Chelsea, think he’s still got his flat there?

Wonder what’ll happen with that shoot she did in Vegas? She’s not with that agency now so wonder if it’ll see the light of day? 🤔 Was wanting to see what she was like without her own photoshop 😆
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He is full of shit and such a beg, he’s the kind of guy who disappears once it’s his turn to buy a round! Billy too nice to be hanging out with a dick like him! He’ll get him into trouble in Ibiza 😈 we like the drama though!
I can definitely see drama happening in Ibiza and I imagine that P will do everything in her power to be there. If she isn't in Ibiza then I can only see things really going down which will really not sit well with her. One thing is for certain it is going to be a very interesting holiday 👀
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Yeah hard to see how this relationship will progress if they’re only seeing one another once in a while?

You’d think he’d have went to Thailand to spend time with his girlfriend and meet her family and friends since he’s not seen her in a few weeks and probably won’t see her for ages yet?! 🤷‍♀️
Yep, I just don't see it working out if they are hardly going to spend any time with one another.

I agree I'm surprised he hasn't gone to Thailand tbh because seeing as he hasn't seen P in a few weeks and he hasn't met any of her family and friends yet it would have made perfect sense for him to go out there and meet them for the first time, but I suppose he had this trip planned to Ibiza months ago and didn't want to let his brother and friends down. With him not going to Thailand I honestly don't know when he will next see P as it could be months before they see each other again.
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P enjoying life 😆 didn’t know she smoked? 🤣 Had to do a double take as didn’t recognise her. She photoshops her pics to the point it looks like a different person! 🤷‍♀️ Showing Billy what he’s missing with that post today, keep those randoms away 😆🤣

Also notice a couple of her friend’s boyfriends are also there. Why didn’t Billy go then? Would have been a perfect getaway to meet everyone! I bet she’s pissed her mates boyfriends are there and hers isn’t. Hers is a thousand miles away partying without her in Ibiza with randoms in his villa 🙄 She must have said to him about Thailand and hes said no he was just going to go to Ibiza?

Btw that place shes staying is about £2k per night, per person! How the other half live, eh?!

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There’ll definitely be drama if LB is there! If I were P I wouldn’t be happy if my bf was on a lads holiday with him 😆🤣 he’s also the type to call the paps at every opportunity which Billy won’t like as he usually keeps a low profile while on holiday as you already know.

That night my friend saw Billy at SexyFish in Manchester LB was with him. Said he looked like a total dickhead. Has a ❄ problem as well apparently according to other threads I’ve read. Billy should be steering well clear of the likes of him and if I were P I’d be making sure I was in Ibiza with them as well.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if LB turns up to Ibiza especially when he knows that Harvey and Billy will be there. It sounds like he is a right piece of work as well and tbh I don't think P will be impressed for one minute if Billy is on a lads holiday with him which I think is going to happen IMO.

It also sounds like he clings on to Billy at every single opportunity and I agree Billy should be steering well clear of him if he causes that much trouble but Billy obviously doesn't mind hanging out with him. I don't like the sound of this holiday for one minute especially if LB goes as I can only see trouble.
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