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Well-known member
He ran for the hills I'd say! She's a dose and then some. Constantly looking at herself through a camera lense and thinks she's the only one ever to mother 4 kids.
Self centred and pedals the kids as much as sfe can.
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Thought leaving the kids wander off for 20 mins alone was wreckless especially as they had the baby with them. Lost.the.plot.
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Poor children, parenting the wee brother because the mother is too busy trying on clothes and eye fucking herself into a phone talking to complete strangers to be bothered looking about him.

So she was supposed to be in Dublin, but went to Belfast?!
Please put away the clothes, it’s like a teenager’s bedroom!
I find that so mentally fked up - like why would she be getting the brothers to dress the wee one when all she’s doing is trying to stick on the trailer trash lashes ??? I’d be mortified and wouldn’t be showing it off the random strangers.

You can see the discomfort in the bigger ones eyes it’s like already they know mums behaviour is unhinged and they are getting uncomfortable with it.

When do you think it will end? As in when will she stop acting and try and just live her life and get over whatever it is that’s enraging her. Definitely a candidate for therapy. The whole lot of them 😐
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What was the point of those rambling stories? So much going on etc etc - em no your child had a birthday ( I think that happens every year and is there anyone in the universe who doesn’t know his medical history?? ) and you had a girly weekend. End of.

Oh no wait - there was so much more … but I’m not going to share that 😑 so why mention it?!? And the whole I’m ok but I’m not ok breadcrumbing to keep people guessing or feeling sorry for her - ah that’s just cringey stuff.

So many women deal with the biggest pile of nightmarish stuff day on day - and they just get on with it… because that’s what you do.

And I always think when things are grim that there’s someone somewhere in a much worse situation. But this one has zero empathy it is ALL about her. If she is a single parent well welcome to that club I mean it’s far from horrific 😑😑😑
Can’t believe she’s on begging for a holiday and a 7 seater. No shame in her game.
Literally tone deaf as well as plain stupid
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Good news girl

Active member
Omg, tragic. And once the child minder arrived, a very sunburnt Mama C was out the gap to meet her ‘online’ friends and go to some bar to video some good looking guys. Totally gaslighting the husband.
She's such a loser. Filming the lads in the bar is just creepy.
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Ah lads stop the swim suit is 🤢 save it for the holidays where you never meet anyone you see again. Get a grip Caoimhe your wee boys are your biggest fans but don’t forget what we post online is there forever more
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The sunburn 😳 Jesus Christ that’s shocking, she’s blistered and peeled on her shoulders
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They’re fucked
I don’t normally have much of an opinion on ‘content creatures’…each to their own and all that. But I walked into a cafe today and instantly recognised her little girl. I struggle with the over sharing of children to the point that they are recognised in public by complete strangers.

You were right first time with “creatures”
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Well-known member
She's an awful dose altogether. Had a look on instanav jesus she's full to the gills of herself
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How will she answer that 🤔 At some point in her life she will have to accept that the Middle East was a certain time in her life - and it’s OVER. Chasing the past only brings heartache, she totally knows this but just prefers to live in denial or else just pander for sympathy. It’s all very immature 😬
Everyone has happy memories of someplace they lived in but if you decide to move home, that’s it, decision made, move on.

She’s not happy in Ireland but she wouldn’t be happy in AD either. She would be far better off accepting the present and looking forward to the future as opposed to living in the past. And the budget spent on the holiday would be better spent on counseling
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Wee Nora

VIP Member
The sunburn 😳 Jesus Christ that’s shocking, she’s blistered and peeled on her shoulders
Crazy stuff, especially when you’ve got another Tyrone influencer, Roisin Doherty posting about her skin cancer so regularly. She’s a dose too but it can’t be easy coming on camera with her face looking so sore. Caoimhe needs to take note and protect her children from the sun if she’s going go insist on taking them to scorching hot climates.

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She's lost the actual plot. Cwwweeeeva needs to put the phone down and cop on to herself. The state of her prancing round in that pink dress at the weekend showing nearly too much when sitting 🤦‍♀️

She's milking the whole breadcrumbing.
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I think anyone at all that has any knowledge of what it’s like to be a mum or parent is looking at this as extremely odd manic behaviour
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The sunburn 🥵 Considering she’s already covered in moles, it’s hard to believe she’s this sunburned. Send out the wrong message entirely.
She is literally scalded 😳 what sort of a holiday is this ??? Kids look fed up and her trying ( and failing ) to convince everyone that she’s having the time of her life 🫤
And with all these swimwear shots it would seem like she thinks her biggest achievement is getting thin - how sad.
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