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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
She had an Indian 2 nights ago following the crystal incident.

I mean I'm dieting too and ate a takeaway this week, so not judging, just saying 🤣

She has said previously she buys in a lot of the content for her blog, so I don't think she is personally making the desserts.
The thing is though she has always denied binging or comfort eating so there right there proves she lies and thats my biggest issue with her is her attitude of having know everything and more then other ive seen some people give her fair advice and shes just rude about it and scoffs at them her she blocked someone from her live because they do saxenda and shes jealous of their progress thats just bitter and actually sad
With the deserts unless her family are eating them i dont believe they are just brought for the blog i mean her blog is not big by any means just seems a waste of money i dont believe for one second shes not eating them at all
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Exactly right 🤣
If she thinks the vegan chicken nuggets and impossible burgers she's talking about right now will help her lose weight she's deluded.
They're just as calorific and full of sodium as the 'real' alternatives.
She has been talking about this a while now this evening, I sense a vegan diet phase coming...

Reading that article where the woman in it says she'd be more pretty if she lost weight and michelle saying 'its story of her life'
I don't think people are telling Michelle to lose weight just for her appearance when she is over 37 stone.
They're telling her because her life is endanger.
I don't know why she can't get her head around that.

The leaky gut is yet another excuse for not losing weight.
She'll use the excuse of she has enough stress with nutrition and a limited food list that she can't think about calories.
Has a doctor diagnosed her? No.
I was right. She just said since fodmap she has not counted a single calorie or weight anything and eaten whatever she wants
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Shes done that a fair bit before said oh if your x weight why are you moaning you dont have a lot to loose not being funny you dont know someones situation and or how tall they are so what might not be a big weight to someone else could be obese on another person especially if height wise your smaller only sorry as shes been called out though i agree
Crys that people are 'fat shaming' but surely she is 'skinny shaming'....though it seems to people she is attacking aren't even slim just people a few stone less obese than her.
I honestly think it stems from jealousy. Can't stand the thought of any woman weighing less or losing more weight than her.
I think she finds it quite jarring when she sees another woman on tiktok who is obese but then she finds out they're 10 stone or so less than her.
It gives her perspective on how big she really is, she doesn't like it and lashes out.
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Literally just boring journalling and crystal shite.
She has read this because she has changed her name to myboringlifeat46 since you wrote this.

Hi Michelle! Hope you've been to the doctors and got referred to the bariatric team to get the help you desperately need rather than loafing around buying crystals, journals and watching this thread.
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The lighter life stuff looks so beyond rank 😷 has anyone here tried it? It looks so unpalatable. I'm curious to know if it tastes okay.
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She’s lost 2lb a week? At her size she could be doing that a day!

Why has she deleted all of her previous content?
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The lighter life stuff looks so beyond rank 😷 has anyone here tried it? It looks so unpalatable. I'm curious to know if it tastes okay.
I've done shake that weight which is the very similar cheaper was ok. The soups were nice, the noodles looked like cat sick but were edible.
If you've had any Slim Fast stuff it's very similar.
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Alot of her issues are shes very stubborn and snark ive seen comments who are genuine and are trying to help but she just makes snarky comments like oh we dont do that here or somthings she denies binge eating when she clearly emotionally eats she said several times things have upset her and then shes gone on to eat a massive takeaway or chocolate its just like if you cant admit your issues then your never fix them she needs to stop being so in denial and seek help if i am honest i think an op may be her only way now shes so big and even on the restrictive diet was not losing much or she was doing well then stopped it so gained weight again

it does not help how her husbands gives in to her every want and demand he comes across as a feeder he does not seem over encouraging in her weight loss i could be wrong
Definitely feeder vibes. She has visibly gained weight since her meal replacement shake phase.
She doesn't leave her house and barely leaves her bedroom, so he's bringing her the food.
If he was concerned about her health he would have stepped in by now and stopped bringing her unhealthy food.
On the other hand its clear if she doesn't get her own way she will shout and pout.
The way she asks people for things is very demanding. Its clear from her holiday lives she likes to be the one sat in the centre with everyone cooing around her making sure she has enough food and drink.
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Sorry but her breathing is terriable she needs to get that checked really noticed it last few lives ive briefly seen bits of its so loud her lungs are probarly being crushed by the weight
She has said before theres nothing wrong with her breathing, doctors said it was fine and her wheeze was normal.
Probably the same 'doctor' who she claims won't refer her for sleep apnea assessment.
If someone were to ask about her breathing today she will just blame the heat, its never her size.
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Well-known member
I personally understand the struggles of weight loss and 3 weeks mark is often the time you fall off the wagon - so her gaining this week isn't a shock. I'd argue that is normal and it's OK to struggle, especially if you've battled with your weight and food your whole life. The key part is acknowledging it, reflecting and putting in a plan to keep going.

But the denial is ridiculous.
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Not weighing in this week because she had a huge binge. Not her fault though, its because she was due on her period
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Back from disney and so far only talking about food she had and how she was too 'poorly' to go out some evenings.
She literally went to Disney to do the same thing she does at home.
Shop, eat and sit.
Imo its just ungreatful its a dream holiday for many because of how expensive it is half the tat she brought she probarly puts away and never bothers with it again only buys it for the brand of it being disney she comes across as a fake disney fan tbh i get they have been a lot so have done most things but even before she was ill and after she was live several times in the hotel no way would i spend that much to just go away and stuff my face i think she probarly struggled more then she will admit because of her size hence why they seem to have slow days not doing much
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She has a massive lack of empathy towards one of her moderators telling her he is partially blind tonight. He was telling her his condition, she kept steering the conversation back to men she fancies off telly.
She doesn't really converse with her viewers she reads their comments then just continues talking about herself
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
I can imagine that she must be a very difficult person to live with in general. She is always correct, not allowing discussion or other opinions. She’s married isn’t she? Her poor husband.
The way she demands him on her streams 🤣 oh get me this do that he seems to do a lot for her like making her food etc i understand it must be difficult to stand and cook but why not take a chair in the kitchen while you prepare etc her husband seems always to cook because shes always live before her dinner
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I asked her what her diet was like before and she told me her diet was pretty much the same in terms of food always had a shake for breakfast sanwhich and something else for lunch and protein and salad for dinner she saids her medication pcos and other things made her gain weight she clearly binges off camara
It makes it harder to lose weight due to hormone flucuations and sugar cravings but it doesn't make you 37 stone.
I have PCOS and at my biggest was 20 odd stone and that was through eating calorific, sugary, fatty junk. I Wasn't gaining out of nowhere.
It doesn't automatically make you fat, Victoria Beckham has PCOS...
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Again bashing the nhs on live last night

saying shes doing a 12 weeks programme through the nhs designed for weight loss lots of useful stuff on there such as recipes and advice she brushed it off on her live and said i already know all this and shes saying she cant have a 1-1 with them until may so whats the point 🙄 also saying about leg pain but not weight related shes convinced no illness is caused by weight and people who say they are are fat phobic ok then i am a bigger gal myself and i know lot of my health is cause of my weight shes so in denial and really cant see her achieving proper weight loss until she accepts it
Omg that live was cringe. She was saying how her account is the safest space on the whole of tiktok for body positivity and larger bodies etc
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Really enjoying herself at Disney sat next to a bin because thats where the shade is, demanding drinks to cool down and waiting for food
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The least she could do is get out of bed and go downstairs to eat. Instead she spends all day on her bed on her PC and then continues to eat up there. Can't be mentally healthy to do that.
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