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She's a professional victim 🙄 all her huns assembling around her acting like they've never heard of Tattle is sending me
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I think having her husband around to do everything for her helps keep her in denial how bad she is.
He makes her meals, brings her meals to her, helps hers bed wash, helps her shower twice a week and the rare times she does go out its with him as she can't walk or travel unassisted.
If something happened to him, at just 46 years old, she would need home carers or have to go into residential care.
All because of her weight.
Then she tells people she is healthy.
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Well-known member
I've followed her for a while. I had a lot of sympathy for her in the beginning. However, She knew she was going on the holiday, she had plenty of time to loose a few stone to make life a bit easier for herself, she would have felt much better for it. Instead she used the holiday as an excuse saying she knew she would overeat etc. I think she needs some sort of proper professional help as she is in huge denial about losing weight. It must be very difficult being her size and she says she wants to change but says she can't even lose in a calorie deficit which is basic science.
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Chatty Member
I can imagine that she must be a very difficult person to live with in general. She is always correct, not allowing discussion or other opinions. She’s married isn’t she? Her poor husband.
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I think its just too overwhelming for her. I am overweight and I'm 24lbs down at the moment just doing a calorie deficit. I feel motivated because 2 stone feels like a good chunk of weight loss and it spurs me on more. I think for her, she'd need to lose like...6 or 7 stone to even feel like she's getting anywhere. Maybe that's not accurate but I think personally I'd find it so overwhelming to think about being 30 whatever stone she is and how you begin to sort that out. I really think at this point she needs to give in to some help.
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Does she ever talk about having depression?
Yeah, but she has said its not caused by her size. But she also uses it as an excuse to eat 'comfort food'.
I know she sees a counsellor through zoom.
She obviously has issues but who knows, she contradicts herself a lot.
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Active member
The other day she was slagging of saxenda and saying she's sick of people claiming to be experts on saxenda just coz they've lost weight on it. I think she's missing the point there as most saxenda tiktoks I have seen have just been documenting their journey.

Also said she's sick of seeing weight loss surgery on the app. She said she would never want surgery as she wants to be able to eat a full meal and have freedom, and not be restricted after the surgery.

She has a small but very dedicated fan club.
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I imagine the small but dedicated fan club are in similar positions to her. She doesn't like seeing weightloss journeys because she is jealous and doesn't like to see people being more successful than her.
Also if she is so body postive how come does she censor her face in those full body videos in the garden?
Made me laugh when she said this dress is too big for her. It really, really isn't.
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Yes I've followed her for quite a while now. I think with her the problem is just so deep rooted that she will never ever be able to turn it around without bariatric surgery and plenty of counselling which she is reluctant to do.
She won't be able to stick to a calorie deficit or meal replacement diet because she never addresses the cause of her compulsive over eating.
She did a video a while ago detailing all her weight losses and gains over the past few years and it was gutting to read. She has lost so much weight but gained SO much back.
I would bet my house on the fact that this time next year she'll be heading for 40 stone and still bouncing between different types of diet. She calls people trolls because I think she finds it so painful to read the truth which is that she's come this far in adulthood suffering from extreme obesity and she's likely to continue on this trajectory.
Someone in her live earlier told her they had weight loss op because they were told they would be dead by their 40s if they did not have the op she was ranting about how a doctor should not say such thing…. But its the truth the way she goes on its almost like shes trying to say shes 37 stone and healthy but she is not she has diabetes needs help with basic care and then saids but anyone at any size can get diabetes shes in so much denial i do not think a diet will help at this point

Shes also very judgemental to other weight loss plans i have noticed
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VIP Member
I did lighterlife and the stuff is rank. She’s clearly falling off the wagon. She’s now adding cheese to the lighterlife pastas, she’s having sandwiches and kebabs when before it was just the lighterlife meals and bars. This will be another fail and she will blame everything else but herself.
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I think she's honestly way way beyond any diet. She needs bariatric surgery. I don't see how you can do it yourself at 37 stone.
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
I missed the cruise ship drama. What happened?
shes going on a cruise in september which she booked last year anticipating the fact she would loose weight for it that has not happened and the silly fool didnt make sure she had a scooter to take with her for when the ship docks they have the manual chair so her poor hubby will be pushing her around which means they wont be able to do some of the stuff they wanted i mean i cant believe it i have limited mobility and thats one of my first thoughts when it comes to holidays i dont need a scooter as i own a manual wheel chair but i would never book a trip without knowing i had the things i needed to get around properly

forgot to add she left it until august she even bother sorting it though this trip was booked a year ago
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Just sat watching her live and omg what is up with her she is discussing crystals and was arguing with someone about if they work or not and the person was saying the scientific point of view and about the placebo effect was not being rude just stating their own thoughts on it anyway michelles giving her usual i know it all attitude being snarky and someone comes on the chat saying she has bad energy and why is she being rude she went off live because it made her cry now call me heartless the person was not over nasty just asked why she was being hostile and to actually pause your live and cry is a tad over dramatic so your allowed to sit there be snarky and rude but when someone asks why you are being that way you run away and cry ? Then someone else (may have been same person on different account) came back and said she had a bad energy then she went off again for a cry come back then admitted to having a subway and 3 subway cookies (this is from the woman who saids she does not over eat or binge ) anyway just thought it was such an over reaction when she was being rude to this person in the first place and its someone i quite often see in her lives too
She over reacts because she doesn't like it when anyone bursts the bubble she lives in and challenges her delusions.
This is why she can't hack going to the doctors.
She locks herself away in her bedroom, surrounding herself with disney stuff, hoarding crystals and having a husband who waits on her hand and foot and never seems to give her a reality check.
She has convinced herself she the crystals work the same ways he has convinced herself she is healthy and doesn't have an eating problem.
She goes on tiktok lives purely to get reassurance and validation from the same small group every night.
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Sorry to say but it doesn't sound like these specialists are helping very much if she's losing 2lbs a week at her size. I know that's a healthy rate of loss for moderately overweight people but she is essentially a medical emergency and needs to get a significant amount of weight off quickly.
Don't really care if she's read this. Maybe it has given her something to think about.
Truth hurts. Might do her some good to read and hear outside the bubble of husband and the clique shes built on her lives on tiktok who tell her shes amazing and doing so well all the time.
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I don't like how she makes comments like "someone was moaning about how they were 20 stone and struggling with whatever... they don't realise how easy they have it, imagine being 37 stone!"

I mean how disrespectful to other people's journeys. Not everyone needs to reach 37 stone to be unhappy with their weight. Someone half her size may well be very uncomfortable using aeroplanes/rollercoasters etc etc, let's not belittle that.
She claims she can fit in a single plane seat and ride the rides at disney no problem.
Yet, she needs a power scooter to get around..
I'm sure she said her weight is not the cause of her health issues.
She was adamant the celluitis on her belly was nothing to do with her weight even though its a bacterial skin infection morbidly obese people are more susceptible to. Very rare for a healthy 46 year old to get it.
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VIP Member
I think above all those things she needs therapy. She obviously has serious issues with food and disordered eating, which she refuses to acknowledge. The sad thing is that with the money it costs for a Disney holiday you could do some therapy sessions privately.
I agree she needs therapy absolutely. I'm sure she has already said she gets telephone therapy from the NHS.
The problem is therapy will never work if the client has resistance to it.
Michelle will have ALOT of resistance. She can't stand opinions different to her own, claims she's healthy yet can't walk and keeps getting cellutitis. She says she doesn't even have disordered eating and eats healthily and normally.
If a therapist challenges these delusions it is not going to instantly flick a switch in michelle, she will argue back, make excuses and resist.

A good therapist will take time to get to the root of a clients resistance. This can take a very long time.

I don't think Michelle has the luxury of time. She's in her mid forties, over 37 stone and can't walk because of it.
She regularly gets infections and celluitis. If she gets sepsis its game over.
I think at this point the bariatric intervention is more important than therapy as she time isn't on her side as much as she claims she is physically healthy.
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