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VIP Member
does anyone think its odd how much saxenda triggers her ? She said she cant watch people of videos doing it because it gets to her how there losing weight and she never did on hers

someone joined her live she scoffed and said another persons doing it a few days ago she tried to tell someone saxanda is not making then loose weight its eating in a calorie defict which is the key to weightloss 🙄 because it suppresses your appetite while i get the point she was trying to make it just come off really condescending she really seems very bitter because her own journey is not going well yet again not weighing and blaming it on period and pcos thats so unhealthy imo

Oh wait i thought a binge to her was not a massive binge it just meant eating one thing she fancied 🤔 that should not effect your weight 🤣 this woman trips over her own stories
I'm starting to think she's fundementally lazy.
She's against saxenda, weight loss surgery and most diets. She says they don't work for her.
For these things to work she would have to put in effort and make sacrifrices.

She says she doesn't go out because she can't walk far and she doesn't shower everyday as its too difficult on her own.
For her to improve her fitness and get mobile would again require a lot of hard work and sacrifices.

Instead, she prefers to sit in her bedroom all day, draw in her endless journals, read the secret (can manifest all she wants life won't change if she stays in that room), piss about on her blog a bit, buy endless crystals and disney crap online, have her meals brought to her by her husband and go on lives where people kiss her arse and tell her how 'strong' she is.
She prefers this life because it is easy and requires 0 effort on her part.

She is as addicted to comfort as much as she is food.
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I'm not Putin

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Its very werid how obsessed with america she is and disney anyone can be a disney fan but how obsessed she is its so bizzare to me

moaning she cant find a scooter would that not be some sort of wake up call you need to change ?
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VIP Member
She's just doomed quite frankly. I feel like she's just too far gone to change on her own now. She has deep rooted issues with food and the way she thinks about diet and health. It's sad because I feel like she could have an amazing life. She seems intelligent, she has hobbies and interests. She's limited by her denial.
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Just sat watching her live and omg what is up with her she is discussing crystals and was arguing with someone about if they work or not and the person was saying the scientific point of view and about the placebo effect was not being rude just stating their own thoughts on it anyway michelles giving her usual i know it all attitude being snarky and someone comes on the chat saying she has bad energy and why is she being rude she went off live because it made her cry now call me heartless the person was not over nasty just asked why she was being hostile and to actually pause your live and cry is a tad over dramatic so your allowed to sit there be snarky and rude but when someone asks why you are being that way you run away and cry ? Then someone else (may have been same person on different account) came back and said she had a bad energy then she went off again for a cry come back then admitted to having a subway and 3 subway cookies (this is from the woman who saids she does not over eat or binge ) anyway just thought it was such an over reaction when she was being rude to this person in the first place and its someone i quite often see in her lives too
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Chatty Member
I think having her husband around to do everything for her helps keep her in denial how bad she is.
He makes her meals, brings her meals to her, helps hers bed wash, helps her shower twice a week and the rare times she does go out its with him as she can't walk or travel unassisted.
If something happened to him, at just 46 years old, she would need home carers or have to go into residential care.
All because of her weight.
Then she tells people she is healthy.
100% spot on!
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VIP Member
Genuinely can't imagine being that big in a hot humid climate. It makes me feel a bit anxious like I'd want to climb out of my body!
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VIP Member
I followed her in the beginning but she popped up on live recently with a string of excuses. Sad that she’s not got to the root cause of what’s causing her issues.
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VIP Member
Well she's alive everyone... just posted yet another video from her disney trip...which was what 3 months ago?

This heat is probably killing her, the size she is. Not that she would admit it
She'll be sat on her bed surrounded by fans having hubby bring her constant cold drinks and snacks.
Then before she goes on her cruise will blame the heat for her gaining weight by saying it was too hot to walk and cook.
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VIP Member
🙄 to be honest I was surprised when I saw her full body video. I truly expected her to have gained shit loads but she looks similar to before
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VIP Member
Sorry to say but it doesn't sound like these specialists are helping very much if she's losing 2lbs a week at her size. I know that's a healthy rate of loss for moderately overweight people but she is essentially a medical emergency and needs to get a significant amount of weight off quickly.
Don't really care if she's read this. Maybe it has given her something to think about.
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Active member
Just making sure I was in a calorie deficit and moving more.

I started doing 7k steps a day, which was a massive struggle at that weight. As the weight came off I became much more active.

I’ve lost roughly 8.5 stone now ( maybe a bit less as I’ve probably gained after surgery)

Completely agree she takes no ownership or responsibility for reaching, and staying, the weight she is.

Can I ask how you lost your weight?
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Oh god shes fuming on this live.

"If i've said it, then i've said it" then also saying she didnt say it, then also in the same breathe that she is healthy because she doesn't smoke or drink?

Trying to justify him giving her bed bath. Like take it as the warning its meant to be. Jesus.
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I don't like how she makes comments like "someone was moaning about how they were 20 stone and struggling with whatever... they don't realise how easy they have it, imagine being 37 stone!"

I mean how disrespectful to other people's journeys. Not everyone needs to reach 37 stone to be unhappy with their weight. Someone half her size may well be very uncomfortable using aeroplanes/rollercoasters etc etc, let's not belittle that.
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VIP Member
Did she really just say on a live earlier her diet now is not much different to what she was eating sorry you do not get to 37 stone eating protein and salad 😕 i really am lost with that one
She's one of them obese people that maintains 'they don't eat that much' and lie about what they eat.
She reminds me of some of the people on 'my 600lb life'
As dr Nowzarden says 'the scale does not lie, people do.'
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Really enjoying herself at Disney sat next to a bin because thats where the shade is, demanding drinks to cool down and waiting for food
Disney world is such an expensive holiday and would be a dream holiday for many people yet here she is sat in the shade demanding her husband do this and that and shes been live for hours if that was my partner he would be encouraging me to live in the moment shes also admitted to struggling with the holiday at her weight

She said at home it didnt bother her but now shes there shes struggling of course you will your nearly 40 stone in a hot climate
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VIP Member
She's at the airport getting ready to fly out. She really thinks she's gonna fit fine in the seats! It's tight and uncomfortable for my mum and she's like...14 stone lighter than her!!
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Again bashing the nhs on live last night

saying shes doing a 12 weeks programme through the nhs designed for weight loss lots of useful stuff on there such as recipes and advice she brushed it off on her live and said i already know all this and shes saying she cant have a 1-1 with them until may so whats the point 🙄 also saying about leg pain but not weight related shes convinced no illness is caused by weight and people who say they are are fat phobic ok then i am a bigger gal myself and i know lot of my health is cause of my weight shes so in denial and really cant see her achieving proper weight loss until she accepts it
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New member
I think she's honestly way way beyond any diet. She needs bariatric surgery. I don't see how you can do it yourself at 37 stone.
Yes you can , I started around the same weight 2 years ago and am now 14 stone less , you need to want to do it if you don at heart want that change then surgery isn’t right either.
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