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VIP Member
I was more thinking, if she thought it was some magic cure all! I have coeliac disease and IBS so FODMAP is my friend
Oh yeah I agree she thinks it a cure all for what she has going on, at present a few months she'll be slating it and saying she didn't lose weight etc so it's pointless
I don't doubt she has major bowel/stomach issues.
The problem is she maintains she is 'healthy'.
She refuses to see a GP (because she knows they'll say lose weight)
So now she is having issues she has used Dr Google to diagnose herself with something that is debated to even exist.
If Michelle truely wanted to get a grip on her weight and health she would go to her GP and get a referral to bariatric services. No doctor would refuse that referral.
Alternatively, as an alternative to the NHS route she could stop buying crystals and disney shite and put that money towards a personal trainer or physiotherapy to get walking again.
This won't happen though because michelle would rather sit in her bed or armchair, bask in the attention starting a new fad diet (i know fodmap is not a fad diet but she's using it like one) will temporarily give her then whine nothing works and it's all her mums fault for taking her to WW at 11.
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
just ghost watching the live shes doing

why would you book a cruise knowing you wont realisticly wont be able to do it? Ok maybe she had intentions of loosing weight but she has a lot to loose to walk around properly why not research scooter hire when you booked it as a back up plan why leave it till 2 months before and now be crying you cant do it
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
She's one of them obese people that maintains 'they don't eat that much' and lie about what they eat.
She reminds me of some of the people on 'my 600lb life'
As dr Nowzarden says 'the scale does not lie, people do.'
She really is she saids she wants no diet advice which is fair enough but on a public platform everyone will have an opinion on anything you do she always has the i know best attitude i cant stand it she saids calorie deficit does not work for her but it clearly haa workwd as shes lost weight this week be interesting to see if she carries on losing after the inital loss of water weight

Calories in calories out is the way of loose way although according to her who knows it all no its not 🙄
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VIP Member
Does anyone else watch this lady?
45 year old tiktoker who is 37 stone.
Runs a blog called purple pumpkin.

She says her account is for positivity and weightloss journey.
Instead she often makes videos in her bedroom about what a hard day she is having and why that means she can't shower or walk that day etc.

Practically housebound, only does few steps in garden for excercise and needs husband to help her shower.

Even though she is 37 stone she denys she over eats or has a binge eating problem and instead claims it is due to years of dieting.
She also claims even when she eats in a calorie deficit she still gains and has no idea why.

This last week she was supposed to starting a full meal replacement diet but never did as she had to go to hospital for a skin infection (which she says is nothing to do with her weight) .
She found this stressful as she can not get to hospital unassisted and had a minor fall on way home.

As she had a fall, this warranted a day of eating junk as she 'required comfort'. Someone commented using food for comfort is part of the reason for her weight issues she denied this and says it was 'just a one off day that she needed due to her fall.'

If you dare suggest she uses food as a coping mechanism, you are a troll and will be blocked.

Anyone else have thoughts?
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Active member
It’s as though she just doesn’t want to help herself.
Instead of admitting that the problem is her, the problem is with everything else.

At my heaviest I was 22 stone and trust me, that felt like a massive mountain to climb so I can’t imagine how difficult it feels for her.

She needs to go down the surgery route…of course it’s scary. But surely it’s not as scary as eating yourself into an early grave.
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
I follow her so got an invite.
You didn't miss much. Not showing face and just more journalling
Ohh sounds like i missed such an exciting live 🤣 shes probarly gone private because of the thread here i dont feel anyone has said anything here that is really bad compared some threads where people are really brutal
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VIP Member
Oh yeah I agree she thinks it a cure all for what she has going on, at present a few months she'll be slating it and saying she didn't lose weight etc so it's pointless
I don't doubt she has major bowel/stomach issues.
The problem is she maintains she is 'healthy'.
She refuses to see a GP (because she knows they'll say lose weight)
So now she is having issues she has used Dr Google to diagnose herself with something that is debated to even exist.
If Michelle truely wanted to get a grip on her weight and health she would go to her GP and get a referral to bariatric services. No doctor would refuse that referral.
Alternatively, as an alternative to the NHS route she could stop buying crystals and disney shite and put that money towards a personal trainer or physiotherapy to get walking again.
This won't happen though because michelle would rather sit in her bed or armchair, bask in the attention starting a new fad diet (i know fodmap is not a fad diet but she's using it like one) will temporarily give her then whine nothing works and it's all her mums fault for taking her to WW at 11.
I think above all those things she needs therapy. She obviously has serious issues with food and disordered eating, which she refuses to acknowledge. The sad thing is that with the money it costs for a Disney holiday you could do some therapy sessions privately.
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VIP Member
It's so frustrating. This is when she really needs to dig in and keep going but she just quits. She's like the people on my 600lb life
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VIP Member
She's back on the weightloss journey.
Gonna start swimming but can't yet as needs to do more investigations of the pool...
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Well-known member
I don’t know what she has so against weight loss surgery. If I was 30 odd stone I would be getting it, it will make her lose weight quicker than anything else and massively improve her quality of life. She’s mad
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VIP Member
Does anyone else watch this lady?
45 year old tiktoker who is 37 stone.
Runs a blog called purple pumpkin.

She says her account is for positivity and weightloss journey.
Instead she often makes videos in her bedroom about what a hard day she is having and why that means she can't shower or walk that day etc.

Practically housebound, only does few steps in garden for excercise and needs husband to help her shower.

Even though she is 37 stone she denys she over eats or has a binge eating problem and instead claims it is due to years of dieting.
She also claims even when she eats in a calorie deficit she still gains and has no idea why.

This last week she was supposed to starting a full meal replacement diet but never did as she had to go to hospital for a skin infection (which she says is nothing to do with her weight) .
She found this stressful as she can not get to hospital unassisted and had a minor fall on way home.

As she had a fall, this warranted a day of eating junk as she 'required comfort'. Someone commented using food for comfort is part of the reason for her weight issues she denied this and says it was 'just a one off day that she needed due to her fall.'

If you dare suggest she uses food as a coping mechanism, you are a troll and will be blocked.

Anyone else have thoughts?
Yes I've followed her for quite a while now. I think with her the problem is just so deep rooted that she will never ever be able to turn it around without bariatric surgery and plenty of counselling which she is reluctant to do.
She won't be able to stick to a calorie deficit or meal replacement diet because she never addresses the cause of her compulsive over eating.
She did a video a while ago detailing all her weight losses and gains over the past few years and it was gutting to read. She has lost so much weight but gained SO much back.
I would bet my house on the fact that this time next year she'll be heading for 40 stone and still bouncing between different types of diet. She calls people trolls because I think she finds it so painful to read the truth which is that she's come this far in adulthood suffering from extreme obesity and she's likely to continue on this trajectory.
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Definitely her size playing a part. You don't get food poisoning for a day, she was knackered from travelling.
By sounds of it after every day they had at the park she'd have another day in the hotel poorly.
More like she's so used to staying in bed she can't cope with long days outside.

Quote from live: 'we had 5 vegan options from flower show, limedole whip, then watched fireworks I had a footlong hotdog, then I had a mickey mouse cake pop and brownie. That was it for my food. It doesn't sound like much food.'
Forget the other stuff, in what world does a footlong hotdog not sound like much food 😳
And lets be honest thats the stuff shes telling us about i remember her trying to say before when she was doing the shake diet then a low calorie dinner thats how she ate normally like no sorry you dont get to nearly 40 stone on salad and rice shes been caught lying before so i find anything she saids hard to believe

that much food is insane to me i get your on holiday calories do not count but if she spent time losing the weight leading up to disney she probarly would not have ruined anything shes been off that shake diet for at least 3-4 weeks i bet shes heavier then when she originally started

i agree her being ‘ill’ was just over tiredness her body cant cope with all the fresh air and being outside
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