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VIP Member
I wonder if she gets some kind of divorce settlement/child support which helps fund the fast fashion for posing in a mirror and not leaving the house? Not that it's any of my business, but it would make sense.
She'll definitely get something for Ivy as she is the RP and Richie is the NRP.
I think it used to be 15% of wages, after tax and NI, for the typical every other weekend deal if the parent earned over a certain amount (my child's father resisted paying and stayed unemployed so we got a few quid a month if we were lucky, so my figures/info may be out). Now the CMS have taken it over its all over the place.

Typically there isn't really alimony in the UK, like they have in the US, and it would be looked at as one settlement upon divorce and not as regular payments.
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Well-known member
In Scotland you go to school this year if your 5th birthday falls between March 2021 and February 2022. Is it not similar in England?
No. Children are eligible for primary school if they are 4 by 1st September- 31st August. So the children born in September/October are the eldest, with the children born in July/august being the youngest
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Chatty Member
She's blatantly trying to justify her poor parenting choices to us. Yeah everything doesn't have to be 'Spenny' (or Expensive for the Non Chavs:p) but doing something 'Free' with them is also an option. Yesterday me & my Sister packed up a lunch from whatever was in the fridge & had a picnic at the park. Cost me £1.80 for 2 Lolly Ices & a Coke Zero. We then came back home, kids had the pool out ( about a tenner from Amazon last Summer ) and they played with a pack of water balloons, 49p from Home Bargains. Probably less than Rob Squared spent in Spoons last night. If we are on a tight month (Mat Pay & all that) then we spend what money we do have on the Kids / Family activities as i am sure 99% of parents do ! Also i'd rather stay at home than have a night out in Wetherspoons, soz !

Is she aware of the content she has posted in the last week ? Expensive all inclusive Hols for them two ( that they have worked & saved hard for!) clothes hauls for Robbo, night out in Spoons. £59 Holiday for the kids & declaring that days out that cost money aren't necessary.
This took me out 😂 😂 😂 😂
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You really can tell by the story of her fitbit that she doesn’t do much at all.. that’s a normal day for me at work! 😂
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I’d love to know how much of the tat she promotes with her #adaffiliates she actually keeps... and it’s never full priced or new lines so she’s obviously not getting any freebies... also how many people actually buy from her recommendations? 🤔
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VIP Member
She’s thinking Vegas if Mexico is cancelled and her kids get a rotation as to who goes on a quick weekend break in the UK. Honestly her parenting disgusts me. Can she go any lower ffs. I feel so sorry for her children. I really do.
I don’t know how she does it! Me and my husband won’t take a solo trip abroad if we haven’t taken the kids abroad as well.
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VIP Member
Her post this morning about her period, and a droplet of blood dripping on the cartoon emoji thing… why 🤮
Again copying other scummy insta mums (PTWM always does this about periods).

Feels so bad she needs to post to the world, but then goes to try clothes on. OKAY HUN.
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VIP Member
Why is she still giving Mason milk in a baby bottle? He’s almost 2! Never see him drinking from a proper child’s cup
My daughter is the same age and honestly we’ve tried everything. She will not take milk from anything but a bottle. I’m genuinely not concerned she’s above all her milestones and her teeth are growing fine so until anything changes we are ok. I haven’t heard Mason even babble?
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VIP Member
I’m not sure if she meant she won’t have it because she’s a baby as in young or just scared.. but then it can’t be age because they’re booking 30 year olds now and she’s 29.
Yeah she definitely meant she’s too young to have it yet. And yes Robbo most countries are already saying you need a negative test and two vaccinations to enter, so can’t imagine that’ll change any time soon
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