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Finking about any mums todaaaaaaay that can’t be wiv their mum, anybody that can’t even be wiv a mum todaaaaaay, or any circumstances around that, finking about you all todaaay.

Christ but she isn’t a motivational speaker.
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What annoys me is that she does everything last minute and then buys utter shite that no one actually wants. She does NOTHING. She could be organised for birthdays, Mother’s Day etc weeks in advance but she never does because she can’t possibly think of anything else but herself and food, it’s all consuming.

genuinely would rather get nothing than home bargains tat. We actually aren’t even doing Mothers Day as it’s just a way for shops to make money. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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That’s not a fucking cheeseboard?

That horrible salami flower has made me miss my ex. I should call her x
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I’ll eat a bag of monster munch and a twix in a morning before I engage in such level of fucking about for breakfast. That also looks foul
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The way she's "buzzing" and saying "wow" at drinking cherry coke from a straw is absolutely bewildering.
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I’m glad I had a break because I feel less full…. She literally confirms that normally just eats way beyond her need and pushes through the full barrier; classic food addiction behaviour. And she claims she doesn’t binge eat….
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View attachment 2798410

The classic nipple tweak. I just deleted 74 screenshots of her from my phone. Send help.
She preaches on about body positivity and loving yourself and having little treats but this is the biggest sign of insecurity for me. Everytime she gets dressed she’s pulling the fabric off her body to try make it look looser
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Good job they don’t charge dermaplaining per square metre otherwise she’d be forever fucked financially for the size of that bonce
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Not the 30% off dead ass flowers for her mum 😬 i wonder if caff fancied a muvas day roast dinnah and becki wanted cheese board soum they comprised and are having a cheese board
The less money spent on her mum on Mother’s Day, the more money she has for mcdonnums
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