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Chatty Member
Just spotted a comment now calling her out for not socially distancing once again. I hope the others who called her out on last week's video do the same again. Maybe then she'll admit that she was in the wrong.

She's finally responded!! (sorry for the lack of screen grabbing the actual message but this is what she said)

"You were allowed to visit households indoors in London until today, if you book a table in a restaurant this is how they seat you, you’re next to each other, that’s how they’re operating & we can’t directly help that, for as long as they’re open you’re going to get people visiting them (myself included because I want to enjoy life as much as possible right now? this was OUR decision to make, if I wanted to see my best friends for my 21st birthday and they felt safe to do so to, I’m going to do it while I can. I’m not seeing anybody that’s in a vulnerable group, nor do I go out to work in an environment with anybody else, I think I’ve seen a total of about 10 different people since March which, if you think about people at school or university or in a sports club (like my brother for example) he’s in a ‘non socially distanced bubble’ with 100+ people at school. The risk by comparison seems so much less and was my decision to make, one that I appreciate other people might not agree with but one that was also legally allowed by the government at this time."
This acctually boils my blood - education at school or uni is not a choice but travelling and getting pissed with your mates is!!! She’s definitely seen more than 10 people since March - she’s seen Tom, her school friends, Noo and Liv and the 6 people she had at her “birthday” night out and probably loads more. It’s her decision to make but her actions have consequences for other people. She’s so irresponsible and immature
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Of course Molly films the big pile of presents under the tree and drinking a whole bottle of champagne, soooo cool🤪👌🏻🤙🏻✌🏻

She really does act like she’s 16, will she ever grow up? Can’t wait for her dull Christmas haul to be filled with Australia memorabilia, the white company which she supposedly loves even though we’ve never heard her mention it before, and alcohol 🤪🤪🤪🤪 am I missing anything?
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I actually much prefer her home-ly stuff. I’ll watch her weekly vlogs but won’t watch any of the stuff she uploads during the week like the challenges because they’re boring to me - who wants to watch them celebrate every national holiday in a week or the 736367th video of some version of assumptions/questions etc with her try-hard dad 🥱🥱
Although tbf even with her weekly vlogs the whole dumb vapid shallow vibe has become insufferable.
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I love that people are calling her out for pretending not to know anything about Twilight! She can't be a huge Taylor Swift fan one minute then say she was only interested in her music and nothing else the next. Hmm doesn't seem to add up.


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thinking about that one time someone commented on here that they'd seen her tongue more than their own and how thats literally true for me at this point
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Chatty Member
I’ve only just found this thread but please tell me you all feel as sorry for Tom as I do when she bullies him in every video about his hair and is constantly touching it and messing it up. Leave the boy alone and stop humiliating him in front of your subscribers, he seems like a genuinely nice guy, just a bit hen pecked.
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I think it's a bit bold to say her types of YouTube video are creative anyway when she films her daily life and then shills products that get sent to her for free. That doesn't really require any creativity.
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Why's she calling Tom a baby for playing games on his phone? Pretty sure most people play games on their phones. And why does she always refer to him 'my boyfriend Tom', I think we get it that you've got a boyfriend. Also why does she have to show when she's drinking alcohol... I understand when you're 18 and it's a new thing but when you're 21 it's a bit childish. Why is it after one drink she acts like she's drunk? 🤣🤣 and her obnoxious laugh is annoying.
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Sorry if I’m completely missing the point here - I’ve not really researched it so really I might be. But isn’t this new Goverment scheme about “the arts” retraining talking about actors, actresses, dancers, producers, directors, makeup artists etc who work in theatres etc who are literally unable to work right now? I completely don’t agree with the government campaign telling them to retrain, but how does it affect graphic designers, marketers, copy writers etc 🤨 these types of roles tend to work in businesses or are free lance? I myself work in graphic design and marketing and work for a business, I wasn’t furloughed and worked all the way through lockdown, I could do my role for a number of different industries and organisations, I can work from home etc.. I wouldn’t class myself as working “in the arts” because I work in design and it’s insulting to the people who cannot work and who the Govertnment are just disregarding. These people who do work in the arts are incrediblly talented and their careers shouldn’t be dismissed in the way the Gov is. I just feel like it’s missing the message a bit for people like Molly to be jumping on it and claming it includes her and Tom. Tom doesn’t work “in the art industry” he is a graphic designer working for a plastic manufacturer who seem to also have a home goods store. Like myself I am a graphic designer and email marketer who works in the building and construction industry. Because my role relates to art, it doesn’t mean I work in that industry. Sorry if I’m ranting for nothing and this me misunderstanding something the gov has said?

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Chatty Member
Mollys personality traits are drinking and constantly going on about how attractive Tom is. He’s a fairly good looking boy but I don’t understand why she constantly goes on about what he looks like, it’s almost like she wants people to fancy him. Guess it just shows how shallow she is.
It reminds me of girls back in high school who constantly wanted to show off that they had a boyfriend and wanted everyone to be jealous of them.
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Creepy Carl strikes again!
Not my tweet btw. Know it was probably a joke, but I don’t know how I’d feel about my husband posting this publicly!
I'm sorry but even when it's said as a joke it's still so fucking disrespectful to his wife?! Molly obviously follows her dad on Twitter so how is she not embarrassed???
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I saw her comment saying 'im sick of comments like this when you have absolutely 0 idea of what I have and haven't been doing"

Sorry Molly but you did film your nights out with friends with no social distancing so we do actually know.
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Has anyone seen her latest tik tok about the tiers? (Sorry not sure how to share it!) Does she not realise that that’s how it works 🤣 And the majority of England is in tier 3

Ahh shes tweeted about it too View attachment 324492
Yeah Molly, we do have a county name, Yorkshire and the HUMBER🤦🏼‍♀️

Any other locals will appreciate this more than non-locals, but she’s definitely one of those where being from BeVeRlEy is her whole personality and hates the fact that she lives so close to Hull!

Don’t know how to quote multiple posts, but yes, Carl is a creep. I know at least 3 girls who he’s slid into their DMs and hit on. And I say ‘girls’ rather than ‘women’, because we’re closer in age to Molly than his odd wife🤣
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Dear Reader

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I bet she's one of those who blame uni students for the increase in covid cases as well, despite her incessant need to flaunt restrictions & be as apathetic as possible
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Taking about her and Tom's sole income from the arts when she's on 35k a year alone is a joke. If I worked in a theatre which has been closed all through the pandemic I'd be so angry right now given she's only had to film a few tiktoks and YT videos throughout to make her money and even had enough cash for a new car!
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Chatty Member
It’s literally called Yorkshire and the Humber... why is she complaining, it’s quite clear who is in which tier, there a list and a postcode checker. Is she trying to claim that she shouldn’t be in tier 3 because she doesn’t live in hull?? When most of East, West and South Yorkshire are in tier 3 ??
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