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This is the first post of this thread, AUTISTIC INTERPRETATIONS #22 Smoke and Mirrors, Secrets, Schemes and Scams. Please follow. Hannah and Marlow are taking another road trip, many packing videos in preparation. Val and Jessica are cooking up more lies.
Thank you grammacloud!
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Saw this video posted on the scammer page and it shows alot. Jess is a pain in the butt not wanting to do anything. Marlow comes in and sits drinking coffee and wandering around!!! I thought she was a caregiver not just a guest. Why the hell do they pay her...she just wants to hang out with her girlfriend HH. Val has an attitude but she's tired! Take your daughters phone away over night and you won't be woke up by "mommy Zoe just don't need it"!!!
And if you are in for watching Jess rub her face, scratch her face and head, sneeze from the pepper and whatever ever else she can scratch this is the video for you! Good thing that breakfast is just for her...gross!
Oh and this is the one where she screams when Bennie got close to her. Yup tell us again Val how much she likes dogs!! And just a few weeks ago Val was so proud of Jess when she put on her headband for the first time all by her self! Ah Val she did it in this one from 2 years ago!!! She can't even keep her lies straight anymore!


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On the scam page it shows a pic of Nonnie’s house (back porch) with the address so I went to Zillow to look. Scrolling down you can read about the area. They live in a gated community with a POOL! They could have been talking Jess to swim all this time and gat exercise she would enjoy!! Lazy, lazy, lazy.
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I think that Val knows exactly what she is doing. If she keeps neglecting Jess's health we all know what will happen. Poof no more Jess and then Val can milk being the grieving mother. She has a plan and WallFly I am sure the insurance policy is hefty!
She better hope nothing happens to that girl because if it does I for one will be one of the people in the world calling her a murderer.
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A couple pictures from the AI scammer page. Since I scanned I missed this. How can a grown ass woman visit her grandma's house and stretch out on the couch??? She is such a lazy ass. Can't sit up to visit? And what's with the outfit? She is way to fat to be wearing those leggings with a short t-shirt. And to dress like that to go out to eat!!!! They are just hillbillies...
And Val and those glasses...who does she think she is? Some movie star??? DollarTree ones are better than those Val!
And in the store...Hypochondriac Hannah you are not cute or 13 so stop acting the fool! Your following is dwindling by the day because they are sick of your's and your sidekicks stupidity 🙄
Well, we all know how hard it was for Hannah to walk all the way from the car to the couch. She probably had to go up and down the hill all the way. She deserves to lay down and rest. If she thinks this is sexy, I don’t think it going to add much to her onlyfans resume. 😜
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Do you think Val is in hiding? Do you think she has finally given up her scams? I would like to be able to hear from a crispies of her secret society. What is going on behind the scenes. What has happened to the camper? It was her dream for Jessica and Val to travel the country. I don’t call visits to a park 20 minutes away from home, traveling. You giving up Val, too much work keeping your lies straight? No help from anyone with the travel scene. You aren’t as big a camper as you portrayed.
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The scam page suggested Val got a new suv ! Seems like she did. Wasn’t her previous suv bought to be powerful enough to pull the camper. Upgrade to a new vehicle every year without a job. Black interior one month ago,Tan interior at Popeyes. Someone should tell momma Claus it’s July, not Dec!
Does she still have the camper? She didn’t do any camping in the spring. If she hasn’t by fall we’ll know she sold it. No camper and a new car. No wonder we see so little of Jess. She’d tell it all!
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Apparently the reruns run in the family. Tonight is Val making that stupid cheese cake from last week. They already ate and critiqued it once so now we get to see it again! Apparently the BEST cheesecake they EVER ate!!!! What is wrong with these people????? They really are becoming more and more brain damaged as time goes on!!! And what does Val acting like she's all that have to do with Autism????


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I know Susan will post pics, but I just had to comment on the new AI video. Val made a very feeble attempt at a video. Just a snippet of Jess making crispy crowns that she is careful not to show how many. Hey Val, you failed! That plate was full. Had to be at least 20. A comment was made about washing your hands with soap. Hell Val, she doesn’t know how. It’s just food. Food!
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Remember the boot licker Katie Straus who use be a troll on their page attacking everyone if they asked or commented against the Brooks family? Then all of sudden she got a dose of reality and they kicked her to the curb like the one who came over from Portugal . Well she is a fibromyalgia coach so apparently she must of not agreed with Val in some fashion on her false claims of self diagnosis of the disease. They use every single person as long as the play there narrative or supply them with money and gifts . We always say how they pimp of Jessica on private videos for money which actually Val does the same with Hannah. Look at the woman who have come to stay with them Texas Lori lesbian and the other one in the wheelchair Hannah Tinsel . Like why are all these women who come stay at her house clearly lesbians? I am sure Hannah’s the young lesbian bate and they get used for the money they give just to come see Hannah or they also get private screen time. Marlowe and Hannah definitely are doing a side hustle behind the scenes and I am sure it’s just as nasty as Madison’s profession. I would never support my children if they choose to take that path in life . Of course I would always love them but they would clearly know I am disgusted by their actions. Campbell is just as guilty because where has he been til recently? They divorced 17 yrs ago and if he’ was the so called dad why wasn’t he watching Jess so Val could hold down her nursing job ? There’s another side to him as well and he’s not no holy then thou God church going Christian . He’s always at the table on his computer probably editing Madison content or scheduling their events. That whole family is in on that Madison porn in some way. I think once the Madison truth came to light all the family disappeared out of pure embarrassment. Val’s mom could no longer go to her women socials and brag about her grandson the doctor. Her sister ended the family vacations once she remarried because they didn’t want there family members seen with them . I think Allyson first husband was highly politically connected and he probably said if you bring my kids around those perverts I will make sure I get full custody of the children and the new husband clearly put his foot down.
I didn't know Alison was remarried! She seems like a ball buster too! And you are so right on all their butch buddies! Notice how they all mysteriously disappear when they know to much. I think Val let's see talk to them on the phone but no more visits!
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Absolutely ridiculous! It was Jessica's dessert and she needs to put it on her wish list again. That is she is grifting too. And amazing HH can be in 2 places at one time! Camping and making a dessert at home!! These people are so stupid....get your videos straight!
Jess keeps telling HH what to do even though she can't remember what she is making! Talked and was bossy the whole video! Yelling to tell No balls what she was making and he was not answering her! HH said he must have his headphones on but maybe he was ignoring her.
You could hear Nonnie in the background so this may actually have been today.
Val asks Jess if she likes it, Jess says yes. Then Val says do you love it? Jess replied it's wonderful as she is stuffing huge spoonfuls in her mouth. Can you tell me why that if yes says it's good why must they continue to interrogate her?
So if you want to watch Jess be bossy this one is for you. Oh and she couldn't stir anymore because her had would get sore! Guess flipping cards is different but it's just another Jess trick to get out of doing any work!!!!
This video tonight was sickening. Jess was either not doped up or had really been threatened. Bossy, grabby, demanding, the list goes on. She’s really been going at the 2 sores on her forehead and the one in her hairline has been there over a YEAR!! They even filmed food on her mouth and talking and showing all the desert in her mouth. 🤢
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Annnnnnnnnd another camping video from Jeckyl Island from the 5 day trip that was taken 4 weeks ago. ....streeeeeeeeeeetched out over almost a month of videos... From picking, planning, making a list, shopping, more shopping, organizing , and that's over a week long and they were already back HOME when Hannah was posting their shopping video!!
it's all fodder for Cash.
meanwhile ....the unemployed Grunge Girls are busy with their OnlyFans...thanks to help from Madison and the 🍑 muncher.
The Brooks Crooks...are taking full advantage of all the cons they can while it lasts.
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OMG! Double dumb girls are rating gas station food. Corn dogs and Mac and cheese, don’t waste your time. Who cares! I haven’t watched any of the dsgp in months, won’t have to again.
And Hypochondriac Hannah apparently is not lactose intolerant in today's video. Loaded Mac and cheese!!!! And a corn dog ....yikes! Her poor tummy will hurt later then she can make a video about that!
They are such dumb asses...nope I didn't watch because I can't stand them!


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Not much going on in the AI Scammer page or on here. Is this the beginning of the end?
When I said beginning of the end I meant for our posts on here and the AI Scammer page. Not the beginning of the end for them. They are sinking but still continuing to pimp Jess out. So wrong!
winnie woo you are so right on getting her birthday out there! It was a blatant beg for gifts.
Dinner at Popeyes on tonight's video. The amount of calories in their meals was ridiculous! And at the end Jess couldn't get dessert there because they didn't have what she needed! Needed is ridiculous because she does not need dessert! But she was prompted to say she had brownies at "their hou" then said dad's house quickly! She can't get it through her head that they will never get their own house! The only way is that porn boy pays for it!
And those shorts Jess had on could have been a wardrobe malfunction at any minute. Way to short and not appropriate for dinner out! They may think that they are dressing her like a 36 year old but let's face it she is anything but a normal one. She has no modesty....


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Just watched their video of the week, a couple of things caught my attention. It looks like Jessica has teeth that are broken off.
Another morning video taken of Jessica with no bra on and hair all over her head.
Val purposely takes videos of her looking all homely for sympathy and for people to feel sorry for Jessica in hopes of getting gift cards and gifts.
What kind of decent mother let's their disabled child go around with broken teeth? She's such a POS.
Is that an eye tooth missing/broken? Has it always been like that? I knew she had a temporary cap but I thought it was more on front teeth.
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I find it interesting watching jessica and her behaviour with other family members grandad in tonight's posted video...( Which we know is from almost 2 weeks ago they hoarded videos to post while away at Disney.) Anyways's interesting to see jessica opening her mail..we can see the caution she has,normally she's grabby, greedy, rude, whiney....handsy.....interrupting Val etc...but when she's with Hannah or Grandad....she's a little different ...because she knows Grandad all not take her shit. Period.
And Hannah will argue with her when Vals not around.

She use to behave " better" with Nathan also and he would get her to do more ,touch more until she got comfortable enough and mommy backing her making excuses for her and letting her get away with doing nothing .

It all goes back to zero discipline for Jessica ...because she has autism and a vision impairment and another 50 ailments that Val randomly brings up to excuse Jessica and her bad behaviours.
According to Val there's no one in the whole wide world like her Bessy!!

Jessica use to spend entire weekends with her grandparents, then it went to one night, then a full day it's from 9-1.... Breakfast ,store to buy cds, P.O...lunch then home. All within 4 hours....because that's all they can now handle her for.
She use to have sleep overs at Marlows, but no more.
She use to have a volunteer job till she became so obsessive and violent they asked her to not return.
Use to ride the bus, use her cane independently, attend adult classes..all until her temper. And inappropriate behaviours became too much for people to deal with.
Not because of autism , or stimming, or visual difficulties ...all because of bad inappropriate behaviours and tantrums .....attitude not autism.

There is incredible information on disciplining our autistic children ....step one is knowing the difference between temper tantrums and meltdowns .

Val has refused to discipline Jessica and that's why she's unwelcome to many things, that why she's been asked to leave places like school, bus dentist office etc.... And that's why she's so unlikable...even by some of her own family members.

Sadly ....Jessica's temperament , attitude and behaviours will only get worse we already see it and the decline and regression in her abilities .

Eventually there will be no one except Val to deal with Jessica ..... And she will be Nonnies age.....

Good luck with that Val.

Here's some great reading material on autism and discipline.


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Hey pokermom here are pictures....and you are right very little Jessica. These women think that they are all that and a piece of cake. They believe they are so cool, some kind of movie stars and that everyone hangs on their every work. Looks like at Goodwill HH got a dress! Why...she just a tee shirt girl/guy. We will never see her wear it. And then you have Val posing in the dressing room like " look at me". Sorry Val you are just a frumpy middle aged woman...
n there is lunch with Nonnie but we never see her either. Just hear her voice.
A quick appears Nonnie and Grandad live very comfortably on a golf course! Wonder how much money they dish out to Val??? Me thinks she has something on her parents because they treat her more special than her brother and sister.
This whole day in the life was supposed to be one day but it was continued on Val claims it's Fathers Day weekend. So who knows...they lie and the videos are never the day they claim. And if HH is camping according to their videos apparently she can be in 2 places at one time!!
And oh Val promised a video of the week next week!!! Whoopy!!! More crap about her and nothing about Jess or autism! Idiots.....


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Another sad, pointless to add to the THOUSANDS of others of Jessica holding the arm of someone pouring boxed ingredients bought from the dollar store into a bowl ...nothing new to see here.....just a 6 minute video of family members snickering at Jessica who at almost 37 still can't pour slowly, stir unprompted and is obsessing over food.
Notice Jessica mentions dinner...when she's still stirring her dessert. Food is all she focuses on, ever.
This video all the others absolutely breaks my heart....sickens me beyond belief. All I see is a 37 year old whose been so abusively neglected and exploited for profit ..used as a gimmick to make money for a woman who doesn't want to work,but stay at home (someone else's home) and make money by selling her IDD middle aged daughter online..pimping her out to monthly subscribers wanting to pay money for personal interactions with Jessica , by text,live videos, face calls...even visits.

Jessica unfortunately has fallen through the cracks being that great changes have happened within the autism world in the last 15-20 years..just as Jessica's education was wrapping up...New advancements new therapies new medications and very new approaches in understanding and teaching our children with autism.

It's clear Val has done the bare minimum of that as a mother, a teacher and caregiver ....and the proof is in the lives of all her children....all three broken, desperate, mentally unstable with copious amounts of emotional baggage and " illnesses" .

Jessica had far more potential when professionals were involved in her life...but the struggles really began with Jesse in her high school years....because Vals lack of discipline and afterschool follow through wasn't happening ..Jessica began being more bossy, verbally abusive , physically aggressive ....and being taught by Val there are no consequences for bad behaviours Jessica really started acting out..hitting teachers,students ,nurses ..and when Val was confronted about these unacceptable behaviours, asked to have jessica rediagnosed because she was and still does show significant signs of schizophrenia....Val declined blaming autism ....and slowly jessica was asked to not return to class, not return to her volunteer position , not to return to the bus....So instead of addressing Jessica's violent obsessive behaviours ...Val simply takes her " blind " daughters can be away....refuses therapy, and cries victim on a blog...and blamed every teacher, school and professional instead of taking any responsibility...or addressing and correcting Jessica's behaviours.

So fast forward to today ...look what Jessica has become. ...isolated , Gray haired , middle aged , recluse that is a puppet for Val to use and manipulate online for money.
Jessica has absolutely nothing going on in her life ....she's regressed to an unclean, violent, verbally abusive ,feral being....unable to toilet on her own, brush her hair or teeth. Put socks on, her food obsessions and extremely poor diet and nutrition are taking a physical toll on jessica who looks older than her mother.
There's no dietician helping or therapist helping regular dental checkups... Jessica is soley reliant on Val....for everything and the neglect is obvious .
Jessica has an extremely bleak future unless APS steps in and advocates for jessica ....but sadly since she's not a child one in the state of Georgia seems to care.

I've contacted APS on three occasions , a Canadian therapist with ties to another therapist in the States... I've down loaded a few of Vals videos to send to an advocate for autism in Georgia ...

But it seems my concerns are not enough....
But..hopefully ..some one will catch site of this abuse ....
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