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Okay Val who do you think you're fooling?

It's become crystal clear that you only drag Jessica into the kitchen by bribing her with extra servings and or chocolate desserts.
Watching her all we see is you desperately trying to get her engaged ...she's only interested if she's pissy because you're not cooking HER favourites. She's miserable , moody, argumentative and whiney.....she obviously wants HER frozen over processed store bought crap lasagne you raised her on...and not real lasagne.

She doesn't help on a regular basis with cooking at all nor has any responsibility and it shows, again you only make up these videos for content to pad your wallet, it doesn't educate or benefit Jessica in any way.

She is only interested in controlling what's on the menu, and miserably lurks in the kitchen rubbing her crotch, and mumbling when you're cooking something she hasn't approved. (you missed editing out the crotch rubbing ..she should never be allowed to touch food...she's going to pass along yeast infections to others)

Jessica has eaten home made lasagne other times... You've made it, Nathan's made really it's just Jessica as usual.demanding HER favourite store bought lasagne....she's the boss.

Why not actually have Jessica involved in something educational , productive outside the house instead of forcing her, bribing her and feeding her food obsession?

Get her into volunteering , swimming, peer groups where she's enjoying time every afternoon with her peers. Get her out dog walking every day, let her volunteer at a nursery with flowers, look into your area and see what adult programs are available. Give her something REAL to get involved with....because these videos of Jessica pretend cooking for the last 8 years are ridiculous ....she did far better 4,5 years ago ....pouring her own cereal and milk, she ate more things but you permit her to fixate on the same foods..same fried unhealthy foods, and junk foods chocolate cake , brownies every day TWO servings .... You're feeding her obsessive behaviours instead of actually helping her by providing tools to help her cope ....

You're a disgrace ....
Susan.... There's no reason Jessica can't eat toast and cereal for breakfast or a grilled cheese for lunch....she has eaten these before...but Vals given up any control or actual parenting in teaching Jessica nutrition and portion control.
Vals lazy.
Jessica knows how to manipulate and make the entire household miserable until she gets HER favourites.
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Jessica gets a dessert every's been mentioned before Val says... " only once a day" Jessica can choose if it's after lunch or dinner.
I'm not from a every day dessert house....we do desserts on Sunday only. Maybe a birthday .....
Not only does Jessica get desserts daily she gets two servings .... Again Val simply doesn't want to parent or rocks the boat's easier to give Jessica her way.
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Hi everyone. I’ve beeen thinking of all of you today. My husband just picked our new to us camper. We got a great deal on it. I’m sure we’ll enjoy going camping past our driveway with it. Unlike you know who. My summer vaca started this week and I’m looking forward to relaxing until September when school starts up again. We still have our 4 year old grandson who is on the spectrum and nonverbal and can get aggressive at times. We’re working with him on that. Hopefully as he gets older he will get better. He does love being with his father and his gf. Who is more like a mom to him than his own mom. I’m sure within the next year they’ll be all back together as a family and we can relax more. I hope everyone enjoys their summer solstice day
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A week of lies and secrets being exposed ....let's begin.

First the video started on father's day and keep in mind Hannah was home all week, and we saw her in previous videos the entire week before fathers day when Val was MIA..and snuck off to Disney with her sister.
So....even though Hannah is currently posting on DSGP page pretending she and her trusty sidekick GreasyHair McGhee are camping ..they have been home well over two weeks...but they did a lot of " cram" videos cooking 3,4,5 a day so they could post while actually away camping secret. So many lies to unfold with this.

More lies and secrets.... Looks like Casey a previous caregiver is back in the picture, because clearly Val requires yet another adult caregiver to take care of little miss independent. But Val won't discuss it....just like the funeral of this gentlemen whom Val never explained who it was..but still wanted some sympathy it seems for " her loss"....of course Jessica LOVES telling everyone she's going to a funeral where according to Val Jessica screamed out during the 21 gun salute. Sorry but Jessica had no business being there ...I can imagine her questioning everyone like the intrusive brat she is while people are trying to pay respects and mourn....of course we hear Jessica keep mumbling her infamous words of wisdom ... " it was just time, it was his time" just like the dog Abby.

More lies.....notice Marlow making Jessica's breakfasts on Monday, while Jessica did nothing? Then notice Val making Jessica breakfast on a different day while Jessica sat at the Island rubbing her plate mumbling his independent she is?
This is exactly why Jessica is turning 37 and still can't stir, stir, stir, or honestly make her own breakfast ..because like we've said ..she ONLY does it when Val needs content to make those Disney Dollars! So yes..more lies Val wants us to believe she's diligently working every morning with Jessica teaching her to make breakfast ...annnnnnnnnnd THAT'S a lie.

On with another lie....

Notice Val said on Friday ...that yesterday ( Thursday) Jessica went to the P.O with Granddad and OPENED her presents over at their house? Yet.... We saw 2 videos one last week and one the week before of Jessica at home opening her packages at the table....I do remember mentioning that the one deck of cards was already opened on one of those past videos ....
So... Even though Jessica already opened her mail at grandads, Val desperate for content and her FAKE " views" threw the cards, and remember the one came mix alone in a huge box? All lies...all for show..... All to put out a video to cash in on and make some money.... Not an ounce of truth to anything Val says.

I don't believe for a minute that Jess doesn't always open her gifts with Grandad as soon as he picks them up...there's no way jessica sits over there not obsessing over her packages eating lunch and patiently waiting till she gets home.
I believe that's why the packages 9times out of 10 are already opened.... More lies by the Brooks Crooks.

Thank you Val for again proving us right, and providing more insight into your own lies.... You do it to yourself it's actually ...embarrassing , I'm embarrassed for you.
We see you Val.
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Gramma of 4

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Now they've switched to making a boxed dessert every night. Hannah, or whoever is in charge of editing, you didn't edit out Jessica asking "do I really get 2 brownies for real? Because I did this?" So in other words, they bribed her with extra brownie so she'd make a video. Val, you're a disgusting POS. Right along with Hannah, Campbell, your parents and your brother. Do I like Jessica? Not really. But I feel awful for her that those wenches are too lazy to actually go get a JOB and go to work instead of making their money off of a don't know any better disabled girl. And the rest of the family thinks this shit is ok. There needs to be laws in place against exploiting anyone disabled for money.
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Jess needed another dessert and it had to have ice cream too. This is ridiculous! I am sorry but growing up we didn't have dessert every night and my kids didn't either. Desserts were special and not a daily occurrence!
Jess's brownie mix, Jess's oven, Jess needs to have them for after dinner...the greed and gluttony is something that could been avoided if she had a mother who was worth anything. I think Val to was babied and got her way in everything too! Especially after she spread her legs, got knocked up and Nonnie to take care of the baby! Mommie to the rescue...And the fact Nonnie had to take over is a huge red flag for me! Shows me how mentally unstable Val was and still is! They all need professional help and need it now!
Would one of you ladies kindly tell me if I’m right or wrong? Some time back we would see them taking Jessica grocery shopping all the time, riding in a Caroline’s cart and touching her nose to everything all over the store. Someone here contacted both Ingells and Food City and the grocery shopping stopped. Right or wrong? I thought about this when I saw the new video just posted making brownies and Val said they picked it up when “we” were shopping today. Does the big baby get dessert every night? And mostly chocolate?
Yes you are right on the stores being contacted! I have noticed that they now shop Aldis most of the time now!


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I know the videos out of order but we just saw cupcakes, now it’s brownies! Find something else to show. No one and I mean no one needs this many desserts. She must eat chocolate every day. Fruit is better, it’s still sugar but not as bad as cakes and brownies. Does she eat the whole pan in one day?
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This is the first post of this thread, AUTISTIC INTERPRETATIONS #22 Smoke and Mirrors, Secrets, Schemes and Scams. Please follow. Hannah and Marlow are taking another road trip, many packing videos in preparation. Val and Jessica are cooking up more lies.
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Let the GRIFTINNNG...begin!!!!

There was absolutely no reason for Jessica to bring up her birthday which is about 4 weeks away....not that she would even think to bring it up as they were leaving to go to dinner.
We know how it works....
Something had Jessica in a foul mood....and Val pulls out her bag of tricks to make Jessica happy! ( offer to make a video, remind her it's her job. She gets money, tell your viewers your birthday is coming so they can send you presents! Ask her to go out to eat CHICKEN! Bribe her with two servings of chocolate desserts!! Etc...)

Val said want to do a video ,Jessica said sure! Then Val turned on he cam..and Jessica asked what do I say...?
Val told her exactly what to say telling her she could mention her birthdays going up...that gives the kool aid drinkers who are being used to finance Disney and a few little "secrets" Val has under wraps, also these free gifts help Vals pocket book as she now has to buy less for Jessica.

Notice this evening mommy sat on the other side of the table and didn't have jessica in her lap...that's Val showing us she reads here without saying she reads here!!

waves..." hello Val"

Here's one of the typical exchanges Jessica has with Val...

" mommy..your Bessy's sad? " repeats it again . .. " Your Bessie is sad? "

Then Val informs Jessica she's not sad but very happy!

"No Ma'am...your Bessie is soooo happy NOW...she's going out to eat a lot this week..."

So this is the typical exchange we see after Jessica has clearly had a tantrum ...I recognize it for exactly what it is....over what? Probably food, someone touched something of hers, she's eavesdrop and heard something she wasn't suppose to or..she didn't like what Hannah was making for dinner and wanted to eat out again . We all know everyone must follow the Jessica Rules the house rules... Implemented by Val..head nut of the Brooks Asylum and Porn Headquarters.

So...we can tell Val bribbed Jessica to " make her Bessie happy" with dinner out, AGAIN this week...( Never really knowing what day of the week that may be) but none the less..this is how Val deals with Jessica....not teaches with her, to basically shut her up. Make her happy so everyone can exhale and stop walking on egg shells to please Boss Jessica.

This behaviour from 36, is ridiculous and simply intentional manipulation on her part because Val has taught her along with everyone under the same roof... Their Bessie MUST be happy at all costs, even if that means lying to her, giving her chocolate cake 3times a day, letting her text everyone at 3 am, praising her while she bosses everyone around and orders them to clean her bed, be quiet, get out of the house, announcing who is allowed to eat what and how much....

Everyone must tell Jessica how proud they are of her for ordering strimp....instead of chicken fingers and no one is ever permitted to correct jessica and her mispronounced words, or tell her to sit up, or stop using her hands to eat......Jessica has no rules, no boundaries and no consequences...ever. Only praise, baby talk, bribes of junk food and basically any and everything she wants...your Bessie MUST be happy at all costs even if that means you have to sacrifice your happiness a hundred times a day.

Raising a nonverbal autistic 26 yr. Old I have first hand experience of the work, the trials and tribulations of teaching, parenting and learning myself how to do what's best for her to help her strive,be successful and biggest goal for her is to step into the world and have a softer landing by using tools she's been taught, by being educated on the world around her, some sense of safety of familiarity that she herself will recognise ....and it will helped her to participate in life outside of the house....out of her comfort zone. She deserves to be TAUGHT how to cope with fear, sadness, uncertainty to protect herself ,ask for help, she deserves to have life skills!

It's's hard,it's redundant , time consuming .... Repetitive and requires .consistancy, strength and patience ..more then I have some days....but our daughter deserves it!!

Val neglected to do any of this for Jessica because she's never been a good loving parent, she's never put any of her children's needs ahead of her own...ever. Vals the victim in her story....everything she does is to make Vals life easier ...... She doesn't spoil Jessica in the regular sense ...she actually spoils herself by letting herself off the hook from any parenting , teaching, responsibility of blame's everyone elses fault, teachers, therapists, doctors, nurses, other family members, autism , mild CPP....etc.... Never Vals fault .
Val has passed off her role, her job, her responsibilities as Jessica mother,care giver and protector since day 1.
The fact Val lost custody of Jessica for the first few years of her life speaks volumes to the type of mother, of woman she was....and still is today.

Tonight's video ....another example of the neglected 36 year old feral,bratty, ill mannered manipulative Jessica....who reminds us of her upcoming birthday and reminds her mommy.... "Your Bessie is happy".

Good job Val.
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I completely stopped watching their videos. All they do is show the same thing over and over again. It’s like Groundhog’s Day with these people.
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I agree Wallfly, one serving is enough. Did they never teach her to share with the whole family? But then again, everyone eats something different at every meal. Our house, we share the cooking, everyone eats the same meal, and we sit down together and converse while we eat. We don’t shovel in the food as fast as possible. This four people, everybody has something else is wasteful. And I hate to tell you Val, but the dressing that you buy from a deli is stovetop, you can make at home. What a giant waste of money, the gravy looks like cream of chicken soup. You should be ashamed to call this home cooking, but Val, you have no shame. You make your handicapped daughter be the only actual breadwinner in the family. You disgust me and at least 1200 others that have even through your scam.
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Watching Hannah's raw chicken hand touch all the food cross contaminating everything made me nauseated. I am no chef by any means.... And growing up all we had were cook books and mom, where as today there's the internet with YouTube....and 900billion videos at your fingertips to actually get a visual, directions, and step by step.instructions for any recipe ....with about 200billion variations ....
So watching these two self proclaimed creators, one would think they'd use YouTube and not go by what Val..says!! Hearing Hannah say how Val told her how to cook these kabobs was beyond frightening ....that's like asking a homeless person for financial advice.

Finally.... Why do Val and Hannah only think that salt, pepper, onion powder and garlic powder are THE ONLY spices and they must go on everrrrrrrything, always .

All their food must taste the same. What about smoked paprika, chilli powder, Italian seasonings, marinades, sauces like teriyaki. Fresh herbs, or seasoned oils? Or a basic BBQ sauce??

I've never seen a dry kabob sit burning on the grill....we make a fresh herb ' bundle" and brush on a marinade while it's cooking.... Again one would think these creators who live on the internet would actually use the internet as resource and not just as a way to con others.

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After watching the Grunge Girls video I came to the conclusion that Hannah LIVES to complain.

She tries to convince everyone how she's so " out doorsy" loves camping yet the entire video and to be honest all of her camping videos all she does is whine and complain about EVERYTHING!

She complained about the site, too crowded, swarmes of squirrels ( is 6 a swarm??) campers having the audacity to hand feed the squirrels , the heat, the sun, the beach was just ok, water was too murky, store/office wasnt dog friendly, always complains about bugs, the wifi..( Because what's camping without wifi!?)

They spend more time inside the camper than outside, all Marlow wants to do is clean and organize and stay out of the sun...she hates the sun, hates the heat , wears a portable fan....I mean what's the point of going camping !?!?
Hypochondriac Hannah is entitled...not a good trait at all. She thinks the world revolves around her. She is just like her mother. These people scam, lie, beg and hint about things they want. To me the Brooks group is the bottom of the barrel and will never make it to the top!
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According to her posts on Instagram, Mrs Porn travels the world doing “sessions” also, in addition to their online stuff. Here’s a pic from her Insta page. 🤮 She posts daily about where she is. Aarrrrgh.
She is not the least bit attractive…
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Ok Val, I just scrolled fb and out of 18 videos, 3 were gift openings and 15 were cooking. This is no longer about autism. It’s a cooking channel. A poor one, but it’s just watching you make another awful meal. Change the name, how about Another lousy meal made by Val!
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winnie woo

VIP Member
Ok Val, I just scrolled fb and out of 18 videos, 3 were gift openings and 15 were cooking. This is no longer about autism. It’s a cooking channel. A poor one, but it’s just watching you make another awful meal. Change the name, how about Another lousy meal made by Val!
Val’s Vile Vittles! Lol
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Watching 36 year old Jessica hyper focussing on shovelling as much food as possible onto her plate is nothing but sad.

First off all....these " followers" don't seem to understand Val has had 30+ YEARS to teach this...and it's basic. I started teaching my autistic daughter how to pour her cereal, milk, butter her toast, put salad into her bowl, use tongues to take pieces of chicken, set the table , clear her dishes, along with proper portion sizes , eating with utensils , MANNERS etc.... Starting at age 5! Not age 36.
Again this is Val simply looking to make content ...get her idiot followers to " sweet Jessica is! " sorry I have no applause for greedy guts shovelling food into her plate with her " are you sure its enough?? " manipulation games and " just one more, just one more"

There was no teaching involved, no correction , no explaining where and discussing portion was simply point the cam at Jessica, open all the containers for her, line the containers on the table and hand her a soup spoon ... And let her go to town.

The reality is ...Jessica learned much more when she was actually in classes, had therapy, had teachers, consistency and follow it's just handing her it then edit the hell out of it for content.
There's no routine, no structure , no real teaching or correction..Jessica isn't actually learning to do something she's simply performing for the video because you know .... This is not normal regular routine behaviour in the Brooks Asylum.

In my house we sit at the table, with bowls platters etc... We pick up and serve ourself and pass, we all eat together using utensils , we have taught our daughter to put her fork down after every few bites, take a drink , chew her food..... Not use her hands, have manners.... Is it perfect? No, does she forget to wipe her mouth? Sure... But she's not hunched over her plate like an inmate in maximum security protecting her plate and eating with her hands while obsessing over how many servings she's getting.

Why isn't Jessica taught each person gets ONE serving ? Why tolerate the greed? Play into it and lie about it? From the moment Jessica started obsessing and demanding two servings that should of been addressed! Stopped immediately .
But again ....that takes effort from a loving caring parent who wants to take the time to teach proper portions, nutrition and food edicate.....Val doesn't want to and never has stepped up, as a parent, a mother, a caregiver....a loving human....she's only interested in herself....always has been, always will be.

Thanks for the show Val! Btw....we heard you snap at Jessica in your bitch tone when Jessica asked you over and over how many servings of stuffing was left .....we SEE and HEAR you Val.
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