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And Hypochondriac Hannah apparently is not lactose intolerant in today's video. Loaded Mac and cheese!!!! And a corn dog ....yikes! Her poor tummy will hurt later then she can make a video about that!
They are such dumb asses...nope I didn't watch because I can't stand them!
I can't believe they are rating gas station food!!! Yes I went back to watch it and lordy these two are dumb as shit! Who cares what they had for lunch on the that they are back already. Who else thing that???
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winnie woo

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It's probably a good thing Jessica doesn't want of like candy floss....she doesn't need it, actually none of them do.
We see Jessica parked on her stool, irritated , preoccupied with her leftover Oreo dessert and her tooth on her lower right side .....THAT constant digging she does with her tongue is out of control.
She has been doing it since about a year before they left the old house....and we know Val won't take Jessica to another dentist , nor will she engage with a professional therapist to help with the situation !
So...Jessica is left without proper medical care and her rotting teeth , old crooked cap and zero plans in the works to obtain any help she desperately needs.
This again in neglect . Jessica is unable to brush her own teeth, make a dental appointment and is the princess of lying...Val being the Queen.

Persons with hydrocephalus and shunts...require extremely good oral hygiene and REGULAR dental visits including cleanings and before each visit antibiotics are required to help avoid infections that are extremely common and extremely dangerous.
Val being a nurse should know this..not to mention she's well versed in all of Jessica's ailments but really only focuses on her so called autism .....she's stopped saying she's blind now because we know Jessica has a vision impairment..but sees when she wants to.

Val has admitted herself Jessica Hayes the dentist even made a couple videos showing Jessica having a serious meltdown, panicked and verbally abusive talking with Val making up excuses about why she can't go to a new dentist.
Sadly... Val posts the video in hopes to get sympathy from her idiot followers who have no clue there's help , there's therapists , there's ABA, there's dental specialists ...and in home help available to help ...but it takes work and commitment and it's clearly too much work for Val to be a caring loving mother and help her daughter.

APS... Needs to do better in looking into the abusive neglect of Jessica.
Two photos of Jessica digging with her tongue...she must of did it half a dozen times...but keep feeding her the surgery desserts!

Here's just one source of information on the subject.
I have noticed this too wallfly, at the beginning of a lot of the video she’s always rolling her tongue into her teeth, I thought she was doing it because they had bribed her with snacks to entice her into doing a video, but I think you’re onto something, she prob is having dental issues.
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I just can't watch Dumb and Dumber sit at the picnic table trying to cook a crockpot meal in their cheap $19.99 electric frying pan's simply painful and I feel my IQ lower every second I subject myself to these two idiots and there stupidity.
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Can these followers send her anymore baby crap! These cupcakes are made for little kids! And HH and her great job makes me want to scream. Jess talks about they are hers, she saved them for an emergency??? Apparently no ready made desserts left in the house must be the emergency. They let her think she is so important for this all the while laughing at her.
And who uses a tablespoon to measure out cake better??? HH that's who! I am smart enough to eyeball amounts like that. Plus it was supposed to make 12 but surprise it just made 9!!!
And then letting Jess squirt the frosting all over and Val helped her. They are idiots... Then who could have predicted when they told her to put the sprinkles on that she wouldn't have dumped them all in one area???? 🤔
They looked disgusting and that blue frosting is going to stain!
And check out her's getting worse by the day.🤢🤢


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Whispers..... " they are at Disney btw! " notice all these videos are weeks old? The galaxy cupcakes were made a while ago...but they want us to believe Jessica got them yesterday !😂😂😂😂's a secret.
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Do you think Marlow or Hannah ever look in a mirror? Those are the most unflattering shirts, try dressing decent for a change. All they need is a straw hat, boots and a long piece of grass. Hee, haw!
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Gramma of 4

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How are they getting tens of thousands of plays off their crappy, carnival sideshow, exploitive videos?!?! Can someone explain it? Don’t they get paid per view?? Geez, these nasty grifting crooks are just unstoppable. 🤮
@FairlyCertain, a video only has to be watched for THREE seconds for it to count as a view. If they go out of the video and watch again for another three seconds, it counts as another view, etc etc. Disgusting isn't it...
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Tonight's video with Jess, Dumb and Dumber trying the cotton candy from a follower. Jess made up her mind she was going to hate it. HH says it might be the texture but Jess says yes it's the tester...she doesn't even know what the hell that means. She just wanted the leftover oreo dessert and asked for it. She no way wanted to be making that video. She just wanted HER dessert!
Oh and Hypochondriac Hannah and her sidekick had to toast each other with the cotton candy. They are so frickin gay! Not a bad thing but they just need to admit it! Marlow first with porn boy and now with HH. She sure as hell is trying anything to be a Brooks! Sad...


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She is not the least bit attractive…
🤮 She is one of the ugliest women I have ever seen. I know I’m not a beauty, but she is awful and does nothing to try to fix her self up. I’m curious, what happens in five years? If she is this bad looking now, what will she look like then. Has anyone ever seen 50 yr old porn stars? Pretty bad. Usually lots of plastic surgery, lots of drugs, not a good ending of a career. Money isn’t everything. No self respect, no life long friends, a sad lonely life. So sad. And this is who Val thinks will take care of Jessica if Hannah is unable? Wake up, Val. Your joyful life has already taken a turn for the worse.
I was a mom at 19, I raised 2 kids, held a job, attended all the school functions and never whined about my life. It can be done, you just expected everyone to bail you out. Your parents won’t be around much longer. And I don’t see your brother and sister coming to your rescue like your parents. You make me sick. Your children are grown ass adults. They aren’t toddlers, quit expecting special treatment everywhere you go.
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This week in the life video not recent.

First of all...watching Hannah's bangs, which are an eye sore change length consistently do the healing scars/scabs on Jessica...
Tonight's video Jessica's scabs and scars are red and fresh...yet last week they were healing up not nearly as red...etc....

Also when did Jessica get her dog pool? 2-3 weeks ago? And we've seen the last 3 weeks of videos where Jess is supposedly opening gifts from the when was this one done? Seems most of this video was done weeks back when Val was hiding and Hannah was doing the videos for both channels while Campbell answered posts and monitored chats.


Also notice all the " secrets "
Val asking Hannah about plans or going out? Hannah just says yes.....and stares at Val with her FAKE smile...never says where it with who....saving that info for their good ones.

As I mentioned only Vals paid customers are in the " now". These other videos are simply to keep up appearances and hide the real stuff.

Careful Val...tongues are wagging are the truth always comes out.

And Val....why is your grown up 36year old adult daughter picking up a whole pancake and craming it in her mouth like an animal?
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Is the tattle page full? Are we able to do invites? When I joined an invite was not required. I did a little googling and found out one thing I want to share. If we invite someone who turns out to not be “genuine “ (google’s word) we would get the boot and loose our place. So, for me, it would take a lot of research before I would issue an invite. Just a heads up for my friends here. This post stems from a comment on the scam page. The lady commenting is more than likely sincere but we need to remain observant.
This is what I got when trying to register a new account


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Chatty Member
I just pretty much scanned the video of the week. On Fathers Day when it started I swear Val was drinking. She sounded off and a bit slurry. Oh and someone named Casey took Jess to McKays for an outing. Anyone know who that is?
Then apparently they went to a funeral Monday afternoon and Jess was in her glory about a dead person. They did a military funeral for the guy whose name was Gerald and apparently Jess acted up at the 21 Gun Salute. That had to be pleasant for the guys family because you know she screamed like she does when a dog touches her! Just leave her home and let Marlow babysit.
Showed HH and Jess at O'Tooles which HH pronounced "oh toolies". Dumb ass! She shows her ignorance every time she turns around.
Marlow and Val are really working out. It's all the booze ladies!
Lunch with Nonnie, Jess out with her Grandparents and I lost interest....sorry. Look how they dressed Jess to go out. That is just disgusting....
Oh and no way was HH camping last week at all. She kept trying to get her face in every part of this video. Go away HH one cares no matter how disabled you try to fake.
Oh one great part and that said it all. She was slapping Val and Val was patting her back and she just threw Vals hand off her cheek! Not fun huh dumb Dora???
I believe Casey is the caregiver before Marlow.
The amount of food Jessica eats is off the charts. They made 2 deserts we saw during the week plus the huge piece of cake when they were eating out. I honestly don’t see how she hasn’t gained more weight than she has.
And yes Susan, I enjoyed Jess fighting Val off with the face slaps. They should have done that long ago.
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I just couldn't watch much of this but watch the beginning if you can. I don't know if Hypochondriac Hannah is still drunk from the day before or had a couple of belts before she filmed this. She was slurring and having a hard time focusing. She said she was tired but this was not tired! I skipped to the ending and she apparently was in some restaurant a


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I didn't know Alison was remarried! She seems like a ball buster too! And you are so right on all their butch buddies! Notice how they all mysteriously disappear when they know to much. I think Val let's see talk to them on the phone but no more visits!
She still goes by Alison Vaughan Poston on FB
I find it interesting that V’s FB (or one of her FB profiles, there may be others) doesn’t have but one pic of J in her photos and her profile photo is of Val, Hannah, Madison….no Jess
Of course she could have blocked non friends from seeing all photos but I just found that odd


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Not surprising Val said she’s not educated on the gun salute thing. How does one live to 54 and not know the significance of the 21 gun salute. How did she ever succeed in nursing school with such limited knowledge of the world around her. How did she not know Jess would meltdown, being the autism expert on Jess she claims to be. Jess was probably screaming obscenities and threats during a funeral. .If they can’t keep her safe from triggers, leave her home. It’s not a good t place to be an annoying spectacle. There have been a few older videos featuring former caregiver Casey who wisely escaped the Brooks asylum and moved far far far away!
Jessica can’t go to a store without acting inappropriately to the cashiers by drilling them with questions. She screams when Daryl brushes up against her. She is rude and disrespectful to others in a restaurant. Why would Val think it was a good idea to bring her to a funeral? This is where a drop in respite care facility would be useful. Too bad Val thinks that her adult/child needs to be front and center at every setting. I feel sorry for the true mourners at the funeral for having to put up with Jessica in their time of sadness and loss.
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Not much going on in the AI Scammer page or on here. Is this the beginning of the end?
Well...have you noticed there's been zero Videos of Disney on the the two" public channels" not talk of it, no mentioning of giftcards ?

but they have been to Disney twice this year ... There's lots of stuff going on they just aren't posting it on the public channels ...only the really good ones who pay their monthly fee get the real scoop. After all Val has to make the paying customers see they are getting the GOOD stuff! And the public just gets stir, stir, stir...and week old videos and made up gifts they pretend to open ....( Only the good ones who pay get the full show now)
With help from pornboy on selling your ASS on the internet ....Val is doing it this way now.
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I hope this post makes sense....I'm not trying to body shame anyone because I believe we are all different.

That being said ....this post is more about the health, fitness of Tweedle Dee, and Tweedle Dum...
The beach video , I really noticed Hannah's body...she is 30, never had children yet has the body of a 45 yr. Old woman whose defiantly had children.

She has no muscle tone, she's very saggy and her boobs hang just like Jessicas. My daughters one 27 just turned, the other 30 neither of them look like that.

We see how she eats, Hannah would eat steak at every meal she always orders it when they go out, especially when someone else is paying the bill, we know Jessica only allows chicken to be served at home ....otherwise she gets into her moods and makes everyone miserable .

It's safe to say Hannah with all her imaginary illnesses hides behind those so there's never any exercise , no daily work outs, dog walking etc...that and her diet....must be why she has the 45 yr. Old mom bod.
We see the premature aging of Jessica especially since covid...Jessica has aged 10-15 years in the last 3.
Even Val whose 2 years younger than me... Looks older than me by 5-8 years.

Being parents we know it's our responsibility to teach,guide, nurture our kids...setting good examples when possible ....but we are human also!

But honestly Val has done nothing, added nothing of value to her children's lives. Watching her first videos, even her blog....she brags about how successful all her children graduates, a doctor in residency , a teacher, and praising Jessica who is kind, loving. Sweet with not a mean bone in her body. All independent and hard working kids!!

Then a year later..... Drops outs, leaving the medical profession , quitting teaching, losing their income and apt. Moving back home, doing porn online, selling sex online, using and abusing the system taxing the health care system with FAKE illnesses in order to hopefully get a disability payout, fraudulently taking advantage of the Government for financial gain ....and all family members selling their lies, stories and " details" online from the comfort of their homes...or in Vals case...Campbell's home.
And we come to find out sweet Jessica is actually mean, and extremely violent and has hit, attacked teachers, nurses, bus drivers, other children , family members and the family pets...and thus been kicked out of classes, school,her volunteer job, off of the bus and no longer is allowed to spend over nights with Nonnie and grandad.

Watching Hannah and her grungy side kick camping and sitting at the beach ...complaining the entire time like two old miserable absolutely mind boggling ....these two have no goals, no 5 yr. Plan, no enthusiasm for life, they act like 65 year old retirees whose husband left them for younger active women..abdicate just miserably bitter.

Not one Brooks woman including Marlow do one thing, put in any effort into their health, lives, or well being....they are all prematurely aging, unfit both mentally and physically , lazy, lackadaisical in all aspects of their depressing empty lives, with 1 friend between them, no love life, no nothing.... Sharing their depression , anxiety , isolated existence ....with zero aspirations as they enter their last few years of reproductive ages..with no prospects in site.
Well I guess Hannah already has Jessica to take care of the rest of her life according to Val who intends on dumping Jessica on her when she's too old... She actually does it now pushing Jessica on Hannah 50% of the time which is the agreement Hannah accepted in order to live back at home, rent free and not have to work.

It's safe to really don't have much to proud of. You're children are a mess. Madison quitting his respected medical profession to share his wife online with hundreds of others while he submits, spread eagle and has his wife and friends dominate him and munch his backside for the world to see. DISGUSTING.
As for Hannah... She's you....the forever victim, depressed and living to be sick.

Then jessica .... The only REAL victim.... Isolated from the world destined to stroke out by age forty due to malnutrition ,no exercise and forever hunched over her bed 5-7 hours a day flipping cards and sniffing her fingers with her unbrushed hair and screaming at the dogs.

Congratulations win MOTY.
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Chatty Member
Hey pokermom here are pictures....and you are right very little Jessica. These women think that they are all that and a piece of cake. They believe they are so cool, some kind of movie stars and that everyone hangs on their every work. Looks like at Goodwill HH got a dress! Why...she just a tee shirt girl/guy. We will never see her wear it. And then you have Val posing in the dressing room like " look at me". Sorry Val you are just a frumpy middle aged woman...
n there is lunch with Nonnie but we never see her either. Just hear her voice.
A quick appears Nonnie and Grandad live very comfortably on a golf course! Wonder how much money they dish out to Val??? Me thinks she has something on her parents because they treat her more special than her brother and sister.
This whole day in the life was supposed to be one day but it was continued on Val claims it's Fathers Day weekend. So who knows...they lie and the videos are never the day they claim. And if HH is camping according to their videos apparently she can be in 2 places at one time!!
And oh Val promised a video of the week next week!!! Whoopy!!! More crap about her and nothing about Jess or autism! Idiots.....
I forgot to mention the video did show Marlow with the bleach. So now she babysits and cleans for the pigs?
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I just can't watch Dumb and Dumber sit at the picnic table trying to cook a crockpot meal in their cheap $19.99 electric frying pan's simply painful and I feel my IQ lower every second I subject myself to these two idiots and there stupidity.
I am not watching them either but since they dedicated a whole video to making a list apparently they didn't follow it. Is this the 27th video on the camping trip? Or more? I do believe they think they are some kind of movie stars and that everyone wants hang on their every word! They need professional help badly!
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This is the first post of this thread, AUTISTIC INTERPRETATIONS #22 Smoke and Mirrors, Secrets, Schemes and Scams. Please follow. Hannah and Marlow are taking another road trip, many packing videos in preparation. Val and Jessica are cooking up more lies.
Thank you grammacloud.😊
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