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I think it was posted just to show their home after Val put it in her day in the life video. Says off market but not sold. I do remember one video quite awhile back when Jess was talking about moving to Florida and Val said she would miss her parents much if they moved now.
Aw I've read it wrong ,sorry Susan.
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Tonight's video HH and Jess out to dinner again. No Val again. And amazing that Jess could sit on her own side of the booth again.
If Jess leaned in any farther she could have napped on the table. And again chicken strips because she wasn't sure on the strimp...was going to get rice but found out they had tater tots. Then she thought she was going to get both! Greed and Gluttony at its finest tonight.
Found out they had chocolate cake, chocolate pie and brownies. Decided on the cake (what a surprise) but was disappointed it didn't come with ice-cream!!! She asked HH why 2 times...
Can you just imagine the calories from these dinners out!
Oh and according to Val Jess does not eat bread but what are rolls??? She scarfs those down in 4 bites! But can't eat a sandwich even though she eats burgers, hot dogs and breakfast sandwiches at McDonald's. Plus biscuits....just amazing!
Thanks for photos Susan.
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Have marlow and HH decided to cut each others hair? I didn’t think the bangs could be worse, but they are!
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I didn't know Alison was remarried! She seems like a ball buster too! And you are so right on all their butch buddies! Notice how they all mysteriously disappear when they know to much. I think Val let's see talk to them on the phone but no more visits!
I guess I went by an old post from here saying was vs is . For some reason I thought somewhere in time she remarried and had her last son the one Jessica is always mean to .I believe she has other children she adopted and then had Gram I think he goes by . If you look at her profile there’s no real pictures of the Brooks clan but maybe 1 I found.


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Broke down and watched Dumb and Dumbers video. Why does Marlow always have to cook? Is she a servant on camping trips too?
French toast out of bread crusts left over from finger sandwich the other day!!! Why would they eat those...good lord.
The sausage was pretty burnt but I guess that's their favorite way to eat food! Burnt so you can eat dry sausage!
I got bored folks and that's the only reason I watched it....over 90 here today and will be for the rest of the week!


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Over on the joyful scam page someone put up photos of nonnies house for sale. Surely they aren't all moving to Florida.
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winnie woo

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These two misfits are not very bright. “ Comment below what you’d like to see us do on our camping trip.”? They’re already home when they ask.
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I just pretty much scanned the video of the week. On Fathers Day when it started I swear Val was drinking. She sounded off and a bit slurry. Oh and someone named Casey took Jess to McKays for an outing. Anyone know who that is?
Then apparently they went to a funeral Monday afternoon and Jess was in her glory about a dead person. They did a military funeral for the guy whose name was Gerald and apparently Jess acted up at the 21 Gun Salute. That had to be pleasant for the guys family because you know she screamed like she does when a dog touches her! Just leave her home and let Marlow babysit.
Showed HH and Jess at O'Tooles which HH pronounced "oh toolies". Dumb ass! She shows her ignorance every time she turns around.
Marlow and Val are really working out. It's all the booze ladies!
Lunch with Nonnie, Jess out with her Grandparents and I lost interest....sorry. Look how they dressed Jess to go out. That is just disgusting....
Oh and no way was HH camping last week at all. She kept trying to get her face in every part of this video. Go away HH one cares no matter how disabled you try to fake.
Oh one great part and that said it all. She was slapping Val and Val was patting her back and she just threw Vals hand off her cheek! Not fun huh dumb Dora???


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