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Chatty Member
Would one of you ladies kindly tell me if I’m right or wrong? Some time back we would see them taking Jessica grocery shopping all the time, riding in a Caroline’s cart and touching her nose to everything all over the store. Someone here contacted both Ingells and Food City and the grocery shopping stopped. Right or wrong? I thought about this when I saw the new video just posted making brownies and Val said they picked it up when “we” were shopping today. Does the big baby get dessert every night? And mostly chocolate?
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I'm sorry but I can not watch Jessica's make me nauseated...and it's sad that Val intentionally asks her how her food is immediately after shovelling in an enormous mouthful...obviously Val enjoys humiliating Jessica and exploiting her deficates in public.

Jess was extra bossy today seems she's getting ruder in every video, not to mention argumentative which again is simply her miserable manipulative thanks to Val.

As for's obvious her camping trip was weeks ago, that's why she and Marlow did all those videos they stretched out on AI, for Val ..then they did those 500 " pre camping" prepared videos..... It's all lies to cover up what's really going on. Make 5-6 videos in a day or two then stretch them out over the week while you're away to Disney or Camping. ...or Italy.....they do it for Christmas too.

Val was in Disney with Alison her sister when Hannah and Marlow were posting the cooking and gift opening on AI..while Val was MIA.
The camping trip was over the day they posted the first getting ready to camp video...they are all chronically habitual liars....scammers with wish lists to take advantage of the elderly, the desperate and the mentally ill...

All smoke n mirrors.

Keep burying yourself ladies're making it easier for people and sites to reveal your lies, scams and deceit .

Thank you !!
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Lots of secrets in the Brooks Asylum...

Val is doing exactly what Madison and Sara have told her to do. Val is putting up ONLY the simplest videos,giving out the basic of info on the public forums, ( FB, IG, and youtube) it's all focused around gifts from viewers and cooking for viewers...just teasers if you will...exactly like Madison and Sara do in their platforms ....the real stuff, the Disney trips, the visitors who came to visit, the story of where Vals camper is, the new car, upcoming vacations, lives, more interaction with face times, text and calls..all are on a paid platform that viewers pay monthly...different tiers get different things.
This is how Madison and Sara do's how onlyfans does it, Patreon....and many REAL influencers and of course the family porn company .

When you send a gift or a card to instantly become a good one...and will get a personal reach out from Val...saying thank you and mentioning they have a members group, of course Val will mention how she has to do it this way now to protect Jessica from " us" when in fact we know it's to enable her to hide and focus soley on those she KNOWS are sending gifts, money, gift cards and wanting to pay Val a monthly fee to be a " GOOD ONE" ....or as we call them... Victim .

So of these new changes are instructed by Madison and Sara...aka...Leo and Lora Cross.

I see you Val.
Can you image sitting and talking with your child about how they make money on onlyfans. So, hey mom, we have sex with many multiple persons and keep the really dirty sick stuff in a separate account. The dirtier the more money. Follow our business plan and you will rake in millions. I think not, there is no way I would ever talk to my kids about prostituting themselves for money. Where is their sense of self respect and self worth. So disgusting.
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The video from 4 days ago or so where HH, Nonnie and Val were out just popped up on my feed and I saw this comment! "Hypochondriac Hannah is so independent????" WTF...she is 31, not disabled just lazy and should be working a real job not this created crap as she claims! What is wrong with these people who comment? This is the shit HH lives for...that people see her as disabled! She is just a nut case like her mother who scams people!


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How does a woman's finger nails get so filthy? It's not like she's gardening or works in a greenhouse ....even then she still would have to wash her hands ....doesn't she was her hands after going to the bathroom? Doesn't she was her hands and face of shower when she gets up?

I'm sorry but dirty finger nails are serious....touching food, then going into her mouth, wiping her privates after going to the bathroom , petting dogs all day.....her " fear of water" is supposedly the reason ...if that was the case why in GOD'S name is she not getting professional help?? Get the help you need!

Hannah wonders why she's supposedly sick all the time? Why she has " tummy toubles" ?? Perhaps it's her filth, unsanitary state she stays in, the bacteria and fungal growing under her nails ? I'm surprised she hasn't gotten worms from the dogs and her lack of hygiene .
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Tonight's video is from last week and has already been aired on their weekly video!!! The gift opening was done on that video and if they want you to believe it was not filmed then they shouldn't have shown Marlow and Jess making the cake!!!! So this is the same shit they have already posted! And people are asking how they can send Jess gifts! Now the followers are trying to kill her too with all the garbage sweets they are sending! One even sent chocolate butter cream frosting but no cake...does she think Jess will eat it out of the container??
This family is getting lazier and lazier as time goes on!!! That and their buying the likes and comments is a travesty! They need to be stopped and soon....


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winnie woo

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Not surprising Val said she’s not educated on the gun salute thing. How does one live to 54 and not know the significance of the 21 gun salute. How did she ever succeed in nursing school with such limited knowledge of the world around her. How did she not know Jess would meltdown, being the autism expert on Jess she claims to be. Jess was probably screaming obscenities and threats during a funeral. .If they can’t keep her safe from triggers, leave her home. It’s not a good t place to be an annoying spectacle. There have been a few older videos featuring former caregiver Casey who wisely escaped the Brooks asylum and moved far far far away!
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Eating out with Jessica ..same ole, same ole.

There's something I found interesting ....maybe not visable to everyone because it's really a simple normal thing.

I noticed when Hannah was reading the menu and she was reading off desserts... She mentioned brownie bites....then named a few other items, talked to Jessica and at the very end mentioned two more chocolate desserts... Which one was cake and got the seal clap of approval then Hannah mentioned pies....and read that list off...

Then Jessica was elated about the chocolate desserts! She said the chocolate brownies AND chocolate cake...then remembered quickly there was THREE....she remembered that and was able to add that to the two other desserts....again it's watching how her mind works , doing math in her head, remembering items read to her 4-5 minutes prior. ( but she can't remember how to stir? Use the toilet? Wash her hands with soap? Dry her hands with a towel not her boobs? Wipe herself?) She's not interested in those things do she refuses to do them.

This shows that Jessica does think things also shows how extremely involved she can be when it's about something she's interested in...she was present and 100% involved...not the whiney distant ..... I cant, I'm not allowed that, moaning..talking slowly...looking away dismissing everyone, because she was not getting her way.

This again shows me, as a mother of an autistic 26 yr. Old,that many , many of Jessica's behaviours are deliberate , especially when she's not getting her way.... We see her intentionally lying, making up excuses to let everyone know she's not having it. That's deliberate. Just like watching her tonight very articulate, involved, seal clapping, showing she's excited when ALL of HER favourites are being offered....Food, cards,cds, dead dogs and or people, and more food...those are all Jessica's interested in.

Val loves to blame autism, textile difficulties, food sensory, blindness, the direction of the sun etc..
When in reality the only people that buy those excuses are the uneducated kool aid drinkers sending baby pool toys and cotton candy in hopes they are acknowledged online like celebrities ...these people have no clue on autism period.

Jessica is far more capable of doing many things including eating better, picking up after herself, washing herself , using manners and not eating like a feral racoon in a dumpster...she chooses not to.

She behaves like a violent , miserable, manipulative ornary brat.... Because Val refused to teach her and work with her.... Jessica KNOWS exactly what to say, do and behave to drive Val nuts and get her way.
Val simply tolerates it in hopes it will not rock the boat, Jessica will shut up and Val doesn't have to put any work in. If Jessica is happy then everrrrrrryone is happy.

What kind of mother gives up on taking their child to therapists help? Dentists for oral hygiene ? Doctors appointments for paps, female health ?? What kind of mother doesn't teach her child proper toileting ? How to use A fork in PUBLIC!? A mother who just doesn't care.

That would require Val to have to sit there with Jessica, listening to her be whiney, verbally abusive and throw a tantrum ....that's far too much work for Val....who simply wants peace and quiet while she cuddles on her bed in Campbell's house with Zoe watching movies on Netflix.
Val is abusively neglectful .....she knows the poor diet,lack of exercise , the lack of dental hygiene etc... will be extremely bad for Jessica .....and she still does not care. I'm sure her life insurance policy on jessica is quite substantial.
I think that Val knows exactly what she is doing. If she keeps neglecting Jess's health we all know what will happen. Poof no more Jess and then Val can milk being the grieving mother. She has a plan and WallFly I am sure the insurance policy is hefty!
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I just pretty much scanned the video of the week. On Fathers Day when it started I swear Val was drinking. She sounded off and a bit slurry. Oh and someone named Casey took Jess to McKays for an outing. Anyone know who that is?
Then apparently they went to a funeral Monday afternoon and Jess was in her glory about a dead person. They did a military funeral for the guy whose name was Gerald and apparently Jess acted up at the 21 Gun Salute. That had to be pleasant for the guys family because you know she screamed like she does when a dog touches her! Just leave her home and let Marlow babysit.
Showed HH and Jess at O'Tooles which HH pronounced "oh toolies". Dumb ass! She shows her ignorance every time she turns around.
Marlow and Val are really working out. It's all the booze ladies!
Lunch with Nonnie, Jess out with her Grandparents and I lost interest....sorry. Look how they dressed Jess to go out. That is just disgusting....
Oh and no way was HH camping last week at all. She kept trying to get her face in every part of this video. Go away HH one cares no matter how disabled you try to fake.
Oh one great part and that said it all. She was slapping Val and Val was patting her back and she just threw Vals hand off her cheek! Not fun huh dumb Dora???
FYI the funeral they went to was Granny's twin brother. So Campbell's uncle. Why do they not teach their children to be respectful and call them Aunt and Uncle? I know everyone is different but an almost 90 year old man should be respected! I always called mine Aunt and Uncle including the greats. Plus we always called people Mr and Mrs and I still have a couple who are elderly that I still do! One gal who is 101 and still independent just beams when I call her Mrs .....! I am 70 but glad I grew up when I did. We had respect for folks!
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Another sad, pointless to add to the THOUSANDS of others of Jessica holding the arm of someone pouring boxed ingredients bought from the dollar store into a bowl ...nothing new to see here.....just a 6 minute video of family members snickering at Jessica who at almost 37 still can't pour slowly, stir unprompted and is obsessing over food.
Notice Jessica mentions dinner...when she's still stirring her dessert. Food is all she focuses on, ever.
This video all the others absolutely breaks my heart....sickens me beyond belief. All I see is a 37 year old whose been so abusively neglected and exploited for profit ..used as a gimmick to make money for a woman who doesn't want to work,but stay at home (someone else's home) and make money by selling her IDD middle aged daughter online..pimping her out to monthly subscribers wanting to pay money for personal interactions with Jessica , by text,live videos, face calls...even visits.

Jessica unfortunately has fallen through the cracks being that great changes have happened within the autism world in the last 15-20 years..just as Jessica's education was wrapping up...New advancements new therapies new medications and very new approaches in understanding and teaching our children with autism.

It's clear Val has done the bare minimum of that as a mother, a teacher and caregiver ....and the proof is in the lives of all her children....all three broken, desperate, mentally unstable with copious amounts of emotional baggage and " illnesses" .

Jessica had far more potential when professionals were involved in her life...but the struggles really began with Jesse in her high school years....because Vals lack of discipline and afterschool follow through wasn't happening ..Jessica began being more bossy, verbally abusive , physically aggressive ....and being taught by Val there are no consequences for bad behaviours Jessica really started acting out..hitting teachers,students ,nurses ..and when Val was confronted about these unacceptable behaviours, asked to have jessica rediagnosed because she was and still does show significant signs of schizophrenia....Val declined blaming autism ....and slowly jessica was asked to not return to class, not return to her volunteer position , not to return to the bus....So instead of addressing Jessica's violent obsessive behaviours ...Val simply takes her " blind " daughters can be away....refuses therapy, and cries victim on a blog...and blamed every teacher, school and professional instead of taking any responsibility...or addressing and correcting Jessica's behaviours.

So fast forward to today ...look what Jessica has become. ...isolated , Gray haired , middle aged , recluse that is a puppet for Val to use and manipulate online for money.
Jessica has absolutely nothing going on in her life ....she's regressed to an unclean, violent, verbally abusive ,feral being....unable to toilet on her own, brush her hair or teeth. Put socks on, her food obsessions and extremely poor diet and nutrition are taking a physical toll on jessica who looks older than her mother.
There's no dietician helping or therapist helping regular dental checkups... Jessica is soley reliant on Val....for everything and the neglect is obvious .
Jessica has an extremely bleak future unless APS steps in and advocates for jessica ....but sadly since she's not a child one in the state of Georgia seems to care.

I've contacted APS on three occasions , a Canadian therapist with ties to another therapist in the States... I've down loaded a few of Vals videos to send to an advocate for autism in Georgia ...

But it seems my concerns are not enough....
But..hopefully ..some one will catch site of this abuse ....
I feel too that she has fallen through the cracks. I am continuing to report the neglect and exploiting - I feel one day the right person will do something.
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winnie woo

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I find it interesting watching jessica and her behaviour with other family members grandad in tonight's posted video...( Which we know is from almost 2 weeks ago they hoarded videos to post while away at Disney.) Anyways's interesting to see jessica opening her mail..we can see the caution she has,normally she's grabby, greedy, rude, whiney....handsy.....interrupting Val etc...but when she's with Hannah or Grandad....she's a little different ...because she knows Grandad all not take her shit. Period.
And Hannah will argue with her when Vals not around.

She use to behave " better" with Nathan also and he would get her to do more ,touch more until she got comfortable enough and mommy backing her making excuses for her and letting her get away with doing nothing .

It all goes back to zero discipline for Jessica ...because she has autism and a vision impairment and another 50 ailments that Val randomly brings up to excuse Jessica and her bad behaviours.
According to Val there's no one in the whole wide world like her Bessy!!

Jessica use to spend entire weekends with her grandparents, then it went to one night, then a full day it's from 9-1.... Breakfast ,store to buy cds, P.O...lunch then home. All within 4 hours....because that's all they can now handle her for.
She use to have sleep overs at Marlows, but no more.
She use to have a volunteer job till she became so obsessive and violent they asked her to not return.
Use to ride the bus, use her cane independently, attend adult classes..all until her temper. And inappropriate behaviours became too much for people to deal with.
Not because of autism , or stimming, or visual difficulties ...all because of bad inappropriate behaviours and tantrums .....attitude not autism.

There is incredible information on disciplining our autistic children ....step one is knowing the difference between temper tantrums and meltdowns .

Val has refused to discipline Jessica and that's why she's unwelcome to many things, that why she's been asked to leave places like school, bus dentist office etc.... And that's why she's so unlikable...even by some of her own family members.

Sadly ....Jessica's temperament , attitude and behaviours will only get worse we already see it and the decline and regression in her abilities .

Eventually there will be no one except Val to deal with Jessica ..... And she will be Nonnies age.....

Good luck with that Val.

Here's some great reading material on autism and discipline.
Val doesn’t see Jessica’s bad behaviour as needing dicipline. “ she only displays these behaviours when she provoked or pushed too far” sure thing Val, losing her phone at Allison’s, verbally threatening everyone around her, making a scene and abusing her cousin, Grahame, a young child, was being provoked, or maybe she was just misunderstood! Take off the blinders Val, she’s a feral, unlikeable baby in an adults body, who you’ve never taught to act appropriately in the real world. Go rock her in the rocking chair Val, until you’re too old to do so, then she will suffer the consequences of your shortcomings and failures in the real world who will have no tolerance for her actions.
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Grabbed this comment off the AI Scammer page and can any one tell me why both Dumb and Dumber are so nervous, scared or anxious about everything they do??? Do they think this is cute to act like nut cases? Heck even the dogs are a nervous wreck! And why is HH so scared to shower?? That is not even a reasonable thing to be scared of at age 31!!! Lordy!!! These 2 need to go to a very good Psychiatrist and get medicated. No way should either of them be the way they are and be out in public! Nut cases....


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Chatty Member
Is the tattle page full? Are we able to do invites? When I joined an invite was not required. I did a little googling and found out one thing I want to share. If we invite someone who turns out to not be “genuine “ (google’s word) we would get the boot and loose our place. So, for me, it would take a lot of research before I would issue an invite. Just a heads up for my friends here. This post stems from a comment on the scam page. The lady commenting is more than likely sincere but we need to remain observant.
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I saw this on the scammer page and let's see how long it takes for these 2 women to get wise! Report, report, report and nothing will be done because the Brooks scammers have open page and we all have freedom of speech! Nothing we say isn't true and there is nothing ever said about harming them.
One of these days APS and the government will finally see what we see! Abuse, ridicule and dry begging!


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Gramma of 4

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And another dessert for Jess. And all through the video it was watch out Dad I am making a dessert, watch out, is it coming out, no the oil isn't in the cake and just the noises she makes! Her mind is slowly disintegrating. She can't even remember what she says!
When she was stirring you can see the new sore on her thumb. And yet it's not covered and she is rubbing her hands over the cool cake! My god that is disgusting! Then she put the frosting on which looked like dog poop as she squeezed it. Oh and it's to hard to eat with a fork as she shoves in more! Looks like she can't get her huge bites like with a spoon. Greed and gluttony all rolled into one.
The 3 sores on her forehead are all picked open again! Just let her keep picking Val....soon her whole forehead will be one large sore. Get her to a doctor!!! It's not going to heal on its own and for a nurse you are pathetic!
Oh and Marlow those shirts are not sexy so cover it up!
And she ran her nasty dirty hands all over that cake before frosting it 🤢
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This is not going to be a popular post, but I feel the need to say it, directed at many of us here, including myself, and the FB AI scam page. I hope no one takes offense because I don’t mean it that way.

As I’ve said before, I really think attacks on the Brooks family’s boobs, greasy hair, eyebrows, buck teeth, beady eyes, weight, pigeon toes, Nathan’s yucky hair and beard, etc etc etc does nothing at all positive. In fact, I think it does just the opposite for recently disenchanted people who are beginning to see the light about the family, and stumble into Tattle or the Scam FB page. I hate to say it, but some of the recent FB posts have been embarrassing, childish even. Like a bunch of school kids throwing stupid comments at each other just because there’s nothing else to say. Plus, some things thrown out in print as fact, there is absolutely no proof of. All of this lends itself to having the page look incredible and just outright mean, which does just the opposite of the intended effect. It gives the Brooks family credibility and none of us want that!

I will admit that I feel exactly like everyone else. I cannot stand these people for all the same reasons. I also think they’re cheaters, scammers and world class grifters! I think they, and anyone else, who uses their disabled family members for profit should be prosecuted!

The thing that prompted me to say this are the comments that have been copied and pasted from the AI page showing that there are people who are trying to figure out how to get rid of the haters for the “wonderful Brooks family”. 🤮 These are good people who have been sucked in and when they see some of what’s being posted by the “haters”, they probably don’t believe it. I’m not sure I would either if I was a newbie. So they continue to support them, as they merrily collect Disney dollars and camper payments.

So there’s my two cents worth, right or wrong. 🤷‍♂️
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Gramma of 4

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Can you image sitting and talking with your child about how they make money on onlyfans. So, hey mom, we have sex with many multiple persons and keep the really dirty sick stuff in a separate account. The dirtier the more money. Follow our business plan and you will rake in millions. I think not, there is no way I would ever talk to my kids about prostituting themselves for money. Where is their sense of self respect and self worth. So disgusting.
It is disgusting. And can you imagine the stress they put Jessica thru? But Val is such a POS narcissist and lazy, that she doesn't care. It's all about the money and her not having to get an actual job, where you leave the house. A few videos a week of things they already do on a daily basis (cooking and the po), and that's it. Any videos and calls with Jessica are probably done in one day and then Val can sit up locked in her room with her favorite, the dog, and she doesn't have to deal with anything else. POS.
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Marlow probably hasn’t heard of fingernail brushes. Here’s a hint Marlow. Go to Walmart, in the nail care aisle, there are small brushes, made just for scrubbing your filthy nails. Add some soap and viola! Clean nails. Ick! I can’t even stand to have one dirty nail, much less both hands, all the nails. Can you imagine a csi taking fingernails scrapings from here. They would find salmonella, listeria and god knows what else. Excuse me while go throw up. 🤮 :mad:
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Jessica wouldn't even know or understand what a Wish List was if she hasn't been coached by the Head Con herself Val.

the items Jessica receives aren't always shown ...we've seen the slight of hand by Val and Hannah slipping out gift cards, cash egg from cards and the packages are always pre opened...etc...
We know all Val thinks about is Disney, and every scheme, every found penny goes to the Disney fund...they eat out with gift cards...hence the " What's the Deal" a way to subtly hint for restaurant gift cards....when the cards stopped coming in notice those videos stopped.
so it's safe to say gifts received for Jessica all year long get distributed as Christmas gifts for family members ..especially kitchen things, blankets, towels, grown up gifts as Jessica calls them ....also I'm sure Graham...whose about 7-8 has received a few items .
This saves Val from spending money and banking it for Disney. I'm sure she puts a few things away for Jessica for Christmas too.
We know exactly how Val works, schemes and cons others.

Notice most reputable , respected Autism channels stopped of don't have wish lists, and offer addresses for gifts.... Instead they suggest donating locally to where viewers reside.
NOT the Brooks! In fact remember Hannah promoting her wish list ...SCAMMER Val wasn't impressed with that ...

everyone is waking up Val.... And seeing you and your scamming, lying abusive family.
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