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I thought they were cookies at first. Cookies that Dawg would make that is.
I understand not everyone can cook.. But seems Nonnie is a home cook, Nathan....Campbell, I mean as a mom of 3 kids, one special would think Val at age 55 couldn't least not burn canned green beans and have a few dishes up her sleeve...

I mean she's home Take a cooking class, learn how to read a recipe and follow it?

Val is the same as Jessica she's lazy she hates doing anything for others... Vals very narrow minded...and both Jessica and Hannah are the same. They put more energy into arguing and coming up with excuses to not do something then it takes to do it.
When they actually do do it...its with such resentment it's always a flop.

Val has the mindset offs teenager who gets pissy when told to unload the dishwasher.
A trait she passed along to all her children ...that and laziness.
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We’ve all been viewers of AI at one time or another. Give Joanna and Vicki time. When they finally hit the “I’ve been taken in by a scammer” realization they will be heading over to the fb joyful scam page. But probably anonymously, since they have been so vocal about how great Val is.
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Gramma of 4

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There's always mention of Jessica's diet...and I agree it's not easy to get autistic children with REAL texture issues, food aversion or picky eaters to try new foods or understand the importance of healthy nutrition . It's work, and it's frustrating , and therefore be other communication issues etc... I've lived it, I get it.

In Jessica's case , she's fully verbal, she has no problem touching anything and everything on her plate or bowl, but will refuse to touch 99% of everything to prepare meals, if she is asked to help...God forbid. It's obvious at 36, she's only ever asked to help in the kitchen when she's been bribed/ told she's going to make a video for money, because of she had been helping all along since childhood she's know after 30 years where the nuggets are. She has zero routine memory for helping or doing anything she simply doesn't want to do.

As for food... I believe Val is a liar when it comes to claiming all these " food aversions, textile issues, etc... "
Jessica shovels food in ... And we have seen her eat things she wasn't find of even saying " it's not MY favourite" but still are her TWO servings.... Cleaning her plate then when asked again she claims she didn't love it...which means I don't want that again.
That's not a food aversion or tactile issues... That's a brat.

She loves chicken but WANTS it fried... I've seen Val lie over and over using words to trick Jessica into eating fried rice... Same with the chickpea pasta.
Val added pork to rice and told her it was chicken she ate it.... So Jessica has the ability to eat foods that arent her favourite ..she just doesnt want to ..... There's a difference between can't and won't .

Jessica loves cake there's no reason Val can't blend fruit and use applesauce etc... Into a sheet cake or muffins... Jessica would never know. Same with spaghetti sauce blend in vegetables ...
Jessica use to eat cold cereal at the old house , we deserves I'ce cream ....but Val claims Jessica has a hard time with cold foods... No... She simply wants sausage gravy and biscuits or potato tots because it's her FAVOURITE.

Jessica is bribed to make videos... Bribed to get her hair cut... She understands the dynamic of.. " if you cooperate you will get " this" as you're reward"
So... There's no reason she can't be spoken to... At 36 and told ... Sausage and gravy is only Sat, cereal is Tues. And Friday, Thursday she eats out etc...

Jessica LOVES a schedule .....Val could of incorporated a scheduled meal plan for Jessica decades ago... And by the time she was the age she is now..... She wouldn't be eating the crap she eats.

It took us... Years... My daughters nonverbal and 26.. But we started routines for food from the beginning and still do to this day.
Jessica is able to have conversations ... Val simply has never put in the work, she's lazy and always has been in every aspect of Jessicas life.

Val should of worked with professionals on this issue... Along with many others. Yes I agree it's not easy but Jessica simply wants her FAVOURITE foods only... And is always given want she wants for one reason ..... It makes Vals life easier.... Because the rule is no matter what keep Jessica happy at all costs!
Let her eat what she wants, let her open everyone's gifts because it makes her happy, let Jessica decide what everyone eats, where everyone goes to eat, everyone talk baby talk to Jessica and never correct her bad behaviours ever!

That's Vals rules.... Because it's simply too much work to teach, discipline, guide, help or have consequences in place to help Jessica.
Jessica is able to eat other foods ... There's no " medical " reason she can't .... Val just raised her giving in to whatever she shut her up. Period.
If anything is suggested that Jessica doesn't want to do or doesn't like, she immediately does that whiney baby "nooooo" and that's the end of it. Because heaven forbid should she throw a tantrum. Just like wallfly stated, Val's lazy and doesn't want to deal with it.
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Well Val came out of her room finally ....and in case you didn't know Jess loves making bideos !

19 minutes of... Jessica obsessing over what's for dinner tomorrow, Thursday and don't forget pizza Friday ....and in case you forgot...she LOVES making bideos.

Jessica misses Granny....and talks for 6 minutes guessed it food, food, and more food.
Jessica is " working on reservations for Disney " which means Vals latest bribe/ threat for Jessica is stop picking and well go to Disney....and don't forget to say how much you love to make bideos!

Of course what's a video without talking about dead Abby, getting Bessie a new doggie...( It's been almost3 years now... But is still apart of Jessica's dead dog obsession)

Lots of blurring/ blocking names of people ....those names Val intentionally edited out are the $80 a month suckers that Val pimps Jessica out for texts , private video chats, face etc... Seems when people no longer pay for their monthly membership..Jess wants to know why do and so isn't talking as much....and Val can't say they didn't pay their goodones membership! So she convinces Jessica she's just so so busy!!!!

All this makes sense ..Val convinces Jessica certain people are good ones...$80 monthly members and she can make appointments to talk with them ....I guess Augustine and Hannah Tinkle lapsed on their memberships which is why Jessica isn't allowed to talk to them anymore Val obviously blocks people who don't pay up!!!

Explains why Jess wears her bag with her phone around her neck 24/7..... And why she calls her phone calls appointments,...I mean she has no friends ...peers, so who is she talking to besides Keely 3,4,5 times a day?

Val.has to keep up some form of appearances in order to keep her monthly Disney contributors giving to the cause!
How much do you want to bet Pornboy...and his side kick mrs. assmunch are the ones who came up with the idea of selling Jessicas online...for texts, phone calls, face times.....Val use to sell her paintings till Jessica hated doing it.
Munchausen Pimp sells FaceTime and phone calls with her Autistic daughter for DISNEY dollars , camper payments and fast food!

If those people spoke up ....APS would have more facts on how Jessica is abused and used for money.
We see you Val....
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DSGP...I made it through 2:23 and couldn't listen to anymore of HH screeching drop it, good boy to Daryl who was trying to eat nuts! She talked about how she loves it outdoors and that's why she camps! What a joke...if she loves it so much go out in the winter to walk. My God it's never as cold there for any length of time like it is in the northern states!
Oh and HH leave Daryl in the house while you "plant". Bring him out later when you are done. But nope you have made him so neurotic he can't be away from you!!! I have never seen 2 dogs that are so messed up!!! Val messed up her kids and the dogs!!!! It's so sad...the dogs deserve better!


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When we see some of the older videos like the grocery shopping, and the " anxiety" one where we really get a longer look at Jessica's behaviours and hostage treats others ....the comments back then we're saying how rude, mean and bossy Jessica was.
So then Val really started editing out things, and scripting Jessica more.

Jessica has absolutely no trouble in communicating whatsoever ...especially back then.. Compared to now..where we see her look at Val and try to pick her words carefully and we now we see Val speak for Jessica 90% of the time and Jessica simply agrees, we can see Jessica look to Val for prompts and we hear her nervously ask over and over.. " is this a good video or a bad one" " is your Bessy happy? " etc... But looking at that other video of Jessica obsessing over Daryl and being so mean and rude to Hannah's clear how Jessica really is off cam, and when Val doesn't threaten or bribe her...also the videos are shorter and heavily edited more so after moving back in with Campbell.

Jessica is extremely mean spirited and bossy towards Hannah and Marlow ...and we can see why Jessica has gone through so many caregivers....she is simply mean by nature.
That's not autism .... Ordering others around , intentionally being mean, rude and argumentative.
That's simply Jessica's personality , and she was/is raised in a house by a lazy mother who refused to correct or teach Jessica kindness, sharing, manners, patience or any social cues at all.
You know while in school that behaviour was corrected by teachers and Jessica was not the boss nor allowed to be mean to others.

It is common for autistic people to be short of curt..sometimes talk in a monotone voice where it's hard to pickup on any emotion. Jessica doesn't do that, she's very emotional when she speaks we can tell itches happy, mad, obsessing , angry etc.... So when Val claims Jessica can't express herself she's once again lying.

If my autistic daughter spoke or treated my other children like Jessica speaks to Hannah ... Saying, " Hannah can't have any" " Hannah can't come in" " Hannah can't have my hashbrowns" " Hannah can't come with us"...etc...
I would correct that immediately. That rudeness is absolutely not acceptable ever. That's not autism ...that's Jessica's mean natured personality , her jealousy , her not wanting Vals attention on anyone but her.
That's why Val has to lie to Jessica telling her Zoe was for her...otherwise Jessica would be as mean to her as she is Daryl.
Yet...we have heard Jessica say " MY DOGS" including Daryl. Jessica is mean to the dogs, cat, family members, small children ...she only likes her favourites just like food. Once Jessica got all excited over Keely, telling everyone she's her girlfriend and they are going to buy a house together Jessica's obsession was so severe Val has to stop talking to keely and couldn't invite her over anymore.

Jessica is unlikable not because she's IDD, or " autistic" but because she's unkind, she's not nice to others, her selfishness is without consequence and she's verbally and physically abusive.

Val is mostly to blame for her lack of parenting but Jessica is also well aware of what words and behaviours hurt others,make them angry and cause Val to get mad. So she's accountable to a point also.

I work with so many autism families and I have seen hundreds of meltdowns, and bad behaviours .... But I've never seen such a meanness and bossyness in an autistic adult of Jessica's age who has the verbal capacity and communication skills she has .... At this age with her communication she should be far more independent and working with peers even in a voluntary position .... But she's mean... And rude and verbally abusive and violent ...thanks to Val.

Sorry for the long rant... Just watching how Jessica treats others appalled me.
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winnie woo

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I get the impression Nathan is getting tired of Jessica , Val and their bullshit. Jessica demanding what they eat and whining to mommy when the menu isn’t to her specifications.. I’m sure she’s looking forward to Zoeys death, always looking for a new dog when she can’t stand the ones they have. Sad news makes her day. Even Nathan remarked on how much she ate, she shoveled that rice and ocra onto her plate, saying not enough, not enough, jump cut. I bet they had to stop her, like the jump cut and suddenly the bananas that Jessica poked a few times are suddenly mashed, only to give Jessica credit for mashing them.Nathan pushes her a bit to do better, and we know thats provoking Jess according to Val and completely against the rules
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Well Hannah posted and you can see/ hear the strain and careful dialogue in the video.....Val of course has her smug bitch attitude on.

Caring for the caregiver because they so hard...😂😂😂😂

Doing what I have no clue...Val is depressed and has been her entire life depressed she ruined her life with her bad choices. Hannah is just mimicking mommy.

How many caregivers does Jessica require every day?? And to do what? I mean 80 year old Granddad has taken her all by himself numerous times, out to eat, shopping etc... All alone, but Val has to stay home move into Campbell's , where's he's also home24/7, recruit Hannah to move back home and hire Madison's ex...Marlow. It's not like anyone's teaching her or redirecting her there's no plan in place to teach Jessica anything besides how to stir and crack an egg... And that's taken t the four of them 5 years and counting ....maybe time to call in REAL professionals??

All Jessica does is eat shuffle around the house listening to conversations , bunch over her bed flipping sniffing cards and talking to the voices in her head.
How does that require FOUR adults round the clock!?!?

Hannah wouldn't know work if it was right in front of her.... And why buy all these clothes? She just dropped hundreds on clothes before Italy ...How many Flannels does she need for a Georgia Summer!?

Vals definitely taking a back seat with her passive aggressive attitude .....
We still see you Val.
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Borrowed this from FaceBooks page Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam...
( posted below)

This is directly out of the horses mouth....and it's the closest truth Val has ever spoken.
This is exactly why Jessica is rude, crude, disrespectful, mean, violent , unwilling to put in effort, try anything, refuses to stop picking, digging at her crotch, obsessing over food, dead dogs and her phone.....and is genuinely unlikable.

When Jessica was in school and under 21... Val was monitored more and Jessica was seen by teachers, councillors various professionals and they took on much of the educating of Jessica...when she was younger Nonnie has custody of Jessica...and remember Val said Jessica was using her cane walking to the bus,doing volunteer work in a home , she was learning Braille....

Then after 21....Val had power of attorney and Jessica aged out of school and sadly descended leave to adult program placement for her violent behaviour over obsessing about a client. Val then left Jessica at home alone while she went to nursing school ...under Vals care Jessica regressed and regressed ...had no more social outings, no therapy, no routine....and Val did nothing.

Now it's 15 years later..under Vals care....and Jessica doesn't do Braille, volunteer, use her cane, attend any autism social outings, she is so far removed from society by Val she flips cards in her room alone for hours daily talking in voices to herself repeating old conversations with dead granny, coach who she has seen since she was 10 yrs old...and waits for her FaceTime calls with strangers that Val charges people to talk to her Bessy.

Val says she gives into Jessica because it's easier.... The fact she has forced everyone to do the same ...Val even expects strangers at the check out to entertain Jessica's intrusive questions, her rudeness, and inappropriate behaviour ....Val does nothing but make excuses.

If Jessica was a child .....CPS, teachers, therapists would be all over Val and she knows it....but Val has freedom to do whatever she wants it seems and can all see 36 yr. Old Jessica getting more and more mean, argumentative, nasty, eating worse and worse , fighting, whining ... Not showering or brushing her hair, not getting her teeth cleaned, zero proper hygiene ...Val sneaking her cranberry juice because Jessica constantly is digging at her crotch...even though Val edits it out we still see the motion and Val teaching over to grab her hand to stop. The infected scabs all over her legs and face.... Jessica's weight gain ... I'm surprised she doesn't have scurvy or rickets from the lack of fruits, vegetables , sunshine,vitamins , omega 3's,iron......

Val has created this sick toxic environment that Jessica is trapped in. It's sickening .

She says....she can't tell where she ends and Jessica begins. Something else APS needs to investigate.


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said!!! She denies the cap Jess has and said Jessica’s teeth are great! Says she goes regularly....all lies!
I HEARD her myself in a video. She said that Jessica had fallen while still in school, and cracked her front tooth, and the temporary cap was put on. She also said something to the effect that BECAUSE of how resistant Jess is to the dentist (they’ve been “fired” from more than one dentist) that the cap has never been removed and replaced with a permanent crown. It’s obvious that one front tooth is longer than the other. If she has been to the dentist in the intervening years, they sure haven’t addressed that broken tooth. She can’t keep her stories straight. That’s the problem with lies!
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winnie woo

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So Marlowe and Hannah are totally wiped out exhausted beyond belief. They hooked up and unhooked the camper, loaded and unloaded it and drove 90 min tops taking turns, HH said hauling the camper is so tiring. All accomplished before dusk. The way they talk you’d think they strapped the camper to their to backs and boogied down the highway. Leaving Val looking on as they drove away waving was rather enjoyable! Bye, Bye Mommy..Love you bunches! HA HA !
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One day... Someone will tell Jessica to stfu...and mind her manners. Val has turned Jessica into a very unlikable problem..... And sadly when the day comes Val no longer calls the shots Jessica's life will change and she won't know what hit her.
So much to say, so little time, haha! You are so right. I hate myself for thinking this disabled person (J) is not cute at all, has learned to be a master manipulator, and is obnoxious as h***. I don’t feel that way about other IDD and Autistic people I know. Once again, this all goes back to whatever guilt feelings Val has, and the co-dependency issue that has caused Val to just spoil Jess rotten, demand that everyone else do the same. Also, I believe she harbors the delusion that every person they meet should be and automatically IS charmed with Jess and all her dead people/dead dog questions too. No, we’re not. Just no.
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That video has been up an hour and has 3.3k views?!?!?!
Yup..they have a group of " crispies" plus themselves...they put the 5 min. Video on repeat that's why the videos are short ..a 5 Min video on 1 device can get 12 views per hr. The Brooks house has about ..4 cell phones plus a few old ones lying around I'm sure, they don't even need to be activated just hooked into wifi, plus 3-4 lap tops, Jess's Ipad.

plus when you read comments some times people put " replay" or know they have some die hard fans who just replay their videos....Val probably offers them a free FaceTime or call from Jessica .

I mean it's obvious look at yesterday's videos thousands of views but a handful of comments and likes?

Just more proof of Vals scheming rolling off the system .....while lazing around doing nothing all day.Val runs her videos on replay ALLLLL night I'm sure on many devices.
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Another video shared on the scammer page. Thank you folks over there!
Shows Jess will eat cold cereal but they just bow down to her "hot meals" shit. No one needs that daily. Val bitches about being so tired and having to do all the work but she makes so much extra work! Have a couple cold cereal mornings because it won't kill princess.
Then when Jess was putting away the cereal she miraculously saw the smoremallows! Correct her because she sounds like a moron!
Then lunch was creamed beef on 2 huge biscuits! She went to put more gravy in hers and Val said do you want help stirring and Jess said no! But good old mommie dearest had to grab her hand and stir it. She said NO so let her do it herself! Buy then again mommie had to stick her nose into things!
Val you make yourself look like a fool when all you do is crab about how busy you are. Leave her to do things herself! Even Hypochondriac Hannah said stir in big circles, Jess said she didn't know how but that she would figure it out and surprise she did!
If 32 years ago when Jess said “I can’t or I don’t know how” if someone would have told her okay then no brownies/dessert AND put up the stuff and moved on, she would not be the manipulator she is today. Is that why Val is such a manipulator too??? Nonnie did the same and made excuses for her bad behavior?
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First of all as Winnie posted Facebook isn't liable...we all see the MILLIONS and MILLIONS of FAKE accounts, scammers from Nigeria, India , imposters pretending to be celebrities stealing names and identities , the spamming of fake links coercing people to click illegal links, stealing info etc....
Facebook does nothing.

Vals little page filled with her amateur videos , no adds, nothing professional just redundant look what we eat videos and her Disney videos ...which in fact Disney has it noted in their policies that filming in the park can only be for personal use..Val posts on her business pages.. Making money from those videos ...wonder if she mentioned that to her FAKE lawyer?

If Val really spoke to a lawyer do you think they would tell her to post a video threatening legal action?
Let's face it Vals " legal team" is Hannah laying on her bed with Dar Dar asking Google for advice.😂😂

I hope more and more of those followers come here and to Facebook and read the comments, see the proof, the texts the links to Madison and start doing the math ...
Start reading from real.parents and caregivers who see the abuse and neglect Jessica receives.
We post facts, prove Vals lies, share truths, feelings and concerns and hope...hope for a better future for Jessica.
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Apparently with all the time they weren’t posting content they were deleting any follower that was connected to the AI scam page. Maybe they will just put up boring content as we saw today and create a new subscription Crispies page to avoid people catching them in lies and scamming.
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Wonderful post Wallfly. Yes it's hard. Bloody hard I have my 2 ladies and many days,especially when they were younger,I wanted to walk out the door and never come back. My own kids needed me as well.i have 3. But we can't just give up. We just can't. Val never started at all. It absolutely shocks me the state of Jessica. Health,Manners, everything. (I loved the priest bit). 😁.
You're right we naturally just keep going...but Val has this teenager mentality
Where she wants to hide in her bedroom, play on her computer watch Netflix shop on Amazon for doggie toys and twinkle lights ....while she abused government funding on HER STAFF to babysit Jessica and quite frankly do the Motherly responsibilities that should be on Val....not her pornboy kids ex girlfriend, or siblings.

Never ever have I had my other children bathe of shower their autistic sister.....ever. Even when I had a hospital stay of 10 days...we hired a professional female nurses aid, who came to help with showering ..mind you my daughter was 11 at the time at 26 she requires assistance only with rinsing shampoo out....we're working on it.

Val has this entitlement about her, coming from an unemployed 55 yr. Old whose shacking up with her ex, doesn't even have a place to call home for her or for Jessica ....but takes 3,4,5 Disney vacations a year, camps and does at least one getaway a year.with her sister.

She puts in zero effort into Jessica's well being, her hygiene , her nutrition , her social life....Jessica has absolutely nothing going for life, no security no future except the lies Val fills her head with....telling her Keelys her girlfriend they are going to live together at Disney etc... Calling her nurse Jessica ....all of It ridiculous ...and for the sole purpose of simply shutting Jessica up. Tell her, give her whatever makes her happy and Vals life is easy.

So everyone do as Val says, and understand Jessica is the Boss's Boss.
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Wouldn’t you think that Val, a stay at home caregiver, and I say that loosely, would crave adult conversation? I would go nuts too, if the only conversation I had was about dead dogs and grammas. By taking Jess to adult programs, Val could then interact with other adults and actually see how others cope with their autistic loved one. She could get tips and hints. But of course, Val doesn’t need any one telling her how to do anything. So sad, she’s missing out on so much. If she would let go of the Disney obsession the world could open up for poor, miserable Val.
The sad reality is if Val reintroduced Jessica to programs run by educated professionals it would take them One day to see the neglect Jessica has received and the only person to blame would be Val...she's the one who removed all professionals, removed her from programs, therapies and isolated her for years.
also Val can't control the secrets that Jessica will spill...if licensed professionals saw Jessica today, legally they would have to report Val....and she knows it.
Jessica will never be brought back out into society by Val.
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So much to say, so little time, haha! You are so right. I hate myself for thinking this disabled person (J) is not cute at all, has learned to be a master manipulator, and is obnoxious as h***. I don’t feel that way about other IDD and Autistic people I know. Once again, this all goes back to whatever guilt feelings Val has, and the co-dependency issue that has caused Val to just spoil Jess rotten, demand that everyone else do the same. Also, I believe she harbors the delusion that every person they meet should be and automatically IS charmed with Jess and all her dead people/dead dog questions too. No, we’re not. Just no.
It is sad the many things that professionals presented and began teaching Jess that Val put an end to. . . . Val has caused much more disability by her exploitation and neglect. 🤮
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