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[QUOTE="Gramma of 4,
think she's trying to do damage control. Thanking all the peasants that are telling her what a "great" mom she is. Are we watching the same videos?

Yeah, probably so. I was like you when I first started watching. When I first started noticing things that I thought were off, I sort of swept them under the rug, but couldn’t do that for very long. The straw that broke this camel’s back was what I like to call the “deck telethon”. I just could not believe it. I wonder if Val has ever regretted that freaking deck beg. I have seen several others’ comments who felt like I did. These people are crooks! And using poor old clueless Jessica like a circus sideshow. Absolutely nauseating.
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Well per typical narcissistic Val ....

" EVERY DAY" around the Brooks Asylum is Autism Awareness Day!!!

Which means of course there's ZERO reason to help others, donate time, donate resources, participate in any autism community events, help raise money or use your platforms for REAL autism networking and education .....instead of using it to exploit and use Jessica under the "autism" pad your wallet for DISNEY.

There's only one bully and HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of people are seeing it...finally.
Speaking of Disney ...aren't those you're " Headed to Disney sausage balls!? "

Our family worked with our community for weeks stuffing envelopes, selling tickets and volunteering our time including our 26 yr. Old nonverbal autistic daughter! I myself am speaking this evening at a huge event with 6 AMAZING families sharing our walks our struggles and offering HELP to younger families just starting out with their journey ....
My family raised $3387. 39 to help 2 families with sensory items for their children and a communication device.
We volunteered working in a plant nursery for weeks to be able to sell flowers today to help raise funds while raising awareness to help sponsor more families with communication devices and sensory items.
My autistic daughter painted for the last 3 weeks making and packaging up puzzle piece decals for Autism Awareness Day as well.

Besides hiding in your room Val, while Marlow makes your video for your channel ( I'm sure the government job description for Marlows position is to help Jessica not make videos for you.) Besides hiding ..... What exactly did YOU do for Autism Awareness Day??

Bullies take advantage of others , bullies use, abuse and manipulate, bullies isolate and gaslight ....

There's only one bully...and it's you.
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Tonight's rant on the last couple eating videos...

The sad reality as we watch 36 year old Jessica, whine and bitch...obsess over her dessert, hunched over with her face an inch away from her plate one hand touching everything on the plate helping scoop enormous amounts of food onto her fork where she can barely open her mouth wide enough to shovel it in that she will never change's simply too late.

Val, over the years of isolating Jessica, removing any and all professionals , not enrolling her in therapy , classes, continuing with her braille, any adult outreach programs...has pretty much undone anything Jessica had previously learned while attending school of in therapy...including toileting , using her cane, interacting with her peers, following instructions and learning how to control her obsessing .....I doubt Jessica had as much anxiety while attending school and being AWAY from Val and the chaos and depression of her life.

Once Val was put into a corner as Jessica was aging out of school the adult programs expect more from their " students" because they've been taught for years on social skills , toileting, hygiene the basics.
The thing with that is it MUST remain routine and consistent ..we know Jessica loves routine what happened?
Val....that's what happened....Val stopped with the daily routines Jess had followed for years while in school... Because Val started her blogging...her outlet to cry about her having no life of her own.... This is when Jessica started getting confused because her routine was all over the place, and Val as we know can't complete anything...or follow through with anything.

When you have teachers, therapists school, classes etc... Involved daily it becomes your way of life and those professionals SEE everything ...Val was under a microscope when Jess was involved with professional people....
Once Jess aged out of school... Val felt that freedom of only part time volunteer placements and a class or two... It was freedom for Val....and less routine for Jess.

It's easier to hide your lack of work, lack of consistency , lack of follow through at home and hide the fact Jessica struggling with change when there's no teachers around, or therapists, or home assignments....we know Jessica has a big mouth and has no problem telling teachers, therapists , doctors that she's not continuing her braille at home, or following her routine, etc....

So.....Val removes Jessica from the autism community where she was already being advised to get Jessica checked for schizophrenia.....her manic behaviours , voices and violent outbreaks proved there was more than autism affecting Jessica .

So Val hides Jess away, there's zero professionals to see her severe decline, the huge setbacks including the basics, hygiene, toileting, her diet, her lack of exercise, the fact Jess has zero activities with peers outside the house, right down to her anger and whiney behaviours.
Jessica is always with family or well trained Marlow to intervene ....answer for Jessica or convince her it was a dream of she spills the beans on family secrets.

Abusers isolate their victims, speak for them, threaten them, gaslight them, control them...convince them they are wrong.

Unless APS steps in to work with Val and get her the mental help she needs or gets Jessica out and into an adult facility where she can have her own space working with peers and professionals actually growing learning real life and social skills.... Beyond the 30 year egg cracking plan she's on with Val. I don't see Jessica having much of a life as she further regresses and forgets anything she's learned.

Watching a supossed 36 year old woman hunched over her plate like a monkey shovelling food into her mouth, food falling out as she talks her cheeks bulging with half chewed an utter disgrace and simply puts this severely IDD human being, who legally is unable to conscent to being USED for profit.
Filming Jessica unwashed, bedhead, braless, in her pajamas, bandaids all over her face, open infected sores, provoking meltdowns, watching her struggle while her mother says she's nauseated by Jessica's eating , Marlow and Hannah laughing at Jess... All of this is criminal ...absolutely criminal.
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Congratulations to Our favourite FACEBOOK page Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam!!

Over 900 followers and counting!🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉

It's nice to see people seeing the truth and hopefully not being taking advantage of any longer by a narcissist to fund her Disney fetish.

I spent the day yesterday and this morning helping with the floral deliveries and clean up etc...for Autism Awareness Day....
I met some new wonderful families one in particular a widowed mother with 2 autistic boys 8 and 11.
This woman is a rockstar... When I see real families working together, helping oneanother, it reminds me there are good solid people out there still....
This woman still made time to come help out others giving back to the Autism community ...she has no staff, WORKS, volunteers and has no desire to go to Disney 4 times a year.
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I was watching a livestream posted on the scam page, Jess is tied up in traffic with Nonnie and granddad, Val and Hannah have the floor. Half way in they discuss Hannah’s mystery disease that almost killed her, I believe there was a disease, surely it can’t all be lies, it was ultimately determined to be AHUS a very rare incurable disease affecting about 2 people every million. I had seen it before but watching again it stuck out to me knowing Val better now, how critical she was of the Drs who ultimately saved Hannah’s life. Her treatment according to these two freaks was not good enough, had she been a nurse then she would have known which Drs were incompetent, and chose the best. This incompetence is why Hannah fears doctors, umm,didn’t these Drs figure it out and save her life..yes but not fast enough or professional enough. Their ungrateful attitude is appalling. . And what treatment is she receiving for this incurable disease that requires lifetime treatment. She said the cost of the drug to treat Hannah was astronomical, they didn’t care but insurance covered most of the cost, goes on to say the drug was experimental so no cost. It can’t be both. Hannah stopped her drugs because of unknown long term affects. On to the sleep study final results, Hannah is still too emotional to discuss. Their sense of entitlement is overwhelming. They are so important nothing in their life is good enough.
You give them more credit for honesty than I do. I don't believe any of it but that's just my opinion. Notice how it was a rare, incurable disease that most people would never have heard of. And with no meds after HH stopped taking them she doesn't seem to have any lasting effects. Val was trying to run the doctors even back them. She is such a liar I wouldn't put anything past her.
As for the sleep study and HH was so upset. The reason was they never found anything! Had they she would be on a CPap because we know it would be another sympathy getter!
They all lie so much it's hard to believe anything they say.
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winnie woo

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Is there anyone here, or on the scam FB page, a member of the AI private group that could give details on what’s up and what’s going on at AI? I don’t even know the name of it (would not pay them anyway) but I thought maybe some of the anonymous posters on the scam page might still be paying members just to get the latest info on AI.
I’ve heard talk of this secret group, have seen no evidence of one , how would they get members if it’s such a secret. 80$ to join seems unlikely. Most subscriptions to good content of influencers is less than 10$. Ten dollars would be too much for the crap they produce. No amount of money would make it better.
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I haven’t been watching the videos lately, just reading here. Val makes me so sick I can’t stomach her anymore. I have noticed many, many followers on the fb scam page. I am glad the admin started that page. It’s easier to find on fb than trying to get onto tattle. Since they are full with a waiting list.
Well you're not missing's actually been nice not seeing daily videos of Jessica throwing nuggets on a dirty oven pan and then arguing for 3 more...
Val is not doing her a week in the life anymore...she's doing a couple cooking dinner videos, or Hannah or Campbell , Vals pouting feeling sorry for herself because every day more and more people are finally seeing the lies, scams, cons, neglect and really seeing that the finances just don't add up.

so Vals hiding.
I'm very happy about the Face Book page Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam!!

They are amazing .
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"Only happy stuff"...I'm so happy"..happy happy!!

Can we guess what the topic of conversation has been at the Brooks Asylum? Vals mood, her hiding away, her refusing to to videos, her HUGE miserable attitude towards Jess when she does show her's obviously taken its toll on everyone.
But that's how a narcissistic abuser behaves..and we know that's exactly what Val is.

Val has emotionally held that entire family hostage, manipulated everyone including the autism community , government funding and programs as well as these mentally challenged viewers ...
She is a con...we can see that by the FAKE numbers, the bought subscribers, the " good ones" who she sends her private emails and newsletters to that she asks to #replay her videos....and they do ...running videos over night as well on various devices...
All lies... And hopefully she will be demonitized.

Again notice the difference in Jessica when Mommy Dearest isn't around? Val over medicates Jessica all the time to slow her down...
Hannah doesnt.

We see you Val.
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Here Val represents her family as sharing a joyful life . Well I found this on her blog where Madison, Sara and Hannah came home to visit but Jessica was shipped off to stay with others because they say she became agitated and doesn’t like noise but prefers to go to her bedroom to listen to barking dogs on tv. How in the hect does that make any sense. It’s less about Jessica becoming agitated but more about Madison dislike of Jessica. But they sent her to stay with others the majority of the family visit. Why not just have Madison, Sara and Hannah stay at the dads but they completely excluded her. I get that Jessica isn’t the most like able but considering Madison went to study as a neurologist where’s his empathy? I could understand sending her off with family if they wanted to go out for a nice dinner or maybe a night to just enjoy each others time but she was totally excluded. That’s one strange family dynamic and dysfunctional at the best .


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Hannah life long goal is to have a real, honest to goodness that is chronic and that she can use to help identify her as important. It's beyond sad. She is envious of Jessica and how Val has the entire family submit to everything Jessica demands and allows Jessica to run everyone's life, and she's picked up Vals victim mentality as well.....she sees how Val schemes her way through life with a giant chip in her shoulder ....the world owes her mentality.

Hannah was ill around 18...with some mystery illness that she and Val only hint about but never actually say what it is....but it's a story that Hannah can't let go of...she wants to be sick...she has munchausen and Val has that with her self proclaimed " auto immune " disease which she also never names...just hints to, as well as her depression , arthritis etc...Val also leans toward munchausen by proxy..which is Jessica.

There is absolutely mental illness in this family and the sad part is Val has created a way to turn this crazy " family's into a money making con, their not spreading awareness of sharing helpful ideas, there's no professionals in any of their lives working with them for their so called anxiety and depression of Jessica's supposed autism, IDD, blindness....her self harm , picking, anger issues/ violent outbursts, no physio for her mild CP, nothing.

Val has trained everyone to turn on the camera highlight whatever ailment is the sickness of the day, use it as an excuse to get sympathy and earn some cash.

There's no reason none of them are unable to work real jobs, Val could work part time even...she has 3 other adults babysitting 36 year old Jessica , and there's no reason for Hannah to not be working and living in her own....Val has orchestrated this whole scheme that uses and abuses autism, mental illness, depression, anxiety not to mention divorcing only on paper but obviously still with's all lies and a con..for her to benefit from government funding and programs, and use social media to make money for her ... Not Jessica ..for Val.

These are the people who abuse the system, taking funding, support and space up with their lies smoother families in real need, who are struggling for money, funding, wait lists for programs medication grants, etc.... Those people are working 2,3 jobs trying to provide for their autistic child..while Val choses to not work...but lay around planning Disney Vacations while HER STAFF takes care of Jessica .

She belongs in jail for abuse, abuse of Jessica , neglect and abuse of government funding, fraud, tax fraud, exploiting her mentally ill daughter for money charging people to have private chats, cam and texts with Jessica .....( Like a pimp)

Karma....hope it smacks them all in the face.
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I reported the selling of Jessica on face time. I have a friend here that is an advocate for children ...but showed her she took the info, screen shots etc... And is going to see it gets into the right hands on Vals " neck of the woods".

Needless to say she was repulsed by what she read.
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There is absolutely no way she has ever had a complete physical. I do remember one checkup a few years ago where there was talk of a blood draw and Jess talking about the nurse doing it and the doctor was not allowed. The only way I will ever believe she even has that done now is if they make a video of it. Val has over time allowed Jessica to “rule the roost”. One of these days it will come back to bite them.
In this video Jessica is scary with her threats, but she’s even more scary talking in her alter ego’s voice. It’s only a matter of time before she really hurts someone. Maybe Val knows this and it’s why she keeps her secluded at home away from people. News flash Val!! She will hurt family just the same. I could not sleep in that house.
OMG!! DSGP just put a video out. I couldn’t watch very much. The title is a balance of work and vacation. When do they work? I got as far as cooking SPAM, yes, SPAM for breakfast. I didn’t think their eating habits could get any worse. I was wrong.
Thanks for the heads up on DSGP's new video! And you are so right...they don't work enough to need a vacation!!!! And as far as I am concerned Marlow does work some but HH just hides in her room splitting up one video into 10!!!! Oh and she probably does it wearing the headache cap!!!!🙄😂😂😂
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So....let me get this straight, last week when Munchausen mom was cooking and Campbell was grilling everyone's instructed no salt for Hannah ...she was sure to make sure everyone went the extra mile for her " dietary needs" but here just a few days later she's dousing her kale with salt..

So here's another example of Hannah trying to make herself seem ill..and she absolutely can't have salt poor thing...until of course she can.

Munchausen mom of course filming still in control of HER channel even though they are pretending Hannah's and Marlows... Val is too much of a control freak to give up HER second channel to the girls.
Hannah can easily set up the tripod and film alone ..especially something so easy.

We still see you Val.
Hannah...get a job..better yet get a life.
That amount of kale was a tiny taste, not a snack!!!!! And notice her kale w@s prewashed?????? She doesn’t mind the chemicals in store bought kale????
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I noticed the the joyful scam page has been paused. Does anybody know what’s going on there?
The ladies shut it down at night every night so they can get some peace and family time in.
Wallfly it is sad but that type of abuse is all over. Yesterday I took my son to his favorite restaurant for some catfish (I can’t cook it right) and was seated next to a family who had one member who was non verbal and autistic. She would make sounds when she wanted something, or just “being herself” I assume. The waiter ask her to lower her voice. And just a few minutes later came back and told them their meal had been taken care of and they could leave. We were almost finished, but after that I was done. I paid and left. Now stuck explaining discrimination to my son who I’m still not sure understands it. He only understands we will never go back there. I’ve been so mad I haven’t slept all night trying to decide if contacting the ADA or any other organization would do any good. I have blasted them on Facebook so they have lost some business. I wonder if the Brooks have ever been asked to leave? Val would eat that up. Sorry for the long post, just giving an example as to what we as parents of special kids face. This world is messed up.
Can you imagine Val's rath coming down on anyone who asked her to leave??? I mean when the schools didn't agree with her way of thinking she and Nonnie went off on everyone! Screaming and cursing at them up close and personal! Misty has the scoop on that right from her son in law who worked at one school! So even though Nonnie acts all sweet she's a bitch just like Val! Apparently they think Jess is unique and only they know how to teach her and if you don't bow down to princess and let her do what she wants you will get blasted!
Well HH, Marlow and Jess went to see Chris and Carla's new puppy. Sorry I couldn't get a better screen shot but that little pomeranian never stopped wiggling!!! Cute puppy.
Jess wasn't that crazy about all the spunk it had so she kept her distance. Asked all kids of questions standing there with her purse hanging off her neck like an 80 year old! It's so sad she can't be without that stupid phone but we all know how important she is!!!
In the car she referred to the new puppy as though it was hers too and she would make decisions on when they will get another dog and what kind!!! Why do they allow her to think she has the last say in other people's lives?? That is part of her being unlikeable is the know it all and it's what I say attitude! I for one can't tolerate that in people with no disabilities either. The whole family is so frickin entitled! The hammer has to fall soon on this bunch of grifters!


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Interesting video....

First of all we all see Jessica's picking is out of control and she has a new hole appearing on her forehead ...we know her picking reaches these manic proportions whenever she's being stressed out by Val...
Jumping to the end of the video first....
Jessica rambling/ parroting things she's overheard and obsessed about, with Val at the helm manipulating how Jessica processes what she's eavesdropped on...( It was probably a dream Jessica ...* Wink*)

Hear Jessica saying how she's " taking time off" ( obviously repeating the reasons Val told her when Jessica overheard Val say SHE'S taking time off which we have all noticed) ...we hear Jessica babble about needing time off to eat out a lot and try new desserts...
This of course was what Val told her...and it's a lie as shut her up.

Also there was small mentions of "vacation" and we hear Vals tone change and she gets curt... Telling Jessica her vacation will be wherever SHE wants to go.
More lies....because we know Val will manipulate Jessica into going to where SHE wants to go....gee I wonder where that could be??? 🤔

This entire video was a highlight into the stress and careful manipulation happening at home...according to Jessica they have been eating out a lot thanks to Vals secret Good Ones monthly checks!! We know Val hates cooking, and when she's in her miserable victim poor me mood..she eats out only feeding Jessica ...everyone else is on their own.

Back in the restaurant Val is sure to park Jessica practically in her lap, allowing her to yip and yelp, and smack her face...sorry... " PAT" her face.
Of course Jessica obsessed over how many pieces had to have both rice AND fries.... And kept telling Val she couldn't share HER dessert.
Not autism ..... Gluttony, meanness, rudeness and selfishness. Plain and simple.

I mentioned before Jessica is very different when with Hannah than Val. Jessica has learned the art of manipulation from the master herself. Which is why Jessica prefers to be alone with mommy dearest ...because she knows she will absolutely get HER way...always.

Jessica did mutter something to Val after the face slap.... I couldn't make it out did she say she was getting a manicure?? Whatever it was Vals response was about a vacation .....
More lies and smoke n mirrors.
I could have sworn she said mom am I getting an automatic car?? Where the heck am I going to go and Bal said wherever you want to go on vacation…
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Another video that has zero to do with autism ..I'm starting to think Vals really trying to downplay the autism angel..because we all know Jessica's " autism diagnosis "was over 30 years ago....and Val refuses to hear anything IDD, Schizophrenia, etc...

Remember in the beginning of her blogging, She claimed everytime Jessica zoned out she was having a seizure leading to about a hundred a day....she milked that until they did the EEG at the house...then magically the word seizure has never been mentioned again...IT'S A MIRACLE!!!
Jessica was cured over night of all seizures!

If Jessica was truly autistic where is her medical professional care team? The only medical appointment Val ever speaks of is Jessica's yearly shunt check up, that a couple years ago they changed to every two years.

I understand sharing the growth the trials and tribulations of a CHILD with autism, sharing experiences, creating community with and for parents going through the same struggles , finding your " tribe" and creating a network a support system ...being relatable to overstating to understand and teach their children ..
Cheering on an 8,9,12 year old...even an older teen is one's amazing seeing the progress of some daily tasks done to completion, after 2 years of being consistent ..seeing little moments of independence and achievements.....but how people can applaud 36year old Jessica because she got 3 nuggets on a spatula , or put a headband on...which let's be honest was dumb luck at best..and to be honest should of been accomplishing decades ago.

There's no way 36year old Jessica who can't shower herself, brush her own teeth or hair, dress herself, wash and dry her hands is wiping herself after ANY bathroom or pull up activities.

These are all basic life skills that Jessica is unable to do...but people are cheering Vals parenting because Jess for the first time in THIRTYSIX years got her headband on in two tries!?

How do these followers not wonder why Jessica hasn't learned the basics starting decades ago? She's been this way since birth ..36 years! These followers act like Jessica's severe IDD, Schizophrenia, and vision impairment was a recent development and shes progressing so's ridiculous.

You can bet Jessica was much more independent while in school with REAL teachers and professionals...she was more active....Jessica would have to meet certain criterias to qualify to be accepted in she wouldn't qualify because Val has stripped away everything Jess learned in school, made her violent and made up stories about being treated bad at school ...( It's called following rules ) she's isolated Jessica from all professionals....that's what abusers do.

So I just can't understand how these followers aren't seeing it....
Here's the link to be A good one you can pay Val to face time with Jess.

Here's part of it...
Last sentence of the paragraph is like are you kidding me
“We have been credited with saving lives”. This comes from a person who destroyed all her children’s lives . She had to been on some mind altering drugs to come up with that comment . Is there still an active private membership they have like the past Crispies ? I am surprised they ever shut that site down because those are usually big money makers for content creators. Most charge $4.99 and up for a monthly membership fee. I don’t think it ever had to do with a threat of safety it was more than likely APS was called on things people were witnessing that were abuse .


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She's also dug a hole in her forehead. Let's see if Val sticks to no Disney if she's still picking...
I am wondering if they didn't go already but kept it on the down low! They are already being outed for all the trips there on followers money and she is trying to keep the backlash in control. But it's not working Val .....
I also don't believe that Jess even takes the not picking seriously anymore. She gets her way no matter what she does! She acts like a small spoiled child and they let her!!! Sickening
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I know nothing about buying likes/comments or how much they make from real likes/comments, but it seems to me that if they are buying like/comment wouldn’t that negate what little they would earn Almost like robbing Peter to pay Paul???
You would think so but they are not very bright!!!
Looks the campers on DSGP Hypochondriac Hannah and Marlow are resting up after packing then having to set up the camper. Nothing for almost 2 days. I have never seen such lazy ass 30 year olds! Apparently they are saving videos to edit then post for the next 2 weeks! They are such a joke...creators my ass!
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Does anyone know their Patreon account name?
If you go to goodpooch badpooch site there's into there. Basically you have to email Val directly now to inquire about joining her private's her way of screening people where as before you just paid to join she had various tiers..from $4.99 a month up to $80.

Val thinks she's clever.🙄
I know right!! When you smell your fingers (which I seldom do) mine don't go up into my nose. A quick wiff and done. For me mine is if I put a new lotion on or rub in some new pheromones never food!!!! 🤢🤢
Everything goes up her nose ...she even holds her decks of cards under her nose when she does her card thing..... Sorry but that's just nasty... She constantly digs in her crotch and up her nose......that should of been addressed and corrected along the way.
Bet at school it was addressed like Jessica's farting on cam all the time she simply has no manners at all and the fact she says sorry I didn't mean to, shows she knows better.
again poor lazy parenting by munchies mom.
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Bideo of the morning. Jess must be in trouble because she was walking on eggs. And the "am I a good girl" was very telling. AND that was way to many crispies....I counted 19 and might have been more because she ate some off the pan. Then before she walked to her space to eat she touched them all and ate another one! Glutton!!
Jess is not progressing. She is regressing! And Val without your prompting she would have stood their like a stooge! Get the crowns out, what else do you need (a pan), get your plate, cup, oven mits....come on Val that is not independent!
Then she gets out the crispies and decides to take them off with her fingers. Val suggested the spatula but nope princess said no!.
The oven mits never got put away, we know she didn't pour her own juice because she went to her room to do texts and Val had to call her back to get them out of the oven.
No balls phone rang and she had to ask if it was hers! Take that damn thing away...another obsession along with eating!
Oh and yay after 36 years she can put a headband on with prompting! Come on Val a trained monkey could have done what she did today! SHE IS NOT with it! And you made her this way..shame on you! Oh and keep ruining your other daughter life too! Plus porn boy is just disgusting...


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