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VIP Member
Lads I’m fuming here. I can only listen to half her story. This is all her fault. I called this months ago. She singled out that little girl. Of course this was going to happen. And wow Lenore, you bought them “BLACK BARBIES” how fucking good of you. I’m absolutely livid over this stupid woman. The “mother” who the child didn’t even know comes back and holds the child for ransom. That’s on you Lenore. It’s all on you, you stupid stupid woman.
Christ what happened?
€100,000 has gone to Tanzania? On WHAT? didn't she say €200 fed the school in rice for a year, so wtf has the rest been spent on?
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Still posting on her zen page. Mentioned an ‘eventful few weeks’ so who knows!! I’m sure she’ll be back soon she’s a holiday to TNZ to fund.
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She is creating monsters and will suffer in the future for letting them think they can say and do whatever the fuck they want. Bohdi can't put a foot wrong and Phoenix and Harley rule the roost too. Small wonder they can't share a space for a while. We all know it won't be a short time anyway as interior designer extraordinaire could live in a bland boring space 🙄
And I say you can't say boo to the kids or she is down your throat feel sorry for the schools and teachers
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She is creating monsters and will suffer in the future for letting them think they can say and do whatever the fuck they want. Bohdi can't put a foot wrong and Phoenix and Harley rule the roost too. Small wonder they can't share a space for a while. We all know it won't be a short time anyway as interior designer extraordinaire could live in a bland boring space 🙄
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unlimited money started appearing as soon as the fundraising started. She used to complain about the price of food but now she can’t push the super trolleys they’re so full. Best of everything yet qualifies for kids to be taken to school in private taxis. Something very wrong with the welfare system.
The taxi isn't to do with social welfare, it's just for children in special schools or classes because they're usually not the local school.
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Give me Strength

Chatty Member
The kids associate the living room with the Christmas tree! Yea. I’m sure they associate day to day life with their mother being there too. You know the normal stuff of getting them up for school and actually being there!!Not missing on her jollies every few weeks. God she’s some gowl. There’s never a problem when she swans off to Tanzania but always seems to be a problem with everything else 🤣It’s great though she doesn’t get the panic attacks anymore when flying isn’t it. Or do they only happen when she’s flying without her kids?
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Give me Strength

Chatty Member
Yes there was definitely something about her emailing a teacher and there was murder over it. She’s a saucy pup. I’ve seen her giving Ian hell in a local shop because he told her she could only get one thing and she demanding ice lols, crisps and sweets. The way she spoke to him 🤬 Seen her being a cheeky little bitch to security guard in Mahon Point too a few months ago.
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Ju Lie

Active member
I have to agree, the money spent getting there and staying there could have fed them for ages. It makes no sense.
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It’s a real out of the way country school they go to. My nieces go there. It’s a brilliant school but no doubt she’ll have some issue with that soon. I dunno where she suddenly got all these notions from. She never talks about when she was a single mother to the eldest girl and living in a council house in Crosshaven. Once she had the 3rd child she gave up the council house and went private renting. Don’t know why cause she had a 3 bed house. Obviously wasn’t good enough for her and ppl knowing she lived in a council house.
Really strange to give up the house 🤔 100% notions. Is current house a rental?
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She only uses instagram when she begging. Probably inundated now with free stuff. Use her own money to build her house. She’s made enough 😝Karma
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Where’s the service dog she needed so badly ??? Guessing the overseas trip in new year definitely be cancelled and money refunded as she couldn’t dream of leaving her kids again while they adapt to all the changes after the flood 😝😝😝 let’s see, wouldn’t hold your breath 🤑🤥🤥🤥👺👺
Omg Ebbie, jesus christ with all her song and dance I had completely forgotten about the ''vital'' service dog. She is so fickle you'd forget the song and dance over stuff. Skitting at the next codes, ffs IKEA or similar to get it sorted ASAP and inexpensively but nah not for Len grey or cream wouldn't cut it.
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Omg she definitely has 😂 just spotted it now, she's getting cute with the trips go radio silent and drip a few stories and who's to know if you do safari, luxury retreat after 🤑🤑🤑
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Hasn’t been home for a Month but is back with a bang complaining about services from the HSE maybe stay at home and not leave for 3 months of the year if your that concerned
She is absolutely miserable in Ireland cribbing non fucking stop and she's back a few hours 🙄 poor Ian and kids probably hoping she will fuck off again ASAP. This loon will wind up spending more and more time in Africa and abandon her kids.
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The cheek of the plumber going on holidays instead of cancelling and fixing the house that Lenore wouldn't come home to when it flooded. . . . Logic 😂
I pity the poor plumber he should know he’s dealing with the patron saint of Tanzania!! My uncle is a plumber and I can’t get him to do work for us until January when I asked him in August 😂
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Give me Strength

Chatty Member
Christ does she ever stop moaning🙄 I saw a post last night, a lady who’s house got flooded, looking for a large rug to cover her floor till she can afford carpet or whatever and looking for a few toys for her kids for Christmas 💔 And this Cnut refitting her whole house and spending thousands on Christmas and trips abroad and just moans, moans moans. Nice to see Ebbie is alive and well though and hopefully she got the cats ear mites sorted, although probably not.
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Poor Lenore. Imagine having to wait in a crowded area for over an hour!! In Dublin airport of all places. Does she think Disney Land is going to be empty just for her and her kids 🤣 And bringing Bodhi on a 9 hr flight his first time flying 🙄 Kids all taken out of school again for holidays too. I thought routine was so important for them 🤣
Same one was bitching non stop when schools closed for COVID. In Disney the ear muffs and lanyard will come out for queue hopping but be hidden when it suits.
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