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VIP Member
Surely it’s him, would her crush be happy to have her let everyone think it’s another guy?

The baiting is gross… just say it or don’t say it.
Agreed! It’s like they’re trying to maximise the engagement a relationship announcement will give them.
I like Adele but when she mentioned he was on Instagram/tiktok in her vlogs I was thinking maybe he was interested in her for what it could do for his following..

Claimed celebrity

Active member
I actually saw the post she (ashy) is referring to on reddit, no threatening just someone saying that locals will know what school the child goes to as it’s a distinct school uniform and should be kept of the internet you never know who’s watching, along with a few digs at ashy, i don’t understand why people rely on TikTok to make money though it’s a social media site that could be gone in a moments notice. I truly miss 2019 TikTok it’s not enjoyable anymore.
I think the story is crap if Ashly's that's concerned about her kids safety why show them online still even if it's a voice? Ashy is the same as these "influencers" cries victim when people give a opinion to them it's "trolling", uses scissors to cut food and sells clothes which all look the same. Surprised she hasn't done a plagiarized book yet.


Active member
Seriously what crack is Emmy M on? Always going on and on about these ‘stalkers’.
surely if she had a stalker, she’d have a restraining order by now or am I just being naive?


VIP Member
Noticed how she said they went exclusice in May and they 'had that sleepover'. Is she trying to imply that was when they had sex for the first time?
Yes I believe so as I saw her eyebrows go up like that was what she was insinuating. She also said she is going to now go get a STD check… 🙃

Director of Mugs

VIP Member
Kat Clark is an actual moron. Calling a shtreimel a ‘wig’ is weird enough to begin with, but staying in Brooklyn (which has become so gentrified) to get the ‘real New York experience’ seems like a thinly veiled way of saying “I’m surrounding myself by poor people!! I’m so cool!” Having children who are POC and then talking about a huge police presence in the area is just grossly ignorant and yuck vibes too.

Does anybody have Lucy Holz constantly pop up on their FYP? I actually don’t find a single other tiktok-er or maybe even person in the entire world as annoying as her. She is so arrogant and self righteous and the way she insults anyone who dares not to suck up her arse infuriates me. I know I shouldn’t let her bother me but I can’t fucking stand her.
Yes and yes!!

Can't stand Kat Clark and glad people called her out for her TikTok. Also her daughter's new YouTube talking about their sex lives is not appropriate. Yes they are both adults, but do you really want that out there?

Lucy comes up on my fyp too. No idea why. She appears just to float around and live off her rich parents who are vets.


Well-known member
I feel the same way, 2 girls, 2 dogs, 1 cat, all those useless pillows and blankets covered in animal hair one small apartment 🤢 and they have stated about the animals vomiting/ peeing on their stuff.
And in their latest vlog (which I could not get through all) one of them was feeding her cat in her room 🤢🤢🤢
i actually can’t see how there’d be any tea because they seem so incredibly dull. nurses turned ‘influencers’ who are trying to be relatable. they seem to have popped up a heap more since moving - which is driving me nuts because they’re whinging about expenses etc. but went homewares shopping at david jones. they also released a video where one of them was talking about doing a shop for things they need and at the top of that list was an ice maker 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I keep getting both of them in my feed and they are just talking about the same thing.


VIP Member
I’ve had my brows done by her. She was lovely but it was a very in/out appt with absolutely no after care mentioned. For the price I paid I expected a bit more customer interaction/focus.
I agree about the tiktoks lately. The consumerism and designer hauls have completely turned me off.
Now I understand the exorbitant prices she charges #cartier #comoonchristmaseve
I am pretty sure she used to work at Gabriella Brow Studio back in the day before branching out on her own? I don’t even know what GBS is now (she’s doing some online brow thing) but I found all the girls very similar - heavy on the designer etc


VIP Member
This thread is so quiet but has anyone seen the Grace Hyland/Bambi/AJ Clementine stuff on tiktok? Here’s my comment about it from the Aussie influencer thread cos I cbf retyping it lol

Grace has posted two videos on tiktok outing Bambi for a whole lot of awful behaviour including SA, deliberately causing conflict between Grace and AJ, lying about being adopted by Grace’s dad, blackmail, revenge pron and more. The comments are worth a read too. And people are demanding Bambi address it but she hasn’t.
I don’t follow them closely but they pop up on my Instagram search page occasionally, and I’ve seen them at various Australian influencer events so I’m aware of them.