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Chatty Member
Kurt always rubbing sleep out of his eyes grosses me out. Like just wash your face. But then I guess it's bound to happen because SpecialK whips out the camera the second she's awake. Give the guy some privacy. No one wants to see hygiene gunk 🤢
I agree! But it’s real and raw right? 😜
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and so say we all

Chatty Member
I do remember when she got married I think her mum or maybe their business page put a snap up in stories of her wedding and they were watching from a short distance away. So yes your correct they were there but not directly in the crowd as such
Yes that's right!!
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The bags under both linc and millers eyes 🤦🏼‍♀️😭 they need to get blood done on these kids they are lacking something! And agree with the saggy tits if I spent the money on them which one day I want too I'll be doing everything I can to support my new girls! She says she got them done as she lacked confidence with them after pumping w miller and breast feeding linc, now they just look worst
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Chatty Member
Same. I bet she never took the initiative to say 'hey Mila's school is doing xyz and you're welcome to go'. Yet she expects them to tell her when a funeral is of someone she probably never spent time with 🤦🏻‍♀️
She’s an idiot though, it’s not hard to look online or in the newspaper for upcoming funerals
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Chatty Member
Didn’t even make top ten after yesterdays podcast. It’s already flopping!

View attachment 1979996

I probably should listen to fresh again, and I did have to skip a bit because it was just that bad, but basically a lot of Keiara crapping on about how she blocked her parents on social media and if they want to talk they have to knock on her FUCKING door.
Didn't really give any more info that what we already know about the incident but threw her parents under the bus again about how they didn't "show up" for her or her kids.. said something really bad happened about a year ago.. I got the impression something where they "didn't show up" again. Gee they love that phrase. Said she still loves her parents and sisters.
Then Ashy crapped on evasively about the Sammy drama... was upset that Sammy never asked how she was when she was pregnant or checked in on her. No mention about how she brought a lip gloss out in direct competition of Sammy's breeze balm. Kind of funny how she missed that.

Both of them are very good at acting like they've never done anything wrong and they're the victim. Lots of swearing, lots of Special K talking about bits n pieces.
Complete dribble once again.
Me me me me me!
God they both are so high maintenance.
So it only made it to number 10? Is this correct? If so 💃🏼👏🥳🙌 Is this wrong to feel this way 😂
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VIP Member
Sure was riveting stuff watching them paint a screen…. An unprepared screen, no sanding just splash that paint on. The vlog was literally as interesting as watching paint dry 😂 They were so busy they couldn’t splash some paint on the post or other screen… didn’t she say they will do it over a couple of months? Just do it! Stay tuned for the next vlog part 2 of doing the house up 😂
OMG they are hopeless. That's why their house looks so shoddy all the time, no flipping idea how to do things properly.
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Chatty Member
The pre made mash is so bad. I’ve bought it myself when I only needed a small amount but regretted it.

but where would she cook real mash? You’re talking about the idiot who uses the same 1 small boiling pot to cook everything.
Yep I've tried it too and had the same reaction. Tastes like gluggy rubbish.
Well that's a good point, the only pot would have been used for the greens 🤦🏻‍♀️
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VIP Member
Honestly the utter rubbish that comes out of her. All these little phrases that she’s learnt from ashy. She is so easily manipulated and dumb.

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Chatty Member
Bank and accountant! What does that mean? Surely not money problems as they did sign up all 3 kids to private school and go out to eat lots and stuff like that
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The photos of her as a child is such a Kylie Jenner trend 🤦🏼‍♀️ it does make sense. The theory is to put a photo of yourself as a child on the mirror so when you're looking at yourself in the mirror and saying bad things about yourself, you look at the photo of yourself as a child and you think would I say that to them?
Funny about the shop and her not mentioning it.
it's time I heal more and let go of the past I need to close the shop, even thougha few videos ago shewas saying ME AND KURTY ARE AT THE AHOP TODAY AND I JUST LOVE A SHOP DAY I DO FUCK ALL AND FIT IN A GYM SESSION WHOOOO
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Chatty Member
So she's frazzled because her first born Mila had an important appointment yesterday regarding her cleft and now it's thrown poor mummy dearest out because it wasn't all about her. Boo fkn hoo. She didn't get to the gym on Friday because the business she started up had a closing down sale and she actually had more than 1 hour of work to do that day. And now she's scared to walk alone in fear of her own family. Wow. Way to make them seem like villains. What on earth does she think they will do to her? 😂
Lol did she actually say she’s afraid to walk alone in case she bumps into them?
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Chatty Member
If M has had gastro she can’t go to school tomorrow at my kids school & day care they do not accept a student back until 48hrs after spewing has stopped
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