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VIP Member
To make room for bigger and better things? The shop was a bad idea from the start! I doubt they get more than 4-5 customers a day, the up keep of the store would huge, compared to what they'd make, there was comment saying they'll still be online yeh that's where they'd make the money. I wonder if kurt will go back to plumbing now lol


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Chatty Member
What the actual F! She has it on again today!! I'm shook. She had the ler dress on last night, and the rest of the time she's had the blue and yellow dress on. Probably slept in it too. They looked ratty the entire time.
My gosh if she complains about all the washing my heads going to explode 🤦🏻‍♀️

How is she so thick! And one bed? What a stupid idea that was far out. One bed for 5 people. Ok 🤯
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Chatty Member
The podcast is doing badly - quick let's do a sex episode! It's fallen off the podtail charts (meaning it's not even top 200, so will be interesting to see where it gets).

Does anyone want to take one for the team and listen and do a recap?
I'm decorating, can put it in in the background. I couldn't bring myself to listen to the last one
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Chatty Member
Kurt doing the annoying hum whilst cooking their 2 steaks. Honestly Kurt just don’t 🥴
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Chatty Member
Anyone notice she's filmed herself wearing the same outfit. Saturday arvo when she was all emotional in the car on the way home from Ashys event where she said she was covered in sand and sweat and tears and then yesterday and today. 🤮🤮🤮
If we change clothes that means more washing. I realise what she does now 😂
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Mila and Lincoln's lack of swimming lessons/skills is sending me into another dimension!!! Wouldn't Mila be doing nippers type curricular at school given she lives in a coastal town? Where I live all the local kids do a gromets based lesson at the beach once a week. I could be wrong, but these kids are definitely behind in terms of swimming skills.
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and so say we all

Chatty Member
***** VLOG RECAP****


Video opens with special k making coffee at 6:30am in those ugly Mr and Mrs mugs. Kurty hugs her from behind but sans stiffy this time.

The place is a tip with shit everywhere and we see kurty carry kitty out to it’s enclosure as special k has mind numbing convo about the weather to millar and lincydincy.

Another comment about it feeling “like Bali”….. have they ever been to Bali? This is the second time in 2 videos she’s compared warm weather to Bali.

So Millar wants her ears pierced and soecial k has made an appointment (first time in her life she plans an activity) for a place that does “both at once” aka, the local shitty piercing/jewellery combo store that do guns and not needles. C’mon y’all, guns are so 2000’s, anyone and their mum knows needles are far better especially for kids to make healing process (and piercing process tbh) better/easier.

So now they announce next year Lincoln and Millar are at school 5 days a week, and they are enrolling regan into their preschool program. I feel she’s quite young for that but who knows. 3 kids in private school settings now, time to sell some more crap special k.

Okay she just clarified regan will only go 3 days.

They talk about watching live island and having a raging night consisting of a Baileys on the balcony. Fuck me she is sheltered.

Regan is going to the shops in a dress grandma got her and Millar. It’s pyjamas. And she has it over the top of another outfit. What the fuck are these 2 drongos doing?! Why is regan wearing multiple outfits and then you’ll whinge about washing? Grandma (I assume Kurt’s mum) got regan a dress nightie, she’s probably sick of seeing regan in a onesie for 48 hours straight, but it’s clearly pyjamas, so why doesn’t either parent explain to regan that it’s for bedtime, not to be worn to the shops.

Walking into the shops and Lincoln says he wants a tattoo and soecial k says “you have to be 18, maybe 16 if mum signs off on it” ….. special K, we all know you’ll pull out your gun and engrave him before then!

Cut to the piercing room, and my suspicions are correct / it’s a dodgy place. And all 5 family members are crammed in the room. It’s annoying when people do that. Kurty should have taken the other two away and let special K be there for Millar and help her but special k needs to Vlog every private moment so instead there’s 6 people in the room.

Regan and Lincoln are getting in the way and the staff member pulls out the shitty 1990s piercing gun and slams a hole in millars right ear. All going “well” so far.

Oop she starts crying. And then I realised, special K apparently made a booking at a place that does both ears at once. So something went wrong already and that’s another failed plan by super mum.

Okay this is just frustrating to watch.
The gun gets stuck on the first try on the second ear, something that doesn’t happen with a needle.

Regan is now crying and the whole thing is a mess and the piercer sits in the bed beside Millar to try again. Weird she’s not sitting straight on or suggest Millar to lie down.

Okay so attempt 2 also goes wrong. It sounds like it’s pierced but the gun isn’t removed yet. Honestly those guns are a nightmare. I actually got qualified (over a decade ago) to pierce lobes with those and they are just horrible to work with and even when I learnt they were being faded out and weren’t popular at all.

Okay so the second piercing did work, so the staff member was able to shove jewelry through. Millar was obviously crying during this process (another private moment online) and of course the other 2 kids are upset and regan is crying/fussing. But instead of Kurt stepping away with the 2 other kids he keeps filming. What a good lap dog he is.

They are home now. At 13:23 special k and millar are sitting in front of the mirror as K is brushing her hair into a pony tail. Special k says “I’m glad we brushed your hair last night cause it’s nice and easy to brush now” and Millar quickly says “I brushed it” and special K does a big fake smile and a “did you?” But she’s actually thinking “shut up kid, I need my mum of the year trophy.”

We cut to Special K upstairs giving us a dramatic debrief whilst Kurt is left to look after 3 kids and she phones Aunty Seyena so at least the kids have contact with one Aunty.

It’s nice to see a convo between the three of them but also I find it odd that Special K doesn’t tell seyena that the call is being recorded.

Millar actually steps outside of the camera frame but special k quickly turns the camera to get the Emmy award winning shot.

Then a FaceTime call to Kurt’s parents. Special K adjusts the camera to show the call and we are now at 3 family members unknowingly being filmed and uploaded to YouTube.

The Vlog ends with Lincoln playing with blocks and a dump site behind him.

Kurt’s heard in the background cooking breakfast and wondering how he ended up here.

The end.
Thank you for enduring the watch time and re capping 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
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Chatty Member
So has she actually confirmed they are using the shop as a warehouse? I know they had a long lease, but she was crapping on yesterday about next week being a "busy" week as they had to move stock.
Yes she has confirmed it. They are moving all stock from their house to the leased premises and continue with online sales only. Kurt is going to be busy
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Chatty Member
I wondered the same thing. 2 random posters on their wall of artists the children are clueless about 😂 I guess at least they have something on their wall now. But why? It was sad when M said that, she is just a little girl and already comparing herself to others 🥺
Yeah I’m really not sure what’s with the random posters in the kids rooms. They have no idea who they are?

If it was me I’d be giving all kids a bedroom makeover, putting Lincoln back in the room next to regan and having all kids picking paint colours and some actual nice artwork etc for their rooms.
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Chatty Member
To make room for bigger and better things? The shop was a bad idea from the start! I doubt they get more than 4-5 customers a day, the up keep of the store would huge, compared to what they'd make, there was comment saying they'll still be online yeh that's where they'd make the money. I wonder if kurt will go back to plumbing now lol
Will just be a warehouse for all the shit… sorry I mean clothes…. And do all orders from there I reckon, like Typically Blush does

Spesh k would not cope if kurtyyyyyy went back to work
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I was thinking that too. Noway you have that much washing from 3 nights away and 2 kids wearing the same outfits the entirety of the trip.
That would be 2 weeks worth for her for sure. And it all just piles up there, the clean stuff thrown on the floor next to it awaiting folding from yours truely 😂
Shes probs unpacked the bags of all the clothes she packed and re washing it all to make her life look 10 times hard than it needed to be with washing 3 of the actually worn outfits
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Oh man that makes me sooo unhappy to see it do well 😅
Can you leave a review on spotify? If not I'll borrow an iPhone so I can give it 1 star 🤣
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Chatty Member


The video starts with special K getting dressed in activewear and then applying a full face of make up for absolutely no reason. Kurt brings her a coffee.

she boasts about this being the first time (this year) they are going for a morning walk on a weekday before school. She blames it on regan waking up late (7:30) and saying mila is taken to school at 7:45am.

then she says “and by the time WE get back, we’ll by the time YOU get back” (looking at Kurt) “it’s too hot”

so she just let it slip that kurty is doing school drop offs.

They are going to wake regan up to go for their walk cause special k is certain this will make her take her daytime nap better. She’s a dickhead.

She brags about a special day tomorrow in a recording studio for the podcast - grow and glow AKA dumb and dumber.

Mila and Lincoln come upstairs and say they made themselves extra sandwiches. Special k says “did daddy not make enough sandwiches?” So that’s another tally on the board for Kurtys jobs.

im so distracted by her two braids. They are the thickness of a chop stick. She really should embrace a short blunt bob in a darker colour.

She inserts some footage of the podcast. Jesus ashy looks rough. They talk about some mind numbing shit and special K drops her parents right into the mud. Anything for a dollar hey?

it cuts to them walking out the door with regan dressed in two layers of pyjamas and thrown into the pram so that special k can power walk for 10 minutes.

Princess K is now home and is bending over with literally 3/4 of her tits out on the camera for an extended period of time as she talks about the podcasts and then struggles to make a coffee.

Special k is in a dress and full hair and makeup and regan is shown in the same 2 layers of pyjamas and looks so messy and unkept.

they head upstairs (which is trashed) and I’m always shocked to see the shitty kitty litter tray wedged under their ensuite vanity. It’s cruel. Why isn’t the cats litter box downstairs in the laundry or garage and a proper size And shape to accomodate for the cat having only 3 legs? Cruel.

It’s now the afternoon and Kurt and Lincoln replant some veggies in what special K called their vege garden….. aka a small planter box.

regan is still seen wearing multiple layers of pyjamas. What the fuck are these two doing? She’s old enough now to stand in the shower and get quickly rinsed off and into daytime clothes. Would take 5 minutes.

The Vlog finishes with special K upstairs saying she’s finished a book, and going onto her next one.

this was a weekday Vlog. I saw neither of them doing any work on the business. Lots of special K taking “me time” and Kurt doing 99% of the parenting.
Our sooky K is so bloody infuriating 🤦‍♀️
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VIP Member
Does she seriously have her cans out for a specialist Dr appt?
I’m blocked on her Insta so can’t see 🤣

Maybe she was confused and thought her appointment was a follow up for her tits 🤣🤣🤣
Her Boobs just look horrible! Just saggy cans, she should of waited to have them done, she spent all that money only to look like that.
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