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Chatty Member
Honestly she makes zero sense! Even if people were ‘led to self diagnosing and signing themselves off work due to 'normal anxieties of life’ the fact she’s never had a real job means she doesn’t know you can self-cert for 7 days. Then you need an actual doctor to sign you off. 7 days doesn’t fix any childcare problems!

I missed the bit about the flat because I was too furious! How can she pass any comment on that!

For those who haven’t seen her flat, bought with help to buy and rented since they moved out -

She has 0 design taste
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Damn, I don’t have Instagram on my phone; it won’t load… what did she say? Judging by the comments, Ashley James’ version of Motherhood seems to have really riled up, offended and upset her followers. I just wonder what it must be like to be so spectacularly ungrateful. She has had all the material comforts in the world - from her schooling to her flat, from her house to her freebies - and two children whom she purposefully, deliberately brought into the world. She had two other options when she was pregnant with Alf: abortion or adoption. She chose to keep him, despite her hatred for the male sex, and then went on to have a second baby. While Alf may be ND - good luck on him getting an assessment, BTW: Miz Ash cannot be bothered to consider what his sad, painful future while he struggles with ASC-related difficulties would look like - he’s an absolutely adorable little boy. Ada’s a sweet little girl. But all she can do is gripe and grumble and kvetch and whine about…what? What does she have to complain about? If she hates motherhood that much, she should hand over full custody to Tommy and NNB so she can bugger off on the hippie trail and get an inspiring tattoo in Sanskrit.
I just really, really hate it when people don’t realise how much they have to be thankful for. She is young, she is healthy, she has an unbelievably easy ‘job’, she’s waited on hand and foot by her own ‘village’, she has money in the bank, a flat, an endless stream of sycophants (and, regrettably, perverts - but you-win-some-you-lose-some), she travels, she gets to share her opinions on fora like TM, her children are in childcare - so she doesn’t have to make the effort to entertain them during the day…
Look, I hate this government just as much as she. The longer they’re in, the farther I move to the left. I’m an old-fashioned materialist socialist; another year of Sunak and his vandalism of the UK and NI, and I’ll become a Trot. I hate that we have to think of and be confronted by what the Tories are doing every day. I hate that they’ve plunged a million children into destitution. I hate what they’ve done to the NHS, the economy, education, the rivers, the roads, the cost of living viz electricity and gas via privatisation, the environment, workers’ rights, the elderly… but realistically, unless I set up a political party or join the Communist Party, there’s nothing I can do about it except vote when the time comes. We all know the country is a shambles. So we have to hold Labour to account when they take office and ensure dignity, safety and the ability to pursue happiness for every citizen. Go with THAT, Ash. Try some optimism for a change.
Sorry, but she makes me cross. Oy vey squared.

(How are you, my lovely ITDH? How are you feeling? Has your mood improved; are things getting better? Did your eldest give you an explanation re Mother’s Day?)



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VIP Member
Potty training
Big Little Feelings
Australia attack (deleted shortly after)
Breastfeeding to aleep
Ada’s hair in bunches
This Morning
Gruffalo trail in a satin skirt
Wee contraptions (anything but the loo)
A gifted book (but she never gets time for herself so how on earth will she read it?)

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Have they said they are going to France! She was on the beg for things to do over Easter last weekend!!!
Yes they're off to France, and she’s leaving the littles (which I’ve just realised she’s stopped calling them) with NNB so Ash can fly back for This Morning.
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How the hell has that reel got 11 million views 🤯
Can only assume it’s from using trending sounds or sponsorship. If you look at a lot of the comments, the people aren’t from England. She’s not used hashtags or a particularly long caption. Her other political videos don’t get that kind of traction so it’s not that she’s got a massive political following.
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Chatty Member
And then after a week in 3 different childcare settings she’s going to call it quits on potty training if he magically hasn’t nailed it with no consistency and limited support. Amazing parenting. Ashley James, such a great mum.
It came naturally to her remember 😂🙈
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