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“Personally I would never do any form of crying even if I’m next to them” … is she really that dense? Does she convince herself dumping her hourly breastfed cosleeping baby on her not-MIL overnight resulted in no crying? Does she think dumping the same baby on another floor of the house and from one night to the next refusing to offer the breast overnight and instead being soothed by someone who usually doesn’t comfort her overnight will result in no crying from Ada?
Ashley loves to get on her high horse and waffle on about all this responsive shit but the reality is she isn’t a responsive parent at all and of course she allows her children to cry.
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Hopefully Ada wakes at the crack of dawn with no curtains. I didn’t realise attachment parenting went from cosleeping and feeding all night one night to dumping the baby on another floor on their own because you can’t be arsed.
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I've just caught up on all her stories from yesterday. What. A. Melt. I know she did stories not that long ago saying that she had never had the two kids by herself, like it was some weird flex, but yesterday .... what an absolute shit show. How can a mother of two children not cope on a day out? As we have all said before - Alf is the most placid 3 year old i've ever seen.

I go out with my two because I don't want to be left in the house with them - yes, it can be hard sometimes - two boys, running around, different directions, play fighting, pushing each other off slides ... you get the idea. But I do it, as we all do. We don't document it on instagram, we don't want praise for it .... we're simply doing our 'job' as a mother.

Yesterday, she had Jasmine with her as well, and they couldn't cope with three kids? Is Trash maybe starting to realise that having kids for content was a terrible idea?!
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Oh she absolutely HATES that necklace 😂 we’ll never see it again.
Gosh was that the gift?! I thought it was something one of the kids had made her or someone bought from a looky looky stall in Lanzarote! I’d be fuming if my husband got me that too to be honest but she deserves ugly things, if she is lucky it’ll distract people from her snarling face!
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Rocky Rosd

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I didn’t think she could go any lower but yet again. She should have said nothing. We all know she doesn’t like the Royal family and she’s making it all about Meghan, Harry and Caroline Flack and herself of course. Despicable.
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She can vote for whoever the fuck she likes, if that helps her sleep at night (lol). It doesn’t change the fact that she either happily benefits from, or at least isn’t impacted, by the vast majority of what the Tories do.

I wish she’d learn to talk about the actual issues, instead of constantly whinging about one political party.
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Who reads to their kids with the TV on? Why is the TV ALWAYS on in that house?!?

I'll just repeat what everyone else has said.. why is she surprised that Ada wants to get involved with reading? She's surprised because she only ever reads to them once in a blue moon - whenever we see her do it on a story is the only time she's doing it ! If she read to them every day it wouldn't be a surprise that a one year old likes to be read to. Even my 4 month old likes being read to.
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Ah the notions of this fool 🤣 she’s hired on this tired hack of a show as a token leftie, comes across like a school kid doing a homework project with her little cue cards and she suddenly thinks she has what ? Leadership qualities ? Oh please sit down 🤣
This! Being a good leader is about listening, taking on board others’ views. All the ‘bossy’ women I have worked with, or under, have been very, very weak leaders and I’d go as far as to say bullies.
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This one needs an urgent labotomy
View attachment 2809404
It’s all very tiresome. I wonder if any of these women understand D&I at its core. It’s not about women challenging and bashing men at every opportunity and simply because they are men. Not all men around a decision making table are white, privileged misogynists (thanks to D&I) and not every woman around a decision making table represents the voice of all women. I’ve certainly seen that. Not every woman wants to be heard because of their gender, but perhaps of their cultural experiences or differences, or financial and educational experiences that they and their male siblings had. The most amazing women I’ve experienced, I may not agree with necessarily, but they bring substance to their opinion, they have rich experiences that underpin and qualify their voices. At the very heart of it, Ashley is just a bandwagon jumper and her only interest is doing as little as possible for maximum exposure.
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I don’t understand the all or nothing approach. It’s so cruel to go from feeding all night to not being offered any feeds at all. Surely Ashley could at least pop upstairs once or twice to wean her gradually? And then Ada’s with the childminder all day so she’s not making up those feeds during the day. It’s the complete opposite of attachment / gentle parenting - it’s the cry it out version of weaning your child!
It’s very clear at this point that Ashley feeding her babies is purely for content. She is a despicable, exploitative b!itch. Those children deserve so much better.
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For a start Lily Allen had a more successful career, Lily chose to focus on her children & was satisfied with her choice, Ashley on the other hand..
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Ha ha, the "candid" photo. Sure Ash, sure 🤣 just like your "candid" video shoot through the gap in the door.

I see Ash's PI is showing her some love 🤣
They sent me some horrific messages on insta when the whole social services thing happened, I had to block like 10 accounts from her vile fans
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She isn’t very bright. Nadine was a minister at the time, you don’t get to make speeches as you’re no longer a backbencher. That’s why she didn’t “talk in the commons for over a year” or mention her constituency. I SO wish Ashley had asked, she would have been humiliated.
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Her “maternity leave” with Ada gets shorter every time she mentions it 😂
Interested to know the reason we didnt get shown the dress Jas bought for Ashley’s future unwanted child. Almost like it’s something that didnt happen. Wasn’t she still on holiday in France when Ada was 6 weeks … but she only got 4 weeks mat leave?
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Ada doing a slump sleep in the carrier. She certainly doesn’t look well rested when they’re drinking their cocktails. Nice she’s had a day out but yeah it was definitely a ‘girls day’ wasn’t it. There’s no room for Alf in Ash’s ideal world.
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She needs to sit down and shut up. She is in a very privileged position - she has enough money to send her kids to nursery Mon - Fri 7am - 6pm & work prance about in her underwear at home whilst having Rara, NNB and Jasmine at her beck-and-call for any and all childcare.

She is not the person to be talking about working / childcare struggles. What about the 'regular mum' who has to work to be able to contribute to the household / cost of living & has daily guilt / anxiety about sending her kids to nursery. The 'regular mum and dad' who has to take unpaid leave for the 6-week summer holiday, who has to juggle a career with childcare.

She can spare me. She regurgitates badly whatever she sees from pregnant then screwed. She is not the voice of the working mother and never will be. I'm incredibly anxious about taking unpaid leave for summer holidays & how we'll actually survive without my wage, a worry that Trashley will never have.
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Did nobody tell her that you’re supposed to read to children? Why is it surprising that Ada is interested? Doesn’t she read to her?

Ada probably just wants a little bit of mum’s attention in her allotted half hour between Ash getting home from “work” and Ad being passed to Tommy for a bath and then shafted to the loft alone for the night.
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There was 2 adults there? Is Jasmine as useless as she is? She had to call TNB from his actual real life 9-5 job to help her? My mind is blown!
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