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Admitting it was her and TNB wanting some peace and time to connect! Get a babysitter then! You don’t just abandon your 3 year old in a restaurant!
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Sure the child with development and speech delay asked to sit alone 🤥 Alf probably picked a table to sit at and they just left him there as I reckon Ada was napping and they saw it as ‘peace’ 🤬
Interesting also that they’ve binned off the double pram suddenly.

Why don’t they want to spend time with him? I’m having wild conversations with my kid the same age and it’s fudging hilarious tbf. Meals out are tricky and we avoid them but I bring pens and paper, we chat over the menu/food choices and I pray it doesn’t take ages! Like fuck would I plonk him on a table so far away like that. They remind me of secondary school bullies who laugh at the loner kid during lunch breaks. Fucking awful parents
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If shes such a confident, competent mother why the hell can’t she have both her kids on her own? And just a reminder that she couldn’t even handle Alf on his own before Ad came along. So telepathically connected to her kids that she was asking for advice on how to look after a sick baby and entertain a toddler at home. None of us are perfect parents but this woman has lost her mind.
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Recognising your OWN CHILD is unwell 🤦🏻‍♀️ Yep Ash, that’s some top level parenting right there. You should just call yourself Saint Mother Theresa from here on in ⭐
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“Casual sexism and misogyny is brushed off” while she literally joked that she would murder Tommy because he had the nerve to be tired after a transatlantic flight home from a week of work … while she had babysitting on tap all week, a full evening off and a night out on top!
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I remember the miscarriage stuff. Without being a dick it really came across like it was just podcast content. She mentioned it on a loss podcast episode and never mentioned it again.

Someone please explain to me how you can not be ttc, not have a missed period, not take a pregnancy test but somehow know you’ve had an early miscarriage? I genuinely don’t see how her story lines up.
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She’s struggling to keep on top of life.
What with the stresses of a free hair wash and a walk around Selfridges being filmed by someone, it’s really no surprise, poor pet.
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Imagine Ashley‘s reaction if her parents posted on Instagram daily her bowel movements, how many times she’s been for a wee, what she had or hadn’t eaten, filmed her while she was trying to relax at home, every time she was upset, every time she got cross, every single thing she did every single day for three years.

Without her knowledge, understanding, or consent.

She would not be okay with that, but that is what Alfie’s entire life has been, and now Adeline has been forced to join too
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She’s struggling to keep on top of life.
What with the stresses of a free hair wash and a walk around Selfridges being filmed by someone, it’s really no surprise, poor pet.
That post was almost like a parody of the influencers “such a busy day” 😂 a free wash and blow dry and a walk around a department store. So much stress. So difficult. So much to keep on top of.
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I missed the Sarah Everard vigil, why did she say she went? How did you find out she was lying?
What’s the story about her lying about going to the vigil?
She said she didn’t go:


And then she posted about the police saying she was there:


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Ash must actually have an album on her phone titled ‘random famous people I’ve had photos with’ that she trawls through whenever someone dies or they have a big moment.
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She is deeply vile. There are ways to discuss birth trauma, but publicly stating that it was the worst day of her life is just so cruel. I’m not saying those thoughts should been silenced, but maybe talk to a friend (haha) or a therapist.

The way she talks about perfect Ada compared to poor sweet Alf (and the way the entire narrative has changed) is sickening, but I don’t even think she does love Ada more. She’s just a girlie accessory that she can project even more of her sexist crap onto. We’ve seen the way she treats Ada, shipping her off to the childminder, unweaned when she wouldn’t take a bottle at 6 months, hauling her out all over the place when she was sick.

I don’t think Ashley can love or care for anything other than herself.
I the whole c section birth was all planned around how she would look in front of parliament.

Those poor babies are just content and fodder for the Ashley James show I’m afraid 😢
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They’re truly the ones missing out - parenting is bloody hard and exhausting especially if you’re trying to juggle work and life and some days you do just think “gosh id love 5 minutes peace” but she gets 40 hours a week of peace, as does Tommy, because both their kids are shoved in to childcare. Pair of ungrateful, clueless imbeciles that don’t deserve the two lovely healthy kids they’ve been blessed with.
That’s just it, no wonder she hates being a Mum, she’s/they’re not present enough enough for her to enjoy it.
I’d find it a massive chore if all I did was get them up & dressed, turn out to drop & pick them up then feed, bath & put them to bed.
Where’s the fun? Half an hour at the end of the day when you’re all knackered?
And I get that’s the reality for many working parents who have no choice but I imagine they relish having time over breakfast and pull all they can get from the time they do have rather than Ash who palms Alf onto TNB all morning and gets them out the door as early as possible. And she does have a choice. Like when she was shocked how good it felt to go to Alf’s dance class. That’s the pay off for all the drudgery. Buying them a little treat from the train station kiosk then seeing their little face. A hot choc before bed. Picking up a little craft set to do together when you get home. Whatever you can do to have a connection when you’re so time poor. But she just goes through the motions to get to bed time.

We went to Nando’s today, the phone came out when it took ages to come. But either side of that we chatted and talked about where we’d just been, what’s happening tomorrow etc we got a good few games out of the ‘flag’ stuck in their burger. I don’t want to miss that for ‘peace’.

Also don’t believe anyone said “why is Alf the funniest” - bless his heart but who’d describe him as that?!
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It’s one of the hardest things about having another baby I think even though you know the siblings will be besties it’s still just, ugh my heart 😭 She’s a dick
I walked my eldest to school while I was in labour! Then I walked the dog because I even felt guilty leaving her 😂
And then, when it all went wrong and I had to stay in, I couldn’t be the one to tell my eldest that his brother had arrived, I felt so, so sad. He had to stay with my mum for 4 days and I felt like I’d let him down.

Ashley is just not maternal whatsoever - in fact the only person she gives a shit about is herself. The whole planning around Ada’s birth was to make Ash look the most Instagramable.
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Is it normal for a mother to sit with toddlers and copy them by shaking her head wildly while they do the same with plastic blocks in their mouths?

#greatplaygroup #notachokinghazard
I thought that 😂 she is so unnatural with them, it’s like watching someone who has literally never been around kids before and has no idea what to do!
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Her MIL just did 2 night shifts looking after her baby so Ashley could sleep and lived with her the previous week because she couldn’t cope while TNBs worked away … but she has no village.
She also has her friend staying so another adult to pitch in with the kids…but she has no village.
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Well there we have it. A mothers job is entirely to breastfeed whilst fed grapes from bed 😂😂😂
I’m offended she thinks all mums are as lazy as her.

What could she have possibly spoke about on that panel? They should’ve asked for Tommy 🤣

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Chatty Member

Jesus wept.

SHE doesn’t look sad now does she??
Fucking narcissist.
Probably just liked how her makeup was looking in the light.

Awful woman. Awful mum.


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