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Chatty Member
Guys come on, Ashley was soooooo traumatised from Alf’s birth. She had a near death experience. It was the worst day of her life. And yet, and yet…. A mere two hours post birth Ashley was standing up in the bathroom all by herself talking smiling selfies in her underwear…

Disclaimer : edited out our mutual friend on the screenshot View attachment 2795965
She is a dangerously warped human. I would argue that my birth was far more traumatic than hers. But, I won’t, because it is what it is. Most women are traumatised in the immediacy following, but somehow that baby bubble takes over. Yes there is shock but mainly relief. There is no way on gods earth I was in a position to smirk at a camera, in my underwear, jewellery on and relatively clean and slick hair. I couldn’t stand for a start.

Was it the worst day of my life? Absolutely not! This isn’t about women being able to talk about birth trauma Ash. Most women who experience actual birth trauma (not just labour which is just bloody tough, no two ways about it) don’t and can’t talk about it. The rest of us look beyond it and just focus on loving our babies. Then there is people like you. Dangerous narcissists with a tendency to lie pathologically, and can’t stand it when people stand up to you and see through you. The blatancy of her ever changing lies is astonishing.
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No way she wasn’t getting odd looks from the staff and other customers either. (TNB too but he had his back to everything stuffing his face with his wrap) It’s just not a normal thing to be doing. She must have the skin of a rhino because I’m fairly sure she gets judged in public all the time, and it can’t all be just from random Tattlers in the wild.
I don't know why, but it even wound me up that TNB ordered a wrap over a burger 🤣

I have always felt a bit sorry for Tommy but after this and the iPad incident I think fuck him, he should have been pulling Trash into line years ago in relation to setting a good routine and allowing healthy sleep, eating, hygiene and screen habits for the kids - especially when he himself looks a million dollars in his brand new gym kit in every fucking photo grinning like a Cheshire cat trying to kick start an influencer career shilling protein powder. He should be the one saying 'the kids need their relationships with their current carers, we can't uproot them just so you can live next to your non-existent 'friends'!'
But he encourages this shit!

Grow some balls (I know how much that statement alone would piss fake feminist Ash off), eat a fucking spicy burger at Nando's for a start you delicate wimp and start standing up to that vile partner of yours. Put your kids first.

Side note : if this was my child who insisted on wanting to sit separate, I know for a fact if we couldn't reason with him and just wanted to eat lunch quickly, my husband would leave our table and sit with him on a bar stool or at a table for two, make him feel seen - not turn his back to him saying 'ahhhh peace'

Fuck off TNB.
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What I dislike most about her is how any basic minimal parenting (like reading a book) is filmed and posted as if it’s the most amazing thing she’s ever done for her children

I read 8 books to my daughter this morning before 7.30am I didn’t once think of asking my husband to film me doing it because it’s such a every day occurrence

She does so little so thinks she’s a super mum for reading one book instead of going straight to a screen for them in the morning
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I hope Ada’s ready raring to go for another week of childcare after having such a well rested weekend to get her over tonsilitis 🥴🥴🥴
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Trying to justify it with that stupid David Cameron story 🙄 (which is nothing to joke about either as far as I’m concerned)

what about Madeline McCann Ash? Do you want to try and justify that scenario? I suppose that was the fault of the person that snatched her wasn’t it, nothing to do with her negligent parents giving someone the opportunity on a plate in the first place? I dare her to go there.
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Chatty Member
I'm sorry this is bullshit both my kids were totally different labours but I would stoll describe my 2nd being born. As the 2nd best day of my life.... surly its about the child not the labour 🤔
This makes me so fucking angry. She has a highlight stories of Alfs birth. She changes the narrative constantly on it. She had a tens machine, was given pethidine... Just because she didn't have an epidural it doesn't mean she didn't have pain relief.

She didn't let the Dr's internally examine her to see if she could even get an epidural.. She pushed before she was 10cm dialated - she caused her own birth trauma. Not the NHS. And it's a very dangerous narrative she is peddling.
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Admitting it was her and TNB wanting some peace and time to connect! Get a babysitter then! You don’t just abandon your 3 year old in a restaurant!
In Nando’s?! Yeah that’s my go-to when I want a bit of time to reflect and chat with my partner, especially on a Saturday afternoon.

Because she’s a narcissist, EVERYTHING is criticism and everyone else can be wrong. Unfortunately there’s not a lot you can do with that. Saying that it’s because Alf feels safe enough to sit at a table on his own in a restaurant because he has a secure attachment is absolutely absurd, but there’ll be no telling her. This is someone that wopped a tit out on Remembrance Day to show she was wearing a poppy badge, and that’s also totally fine apparently.
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Chatty Member
Thou doth protest a bit too much- this morning oh she IS protesting!! Clearly it’s hit a nerve with her because she knows she was in the wrong. If she genuinely didn’t care what people thought then she wouldn’t be ranting like she is. Look, Ashley, people would respect you MORE if you just admitted “yes it was foolish, we did it cos we were tired from Ada being unwell and we just gave in to what Alfie wanted, to keep him quiet and get peace. But yeah on hindsight it was a bit daft and looked bad and we won’t do it again”.
Surely she knows by now that with parenting, no one expects you to be perfect but they do expect you to try and be a bit fucking sensible most of the time??!!
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I don’t get her constantly banging on about how happy Ada is all the time, but she’s unable to get any photos or videos of her smiling?? Or if she did, she chose to post the ones where Ad looks miserable?

The photos of my babies at their first birthdays look dramatically different to this.
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describing the day your first child was born as the worst day of your life is so completely fucked up I don't even have words for it. birth trauma or not. publicly expressing that on the internet for everyone including Alfie to see is just pathological. she needs urgent psychiatric intervention at this point
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I’m usually on the Hinch thread but ventured over here after a poster said Ashley is worst than Hinch in her parenting. I cannot believe what I have just seen! Her little boy sat on a table all by himself in Nando’s watching a tablet! So many things that are wrong with this scenario:

1. Kids need boundaries and to understand that eating together is important. Family being together is important. If he refused to sit with his family, I’m afraid he shouldn’t have been given free rein to sit somewhere else! They should have said no, explained why but not given in to his demands.
2. she has allowed her son to take a table away from another family who may want it. How disrespectful! I can imagine the staff were not impressed nor any other families in the restaurant. Just shows how entitled and disrespectful and selfish this little boys parents are.
3. he will now expect the same everytime they eat out. His little sister will be learning all these bad behaviours too.

these parents will end up having no true bonds with their kids. My now teens still love eating with us..we have always taken them out when young, set the boundaries when young and when we eat together we talk together - mealtimes bring us together. Call me old fashioned but it’s worked for us and our kids have been able to go to restaurants and to other peoples homes for meals with no drama. I found it sad seeing that little boy all by himself in front of his tablet. It certainly wasn’t a scene I would have filmed, been proud of and shared publicly. Says a lot about Ashley and her husband. I see they also film their kids in the bath! No thought given to their kids privacy whatsoever and the dangers they are exposing them too
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Chatty Member
Long time lurker! I cannot believe she said she doesn’t have a village. The audacity and entitlement of this woman. Her lack of gratitude is actually unbelievable.
It’s so utterly disrespectful for those of us who genuinely don’t have a village. Those of us who have worked full time since children a very young age, with absolutely no family or additional childcare support other than mum and dad of child. Particularly with additional needs and own ill health chucked in. The perpetual victim and martyr who, at this stage, is so self absorbed she actually believes what she is saying is fact. I’d happily swap her village for mine on certain days. She is so desperate to be categorised in a ‘hard done by’ area but god help her if she ever felt the sting of not having the privilege she has whether that’s physical, financial or emotional. It’s almost like a munchausen mind set.
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So do we think one of them took his plate of scraps over to him on his table as he sat alone or do we think they told a waiter to go and serve him?! He’s just turned three for fuck sake. What if a family came in and needed the table - how embarrassing for them having to get up and go and collect their three year old who is set up alone on a table. I just can’t get over it. She’s a narcissistic cunt who can never admit she’s done anything wrong ever.
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Chatty Member
Let’s not pretend either that should something happen to Alf he doesn’t have the basic mobility to get away.
He can’t fucking walk, let alone run.

He doesn’t have the basic language skills to string a sentence together to communicate to someone for help if he needed to. On the flip side, he has no stranger danger, heck he has more of an attachment to dress up characters at Nickelodeon than those two.

Her and Tommy needing time together just after valentines date night and Nana having the kids for the weekend. Pull the other one! No excuse.

It’s time SS got involved again 😤
I'm so worried about this child, everything you've said is bang on. Anyone could say come on Alf, I know X character from this show and he'd love to meet you. Don't worry about mummy or daddy, they've got Ada and are coming after us. I'm so worried.

She is such a nasty person - imagine saying someone who's questioning her is unintelligent. If they were unintelligent, they'd be blindly sticking up for you
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Long time lurker but I can’t not comment on today’s story.
“best day of my life”
She is pure evil. That poor little boy 💔
Tommy is just as bad for enabling her behaviour l
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It’s really sad and immature when someone does this. Remember she spent an “evening ” with Pam Anderson when she was having a moment. 🥴. If my kid did this I’d tell them grow up 🤣. Defo arrested development 🤣
🤣 Raye probably doesn’t even remember meeting her 🤣 And when that Josie Gibson went into the jungle suddenly there was a story with her. Same as when Caroline Flack died. She is so sad and desperate she will try and ride the coat tails of anyone dead or alive. Loser.
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‘Maybe they’ve been colouring already and got bored’


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