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I haven't posted in a while but felt I needed to after that appalling video of Alf! God almighty Ashley, he's THREE! He is an infant!

If you think him sitting on his own quite a distance from his parents in a busy restaurant is "living his best life" there's something mentally wrong with you. Why would a three year old not want to be near his parents?! My partner's family member has a two and a half year old and she'll start to whine and eventually cry if her Mum suddenly goes out of her sight and she's a very independent and strong willed child!

Even if for some reason Alf wanted to sit away from them, it's dangerous Ashley!! You tell him no because it's not safe. There are bad people in this world unfortunately and they can snatch children in a blink of an eye! All it takes is a single minute of you being distracted! Not to mention he could fall off his chair or potentially choke and you're far enough away you won't be able to act quickly enough!

Plonking him there is also basically expecting the underpaid staff to watch him for you which isn't their job. And to say you both did it for "peace" and to connect?! Absolutely unbelievable. If you want to connect without kids get a babysitter (or NNB!) Or yknow, maybe don't have kids if you're going to do this!!

I guess it's terrible us horrid trolls care about the welfare of your children 🤷‍♀️
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The woman is approaching 40 and posted this what is her problem 🤣🤣 is the sheep eye fucking itself at the same time 🤣
She’s a petulant and frankly nasty little princess. Nobody has an issue with humans or animals feeding their children, even in public. What they take issue with is photographing it and sharing (usually while eye fucking themselves) it for all the wrong reasons. In Ashley’s case she just loves the attention and validation it gives her, nothing to do with the person she is feeding. Just the ego. Taking a shit is perfectly natural, so let’s see if we can get Alf to covertly film his narcissist mother doing one, then share with total strangers all without her consent. How’d ya like that now.
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The 3 year old scared to go down a small slide front facing but can fend for himself alone in a busy restaurant 🫠
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Let’s not pretend either that should something happen to Alf he doesn’t have the basic mobility to get away.
He can’t fucking walk, let alone run.

He doesn’t have the basic language skills to string a sentence together to communicate to someone for help if he needed to. On the flip side, he has no stranger danger, heck he has more of an attachment to dress up characters at Nickelodeon than those two.

Her and Tommy needing time together just after valentines date night and Nana having the kids for the weekend. Pull the other one! No excuse.

It’s time SS got involved again 😤
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Nearly died my arse 🙄 I don't think if you were at deaths door you would be in your undies taking selfies 2 hours later 🤔 Yes labour is painful, sometimes we don't get the pain relief we need. Birthplans never go to plan! I had twins 10 weeks early, I didn't hold them for the first 12 days, for me that was traumatic but it didn't take away the love and happiness I felt that I had 2 beautiful children. Too many women are not as lucky as me and Ashley leaving hospital with our babies 😢
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Ashley Tate is back. The ranting on the sofa this morning. She is chilling. How she turns it round every time on the other person. It’s actually scary. No wonder her family want nothing to do with her.
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*fills a hot bath to ‘work’ from at 3pm*

“Tell me you’re a mum without telling me”.

I mean yeah… most mums were watching that story from a cold playground on pick up or at home losing their shit covered in offspring.

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As for her not wanting to stop breastfeeding because she’ll actually ‘have to comfort Ada when she wakes’ Wow 🥴🥴😂
TBF I kept BF at night because little one had no other sleep associations and it was the easiest way for me to still be able to sleep. However, I didn't frame it like this and tried to introduce alternatives like a snuggly, white noise, shushhing and pats etc. I'm not saying I did it right, I'd do it differently next time but I never expected it would make them sleep longer and I certainly didn't want to do it so I could have a night away at a hotel!!
I don't know why she thinks a year is a magic number and she should be considering it now even.
It's like having kids, when you want a holiday,
A gifted/ad, when you've already paid,
The unsolicited advice, that you just didn't take
And who would've thought, it figures.

And isn't it ironicall, don't you think?
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Your baby has tonsillitis-on antibiotics-can’t go to child care.

What would you do?

1. Stay at home with your poorly child-give her cuddles,love , etc

2. Get a ‘work’ call to promote a hair care product & palm her off with some random person while you eye fuck yourself getting your hair washed.
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Oh my god Ryan’s joined in the trolling 🤣🤣🤣


You know it’s bad when your boyfriend’s best mate even thinks you’re shit 🤣
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Imagine the worst day of your life and……you whip out your phone to take a smirking mirror selfie in your underwear
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The pink she’s lost…..
Do you think she means the kitchen at her old flat?!?

I’m still furious that Adeline is having an all singing all dancing 1st birthday party whereas Alf was 3 before he even got to blow out a fucking candle.
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Why would you post this?
“I didn’t know what to do!”
So grabbed the phone and took a picture for the Gram instead of hugging my child and reassuring him that I’d be home later and would miss him too.

She’s copying Lucy Meck calling Alf “King” now too.
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Tank Girl

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PLEASE please can you all stop feeling sorry for TNB NOW ! I’m tired of repeating myself he is the same useless venal fucker she is and acts like he does because he LOVES this Zeleb life and thinks it will be his turn soon 🤣🤣🤣.
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A word to the wise: many autistic people (but not, of course, all - we come in all shapes and sizes) can take whatever is said to us very literally. We don’t lie (or absolutely hate to do so): why would others lie to us? This is especially true when we are very young. We have all the trust of young children plus an inbuilt predisposition to accept what is said to us.
The point is that Alf, whom I believe to also have ASC, is so very little, probably as ridiculously trusting as I was (something that persisted into my late twenties and even sometimes today - I have to remind myself not to take people at face value), could easily have gone off with someone. Think about all the information that has been put out there - his exact age and time of birth; the books he loves; his daily routine; the clothing he wears; his sister, her illness, her age and proclivities; his latest haircut; what he hates. Anyone acting with malign intent could easily build up an entire composite of the little boy and step up to him - and if he is too far from his family to be overheard, could probably be quite easily persuaded/manipulated to go off with them. When we consider that up to 90% of children whose mothers run their Instagrams are followed by grown men (statistics: New York Times), we can only draw the unavoidable conclusion that social media has been a contributing factor in the acceleration of predatory behaviour.
So it’s not the ‘unhappy’ or ‘negative’ women/mums in your timeline, Ashley: there are really dangerous people out there. Some people will have a go, no matter what: that’s one of the consequences for being in the public eye. But when mothers who, by and large, protect their young via biological instinct see a little one in a dangerous situation, they react: they’re being *justly* and *justifiably* negative; they see the potential for *their* worst nightmare being realised, the loss of a precious child. Sure, children can act up (and need to be told ‘no’ - their sole frame of reference is You, their frontal lobes are undeveloped, and they lack experience to make their own judgements/decisions). A child taking themselves off and announcing they want to eat alone can seem endearing, funny. But insist they go no farther than the next table. Just don’t risk it. I understand that poor little Ada is very ill and necessarily demanding, because she’s in pain and doesn’t understand for a moment what is happening to her, but you’ll be making a rod for your own back in other ways: if you encourage a child to be defiant and/or go off by themselves, you’re legitimising that behaviour, and they’ll do it at every possible opportunity.
Here endeth the lesson.

Does anyone feel like they’re living in Groundhog Day right now? It just seems to be a litany of wars and hateful things the Tories have done, high prices and misery. The only out-of-the-way thing that happened for me was that my Kitten appeared through his flap dragging a long green balloon, which static-ed his fur and made him freak out. Last week, the spherical ingrate brought me a strawberry lollipop, still in its wrapper, and sulked for days after it was confiscated. And I have to teach a class on Heraclitus and time this afternoon, and am Not In The Mood. Things have to get better - they really do, don’t they? So there’s something to wake up for?
Love to all.
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“A year since the best day of my life”
What a complete BITCH!
I’m telling you know, Alf will absolutely hate and resent Ada because of the differences she makes.
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