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Of all the self absorbed, arrogant, just plain weird shit she’s done, I feel like saying she went to the farm to spend time with the kids and TNB before he goes for a while “and mainly just admired my skin”’ takes the biscuit. And she filmed it. I believe it’s not a joke, she’s walked around like a bored teenager periodically using her phone to film her skin from different angles?!

I know others who’d call in help if OH went away, but I also know they wouldn’t describe themselves constantly as an independent feminist who doesn’t need a man and an amazing, telepathic mother who can respond to their child’s every need. The ‘I can’t do anything because I’m feeding Ada’ shite needs to stop. She can put Alf to bed then feed Ada to sleep, or feed as she does bedtime.
She’s happy to leave Ada alone in another room with dancing fruit when she’s filming a make-up reel but God forbid she leaves her side when Alf needs her to step up.

Have I had too much internet or has she been particularly awful this week?
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I think the biggest problem is, Ash can’t post all those things because she’s never tried.
If she actually attempted to look after her own children for a meaningful amount of time, this is what would happen:
1 - she would quickly realise the importance of a routine
2 - she would bother her arse to try and encourage Adeline to sleep through the night, as it would mean she gets some valuable time to herself in the evenings
3 - she would spend quality time with Alf and perhaps his limitations would become apparent to her, she might actually seek some support for him
4 - she would realise that she’s not the “really good mum” she thinks she is
5 - mum guilt would set in “did I spend enough time with Alf today, I’m wary that Adeline needed extra cuddles today as her 1000th tooth is coming in”, “parenting is hard am I doing enough for them both?”, “I love my kids but wow I could do with half hour to myself, I can’t believe I just thought that” etc

Ashley doesn’t know she’s born when it comes to parenting, she’s never had to do it.

I dunno, maybe I’m just jealous as I don’t have the help that she does 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Rocky Rosd

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It’s not that she can’t do it, it’s because she doesn’t like spending time with them. That’s why they are in full time childcare. She could easily do her job 3 days a week and have them the other two if she wanted to. She hates being at home so they go from one entertainment venue to the next at weekends. She thinks because she has co-slept and breastfed they will have an unbreakable bond but any sane person would know that it’s the time spent with them when they are awake that counts. The simple things, the chats. She should never have had children.
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It doesn’t even need to be a flex at all- if the kid enjoys swimming and engages with it why not just be happy with that? But no he has to be the next Tom Daly.
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I can honestly say I go most days not thinking about feeling ‘sexy’. I can’t imagine getting on my commute in the morning, oooooh I feel sexy. Oh bugger, the train is delayed, who cares because I’m so bloody sexy. Picking my son up from nursery oh wow I must look so SEXY.
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yes, in Scotland you can defer until they are 5. I did with both my boys & they THRIVED! when they were 5 at school ... but there were a lot of parents who just didn't (appear to) care about their kids wants or needs & send their freshly turned 4 year olds to school :( I can't imagine Alf going to school.

We did A LOT of prep with my two - going to see the school at break / lunch times - visiting classrooms, meeting teachers etc. so their transitions were as "easy" as possible. I can't see Trashley putting that work in for Alf ...
I have a July baby who started school 6 weeks after she turned 4. She is also thriving, and regularly receiving pupil of the week awards. She’s in the top group for phonics and absolutely loves school.
She would have also been bored shitless doing another year of pre-school.
Alf wont be ready for school at 5 either because Ashley does not give a shit about that boys development and does nothing with him in regards to school readiness.
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As of now, she will be known as Ashley Tate. I can’t get my head around the venom she spouts towards men. It’s fucking shocking
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I'm so sick of her rants about men and belittling men's mental health.My husband went through really bad depression,it was heartbreaking.Also she thinks all men are fucking murders/terrorists/rapists,but women can be cunts too.My oldest son suffered physical abuse and torture when he lived with his ex gf.He was black and blue when he finally left the bitch.Poor Alf is all I can say.
And as for the spray tan at night... she was home all day mincing round the house in shit outfits.No kids all day cos they're palmed off with Lovely Day.She lives like a single,child free woman.She does fuck all.Most of us are working shifts/9-5s and still being parents.Shes utterly useless.
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Chatty Member
I do think she’s getting worse for sure. Her whole set up is flawed and it shows. Must be getting harder to sell it even to herself.
She is going to get worse when Tommy is away.
Her manic, angry, misguided tantrums this week are clearly linked to him going away. She can’t possibly say that though, because she is a feminist who doesn’t need a man (just his army of family and paid for childcare staff). There is definitely an undertone of rage and now we know why. Tommy clearly has opportunities at his feet, ones that come with shiny exciting transatlantic trips, ones that take him away from his responsibilities and duties, she will be completely jealous and out of sorts. And. As much as she likes to pretend she is totally chilled about their relationship, it’s a big world out there and lots of far, far more interesting people than Ash, probably with even better skin.
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@cahil thank you for the context! This is the kind of thing Ash wishes she could pull together but can't even begin.
my decades long obsession with christian fundamentalism coming into its own haha. slightly annoyed i took the bait. not to toot my own horn but im an academic and i specialise in feminist political and legal theory so she got me on the intersection of my 'special subjects' as it were...

the point to make is that trad wife ism is part of a wider political ideology and that these accounts are a form of cultural propaganda. the reason its working is BECAUSE (as others have said) life for women (and men) has not improved DESPITE the advancements of the second wave of feminism (equal pay, discrimination etc). these are all issues that she loves to chat about all the time. but she fails to see the connection between choice/identity politics, neoliberal government corruption and corporate greed, and the alienation of these communities from mainstream thinking. shes too fucking dumb to make those connections. she hasnt done her research. she doesnt read anything and she certainly doesnt think about it in an intelligent way. she just takes it as a personal offence because she is projecting as usual.
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This is the women who twice made a big hoohaa gender reveal complete with pink or blue cannons despite making a living ranting on insta about gender norms. The only reason she’s has ‘chosen’ to remain unmarried is because she has never been proposed to, let’s face it!
She “forced” TNB to be her boyfriend, calls his mum her MIL and wears a ring her got her on her wedding finger for god sake!
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Ashley James is the most pathetic excuse for a mother, and to publicly declare it like this with seemingly no embarrassment is boggling.
Why the hell did she have children? How truly awful for her kids to look back in future and see her talk about how she has no desire at all to spend any time with them on their own and enjoy the simple things in life.

Sitting in a cafe watching my 2 and 3 year olds slopping hot (lukewarm) chocolate down themselves is one of the biggest pleasures in my life. Doing our weekly shop together is something I really look forward to because although it can be difficult to keep the noise at what I feel is an acceptable level for a supermarket at 9am midweek, it’s interacting with them and having them scan items for me and help that is so lovely and SO much nicer than just going round on my own would be. She actually hates being a mum in every way aside from the engagement that breastfeeding has given her. Raising little ones is stressful but what good and rewarding thing in life ever came without a bit of hard work? It just shows she doesn’t want to do any hard work at all and can’t cope with the most basic tasks that mothers do every single day. Yet she thinks she can empower women? 😂😂
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Chatty Member
Blows my mind she’s amazed her three year old can walk home from the hall NEXT DOOR. wtf?! She treats him like a baby, she has no idea how to be around him hence the ridiculous babyish toys he has. I’m convinced his issues stem from her shit parenting and nothing else.
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Chatty Member
That post about Alf and Ada’s eating habits. She does realise it’s far more coming for babies if Ada’s age to eat vegetables that are in front of them as opposed to three year olds like Alfie, when they start to become far more fussy? She just doesn’t have a clue does she? Stop making your son out to be so awful! JUST YOU WAIT until Ada’s living off crackers and chicken nuggets.

And tell Tommy to quit with the fucking tickling. It gives me the ick.
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She’s honestly complaining that Tommy said he’s tired? He’s been on a long haul flight after working away for a week, while probably jet lagged the whole time. She wants to pretend that prancing around trying on clothes is intense work, but can’t acknowledge that Tommy might work hard too?

She’s had full time child care during the day and live in help for out of hours the entire time, who sent her to bed early while they cared for the baby. AND she had a child free night out? Why is she so tired?!?

She’d be immediately going for a girl’s night out and leaving him with the kids, if she had any girls to have a night out with.
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She loathes cancer. Lol.

I think very little of Ash, but even I didn’t think she was in favour of cancer. What an odd thing to say 😂
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