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And here the Turkey Twizzlers stand wither
Jesus that commenter HAS had a good old nose on here 🫣 come on love, admit you had fun 😏🍿
Sweetheart if you're on here again no we don't just pick a random and start a thread, Ashley's behaviour over the past few years alone has been nothing short of a insta hun scammer, taking advantage of her sometimes vulnerable followers, especially new mothers, advertising VERY unsafe practices that could have caused harm to other's young ones (far too many to remember but carseat horror being one) and when politely advised about them by others, stamped her feet and sent petulant, threatening, aggressive messages to them. Taking advantage of every mental illness going for content and then miraculously being cured of it a few days later, THAT'S the one that angered me the most 😡 But fine carry on admiring and clicking on those overpriced silly links for crap you don't need, open your eyes fgs.
Did she not look at the weather before she got dressed this morning??
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Just a small thing but I wish just ONCE these wankers would promote another nappy other than Pampers. They’re really expensive! And there are others that are just as good and half the bloody price or less. If I was a younger, more impressionable mum I might feel really shit that I can’t afford the ‘best’ nappies for my baby. They can be about £12 a bloody pack.
Kate Lawler did the same beggy posts (and crotch pictures) for nappies then got to promoting Lidl's Lupilu - only within a short time her child was back in Pampers. It's like a wealth brag.
FWIW Aldi nappies are fantastic, among the cheapest and softer to touch than Pampers.
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All I can think is that her socks are going to get soggy, surely she has some more suitable footwear than sliders?
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Funny isn’t it. The reel that ‘she didn’t know she was being filmed’, there’s footage of her being knowingly filmed in the same underwear, Ada in the same clothes and her caressing her scar 🤮 Whatta coincidence!
And in every single frame of her, she's got perfect crusty hair and makeup....yeah really realistic for new mums ...and not one shot of Alf the forgotten first born
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Fell down a you tube rabbit hole and found this cringeworthy video from 8 years ago ( when she'd have been 28....although she behaves like a teenager talking to camera!)
you have been warned ....apparently she's empathic cos she cried at a documentary about Pat Butcher 🙄
She's like a 14 year old making a school project, I only got to the football chant and had to switch off 🤦‍♀️I wonder if her sister kept her accent, I cant imagine her family being over the moon with her discarding it so easily or maybe that's just me 😅
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Good job she didnt have a section 20 years ago - you were sent home with paper sheet with a couple of exercises to do sitting on a chair stretching from side to side and thats it! it did f@ck all to help my recovery or lose the belly!
i had an accident few years back where i ended up with an operation. as part of the aftercare i had physio and they massaged the scar tissue - scar is fantastic now flat, no hard scar tissue or lumps. The conversation must have got round to how awful and hard my section scar is and the physio was shocked that i hadnt received both physio post birth and the same scar treatment for this..they were Australian so maybe its norm there but I pointed out although i was seeing them privately my births were NHS and no one gets care like that mores the pity!
I can honestly say though although the scar is lumpy under the skin the actual c section scar is not something i have ever been that worried about . it soon fades and its not visible tht often as i dont prance around in my undies on insta all day!
I've got scar from 2 CS which even after 26 years still gives me some problems as skin quite thin now , especially since I'm post menopausal ....however also have a vertical incision from belly button to pubis following total abdominal hysterectomy 15 years ago and it's healed beautifully ...didn't get any post op after care or advice for the hysterectomy it's not just postnatal aftercare that's crap!
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She must have a note list on her phone of her go to ranty phrases and she just copies and pastes because it’s the same mistakes every time! Either spelling, entirely wrong word or dates.

We must me due to hear about the French birth study conducted in 2068 again soon? 😂
And aff links to that book she used to go on about being single is the greatest or whatever
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Looks like she isn’t attending much of the dry disco day, it started at half ten and she’s still in bed. Wait til she says it’s a topic close to her heart…
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Why are you fantasising about being single and living with random women while you’ve got ‘the perfect relationship’?!

Also, what are you going to offer this household of women as you certainly wouldn’t be helping with childcare, cleaning or cooking?! 🙃
Or paying the bills, if she doesn’t get some work soon
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VIP Member
Fell down a you tube rabbit hole and found this cringeworthy video from 8 years ago ( when she'd have been 28....although she behaves like a teenager talking to camera!)
you have been warned ....apparently she's empathic cos she cried at a documentary about Pat Butcher 🙄
What was she on 😳
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Funnily the targeted ad on this page is for beauty equipment ...and more specifically body sculpting 🤣
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New thread trolls

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I’ve just watched the “kind hands” video with the sound on and am I right that there are three voices all talking to Alf? Poor kid will be frazzled with what to actually process 🤦🏻‍♀️
I agree, it's surely all too much for him to manage to understand with everyone talking over one another like that, and no one actually showing him how to be around his sister 😢
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