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What happened to practising taking a bottle that Ad was doing so well with?

More lies, or just needs to take a baby along for content?

Just to make matters even more hilarious - one of the gigs she ‘had to turn down’ over the last few months (she didn’t turn it down at all, she was listed as a possible option but the Client company thought she and Charlotte were still a duo, so she’d never have gotten the gig solo anyway) went with an apt alternative for their Easter company event disco… now just remember Ashley claims to be a serious DJ who did a course and everything, but was beaten to the gig by…

Paul Chuckle 😂😂😂😂
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Ashley James #25 It’s no wonder TNB is always in his PE kit, the amount of running around after her that he has to do
(Edited slightly as too long to fit!)

Winning thread title by our very own PI @MidnightRambler

Just two weeks have passed since the last new thread, which I think might be a record for Trashley.

Ash and Tommy (and Ada) went out for a ‘relationship meeting’ which appeared just to be finalising arrangements on distribution of workload:

Wait on Ash in bed
Full-time job
All parenting related to Alfie

Stay in bed
Flutter eyashes
Feed baby
Go to brunch
Get hair and make up done
Post on insta

May I suggest an addition to next week for Tommy of grow some balls?

Ash accepted a DJ job, realised she had a month to get Ada used to a bottle, then didn’t mention it again for two weeks (no unsolicited advice or she will block you).

She shared that Alf has regressed (doesn’t everyone’s toddler throw reed diffusers on the floor?!) and was met with lots of comments about spending time with him! Just 10 minutes a day is enough, apparently. Ash seems to have forgotten this already, though, as Alf is shipped off to who knows where without even seeing her in the morning.

On to another episode of ‘Unsafe Sleep With Ashley James’ where we saw ✨baby girl✨ in her crib lying on a fleecy hooded blanket, with another thick blanket over her.
The Lullaby Trust website is wonderful for research, Ashley, if you’d like to take a look.

Ash then jumped on the bandwagon of Stella Creasy’s Social Services referral which was, unsurprisingly, an entirely different situation to Ashley’s.

The original issue with Ashley (because we’re always asked) is here:

On a day out with Ash’s sister, they showed off yet another pushchair, adding a whopping £749 to the already-eye watering total, but Ash was of course not happy and had to moan about the lack of storage.

We were more concerned though by Poor Alf’s gross motor skills and lack of emotional connection to his mother.

We’ve been treated to Ashley’s version of fashion with jogging bottoms, socks, trainers, and a variety of coats and blazers. No outfit would be complete though without a pair of ‘cool dudes’. That’s sunglasses to you and me.

She employed (or was gifted and didn’t say) the services of the stylist/shopper that she gifted to her sister last year, who basically made her buy plain T-shirts and some belts, but then reverted straight back to teenage chic shit until the Tu ad when she chucked some dresses on and pretended they were her favourite things just long enough for a photo.

A couple of day trips to central London with Ad in the #gifted Artipoppe and a bag full of baby essentials, but she still ‘can’t’ pick Alf up until 12 weeks after her C-section….

It’s possible that work has dried up for Ashley, because she’s doing an #afflink for absolutely everything she can. Got to pay the bills on that million pound house somehow!

We heard a story about a 13 year old girl on the train whose mum said the boy she woke up next to would be disappointed if she usually wore lots of make up (Body Shop ad)

We did a quick now vs then of Ashley’s face

Ada got filtered for the first time (but Ash never uses filters!)

A bit of thinly veiled NHS-bashing before her 6 (9) week check, which turned out to be great because the GP asked the questions in a human way! Rather than….?! 🤷🏼‍♀️

Tommy’s been featured a little more, occasionally allowed to see his own daughter, and always in full PE kit. Can you cope?!

All rounded off with a bit of candid camera. Ash had no idea that she was being filmed, hair and make up professionally done, matching black underwear, baby Ad asleep on her shoulder, gently swaying around the bedroom in front of the mirror. You could see the moment she realised she was being filmed. Well, I couldn’t. I could see the moment she looked over as if to give the ‘okay we’re finished now’ instruction. How about everyone else?

Total of Ashley’s gifted baby carriers, car seats and pushchairs: £7403.90

In case you didn’t know:
• Ashley was single for 6 years before meeting Tommy (although they have now confirmed to their GP that they sleep in separate bedrooms!)
• She was a Grade A student (and we’ve seen the GCSE art work)
• She hates the patriarchy
• She trusts her ✨instinct✨ with motherhood and does her own research (please, no one else ever follow her lead)
• She claims to have a telepathic link to Alfie to know his needs. She never seems to follow it and actually meet his needs, though
• She never wanted a boy, and makes this clear
• Alf’s diet consists of grated cheese, watermelon and not much else, with the new addition of croissants
• Alf knows the ‘days of the month’, can count to 100, and his favourite number is 91 - according to Ashley
• Alf also knows the ‘adult’ and ‘phonic’ alphabets but not the ‘baby’ alphabet
• Ash is incapable of being alone with Alfie, so either Tommy or his mum are always there to step in if he’s not at the childminder (lovely day x) or with the Nanny
• Snoop is Ash’s dog who is occasionally seen, he was sent away when Alf was little because neither Alf nor Snoop were given any kind of boundaries by Ash
• Ashley is quick to cry troll, but is infact the biggest troll of all

TNB is Tommy (no balls)
NNB is Nana (no balls - Tommy’s mum)


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Hi 👋 I've been reading these threads the last few days after she was mentioned elsewhere. I'm currently on thread 18 and I'm really struggling with not having the option to comment and have an outlet for my disbelief and shock at this woman!

She really is a massive dickhead and I loathe her and everything she stands for. Awful mother, awful role model and an absolute beast of a narcissist

I feel a bit better now so I'll head on back.

Lovely day x
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View attachment 2181223
Is she taking the piss? Maternity leave and looking after children is not having a break Ashley.
Ffs. So ‘proud of myself for doing this so early after a baby’. Doing what? You got a train into London and then listened to some music in a shop while someone held your child. You don’t have a real job. You didn’t go back to the office and negotiate new contracts or deals with the CEO, or head back to A&E for the bruising night shifts. You are a literal waste of space, with no talent and no prospects. Get real Ashley.
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‘I can’t believe I got to DJ at ministry of sound’ 😂 she’s going to put that on her CV isn’t she?

That’s like dropping a parcel off at worthy farm and claiming you appeared at Glastonbury
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I’m so tired of how influencers/Celebrities talk about children’s services (for one thing, nobody calls us social services anymore).

There are a million steps between a referral, and a child being removed. Removing children is less than 1% of my entire career.

We don’t investigate unless there’s reason to.

We don’t notify every other agency. The nonsense about ‘school being made aware in future’ that they’re possibly neglectful parents is rubbish, we don’t spend our time notifying professionals about families that closed to us years ago.

Yeah we’re overworked and under resourced, but we have more than enough capability to investigate all genuine concerns (and a duty to do so). Bringing up Star and Arthur is dangerous, it implies we should only focus on kids at significant risk. No. We focus on any family who needs it.
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I would love to see her still describing it was “having a break” if she had a normal Mat leave experience.
Getting up and giving Alf breakfast because TNB has gone to work. Picking Alf up because most people don’t leave their toddler in childcare to 6pm when they don’t have to. Walk home with alf and the baby (guys Ad is almost 3 months and Ashley has never once been for a walk with her two children)
Do Alfs dinner, bath and play with both children until the other parent gets home.
Actually look after alf on his non nursery day rather than finding any other means to fob him off.
Something tells me she knows fine rightly she’s on her “break” now. She has opted out of 95% of Alfs parenting, does no cooking, no cleaning and has her assistants on hand to hold a sleeping baby. Such hard work.
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Can I just say that Tommy's voice and the whole "Daddy's going to get you" thing genuinely makes my vagina recoil back inside my body. She must peg the life out of that man.
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Only the smallest and daintiest of babies have sensitive eyes. Not like Alf he would have won at a staring competition with the sun when he was the same age
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Apparently she was told what to play on the whole, as it was to be songs ‘with famous choreography or implied dance routines / moves’ such as Tragedy, Cha Cha Slide and Single Ladies. She also had to play the 2 songs that the ‘crowds’ were taught a routine for as part of the Stay Sassy dance workshop.

I’ve cringed myself almost inside out.
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Why the constant need to compare her children!? And what is she talking about 'could barely put Alf down', she has been saying for weeks how Ada cannot be put down, only wants to sleep on her etc. It doesn't sound like they are actually all that different. So why is it so much easier for her to deal with when it's Ada?
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Sorry I’m working class .. what is an au pair? 😂
It’s when you scrimp on a nanny and instead of paying them a living wage you say ‘I’ll give you £300 a month and you can sleep in the attic and have the hello fresh leftovers’
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She is honestly the least relatable mum ever. I actually think her content is quite dangerous and potentially damaging to other mums and their mental health. I feel like I’m now a seasoned mum, I know the raw realities of being a mum, looking dishevelled, being the last to get ready, leaving the house without half the shit I need but the kids have everything they need, winging it most days, the sheer chaos and how out of control I feel some days. If I didn’t know that this was normal (I mean - it is, surely, for most people?😂) seeing her perfectly made up in outfits she has time to put together, her perfect looking house, her just breezing through everything.. I would probably feel fucking awful about myself. I’d wonder why I didn’t have it all together like Ashley does (we all know why - cos she does fuck all). Her content isn’t real whatsoever and doesn’t portray motherhood realistically at all.
If I was having a bbq today I’d be wearing leggings and a T-shirt with sticky finger marks and snot trails on.
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Ran straight here when i saw she was on stephs packed lunch🤣don’t even know who she is but knew fine well she’d have a thread🤣
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Not posted on this thread before but feel the need to vent
1. Alfie often sits in W Position which is very bad for the hips and I've seen him doing it many times over the years so obviously she's not done her research 🙄 I would be seeing an OT and paediatrician for his development.
2. Several ads had the "ad" disclosure text very small and camouflaged into the background colours last week.
3. Why does she think her baby would WANT to be in a club with loud music even with ear defenders. It's pathetic and self indulgent, "I can put my baby in an environment designed for 18+ year olds because I'm a cool mum" 🤮 Take her to work yes, but she doesn't need to be in the loud music. Imagine what stress that put her body under.
4. It reminds me of when Alf was a baby and she kept doing weekends away and saying "I think I could do a full week away now, I think I'd feel OK with that"... OK and how about how Alf feels? Again I do not begrudge a parent having their "me" or "us" time but how on earth would a young baby feel not seeing their mother (or father) for a week. But yet she's about attachment parenting 🙄
5. That tower building display was an utter shit show, teach your child how to build his own tower.
She's basically a grown up teenager.
Rant over.
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So when TNB is away and NNB stays over, I can’t deal with the fact that she lets NNB get up with Alf. I would be so embarrassed to even suggest to my mother in law that she get up early with one of my children while I stayed in bed with the other and slept, and further mortified to ask her to do this knowing she could catch a stomach bug. Regardless of what TNB is happy to do, it is not NNBs responsibility. Ash should get up when Alf does and if Ad is sleeping she can put her in the crib and spend a bit of time with him. If Ad is awake, she can join them. It’s the weekend so no ‘jobs’ to rush to, so what’s the excuse. It’s so embarrassing, she’s a grown woman and a mother of two.
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For anyone reading here after seeing Ashley talking about ‘trolls’ reporting her to Social Services, please read on for the trail she mentioned today (which she says proves the allegations were false)

The reason is this post and the discussion follows:

Ashley stated today that she ‘found’ the people who reported her. What she didn’t say is that she contacted these people via Instagram DM.
Ashley contacted someone’s partner.
Ashley threatened to contact someone’s workplace.
Ashley used someone’s mental illness against them.
Ashley made threats to visit in person.

Ashley was reported to the police.

There are two sides to every story. Ashley is not telling any version of the truth.
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