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Just to confirm - she didn’t get paid at all for her Lego shop trip last night. It was not an event she was hosting or compering, or even advertising. Lots of Z listers were there last night, and will be throughout the week, it’s just the launch of their Christmas shop.

She was there to get the exposure and get her photo in the press, simple as that.
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I don't really like commenting on toddler development as I have a covid baby myself who is def further behind in terms of her speech than we would like (however having spoken to teachers at nursery/friends who are S&L therapists they are telling us not to worry as a lot of Covid babies are a bit behind due to their first year being mostly indoors/minimal interaction)

however I do look at Alf and physically he seems so babyish? like he still seems so unsteady on his feet, it's really bizarre. I get the impression she literally just plonks him in front of the tv and leaves him there to fend for himself
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Lol posts “we don’t exist for you to fancy us”
accompanied by a video of her in a bra, pouting and pulling down her underwear.
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I haven’t posted on here since I stopped using my Pollyanna login, but this made me laugh.


She doesn’t care at all then?
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One bit of positive news, that event my friends company was involved in organising, Ashley has been ruled out as the companies marketing people did some checks and as soon as they realised she was connected to GB News she was knocked off the list for ethical reasons.

Her reputation goes before her:ROFLMAO:
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The constant sharing of ‘look how nice TNB is’ and screenshots of messages to me scream she/they are desperately unhappy

those couples that over compensate on social media are always the most unhappy in their relationships
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If he's not 'helping', why does he need to message her to let her know every time he's done something? I'd never text my husband to say I'd done the washing. Just as he'd never text me to say he'd done the dishes, we just get on with it...weird!!
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Sorry, he’s ALLOWED to walk if he holds someone’s hand? Is she having a fucking laugh 😂😂 surely he’s sedated or something. My toddler who is the same age does whatever tf he wants, cos he’s a toddler, he has no reasoning.
Also have you noticed she always cuts the videos off when Alf starts behaving like an actual toddler? In the taxi video he starts pushing nana no balls away and the video immediately cuts off hahaha
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I remember what happened, she said he was sick on Christmas morning and it continued all day. They eventually called 111 (presumably in the late afternoon) and ended up spending the night in hospital. They then came home Boxing Day. 🙄

edit: found the post!View attachment 1734537
View attachment 1734539
“Now I’m home to sleep and finish opening my presents…” SORRY, WHAT!? 😳 Massive fucking woman-baby.

Mate she is a piece of work isn’t she and my alarm bells are screaming 🚨🚩 and this is an old post.

I think this is a good example of why this woman shouldn’t have pro-created in the first place. When you have a child, you cold bitch, you usually don’t have a choice but to go to them when they’re sick. Maternal instinct usually means you want to. They’re our babies and we want to comfort them and help them get better you utter arsehole.
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She is a fucking liar. I’ve never watched GB news but that show and that clip has me raging. We all know Ashley had the jab after Alf was born and told people to stop messaging her with misinformation regarding the vaccine and breastfeeding.

We all feel anger towards covid/the government/the lockdowns in one way or another. I was induced alone, spent 30 hours alone in early labour on an antenatal ward and then eventually was moved to delivery and allowed my husband in with me. I had to go outside to the car park to see him as I was so scared and ended up vomiting everywhere from the stress and was sent back inside alone on a wheelchair! I subsequently ended up with an emergency c-sec, a blood transfusion, a baby with sepsis and six full days in the hospital alone with NO VISITORS. My experience was extremely upsetting, my husband was devastated that he missed out on our daughters first week of life…. but this still was absolutely nothing compared to those who had to give birth completely alone without a birthing partner, the parent restrictions on visiting children’s wards, the people who were unable to be by their family members side as they died. There are countless tragic and traumatic stories out there. Ashley’s is not one of them.

I’ve always believed that everyone is entitled to feel anger or upset towards the Covid situation and lockdown, but the fact she will blatantly LIE on live television about her experience has sickened me and further proves she is an attention seeking, vile and self obsessed woman.
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This just reinforces the fact that health visitors are shit. If I was a health visitor I’d be tracking one down in her local authority. Shame on them.

“I’m so proud that I’ve never lost it with Alf” she said 🙄💩
i am health visitor 🙁 and it can be the most infuriating and rewarding job all at once - the issue is … everything is “guidance” and thats coming from nhs/government ect, so ultimately its upto someone how they parent there child. Unfortunately, you could go on until your blue in the face about stuff with someone like ashley and truth be told they will never take your advice. Because thats all it is. Advice.
There are also massive issues with differences in the way different classes are treated by professionals so sad but true. Unsafe sleeping becomes much more of a child protection concern when you know a parent has drug or alcohol issues for instance.

im not saying its right for one minute, just the reality 😩. So when you do finally get the evidence to report someone … oh my god, you got to ready for the shit storm and then you get to navigate social services and there thresholds for harm which again are higher (which isnt there fault either, its systems and processes) So your damned if you do, damned if you dont.

there are days ive gone to sleep worrying about little babies and cried in the car on the way home. The truth is its the government, systems and processes that fail our children on the most part

social services wont have been looking at ashleys instagram. They arent allowed. Unless
Photographic evidence of a screenshot was submitted by a concerned citizen as evidence. They dont have time to do that and they arent allowed 🙁

my sunday speel doesnt take away from the fact that Ashley is an absolute disgusting human being who actively chooses not be a parent she just wants the label of being a parent without parenting. Obviously i dont know the ins and outs of it but i would love to do some proper developmental testing on Alfie as I suspect he will have some deficits - due to their parenting choices. But nowadays a lot of children do. His colouring is terrible, because of poor diet i suspect, always so withdrawn and tired looking. Then again, its good enough in terms of social work/health visiting these days that he has access to food. It doesnt legally have to be nutritious food. Scary times we live in 😩

Wait! What? Ashley has made another pointless reel about herself yet again? I'd never have believed it.

Just like I'd never have believed she's not had fillers 🙃
That photo says tell me youve been to boarding schools without telling me you have - she just has the look about her 😂
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Long time lurker but finally had to post.
My god this woman!! She is just unbelievable! So her son has had tonsillitis this week but she’s had to draft his nanna in to look after him… why? I could understand that if she was out to work every day at an actual job but what work has she actually done this week? She even gave up on her stint on GB news this week, not because her son was poorly but because she was! My daughters had tonsillitis quite a few times (think she’s one of those kids that’s prone to it) and it’s grim, it can make them feel so shitty and all I want to do whenever my daughter is suffering with it is be with her to comfort her. Ashley is something else. Her comment about not understanding why people want to be around their poorly children just sums her up as a parent. She is VILE. Horrible cow
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She’s going to screw her daughter up as much as Alf. She’ll grow up with so many mixed messages from ash,
Looks aren’t important but you’re amazing because you look like me.
You don’t owe anyone your body but look at me posing in my underwear every day.
Men are the worst
And so on
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I really feel that she has no idea about child development and makes no effort to research or learn, just goes with her 'instincts'. He doesn't seem to go to any activities to help with his physical development, Tumble Tots, Swimming, baby gym etc. He goes to Little Kickers but spent the last session eating snacks! You have to get involved and encourage their participation. He also doesn't have any creative or motor skill toys, duplo, bricks, train set etc. All he seems to do is read and hold soft toys. Whilst I'm wholly in favour of reading, he also needs physical development for strength, balance, coordination. Of course she may be taking him to these activities but given that we hear about his first walk out and every poo at the childminders, I somehow think we'd know about it.
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Her TU puffa coat that she has supposedly bought yesterday, is that to replace the £300 Reiss puffa she bought only last year #relatable
Sorry to quote myself but I see she has of course remembered her expensive Reiss coat this evening which means her TU one was just a prop. As you were Trolls x
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Why isn't Tommy or Ashley waking up with their sick child?? Why is his nana doing it? WTAF?
This!! Unbelievable. Why is she not cuddling her poorly boy, that makes me so sad knowing she’s in the house but not going to him.

That Lego event seemed a bit weird, even if Alf was well didn’t seem to be an event really set up for toddlers, taking them into central London at bedtime? Or was it more for the shit influencers to parade around and pretend they care about their kids
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Does Alf do anything other than watch TV and sit with a ‘That’s not my…’ books?! Automatically mum of the year cos he reads a book 🙄
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I don’t pay that much attention to people of a similar ilk as Ashley but I do feel like she seems to go on and on about “work” so much more than anyone else. You see other so called influencers and they never talk about it like it’s their job, but Ashley is constantly trying to make out she’s working such a busy full time job it’s mad. Even the way she puts Alf in childcare every day like she’s working a stressful 9-5 and couldn’t possibly spend any of her “working day” with him. Not sure if this makes sense but I know what I mean! It winds me up.
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I can count the nights I've had away from my 16 month old, just three, and he was with my husband those nights (and only because I was visiting my mother in a hospice 300 miles from my home). I don't think people are bad parents for wanting to spend some time away from their children but with Ash and TNB they do so little in the week with him that it seems like they can barely call themselves parents. What a strange way to live a life, and why add more children if you don't want to look after the one you have?
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