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“The issue is she’s still selling lots of products, still posting sponsored ads and still benefiting off the huge audience she earned off of yt. She knows if she’s gives an explanation we’ll stop watching her posts as closely and probably lose a lot of us cuz of how long it took her. She’s a cheap creator now”

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Did anyone see she is doing some hbo gossip girl related work and ad posts? Ppl are saying she has a bad manager but I think the opposite — with sponsors like chopard and hbo.
Shes become one of those “You either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain”, ‘cause right now shes everything she used to take the piss out of. Suddenly shes wearing $1200 dresses and all that. Like obviously well done, you got money now, but it really feels like she climbed the ladder and stomped on her YT fans to get to where she is. I know theres a lot of “does she owe us an explanation” on reddit, but ffs she really does.. You cannot quit the job that MADE you, overnight, and never address it. Shes like Tanya Burr.
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It sounds harsh but I wish Ashley's followers would unfollow her Insta. You see comments in every single one of her posts asking when she's coming back to YouTube. At this point she's not coming back. She's seemingly getting all the benefits (brand deals, invitations to fashion week, money) with a fraction of the work. I was a fan of Ashley for years. I loved her videos so much and got lots of fashion advice I still keep with me today. I loved her chatty vlogs and her girl talk videos, so it's sad to me to see someone who made her presence online by having this relatable, friendly personality turn into just another Instagram influencer. Where Ashley used to seem so personable and real she now seems so faraway. And it's frustrating because that connection with her viewers is what she relies on to get engagement.

People have always complained about some aspect of her videos, like the excessive references to sex, but... I miss that Ashley. I remember one segment from one of her videos where she went to the park to journal at sunset. It was a really beautiful shot and she filmed the dogs coming up to snuffle around at her stuff and finished the segment saying she found it really grounding and peaceful. I remember it being quite a sweet and relective part of the video. I liked how she could set up beautiful shots and do fun things with her editing software. I liked seeing a glimpse into her life cleaning her house and getting college work done. She felt like a big sister.

It's annoying because none of her fans really want her Instagram presence. Or at least they don't just want her Instagram presence. But that's all we're getting. And while she can wear whatever she wants, I find it disappointing that someone who used to make videos throwing together cute, stylish outfits anyone could wear is now exclusively wearing outfits that can literally only be worn by other rich influencers dressing up for social media. So idk. I'm just disappointed.
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Not much seems to be happening here anymore but I'm just dropping in to say...

What the fuck Ashley?!

I'm a good 7yrs older than her but I still found her old videos really inspiring I'm not sure why, she seemed genuine and to actually care about her content, she had her struggles but kept going, I'm honestly so saddened by what's happened to her. It's like a villian story. I'm not saying she's a horrible person but she's fucked things up so bad. Yeah maybe she still has money and brand deals coming in so shes still "successful" but what made her likeable, unique and as many have said here already, what got her this career in the first place, is all gone. She seems - excuse my French- like a spoiled uppity vapid cow on her insta now. To leave YouTube for this long without even a sentence of explanation but to keep posting so you can keep the money coming in seems like SUCH a fuck you to everyone who got her where she is today. It feels like the amazon deal was really the turning point of when the greed got a hold of her. Have some integrity Ashley for Christ's sake.
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There's normalising sex (I think her sex education video from a few years ago was decent enough) and then there's going off on a tangent during a clothing haul to brag about having sex with a Republican...

I'm also tired of how she keeps name-dropping mental health issues as a ~quirky personality trait~, and making vague references to capitalism as if she's not actively benefitting from and contributing to it. A lot of people praise her for being political, when she's actually pretty apolitical (didn't use her platform to talk about voting during the US elections, for example).

Her older videos were more watchable, she's become a caricature now.
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“The issue is she’s still selling lots of products, still posting sponsored ads and still benefiting off the huge audience she earned off of yt. She knows if she’s gives an explanation we’ll stop watching her posts as closely and probably lose a lot of us cuz of how long it took her. She’s a cheap creator now”

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Did anyone see she is doing some hbo gossip girl related work and ad posts? Ppl are saying she has a bad manager but I think the opposite — with sponsors like chopard and hbo.
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I know people change and grow up and all that but fuck her new style is bad.. And those “insta girl” poses.. I used to be a massive fan til she ditched Youtube without saying why, and overhauled her whole style & personality. For someone who built their brand on valuing and being matey with her fans, its not a nice look for her..
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Exactly! Ashley the person doesn't owe anything to strangers online, but bestdressed the brand exists only because of the strangers online. If she chooses to continue with the brand, she cannot go on like this.

Her fans are generally very accepting. She could just rebrand, use her real name (or just a name-lastname combo or something) and continue being a New York fashion socialite, she will still keep a lot of followers, I'm sure.

It is all such a shame, though, so many other youtubers are trying to use the video style that she basically created or at least perfected, but she was and still stays the best.
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I think something else that annoyed people was that she made sustainability her brand but she clearly never believed in it.

Like she was thrifting since her early videos but I don't think it was ever about sustainability until that became a trend (honestly, the rate she thrifted at and the number of clothes she used to own should have been a hint!). Then she did the Amazon ad which really put people off her because it was actively against her brand. She ignored anyone pointing out her hypocrisy, switched off comments on that video and never mentioned it again.

I also think the fact that you can't critique her without a million stans coming for you is off-putting too.

Overall I think some of it was the J-Law effect. She tried so hard to be quirky and relatable and played up that side of her persona - supposedly living in the sticks growing up, being a broke student, being open about sex and misogyny, self depracating Jones etc - that eventually people saw that it wasn't genuine. If you ever saw that behind the scenes video where she spends literally minutes trying to get a joke out *perfectly* and restarting over and over again, you'll know how much of her personality was a performance. (It was really bad, felt so sorry for her.) And we still expect some genuineness from youtubers despite knowing that some of it must be for show.
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She touts her parents as “immigrants” but she says she holds dual British citizenship via her father. Likely meaning her father isn’t an immigrant, he is an expat — a HUGE difference she chooses to gloss over.

She is such a poverty appropriator.
Her father being British doesn't make him not an immigrant. If he has emigrated permanently from the UK, he is an immigrant. You're not an expat just because you come from a first world country.
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she's now the literal opposite of the 'first generation child of immigrant parents from a small rural town' image she used to portray, who escaped to the big city to attend ucla and flourished and lived in all these cramped poverty conditions because she was so relatable you guys!
she doesnt give a fuck about the image she used to portray which made her initially famous
She touts her parents as “immigrants” but she says she holds dual British citizenship via her father. Likely meaning her father isn’t an immigrant, he is an expat — a HUGE difference she chooses to gloss over.

She is such a poverty appropriator.
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Chatty Member
This notification prompted me to check Ashley's page out lol. OK so elana taber girl has "imperfect ethical living" and a globe and plane emoji in her bio!? Excuse my French but absolutely get fucked with that performative hypocritical nonsense

Ashley is still only posting ads. Her last one that's like a little mini movie is incredible tbh she's obviously super talented, but again, only interested in using those talents for ads. Dresses from that brand are £250-£400...

How's that relationship with capitalism going Ashely?
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The Youtuber broey deschanel (typical video essayer basically) made a video on celebrity abuse and part of it was about Ashley. To be quite blunt I really don’t agree with her assessment of criticism towards Ashley.

Ashley said and did actively shitty things in a very public manner and people had feelings about it. I’m so sick of this idea that you cannot have anything to say about a public figure’s harmful and distasteful behavior without being completely responsible for their mental health. Even before people started to criticize her, she always deleted the tiniest comments that weren’t even criticism — like when she redid her boyfriend’s bedroom some people added some nice flattering comments just suggesting how to fix certain things that weren’t put up well, and she deleted them because she couldn’t handle being told she didn’t do everything perfectly.

Also, oversharing is a real problem and it’s unhealthy. Ashley started uncontrollably oversharing very uncomfortable personal issues (some of which weren’t even her own issues), and people weren’t coming out of nowhere when they asked her to seek professional help instead of broadcasting her mental breakdowns. It became like Dodie Clark 2.0. People criticizing Ashley for traveling cross country during a pandemic and refusing to wear a mask in public aren’t fucking responsible for her crying posts.
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The Youtuber broey deschanel (typical video essayer basically) made a video on celebrity abuse and part of it was about Ashley. To be quite blunt I really don’t agree with her assessment of criticism towards Ashley.

Ashley said and did actively shitty things in a very public manner and people had feelings about it. I’m so sick of this idea that you cannot have anything to say about a public figure’s harmful and distasteful behavior without being completely responsible for their mental health. Even before people started to criticize her, she always deleted the tiniest comments that weren’t even criticism — like when she redid her boyfriend’s bedroom some people added some nice flattering comments just suggesting how to fix certain things that weren’t put up well, and she deleted them because she couldn’t handle being told she didn’t do everything perfectly.

Also, oversharing is a real problem and it’s unhealthy. Ashley started uncontrollably oversharing very uncomfortable personal issues (some of which weren’t even her own issues), and people weren’t coming out of nowhere when they asked her to seek professional help instead of broadcasting her mental breakdowns. It became like Dodie Clark 2.0. People criticizing Ashley for traveling cross country during a pandemic and refusing to wear a mask in public aren’t fucking responsible for her crying posts.
i think i made a comment on her london video that was like girl buy some tights if you're cold they're like £2.00 in primark and she deleted it so she really can't take any criticism.
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It seems like she really got spooked by that stalker at her previous apartment, which is a completely fair reason for wanting to take a break and reconsider filming where you live. Feeling like you need to be witty and relevant 24/7 is also a huge pressure, I get it. It really looks like she's struggling, but the more she does this weird hiatus-but-I'm-still-cool-and-sponsored-on-instagram thing pretending like nothing has changed the less I care or really respect her as a content creator. Now she's just some girl, but she obviously still expects brand deals and lots of followers. If she didn't, she'd probably go private.

Like, give a 1 sentence explanation in a story and it's cool. Ashley, you can copy this: "Due to personal reasons, I will be taking a break from social media". But she never did anything like that.
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I straight up forgot about her. I did not realise she hadn't posted a video in so long, I wonder what is going on? I've just looked at her Instagram and wow I hate her hair.
Ashley was great in the beginning but she really just got stuck inside her head and being the cool girl. I'm not surprised she's taking time for her mental health, I could hear the breakdown happening in some of her videos, it was honestly like damn this girl hates herself a lot. And why I will never know, she has a pretty charmed life.
She genuinely just needs to relax and stop taking social media so seriously.
Tbh the whole “Instagram cool girl” thing always seemed very strange to me bc I feel like the biggest part of a “cool girl” persona is just not caring what others think of you, and with most ~Instagram cool girls~ it’s extremely obvious how hard they try to be seen as cool. The way she had to be so r/ihadsex 24/7 so her teen followers would think she was so cool and mature and sexy was esp try-hard.

I agree she’s seemed unstable for a while, which is why I disagree w those acting like she has to explain or justify her absence, like she’s clearly a young person w issues to work out. If she was using her break to get herself together it’d be good for her, but from the looks of her IG/TikTok that doesn’t seem to be the case.
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Her fans are generally very accepting. She could just rebrand, use her real name (or just a name-lastname combo or something) and continue being a New York fashion socialite, she will still keep a lot of followers, I'm sure.
It’s so odd that after moving to nyc, being a YouTuber seems like an embarrassing phase she is trying to forget. I wonder when her re brand is coming.
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Finally this thread has become active again. Ashley's like that girl you were best friends with in middle school but freshman year comes and she's in with the cool kids and totally "forgets" you exist. 🙃
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Does Ashley majorly remind anyone else of Tavi Gevinson? Like, I’m thinking back to when Rookie was a thing and Tavi tried to present herself as this “older sister” giving advice and guiding her younger readers, while if you were actually around Tavi’s age, it was pretty obvious how immature and unstable she was (though she’s since grown into a very level adult). Ashley is the same deal. So many of her fangirls are rabid to defend her because she tries so hard to present herself as this advice-giving mature elder sister, but if you’re actually around Ashley’s age or a bit older, a lot of her advice is clearly terrible and she’s pretty obviously immature/naïve/messy even for her age. Ironic because Tavi recently came out with an article admitting that she had no clue what she was talking about back then and it ended up actively harming her.

Her style evolution also reminds me of Megan Ellaby—both used to have well-presented styles, now they just throw together anything designer or vintage with no cohesion for the ~aesthetic~.
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the main thing that turns me off about her

Is her obsession with white male validation, she only dates white men, makes sure that the world knows that all her guys are white, always mentions sex.

She's embarrassing lol, and i'm genuinely surprised she had an audience to begin with.
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