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Anna Delvey

VIP Member
Just because it’s designer doesn’t mean it’s nice! When I see people in designer that has got a massive label or logo on it, it just looks cheap and nasty to me! Like those ugly miu-miu fake ones she had last summer.

^^ just an opinion. I’m no misery as an adult for commenting on here. Very content with my husband, career, owning my own home and having a healthy child. I hate when influencers think just coz we call them out on here it means we are all jealous or have nothing going for themselves… it’s always quite the opposite 😂
This ^^^

I personally couldn’t think of anything worse than being an influencer. Yes the holidays and free shit must be nice but unless you have something really good going, they probably don’t have much of a steady income and personally for me that would be hell!

I have been in my current career nearly 10 years, progressed through the career ladder to where I am now and I know every single month what my income is gonna be! To me, that’s what I want! Stability. I’m in a job that is likely never gonna make me redundant because of my line of work, when I eventually settle down and have kids I have the protection of maternity pay and other benefits. I get a pension at the end of it all.

As an influencer they don’t get all these benefits. When they have a kid they have to change their whole game play so they can target a new audience! Imagine having to do that whilst navigating being a mom for the first time?!

Like Asher, I have nice holidays and designer items yes I pay for mine but so what! There’s no better feeling that buying something I really want knowing I worked hard for it.

Weirdly they scream how jealous we all are but tbh, they are probably quite jealous of us ‘average daily people’ we all have stability, good homes, good families and partners and genuine connections with people. The influencer world is so false and gross!

I come on here and talk about it cause I think until Covid I didn’t realise how selfish and fake this world was! Covid really was the eye opener and seeing how so many thought they were so entitled, it massively changed my perspective on how I viewed the world. Coming on tattle and having a gossip is no different to us sitting in our bait rooms at work and having a bitch about something.

You can’t tell me every single influencer doesn’t have a group chat with their girlies where they don’t slag off other influencers and general people 😂 stop acting like yall so innocent cause you’re all probably worse cause you’re all competing against each other where we are all only observing 🙃
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The pick me comment about "so glad I experienced the island in this way and not in one of the luxury sea villas we all see on the internet" Asher, just admit you knew it would be weird as fuck staying in a villa by yourself and probably because you couldn't afford one, not through choice 🤦🏻‍♀️
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“girl who giggles”…never seen a faker laugh in all my life she does have some mix race in her I understand she may tan quicker then most but it’s not her natural skin tone…it’s just a weird colour…she hammers the sun beds/nasal sprays & probably some fake tan too…so stop making out people are rwcist or need educating cos they ask what fake tan you use!
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Anna Delvey

VIP Member
She really does think she is gods gift and I think that’s probably why (along with many other reasons 😂) why she is still single!
Absolutely this!!!

But yeah, going to Maldives on her own seems bit odd. Would rather spend all that money on maybe moving out my brothers box bedroom and actually having my own space at 30 year old 🥴💀 must annoy the brother n his partner that she dumps bumper on them constantly to go out drinking, partying then she spends a considerable amount of money on a holiday to the Maldives
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She needs to stop with the “if I ever decide to date again” “if I ever decide to GO on a date again” gurllll we KNOW you’re talking to men, you literally told the world that one guy you were chatting to was on another date in the same bar you were in. Stop pretending you’re not trying because we all know you are, you just can’t find a man to take you out 😂
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As if Asher could be anymore annoying, she goes and gets a mini microphone!
The way she holds it makes me want to cut her fucking fingers off. 😂
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Just saw a video from the podcast where she’s talking about not settling…..has she forgotten her last relationship already 😩
She’s chatting 💩 once again! Claims it’s just settling just to be able to trust your partner as that’s a bare minimum thing that goes without saying and then says she wants to be with someone who asks how her day has gone etc… that’s bare minimum too Asher. Suppose no one ever asks her that because they know they will regret it the way she rambles on and it’ll never be a simple ‘yeah been good thanks’ 🤣
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As much as I hate racism, something does not sit right with me when this girl is only piping up over this because she claims she’s so mixed race yet used fake tan, nasal sprays and sunbeds to obtain her dark tan.

Yeah good on you for calling them out but it still doesn’t sit right with me 😂🥴 feels like a reason for her to jump on this bandwagon again
lmfao WHY is Asher asking if anyone knows who she is? What’s she going to do really?? 😂😂 will she do a Kate Hayes and turn up at her door 😩😂😂😂
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She prattles on about being muscly/thin waist etc but she is not curvy. She is slim but she was no waist, pancake arse and hot dog legs. The only curves she has are her bolt on round boobs. Nothing wrong with any of this…we are all different shapes and sizes but stop making out you are something you are not!
Edit: also why is she always such a funny side of grey/brown. She has a really odd skin colour.
It really does grind my gears she claims constantly she’s mixed raced but her hands are always casper the friendly ghost
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What a sad sad person she is. Buying herself a cartier watch while living in her brothers box room. Shes tragic. In her vlog she constantly talks about getting a husband but then how happy shes single. What a state. No man with a brain and any self respect would go near her. Shes a walkin nightmare filled with drama. Wonder if the penny will eventually drop that the reason her relationships fail is because of HER...
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Anna Delvey

VIP Member
this is what annoys me, it’s as if her ‘fans’ have forgotten she BOUGHT a house with Charley yet hasn’t got her half to buy a new one! Why is no1 questioning this?! Or does she just block everyone!

I think it’s shit she led everyone down the garden path to portray a fake lifestyle just so she could scramble shit out of companies.

Your life must be pretty shit if you have to lie so much to pretend your life is the complete opposite of what it is! I would never trust her if she was my mate
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Oh for goodness sake she still isn’t going on about Charley here is she ?! Yawn.

Healed on her own ?! All she’s done is leach onto that meagan and fern and god knows who else. Oh and moved back into her brothers box room which is also not healing alone
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Anna Delvey

VIP Member
Starting to think this pathetic trip is literally just an influencer style holiday. You all literally get together, mooch off each others followers, get content from the gram and that’s it 🙄 imagine that being your ideal holiday?! She probably dives for 10 minutes, gets some gram shots then hops onto the boat to make sure they are gram worthy 🙄

She’s completely gone back on her words when she said she wanted to be in the moment and would hardly post, she’s posting more now then ever!

It’s kinda sad that you’re in the most beautiful environment and all it’s about is filming content for social media likes 😂

Someone share the photos of the accommodation
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The thing with Asher is she bangs on about being healthy but her view on healthy food is really outdated. Oat milk, fry light, fat/sugar free options, "protein and low calorie" things full of filler and additives, and Diet Coke are all incredibly inflammatory and unhealthy. She would use fry light over olive oil because it's lower in calories, but really isn't the healthier option whatsoever.

I'm all about balance so don't really care, but it's the fact she has this "health and wellness" superiority complex and spouts such shit.
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What’s with her latest story? This girl is so far up her own arse it’s scary. She would eat herself if she could but there’s nothing so amazing about her? Buying a Starbucks, setting up your phone to video mode and just videoing yourself in the car by yourself drinking it and playing with your hair whilst not taking your eyes off yourself 💀 could never be me. Why does she think any of her followers would even want to see that?
so busy though guys!!
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Claiming her dad taught her to ‘always be unapologetically who you are’ … yet she admits in her last 2 relationships she suppressed herself and her goals etc to ‘try and make a relationship work’ … ok hun 🤥
She definitely gets her awful baseball cap obsession from her dad doesn’t she? Do they both not realise just cos they go on your head doesn’t mean you can awfully match them with any outfit in any setting? 🤣

That top left picture especially is giving incest vibes.Why does she look like she’s about to kiss him 🤣🤣


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Is this bitch for real? She's admitted since the relationship ended that Charley Here was the wrong thing. Yet what do you know here's a direct quote from Asperger's circa 3 weeks into the relationship "I don't think it will be long till we get married"

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