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Chatty Member
Why doesn’t the lazy tight cow pay to have the tiles fixed rather than wait for it to be done for free! Yes the property isn’t hers but it Will absolutely be at a much reduced cost than private rentals or if she ever does buy it fgs. These entitled CUNTS piss me off same as the cunt that is Mario another one constantly bragging about what he can buy while living in social housing.Then having the cheek to moan when they come out to repair something at no extra cost to him at a time that’s not convenient to him 😡😡I mean it’s hard enough when you are actually paying out of your own HARD EARNED cash to secure a tradesperson at a time thats convenient to you😡These fuckers are just so used to not having to pay for anything, that again like the vile little cunt Mario she is In no rush to buy her own home and have to pay for actual life! like she said she prefers to waste her money on stuffing her big fat face and holidays. Things most hard working people only have on occasion. This instasham life needs to die a death ASAP!
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Is anyone else watching her live? Oscar has been suspended from school because he said “poo” or something in a group chat. A group chat in which other people were bullying a child - unfortunately that makes him guilty by association. He accepted the group. He stayed in the group. He sent a message in the group. No matter what he said. Deserves it imo but take him for breakfast as a reward ash 🥰
Awwww she took him for breakfast for being in a group chat that bullied a kidddddd ? 😍😍😍
I'd take his gaming system off the little brat, I'd take his phone off him, I'd ground him, but then again, his mams a fucking fat cunt of a bully so are we surprised. And yes ash I called you a fat cunt to see how YOU like being bullied considering you're raising a bully yourself.

My bloods boiiiiiiiiling at the thought of that group chat, honestly.

And there's no way all he said was poo btw, Oscars been suspended for something serious that's happened within that group chat. You don't and won't get suspended for saying poo. You wouldn't get suspended for just being in the group quietly either. She must think we are all as thick as the grease on her hair. Oscars done something serious and for that she needs to seriously parent him.

She said on a live a few days ago that Oscars fell out with all his mates and he started it and he's the reason for the fall out but she found it funny , so there's that. Then this. He's probably acting out from his life at home, but that's no excuse.
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She’s mocking the situation. Guess what ash hun im
Going to bed tonight without a rapist an actual genuine human and my kids life’s haven’t been shared on social media so they’re safe and not bullied (digital footprint is forever!) you however hunny bun have ruined your life your kids lives and your mums life just for a bit of easy cash… enjoy your shit vibrator meanwhile the rest of us will enjoy being shagged by someone who actually loves us and isn’t made of plastic and if it is a plastic friend #rabbit it was our decision and we didn’t wear a blindfold. Much love to the victim and anyone else who has been caught up in ash’s web of lie!
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Chatty Member
Ash, hun, if you could address this issue ASAP pls. Some people have proper work to do during the day, and I’m back at work Monday morning after maternity leave and won’t know my arse from my elbow so need to concentrate.
Chop chop. Wanna enjoy the shitshow with a glass of Prosecco xx
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Are the newspapers aware our not so friendly Instagrammer Ashleigh Huish has been dating Gayle? Imagine putting your children and career at risk just for some sex?!?!
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I can't understand anyone who believes that Ash didn't look her up and do her due diligence for her children's sake. I'm not a single parent, but if I was I'd be looking up anyone I was dating and looking up Claire's law (hope that's the right law) to see if they were on there. I know she's a shit parent and it's bow obvious that she doesn't care about endangering her children, but as if she didn't look her up. Also considering she's a cuntfluencer someone at her agency must have looked her up. People need to stop excusing Ash, this is why she'll come out of all this as a victim.
And can we just remember Ash has said PLENTY OF TIMES on her lives when she's done story times about her ex husband and ex girlfriend she calls nutters, that she thinks of herself as a detective and finds everything out. I swear I remember her saying that a few times ,thinking she's dead clever.
Ash fucking knew , but cos she found someone willing to touch her hair greasy muff she decided to hang around.
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We need some thread titles as we'll be on a new one very soon. My suggestion is

Ash dated Gayle the Sex Attacker, but Ash thinks Jail Gayle's still a Cracker.
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Thats her version though. just like her made up version of her daughter being inappropriately touched in Class, and the teacher telling her off for it or some bullshit. Oscar is very likely far more to blame than she is letting on.He won’t have been suspended for no reason. We have all seen how rude cheeky and inappropriate he can be! I imagine he can be quite the handful at school since his only bar for conducting himself correctly is his vile mother! And the way she talks about staff and her blatant disregard for school rules ie taking him out whenever she feels for Toby or holidays. This will have absolutely filtered down to Oscar he’s probably hard work under his mothers ( used loosely influence)
Also probs unpopular opinion, but I don’t see Jean as some lovely innocent either. I see a fairly dim weak woman! Happily paid off by her daughter to be her around the clock on call bitch! She clearly has poor morals to have done that, and to sit back and watch her daughters shit show and not have the back bone to help/do something at least for the kids.Money Talks for Jean just as much as for her daughter! Also look What she managed to raise herself fgs. I know parents can’t be blamed entirely for their childrens lives but 🕵🙄🤨
Completely agree about Jean, I think she's good for the kids (and Dex) as she's present more than Ash but there's definitely more to her than meets the eye. Look at when she found out Ash was a lesbian and went to her house (where she lives alone with two young kids) and smashed up her kitchen!! Of course this is Ash's story so who knows if its true but she has told it several times
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Like, this whole thing is crazy but the most baffling thing about this all is that she .. changed her last name but kept the name GAIL ?? like, what person under 60 is called Gail anyways, when you're a criminal surely having a pretty uncommon name makes it easy for people to identify you... If you're trying to build a new identity after leaving prison don't keep the name Gail ffs
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Aye yeah, putting a innocent girls info and photo all over her Instagram like the greasy cunt she is, yeah that's the old Ash right there. She's definitely happier. ❤ not.
She's changed, she's a smug entitled woman now, this is the new Ash, that's the Ash here to stay. She's absolutely foul
Forgot to mention, whilst on her live, she saw a funeral approaching, proceeded to turn around and go a different way and said ‘MORBID, ain’t got time for that’ and a few other things that were so disrespectful, I felt sorry for the family of whoever’s funeral that was. She also walked past her neighbour on the way back from her walk, got into some small talk, then when she got inside she was saying aww bless him and that she’s been having the same conversation with him for the past 10 years BORING. I just thought wow.

‘I hope she’s in a happier place this year’ nah, I hope she’s in the place she deserves.
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Fuuuuuuuucking hell 😳 I can’t believe what I’ve been reading!!! I bet that Manky old cunt Ash can’t either, we all know she loves to read here and encourages her children too🫣 will be fucking interesting to see what she says on her next rant about Tattle! I thought you lot peaked when you all sussed out she was on holiday at new year in 2022 from a fucking messy bun reflection in a balcony door 🤣🤣🤣. Well done Trolls! Hopefully she will fuck off for good now.
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Small recap with hashtags (because Google analytics):

#AshleighHuish was an influencer who started off telling funny stories and was normal and relatable with 2 children and a #girlfriend #Chelsea aka #biggyxbarber on Insta. She was originally known as #ashchelsslifestories but she and Chelsea broke up because Chelsea became addicted to painkillers and hid it. So she became #ashslifestories …

#Ashleigh meanwhile became a brand darling - #ITS #InTheStyle and #LoveHoney gave her big contracts and she started becoming a #cuntfluencer instead. Huge hauls of makeup and skincare and clothes and she started basically disregarding her normal life and children and going drinking and partying with her best gay friend #James #james_r_atkinson … while leaving her mom, Jean, a Jehovah’s Witness, to mind the children and dog.

And she started dating again! A very social media shy lass named #Gee who we then found out actually loves to eyefuck the camera while making hideously filtered videos on TikTok whilst licking her lower lip (because she doesn’t really have an upper lip to lick). #Ash liked to keep this part of her life private (even though her stories had devolved to ones about sticking her finger up her bum while taking the dog for a walk so she wouldn’t have a poo).

#Ashleigh also got very aggressive with anyone who challenged her and loved to doxx followers (particularly ones from here) and tell them to get mental health help and put their names up online for her almost 440k followers to see and encouraged pile ons. She HATED Tattle - labelling all who used it as sad and pathetic.

She and #Gee lasted for about 9 months and they broke up and that was it …

But for the brilliance and investigative abilities of your fellow Tattlers. One noticed the name of Gee’s gym from a reflection on one of her videos, and looked it up - #TheVaultFitnessMossley #TheLockdownGym - and found out that #Gee was actually #Gail. Everyone thought this was hilarious. #GailDawn at that! Looking up the directorship of the gym, another brilliant Tattler found the location of the company was actually the home of Gail’s parents - #Julie and #Brian #Newland - so Gail - or #Gayle had actually changed her name and she is a convicted rapist named #GayleDawnNewland - and we believe our #Ash knew this all along - hence her deleting and blocking people left right and centre on her birthday.

If you don’t remember the extraordinary story of Gayle Dawn Newland and her alter ego #KyeFortune - look it up. My fingers are tired from typing!

You could not fucking make this shit up.
Because she doesn't really have an upper lip 😆🤣🤣🤣.. thats killed me!! Lol

Amazing recap 👏🏼 🙌 👌🏻
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Just realised that ITS didn’t do a birthday shout out for her on their stories yesterday. They always wish all their collabs a happy birthday publicly on instagram. I thinking that’s very telling 🤔 Just wait and see now if she receives the standard flowers/bubbly from them cos she’ll definitely put that on her stories if she does.
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It’s very telling to me that Ash hasn’t done a live since it came out, so nobody mentions it in the live chat!
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Chatty Member


One report says;

Gail sobbed and wailed in the dock as the sentence was passed on Thursday, stamping her feet and crying “no”.

she has a range of mental disorders..
View attachment 2727052

Even got a bloody Redhanded podcast about her 🤯
I found this on YouTube too!

Also can we spare a second for our doxxed tattler… 🫶🏻 ash thought she had one up on us nusty trolls didn’t she 🤭
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