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This article, such detail. The victim (they change her name) is so brave to give such details. I followed this and I forgot so much. It's worse than I remember.
Gail "kye" tied the girls hands behind her back everytime they'd meet, she lied about "kye" having cancer.
The girl only got suspicious because she looked out the window and saw Gail driving off so she thought Kye was in the passenger seat. The next time they met, (her and "kye") she managed to escape her hands out of the hand ties and pull her blindfold off when she realised something didn't feel right. Realised it was Gail, and she managed to escape the house half naked.

There's lots of details and info in that article for anyone interested in reading more than just comments on here.

It's fucking unbelievable.

Hope you're proud Ash xx
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Do you think she knew???
Absolutely she does! We're just strangers, fair doos to us not knowing who this Gee girl is.
But when someone's your girlfriend, and you're getting to know them, you're speaking to people.... and it was such a large public story with lots of articles at the time, and the fact she'll be on the register for sexual assault, surely? there's no way you dont know. She can change her surname and change the spelling of Gayle to Gail all she likes, and go by Gee not and change her appearance . It doesn't make it go away and this is proof.

I reckon she played the wellllll I was released wasnt i, it wasnt true. And Ash being desperate, believed it.

GAIL is far from quiet, she was active on tiktok with lives, videos daily and Ash would say awww I'm not saying anything about her, she's quiet she's not on ANY social media. She fucking is lol, she lied about that and she'll lie about not knowing. Ash kept her soooo quiet FOR THIS REASON. I always wondered why, this is why.
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Is anyone else watching her live? Oscar has been suspended from school because he said “poo” or something in a group chat. A group chat in which other people were bullying a child - unfortunately that makes him guilty by association. He accepted the group. He stayed in the group. He sent a message in the group. No matter what he said. Deserves it imo but take him for breakfast as a reward ash 🥰
Thats her version though. just like her made up version of her daughter being inappropriately touched in Class, and the teacher telling her off for it or some bullshit. Oscar is very likely far more to blame than she is letting on.He won’t have been suspended for no reason. We have all seen how rude cheeky and inappropriate he can be! I imagine he can be quite the handful at school since his only bar for conducting himself correctly is his vile mother! And the way she talks about staff and her blatant disregard for school rules ie taking him out whenever she feels for Toby or holidays. This will have absolutely filtered down to Oscar he’s probably hard work under his mothers ( used loosely influence)
Also probs unpopular opinion, but I don’t see Jean as some lovely innocent either. I see a fairly dim weak woman! Happily paid off by her daughter to be her around the clock on call bitch! She clearly has poor morals to have done that, and to sit back and watch her daughters shit show and not have the back bone to help/do something at least for the kids.Money Talks for Jean just as much as for her daughter! Also look What she managed to raise herself fgs. I know parents can’t be blamed entirely for their childrens lives but 🕵🙄🤨
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Wow this is craaaaaayzeeee just catching up but have to say I can’t believe ash knew - she prob did look her up but had wrong name. The deep dive here to make that connection I can’t see how she would have done that🤷🏼‍♀️

And Chelsea is high as a kite it’s so obvious🙈
That you Ash? 🧐🤔🫠🫣😂
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on live today she said she’s picked her son up from school because he’s so unhappy he’s having really dark thoughts
This is not information she should be sharing to 100s of people's. That's disgusting. She should be taking herself off social media for a bit and focusing fully on her son if that is the case. And 'dating' shouldn't even be entering her head if her child is in the midst of a period of bad mental health. I hope she's given those numbers to her son she was giving out the other day - hopefully they can help him more than she can.
And the comments about the funeral and neighbour just shows what an insensitive cow she is.
I cannot comprehend how people look to these kind of people to 'influence' them.
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@Dont swipe up! Come back bebeeeeeeeee, juicy Goss over here about your bezzie mate and her rapist girlfriend xx
I would just like the point out cos if ash could rant and say we're all trolls taking the piss out the situation, and send more people here, she would, but she won't want everyone to find out so she's gonna stay hush hush, why? cos she's not so hard and clever now... now, I don't find any of it funny. I'm not making any of it to be a joke, or bantz. It's all disgusting and mortifying.

What I do love and find hilarious is that ash has fell into shit, and instead of coming out smelling of roses like usual, she's coming out smelling of shit , and I really hope this blows up and her followers find out.

And that the tea sistas x
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Well then, when you think things couldnt get any more shocking, along comes tattle with all the tea 🙈😂😂 dear lord, a fuckin sex offender who actually served time, had her face all over the press/news is who ash has being OBSESSED over for months 🙈 maybe, just maybe, ash doesnt know??? Gail is obvs a master manipulator, has a personality disorder, a compulsive liar and changed her name, maybe shes hid it from ash 🤷‍♀️ i suppose what comes next will tell all on that front 🤔 id be raging and telling all if i was ash, hiding it will only make her look guilty 👀
I question why Ash hid Gee/Gail/Gayle from her pages if there was nothing to hide.

Gee is all over social media, Ash is all over social media.

I wholeheartedly believe Ash knew all about her girlfriends past. Both of them are manipulative, deceitful and scheming women imo.
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Saw her making a very indulgent "salad" about half 3 talking about how she eats healthily most of the time and at 6ish she was dishing herself up a huge plate of fatty fried meat, deep fried chips, dauphinoise potatoes and buttery broccoli. Her eyes look sad, even with the Gee distraction she hasn't looked truely happy since she was with Chelsea, im not a fan of Chelsea but she kept Ash grounded. No amount of food is going to fill that hole and neither is jumping into another situationship. She needs counselling. Oscar could do with some too, or a parent that is present, thank goodness he has his grandparents, poor lad
It’s just utterly vile how she thinks it’s acceptable to talk with a mouth full of food - no wonder she’s not doing any collections with ITS at the moment - just imagine - The ‘Waynetta’ Edit…
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Chels might be my new favourite Cunt, move over Stacey Solomon (pure big love for her cos she is Hinch’s biggest troll)
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It's why I keep calling her by her full name, Ashleigh Huish, because the Google algorithm picks up on this site and her full name and puts her tattle stories on Page 1 of Google. Whoops a daisy 😉
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ALSO and more importantly, although we guess Ash DID know Gail was a Sex Offender,

IF ASH comes out sayings she DIDNT KNOW Gail was a Sex Offender, Ash in the eyes of the law would be a victim of Gail's deception.

A further deception THAT COULD SEE GAIL RE PROSECUTED AND RETURNED TO JAIL due to her "further deception with Ash"

I firmly believe Ash knew who Gail is BUT what she says publicly about it will have MAJOR consequences either way.

Soooo Ash, as an influencer with responsibilities to the brands you work with AND your children, DID you know you were dating a Sex offender and YOU DID NOTHING apart from put everything including the brands you work with at risk?


Are you going to claim you were a victim of a Sex Offenders further deception and you knew nothing, something Gail could be returned to jail for???

What's it gonna be Ash???
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I watched the whole of that YouTube video a few pages back the details are shocking, I highly recommend listening to it. Gee isn’t supposed to even be setting up accounts online as part of the conditions of her release to protect other women , it’s shocking that she is still setting up social media accounts and dating through them. I thought she would have been closely monitored, obviously not.
Sorry if this is already mentioned but this must be why Ash said in the beginning her new partner didn't have socials and she wouldn't be showing her...
Yet she did have socials.

Has socials but what ash meant was "my new partner isn't ALLOWED socials" 🤣
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James slipped up and said her name in Ash's Live once and on Gee's TT page you can see the name of her gym so I typed into Google - Gail Vault gym Manchester and it came right up. Made me think about Chelsea's Jesus if you're here, knock us with your breeze, don't think she wanted a Gale though 🤣
Wait so her name is actually Gail!?? Fuck off I thought it was just a little nickname or am I lost here 😂😂😂😂😂
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Oh wow. I’ve popped over from Hinch thread 👋 if anyone has it in them for a brief recap of who Ash is and what’s the story with Chelsea? Were they together long? Have they been separated long? Was she with Gail Platt for long? Why do I get so invested in people I’d never even heard of 24 hours ago 🙈

Also who is James 😅
All you need to know is that Chelsea is the hero of the hour and I’d pay good money for her to open her mouth tonight… and for a bum bag
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Elle Woods

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who the fuck looks at a newborn baby and thinks "yeah, Gail is a PERFECT name for this baby"
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Shit the bed!

I usually catch up on the few threads I follow every few days and rarely comment as I just don’t get the time but HO LEE SHIT BALLS!!
got so many thoughts right now!

Firstly… why are those younger Gee pics giving Lucy Letby?!

Secondly… please let ‘Gail’ and ‘Jail’ appear in the next title 😆

I believe ash knew!! And probs chels… surely she stalked? And her family are all coppers… surely when she was getting all those messages one of them looked up on her!?

Wonder if Gee was actually anything to do with the car break in 😳

What will ash do next?! Disappear for a while then come back all sorry for herself that she no idea, playing victim, feeling dirty and thankful she didn’t have her round the kids?! OR will she carry on like nothings happened in a bid to not draw attention to it and not have Gee spill any of her little secrets and lies?!

I bet Ash didn’t tell any friends or fam and will play victim to them either way!

Side note… she was live this morning and confirmed her ITS contact for hauls has ended 😂 said she had two contracts with them and the hauls one hasn’t been renewed then swiftly moved on!
Apparently it’s Ash’s Birthday tomorrow (today actually, shit is that the time) 🤣🤣 consider the outing of Gail tattles gift to you Ash 🎁

Its her birthday and she’ll cry if she wants to 🎵
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They all fucking read here!

Ash hasn’t posted since the first post outing Gail.
Gail has deactivated her TikTok this afternoon.
Chelsea hasn’t done a post since yesterday.
(In all seriousness I feel sorry for Ava and Oscar)

Jean have a word with your daughter! 🥴
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So she gets gifted nice little Xmas baubles, and cba to show them to thank the company until Mid January. That is Ash alllllll over

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When I first came across Ash she spent time with the kids, would proudly cuddle them and say how proud she is of them etc she even walked the dog at times, got a bit of exercise walking...

Then she went out more and more leaving the kids, cruises, events, 'weekend' trips that turn into week long trips to Manchester. Drinking more and more, swearing, doxxing people, even making comments about people daring to comment of lives in different languages.

The family got ripped apart when Chels left, the stability the kids knew completely went, not just because of Chels, but because Ash wasn't home and publicly didn't want to be around her kids. She still constantly slags of their dad, years after they split etc forgetting that like it or not he is their dad and part of their dna make up. Ava seems to have back away almost completely, although she posts her own stuff, she doesn't even seem to eat dinner with them.

Oscar has shown he's emotional, going through a big life change with hormones and school etc and Ash has pushed him away. She spends more time with James then she does Oscar and as a single mother that is not a healthy balance or stability for O.

She slags off the neighbours, she shows her street and shows her painting the door an unusual colour, publicly slates the schools but she's ignoring the kids trying to communicate and takes the kids out of school because she's got a free caravan stay or has decided that taking them abroad for a few days makes up for all the lost time.

As for Dex she obviously read here to suddenly be showing she 'walks' him. Still not actively showing affection to him, playing or giving him something to stimulate his mind at home. Not even chews and she can't blame allergies as there are so many varieties and natural versions.

Do I wish her ill health no, do I wish her the biggest reality check and for her to realise her privilege definitely.

The kids seems lovely, but that seems to be from Jean's influence.
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