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Chels has proved she has always had fairly small pupils before and she does have edibles etc but tbh that’s her business she’s a grown woman and has no children etc and it shouldn’t really be in the same conversation as someone jailed for what Gail was jailed for. It’s just incomparable. I’m happy for her that’s she’s speaking at least some of her truth …Ash and Jail were happy enough to say all sorts about her
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For anyone joining us from Chelseas stories, and wants to be up to date with whats happened with Ash and Gail(Gee) (Ash's ex/on off girlfriend). Please go to PAGE 16 OF THIS CURRENT THREAD and itll be half way down. Grab a cuppa, and read the details. The details of what Gail Newland (gee) did are quite shocking and may be triggering to some. Take care when reading. But when you're reading, please note there's been lots of little dot to dots on here about how Ash did INDEED know about Gail and her past, she is not innocent in all of this.
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I've munched through 4 slices of toast watching all these shenanigans!

Next I'll be having a fag, and I've never smoked!
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Thus thread is for ALL the people Ashleigh Huish has called a CNUT and all the people she has doxxed! Reap what you sow Ash, reap what you sow.

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For new followers, a few wks ago some of us shared why we commented on the Ash thread before the new revelations came to light...

Vile to her children
Vile to her dog
Vile to her mother
Vile to children's teachers
Vile to anyone who criticises her
Ungrateful re free gifts
Profits from free gifts
Belittles others
Doxxes critics
Lies about health to suit
Plays the social housing system
Poor personal hygiene
Fake geezer bird voice
Lies about size of her body

*** Adds to list ***
Dates obsessional, highly
manipulative, deceitful & scheming sex offenders with a prosthetic penis.
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We need to infiltrate other threads like jac jossa etc and get them over here. Someone go and post something like OMG HAS ANYONE SEEN WHATS BEING WRITTEN ABOUT ASH LIFE STORIES AND HER SEX OFFENDING GF 😂😂😂
I've already told the Hinch lot to come on over. I'm a gobshite didn't ye knooooooowwwww. 🤣
You know them though, they're brutal, they'll fit right in.

Is there an in the style thread or out?
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For anyone that thinks Ash didn't know Gail's secret...
Are there any body language experts in here? To me those hands are tells she's stressed her secret might be found out
#kindnessisfree 😂
Kindness is free except when you're screaming at teachers, being horrible to your kids, slagging off your ex, doxxing people on Insta 🙄
What you mean Ash is you can be a cow to anyone but everyone has to be nice about you - narc!
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No fucking way!!

Before I read this, is it the one when she has a hoodie on and the girl doesn’t know it’s not a guy? Used prosthetics shall we say?
I can’t actually believe ash has been telling her followers she is a LOVELY AMAZING PERSON

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Yep!! Made the girl wear a blindfold everytime they met, and wore a plastic penis when finally persuading her to have sex.
That's not just it guys, read my attachment posts. She worked in marketing and had 10 different identities in order to carry out fraudulent business.
It's never ending.

She thinks she's been clever by going more manly, going by Gee, changing her surname..... It alllll comes out again eventually when you're a dirty dog. Ash will 100% know but cos she's a scummy cunt herself she won't care, even though she has the balls to slag everyone off, especially her ex husband. Her ex girlfriend, probably still her fuck buddy was convicted for sexual assault - amongst other things.

Ash sits there and slags Chelsea off about not wanting an addict around her kids, but brings a convicted rapist around them.....

Wowwwwwwwwwwwww 👏 we know all her followers lurk here cos she brings so much attention here (bet she stops mentioning us now), I hope they all put her under the flame about Gee, who she calls an "amazing gorgeous person". Its about time she's knocked down a few pegs.



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Jesus Christ on a bike!!! If Ash’s kids read on here, imagine the questions they’re going to be asking! That’s one awkward conversation! I actually remember this being in the news!
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Hopefully reading all this has finally HEALED the healing process for her, you can do better!!!! No one should ever wanna be associated with ash ever again!!! 🤢
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on live today she said she’s picked her son up from school because he’s so unhappy he’s having really dark thoughts yet she posts stuff like her hairy vag etc can u imagine the grief he gets about her posts. Maybe she should stop all the partying - be at home with him more and think about the shit she says and posts
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I have my own feelings about people playing out relationship drama on SM, but Ash really was a arsehole of the highest degree to Chels - passive aggressive talking loads about her online and insinuating things while claiming not to be and then all the stuff with the lock-up etc. Much as I think silence is normally the best response Chels deserves ALL the smugness she’s currently feeling and more.
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There needs to be a thread on Chelsea. She's so up her own arse, she's a complete cringe fest. Thinks she's this dead hench fit girl, she's not. She's awful.

Live earlier, Ash and G have split. G is apparently lovely but disrespectful. (How is she lovely then), Oscar having a hard time without Chelsea, so her Ash took Oscar to Chelseas barber shop so Chelsea an Oscar could talk. And she told G that Chelsea is gonna be in Oscars life, and G flipped so Ash dumped her. Then apparently loads of other disrespectful stuff and G blocked her. But still said she was really lovely and loved her but she isn't her person.

Everyone was saying are you and Chelsea getting back together. She said absolutely not and only wishes her the best but that's done cos Chelseas gone too far and dealt with things wrong and when she's done, she's done ....
It defo isnt, I reckon they'll be back together soon. Chelsea is weirdly happier than usual and sharing alot of tiktoks of herself from Ash's tiktok. I dunno. Weird vibes there.

And then just talked shit so I left. But give it a few weeks, she'll be shagging Chelsea again and then it'll be back to square one.
I agree - behaving like a right dickhead.
Ghosting is pathetic behaviour- she wouldn't like it to be done to her so don't do it to others.
They're still playing their games of posting things subtly for each other like teenage girls. Chels is the worst for it. The other day she reposted something from the 'ashandchels' tiktok. She'd have Ash back in a heartbeat. Good - at least they don't spoil another couple. I used to think Chels was the 'alright' one out of the two of them but the constant sharing of the 'messages' she gets saying she's beautiful/amazing/fit etc are just cringey.
She's an absolute twat.
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Jesus what a vile excuse for a human she is.

@Dont swipe up! I don't know if you have seen her latest stories but she has doxxed you all over them, posting messages she says you have sent her in the past and (allegedly) showing your name :oops::mad: I'm sure people have already reported her, I'm about to and that should result in Insta taking the stories down. I would say Ash might think better of it, but she's such a massive narcissist she can never accept any negativity or that she is ever wrong. I hope you've not been harassed by her idiot followers.

The irony of someone with so many issues telling others they should get help. Pot and kettle springs to mind.

I do think it's funny though that she doesn't care enough to comment on any of the posts about her awful parenting, swearing at her kids at midnight and generally having zero time for them, yet someone says she's got a fat neck and she's off on one!
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I do feel for Chels, she developed an addiction that I’m sure she wasn’t proud of, Ash put it on blast to thousands of people, called her a narcissist, thief all sorts of vile things, gaslit her and mocked her issues leading to her addiction, had gee messaging her, if a man did those things to a woman it would be considered abuse, because it’s another woman and an influencer, it’s like slay queen…I feel like because Chels did genuinely love ash she’s easily manipulated by her even now especially as ash has so many followers etc and feels as if she should delete things sometimes. She doesn’t owe Ash that, ash was vile about her to thousands of people. I don’t believe she’s perfect of course but I feel for her
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Which does make you question whether ash even knows? She could have just been Gee (Gail spelt differently). Would ash think to check companies house? 😂 she wasn’t hard to find on fb but respect to giggles for digging that up. The way they describe her in the articles is mental!!

ETA - she 100000% was the one sending Chelsea messages via DM too!!

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Ash knows she's called Gail, James slipped up on a live calling her Gail with Ash sat there.
It's all over the internet, there's a reason Ash chose to keep her pretty quiet, I always wondered why when she puts her life and kids private challenges all over the internet, but not her new girlfriend. She knows. She's a cunt herself.
But sits there saying she didn't want her kids around an addict(chels) but will happily have GAIL around her kids.

Ash is the type to fall in shit and come out smelling of roses. I hope her followers who read here question her about it all. I'm sickened.

Oh and yeah,1000% GAIL is the one messaging Chelsea. But no, she's an amazing lovely caring person x
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I know a little bit about SHPOs, there are probably Tattlers on the Crime thread who will have more knowledge than me. I think the precise terms would be tailored to the type of offence.

I would expect there to be something around reporting requirements (so having her current address on record with the local police station, having to notify them if she is away for more than a certain number of nights, and if she's staying at the home of anyone with children under 18). Notifying police before going on holiday is another one - having to say where you're going, who with and for how long.

I'm pretty sure that in Stephen Bear's case, his SHPO restricts his access to social media. I don't know if Gail has a similar condition, or if she is required simply to make her accounts/ internet search history available to the police when they require it. Part of this will also likely involve her having all her internet enabled devices logged with the police. I know that some forces will attach software to monitor remotely; others don't have the tech so just do this by ad hoc checks (so they'd just turn up at the offender's home and ask to see their phone/ laptop etc).
Ah, im putting 2 and 2 together here, theres a couple of things that are starting to make sense…..gail was supposed to be going on one or two trips with ash if i recall, the cruise poss? Im assuming if gail has to get permission to travel/leave the country and this has being declined hence why james has had to step in on trips, i can remember ash being disappointed about some issues with traveling….i think this also proves ash has known all along, which is so shocking, why would you get in a relaitionship with a well known rapist? Especially when you have young teen children? How desperate do you have to be 🤦‍♀️ unbelievable it really is, and the silence is deafening.

Chels, get involved, you already know oscar is screaming out for some support, do the right thing luv ✌🏻
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Imagine taking money from Love Honey to advertise dildos when your sex partner was in court and "a jury of 12 found the defendant guilty of 3 counts of sexual assault by penetration of dildos based on the evidence heard"

LOVE Honey should sue Ash!
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