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Of course the car interior had to be light and beige..especially with a 6m old..
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Those two truly have a weird relationship dynamic and looking from a distance, I don't quite understand why
1, Annie is wasting her time AND EVEN HAS A BABY with an embarrassing guy like Mo
2, Mo, being the free spirit that he is, dealing for years and EVEN HAVING A BABY with a exhaustingly controlling partner like Annie.

Both of them could have been off so much better with some one else, but it's too late now. He'll be her babies daddy forever and she is his babies mother. Can't get rid of each other anymore in this lifetime...

Just imagine Annie being with a MAN that actually comforts her, has his own thing going, is as strong and independent as her, knows how to work with money as she does, is calm, collected and nurturing. we'd see a totally different Annie and I bet the controlling part would get better. I don't know why she settled for THAT type of guy 😵💫
True..but would a man like this be with her? 🤔 Someone with strong personality and his own opinion wouldnt want to be controlled and be living according to her rules..But anyway, I am thinking for what does she actually need Mo? She does everything herself, from cleaning the apartment, cooking, taking care of the baby, even earning money! He is just embarrasing her.
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In the meantime, he's posting his regular teeth-pushing-behind-the-tongue-model-hack selfies, selfies in the elevator, food from the restaurant selfies, and gym selfies like he didn't just become a father. As if he has his regular life to get back to and she's stuck with the baby 24/7, sorry Annie, tough luck hun, but you know, duty calls... How much of a self-absorbed narc can you be? Obviously, a lot. For shame, Mo. We know you read here. Get your act together and man up. Enough with plucking your eyebrows and checking your face out in every mirror you pass. Give the woman a break for flock's sake. .
Ewww, seriously. I hadn't looked at his insta for a while now. There are only 4 photos since the birth of his first child. The first a full body photo of himself bending his knee posing for some elevator selfie in some feminine looking outfit (sorry, but it's true) which simply says "selfie", the second is a photo of himself from when he was in Ibiza talking about he's dreaming of going back to vacation there, the third is a was too magnified close-up on his face with his tongue sticking out and has some "good morning world", "philosophical" paragraph about bringing things in his life to the "next level" and being successful/making dreams come true (very obvious that he is NOT talking about his dream of being a parent here lol), and last, a photo of a Nourished 3 cream being made, captioned to describe sell their product. OH, and what do you know: His "story" is a full body photo of himself (again) posed in the elevator with all his Louis Vuitton scarf carefully situation and displayed so you can MAKE SURE you read that he is wearing a designer.

I haven't even watched his stories from before this but I can imagine that they DON'T include anything about him becoming a new father, or congratulating Annie at all in giving birth and becoming a new mother. His Instragram literally reads like a Narcissist's Manual. And he has like 20k followers, so it's not like these incessant selfies are bringing him some big money or anything like that. Photos of Annie (as she has a much larger following) would bring WAY more clicks, so I think he actually LIKES having his insta like that. If my husband's (or my) social media looked like this, I would die of embarrassment to be honest.
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The fact that Annie cares more about having big fresh lips*, blonde fresh hair, fresh holidays trips, more than her daughter... put her on a new low level to me.

(* Im not confirming she had botox during pregnancy. Just by seeing the photos and what looks like)
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My supermarket also inspires me to be healthier, she's nothing special in that regard and a lot of her healthy food choices are driven by disordered eating and fear. How is that healthy? How is that inspiring? It is trigger people or making them feel bad about themselves.

She's doing a lot of damage to the world but perfect little Annie will never be honest with herself about this, her pea brain won't be able to handle that kind of negativity. Imagine taking responsibility for something
Hahaha exactly …

Switching back to animal products for the skin, promoting botox & fillers, … like you do you & live in your capitalistic ocd self care bubble but do not label it „good“.
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Also I think he should speak with his daughter in German, not in his bad English. Children can be thaught many different languages so why not teaching her his native language?If they stay in Germany, she will need this. But Annie wouldn't understand her later so maybe thats why 😀
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He posted this yesterday.. I seriously don't know how to react 🤔
Lol not much left then …
It would be funny when the other stuff he or Annie posted prooved that he is actually very invested, just this is super sad and weird. He does not even appear in the vlogs anymore.
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So as some people are still talking about the dog lady Mo was hanging out with.. through some "investigating" on Instagram I found out, that she is the girlfriend of one of Mo's friends.. so I don't think there is anything to it.

Also, the dog lady's boyfriend was also partying with Mo at the Oktoberfest and the Boyfriend has COVID now. I wonder if Mo caught it too (again).
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I don't feel sorry for women like Annie. All the contrary it upsets me how superficial some women are to keep apparances.

It upsets me they bring the world a baby knowing deep inside their partner is not going to a be a good parent.

So yes, upset is more the feeling I get on seeing Annie promoting that superficial life.
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Guys! Long time no see!

So, it was our favorite entrepreneur's LOL 😂 birthday. Have you seen his stories? He is so embarrassing, not mentioning even once that he is grateful for his daughter, or for Annie who basically saved him from a life of poverty and just washing hair and pretending to be rich in Ibiza!

And the fact that he keeps stressing how hard he works??

Wow, he's getting worse and worse everyday!

I tried uploading the stories, but they're bigger than 10mb. Does anyone know a way to upload them?
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I'm sorry but this has to be the fakest(is this word correct? Fakiest?) kiss between a married loving couple ever 😐😐😐View attachment 1213661

This looks so horribly wrong, fake, awkward, unpleasant !!!

It's like "Babe kiss me without kissing me"

I'm sorry to say that but : can you imagine "how they manage "things" in bed"? ..... ...... ....... ....... Must be...... fun 😶
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I agree with you 100% but I don't think for a minute that being relatable is what Annie wants AT ALL. She's all about cultivating an unattainable image of complete perfection, cleanliness, and tidiness that is unrealistic in most people's real life, no matter how clean or tidy they are. EVERYTHING in her bubble/vlog land is curated, polished, reviewed and redone to the most minute detail. Her goal is to project an impeccable home and a spotless kitchen, and herself, her spouse and her marriage as immaculate as possible. We all know things can't be that perfect every minute of the day, every day, but I feel that as she's quite stringent as a personality despite the "sweet" surface with the syrupy baby voice that she projects, her house is probably cleaner than the average one- I'm sure she keeps Mo on his toes. What we see in her vlogs is the "myth", the fairy-tale image she wants us to accept, embrace, and subscribe to- it's all part of her "business", just like her potions and creams, because her channel is a moneymaker for her. Don't you know? ANYONE can "be" anything they want online. ;)
For sure her pregnancy and birth wasn't all flowers and roses, but she chose to put a positive, clean and romantic spin on things, well...because she's Annie and everything has to be perfect and sterile, especially a birth which is in and of itself messy and unpredictable... She can't even bring herself to say the word "vagina" and prefers the more exotic-sounding "vagine". She doesn't ever projectile vomit; she delicately brings up food that has been troubling her in neat, tiny burps, etc. C'mon. Even her bananas have no spots on them, the avocados are ripened to perfection and her cucumbers, carrots and zucchinis are all the same size, lined up in a perfect row when she cooks.
During birth, you are all sweaty and flat-out exhausted, crying, angry- so many emotions- by the time it's time to push, but does anyone think there would be the remotest possibility of Annie's putting out a video where she is red, sweaty and hyperventilating with her bangs pasted to her sweaty forehead and her ponytail not perfectly coiffed? Never. She never even mentioned pain-all she said was that it was very intense. Get real. What's so bad about saying that giving birth is messy and painful? There's blood and fluids and mucus and other crap everywhere. If it were so unbearably painful, no woman would ever have a second baby. Right? It's painful and wonderful and the truth is, that after you pull yourself together, you forget all about the pain, because it plays an infinitesimally small role in things. It's not what characterizes birth. It's a small part of it that you never think about again.
On the other hand, what I CAN see her doing is compulsively wanting to show her viewers that SHE manages to do everything perfectly, even /especially, give birth: Annie's birth experience was stress-free, only positive, spic and span clean and even her contractions were perfect, well-behaved, on time and manageable, She is so perfect, well-organized and put together, that giving birth can be clean and "perfect". It's doable for her and she leaves everyone else in her dust wondering how she does it and why everyone else is just a slob. She even managed to make tearing sound elegant and neat. I can certainly also see her redoing her immaculate ponytail a few times, checking herself out in a mirror between contractions-which btw is when you feel absolutely great- and refreshing her face with moist towelettes to remove the sweat for the camera and also surely yelling at Mo when he was on his phone...:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: If you're not a vlogger, you don't give a flying fig what you look like. She is a youtuber with a large following who knows that the birth vlog is going to get views ($$$) and she has that "squeaky clean, never messy or less-than-perfect image to keep up with. Do you really think she is ever going to put out a video when there is washing that needs to be folded lying around or toys and crap everywhere when the baby is older or walking or crawling around? Not on your life. Or one where her kitchen has dirty dishes in the sink and the counter-tops are crowded, full of bottles, chargers and papers or the whole flat anything but immaculate white and pristine?? Never. Something like this might make her more relatable, but it would be totally inconsistent with her image of herself AND what she wants us to believe... She airbrushed and filtered her belly and her face throughout her pregnancy up to the very last minute, and posted those studio pictures of airbrushed perfection, making every other new mom out there feel dumpy, ugly and incompetent. (Btw, there is a moment in the birth video, in the hospital, where you can CLEARLY see stretchmarks on her thighs... Run before she reads this...)
She is ALWAYS in charge of things. She had people cleaning her already clean flat when there were only the 2 of them tiptoeing around in white slippers. You really think she doesn't have a battalion of people to tidy and clean up and a nanny or 2 at her beck and call coming in every day to help while she gets herself made up and ready for the new vlog about her perfect life? She certainly CAN afford to employ help, so why wouldn't she? Most people of course can't, ergo the messy homes. She's never going to admit it though, because a HUGE part of the image is that she does it all by herself and that she is extremely capable of organizing and streamlining every single aspect of her life- which , I'm guessing, she probably is, albeit at the expense of other people's sanity (Mo's..)... She will probably say on her vlog that she still has her cleaning lady come in every now and then to dust the few specks of dust on the countertops, but that's it.
Mo, as usual, doesn't seem to be helping much. He doesn't seem to be too into doing anything except updating and posing for his Instagram account with his tongue tucked behind his teeth ? showing off his beige outfits or his fancy food. Poor Mo... He always desperately grabs the chance to eat something tasty. (Annie, your stuff may be healthy, but for SURE , it's nowhere as tasty as the spicy, saucy stuff he eats out... You make the same easy, boring things over and over again and although it looks like you're having multiple orgasms whenever you take a bite and always rave about how it's "soooo delicious", well, ya can't fool us, Annie! Who wouldn't want a juicy burger that's not green for once? )
He doesn't strike me as a hands-on guy anyway...I can't see him -by any stretch of the imagination- changing a single diaper, feeding his daughter or taking charge or any kind of initiative. He may play with or hold the baby for a few minutes when she tells him to. Yeah, the usual excuse is "I don't know anything about babies", well, neither does ANY mom. You learn. But he probably just removes himself discreetly from the flat to get away from the stress so he can vlog in the car, photograph his food in restaurants, or catch a workout. I also think that Annie's probably more than ok with that. I always get the underlying feeling that she's sitting there in the videos with him, teeth and fists elegantly clenched, silently fuming to herself. I'm sure he subliminally frustrates, bothers, angers or embarrasses her by being more raw, human, goofy, even likeable -if immature- at times. She's not very good at hiding her distaste, just like she would always be distant and kind of uninvolved and monosyllabic whenever he tried to include or engage her in his vlogs, because it was HIS content for HIS channel, even at their wedding. I think someone mentioned it somewhere and she has since made an effort not to appear so indifferent, blase and snobby in his videos. Annie strikes me as a person who is obsessed with "perfection" in her off-camera, everyday life too, and living with a person like that must be very difficult. I'm sure she yells at Mo for drinking water on the white sofas. or throwing a jacket on a chair, so I'm guessing that the sofas are going to get removable slipcovers for off-camera time-not that we'll ever know...Unless she reads the comments here and adjusts some things, hahaha!

We all know that perfection is IMPOSSIBLE in a real home with babies. This video was put out more than 2 weeks after the actual birth, so we know she had ample time to double check everything a dozen times and put out a "perfect" version of everything.

Please, especially new moms out there: having and taking care of a tiny baby may not seem like a big deal, but it is exhausting to the point of no return and draining as hell. You might look like a hag from the demon pit, you might have stretchmarks all over and pimples you never had before, you may have mood swings and bad days where you will scream at everyone uncontrollably- it's different for everyone. It's ok and things WILL get better. Your hormones are still on a rollercoaster and you will often feel like you simply can't cope or keep up. And keep in mind: even perfect Annie's story is not the one we saw...Even Annie doesn't look like that without a few hours of primping, filtering and airbrushing when needed, or when the ring light is turned off and the camera is not running. She is always VERY high maintenance and it won't change now. It's all very, very pretty, but it's fake. So love yourself as you SLOWLY return to normal, enjoy your beautiful babies and watch the videos if you want, the same way you would watch a Hallmark movie: for the cuteness, the aesthetics and the calming effect, but NOT for the reality of the content. After all, I watch them too, for those exact reasons.

Remember: online, we only see the cuts that have been approved to be camera-worthy. We shouldn't compare our behind-the-scenes, real lives with the meticulously curated highlights of Annie, or those of any Annie out there. Because even her life is not what she chooses to show the world.

P.S. Sorry...I rambled on much longer that I intended too.

P.P.S. Annie, if you're reading this-which I believe you probably are- I wish you much happiness and good luck to your baby, despite the fakery, deception and impossible standards you set and project online. ❣
Wow..very well written. ♥ And if I ever feel bad again after watching her video and regretting not being as perfect as her, I will come back here and read it again. 🙂 thank you
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You can see how desperate he is in the video though. He really sees America as this huge goal to attain, I suppose a young boy from Jordan who may have gone without a lot thinks Annie and America are his jackpot
For sure he wants the American Dream, which I have no problem with. I mean, the video is old and you can see his naiveté and just his happiness at finally visiting a place he would have never been able to visit if not for Annie.

You can move without bashing other countries, and then after you've moved you can still be diplomatic about it and not mean. But after the pandemic, he has became nasty about it, as if you're a loser if you don't live in the US.

They've been announcing the move for years, same as they did with their brand, and it took 4 years before they went public. Let's not hold our breaths!
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The great thing about Annie is that when I watch her content even if I haven't seen a video of hers in 2 years I still don't get fomo. It's the same. Not missing out on anything.

She mentions Mo's mom in this vlog
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Omg yes … a relationship should neither feel like a marathon or a sprint in my opinion. It‘s not something you endure or achieve, it should feel homey and natural in general, like a blanket (without saying you should take it for granted and not put any effort, of course).

If your relationship feels like that, maybe it‘s not the best relationship after all.
Yes and not only that, but it felt kind of odd/rude for him to talk about how when you move in with your partner, "you see things here and there and everything bothers you". If he is talking about Annie annoying him, that's pretty disrespectful, especially considering the fact that he didn't seem to help out much when their daughter was born and she has every right to be "annoying" during this time.
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People are also wondering why Mo isn't involved more...

I wonder how long these will stay up or if she deletes them.

Also, I like that Annie showed a real image of her belly in the thumbnail. In the video she talks about how her body changed and how she has no me time anymore.
But after watching the video I was like: no Annie, you still look beautiful, you have an abolutely normal figure / belly, you are still skinny, no stretchmarks, perfect hair, perfect make-up.... to me what she says and what she shows are two different things
Monto 😂 these will be deffinitely deleted..

I dont get why Mo doesnt take the baby out in a stroller for an hour to help Annie, would it ruin his elevator pic? 😀 It is deffinitely weird he hasn't posted anything about her yet.
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Oh sorry I didn't get that (my fault). But you are right. I think it's a shame she's seemingly not even trying. I mean, you don't have to be best buds with them but from my understanding she's not even trying. She herself barely has friends. Like, one friend? And she never really brings Mo along either. It's fine to have your own friends, if anything I think that's great, but I also think it's nice to at least get on friendly terms with them, right?
I can't even imagine how that conversation went down. If my partner's sibling would get married (and we got invited) I just honestly can't imagine going anywhere else? You can go to Dubai any time, your sister only gets married once (hopefully). I wouldn't miss it for anything in this world, and especially not a Dubai holiday. It really does speak volume. I wonder if his sister is fuming. Maybe she has a bad relationship with Mo's side of the family, since she didn't join him when he visited his family, either. She looks down on people a lot, maybe Mo's family is quite average. I can't imagine her being snobby goes down well with the family. I couldn't deal with it either :ROFLMAO: Like please go back to your bubble.

Wow, poor Mo's mom. That must have hurt.
No worries, it's not always clear the tone through text.

Let's see:

I think part of her friends (more like acquaintances I guess) don't live in Munich. I remember she made some videos with Katharina, which I believe is the one who introduced her to Mo, and she was also meeting her but she moved to Bali/Thailand. Then there was Rubi which lives in Ibiza, another girl who was friends with them who was australian I think. Then there's the one in Munich who had a baby. There was also Soda Gasparian but she's in LA, there's the eyebrow girl, the Ikons. Last week on IG she went to dinner with this girl which I believe also lives in the States.

If anyone remembers other friends, feel free to add. I think she is comfortable on her own, I remember in the Positano vlog she mentioned something like the people she met at the Ikon's vow renewal were so on the same wavelength as her. While Mo is more the partying kind, clubs and parties ad stuff. And I don't think she has much in common with his friends. Some of them she wasn't even following before the wedding.

With the baby, she'll probably isolate herself even more.

Probably because of the language, she doesn't visit her mother in law that much. I'm not saying Mo was dirt poor, but you can see that she has grown up with money and he didn't. So maybe she feels like she doesn't have anything in common with them. You can see Mo basically hanging over Annie's dad every word, while maybe she feels ashamed of his side. Just speculating here, I don't know.

For the recap:

- how many mirrors can you fit in an apartment? ;)
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It's a new week, a new month and our spiritual guru Mo is sharing some wise words, CARPE DIEM on someone else's money! Go MO! Give us nothing!


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In the meantime, he's posting his regular teeth-pushing-behind-the-tongue-model-hack selfies, selfies in the elevator, food from the restaurant selfies, and gym selfies like he didn't just become a father. As if he has his regular life to get back to and she's stuck with the baby 24/7, sorry Annie, tough luck hun, but you know, duty calls... How much of a self-absorbed narc can you be? Obviously, a lot. For shame, Mo. We know you read here. Get your act together and man up. Enough with plucking your eyebrows and checking your face out in every mirror you pass. Give the woman a break for flock's sake. .
The elevator selfie looked like he stole Annies trench coat AND scarf.
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