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Please do!! Iā€™ve put in a request for a wiki page with the mod; but havenā€™t yet heard back so I may not have done it correctly (Iā€™ll go back and double check!) once itā€™s linked it will absolutely be a team effort!
And - I have some words to say on the excerpts below from Scamdogs ā€œinterview by her bestiesā€ the least of which is

- sheā€™s absolutely fucking delusional
- she shits all over the investment that her community have made by saying that TAW collective was all her own money with no investors
- sheā€™s a master projector ā€œwomen are always scared of finances and technologyā€ JFC I need to check my genitals because I am not only NOT scared of finances and technology IM FUCKING ALL OVER THEM (except for the editing/blocking children and teenagers out of photos thing!!)

ā€œYeah, oh my gosh, this is like my big passion. So, Taw, I do think people, we could go so many places with this interview, but I do think that a gift of mine, I do really think is like, I can almost like pull myself back and look at the bigger picture and just see trends before they almost happen. Now, taking you back to like before all this, like the audacity I had to enter the crypto space, which it is audacious.ā€

And what I know to be true is that women are always scared. We are of two areas and that's finances and technology. And I was gutted for women because I thought it's both of those things.ā€

ā€œSo I still to this day educate for free. You don't have to invest in my NFT, but I created a space online, which was the Discord essentiallyā€

ā€œAnd I literally still today, it's all there, but talk women through step by slow digestible step on how to set up a wallet and set up an exchange and transfer crypto and do the things that you have to do to ultimately enter the space of blockchain and crypto. And also created this space and the community of women to come together to know that no question was a dumb one and that the question you're gonna ask, another woman had it, felt it or went through it and is on the other side. So we'll hold your hand through it.ā€

ā€œAnd so now, that's, I mean, the project from that perspective, no other project in the world has done it in terms of, I think there's 900 and maybe 11, 910 holders, but that's 910 to women. I think there's a couple of men. We love our men.ā€

ā€œSo NFT is, I mean, it stands for non-fungible token. And people always say, isn't that just the JPEGs online? And I'm like, yes, 100% it is the JPEG, but the JPEG is just the key.ā€

ā€œAnd the first one, and again, this wasn't done in the world when I had done it, but it just made sense to me that instead of, and this is the future, I really believe this, instead of having a username and password to an online platform, you could connect your wallet and you'd get access straight away.ā€

ā€œSo women will jump online, connect their wallet, and it will read, and then it logs them into the Awaken Woman Hub, which is again, and the most like my goal with that is to make it the most educational, motivational and inspirational space on the internet for women. And right now there's like two courses in there, but I want there to be like 2000. And that's that in itself paid for that NFT already, non-negotiable, but also then I have in time to come.ā€

ā€œSo that's what we're currently developing now, a website. So again, once TAW Collective is profitable, the athletes wear brand, and it's on its way, then I will convert that profit. And there's a huge reason why I've done this as well.

So convert the 50% of that profit back into Ethereum. Women will then, and this is, you know, there'll be like a month or I don't know, two to four week period where they'll be notified, communicated to, et cetera. You'll reconnect your wallet to this separate website and the Ethereum drops into your wallet.

So you're paid profit. Now, why I chose Ethereum for this is because it's untraceable. So, so many women, first of all, you know, I'm very, very passionate about DV, domestic violence.ā€

ā€œI'm passionate about financial literacy for women. And women are on Centrelink. Women are trying to save money.

So this, like having Ethereum, having crypto, until you want to transfer it into fiat, which is like whatever, AUD, USD currency, no one knows about it. The government that doesn't know about it. Now that's, that's legal.

But until such time, so if I was just air dropping, like my goal is that, you know, LSKD right now, so Jason, he's about to do, he's gonna hit it. He'll hit $100 million revenue this year. LSKD, it's an Australian brand.

And I'm like, okay, he's done it. I wanna do it more and I wanna go faster. Correct, that's who I am, right?

ā€œAnd we know that and I don't stop until I do it. So I'm not talking about, you know, a couple of dollars of profit going to every woman that owns an NFT. I'm like, my goal is thousands, tens of thousands forever.

This is my legacy. And I want financial literacy for women, but I want them to also be educated in a space, which is crypto. I want them to have access to that space, which is they do with the project.ā€

ā€œBut yeah, it's a big project. And like I said, right now, venture capitalists have started to come sniffing around, which is incredible. And I'm like, it was honestly the proudest day of my life when my accountant and financial planner had called and was like, look, they're interested.

And I was like, how do they know? And he's like, I'm talking about it, which was very humbling itself. But I was like, wow, and it's all men.

We're talking millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars that they want to put into the project. And I'm like, no, I don't need you yet. I've done this until this point and I want to finish my job.ā€

ā€œ. We said like four of them now, by yourself, independently, yes, from your community, who's believing in you, but because you invest in your community and you've been able to build these, you're funding them too.

You have done without any loans. That's a pretty big thing for people who are running businesses, and especially like a merchandise business, like merch with tour, like that's all been funded by you.

Yeah, and again, I'm really proud of that. I have no investors, no bank loans and no nothing. And I credit that, you girls know this, but I credit that to network marketing.ā€

ā€œ. So when I wanted to, when I was launching TAW Collective, even TAW, so The Awakened Woman, I knew what it could do.

That's, I think, it depends on crypto, right? But ultimately, even just at, I mean, a year ago's rate worked out, that'll be like a $4 million project at Mint Out. And plus, plus, plus, because there's 5% passive income on that forever.

But for me, that was a new number for me. Like that was a new, and I haven't done that yet, it's like 2 million at the moment, but it was like, that was a new number. And I was just acutely aware before I even entered, I was like, this is not probably safe for my nervous system.ā€

ā€œI'm gonna celebrate my beautiful friend, Ash, who we just lost. Yeah, she was the most beautiful soul. She was an earth angel and she is with me now.

So I'm celebrating Ash and her bigness and her greatness. She taught me more about grace and love and presence and gratitude than any other woman on earth. And I always say like I was the balls and she was the grace.
The absolute dribble that comes out of her mouth is astounding. Still waiting for that hub roadmap update. A week late, 2 wks since she mentioned an update was coming!
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Chatty Member
Anna is acting like these events happened directly to HER.

1. She didnā€™t even go over to Perth to help or be there for her family while her sister was missing.
Anna claims to have ā€œ7 figureā€ months and she can work from anywhere but cant even get on a plane? She only started to share about it when she realised she could use it as an excuse to not be held accountable for the insane promises she makes for admiration and money.

2. She didnā€™t even go to Ashā€™s funeral, so either they didnā€™t want her there (very likely, but how close can you be to her if her family donā€™t even want you there), or she had no intention of going. Either one is not great.

Anna, you can be sad and devastated FOR those close to you if something traumatic happens to them, but itā€™s NOT ABOUT YOU!!
It happened TO THEM!
How about cut it out with the woe is me captions and actually do something to help or shut the fuck up.
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Shes actually labelled it as a TAW event which should be free for all nft holders. Yes and both but not both when its her not delivering.
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No, 10.30am on a Tuesday is not time for a soak in the bath after exercising all morning and half the day yesterday. Time to get to work you pruney fraudster.


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sheā€™s been awfully quiet since the whole Snez debacle - canā€™t remember the last time that she didnā€™t post anything for Over 48 hours.

Also - the promised ā€œIā€™ll be dropping a podcast religiously every Mondayā€ lasted two weeksā€¦. Have she and Katybear had a bust up already???
And nothing posted to inner circus broadcast channel since Friday.
Whilst I'm so glad her sister was found and I don't want to comment on that situation or Anna's family dynamic, this is Anna... She will be hiding behind her sister's situation and disappearance to avoid last week's NFT debacle and will reappear when that's properly died down.

I understand not going public about something like that until needed, BUT... Her sister's disappearance was probably an inconvenience to her and her yes and both, it's a beautiful day to have a beautiful day life - so she didn't post about it initially. Then when things got firey regarding the NFT, she conveniently went public and has now gone quiet. I sincerely hope she's with her family, or at least in endless contact with them if she's still on the Gold Coast. But knowing her, this is just a distraction within her community until the NFT events of last week have been completely swept under the rug.

TAW holders and Anna followers, you might think the people on these threads are nasty, or confused admirers; but it would be swell if you could open your eyes at this point and see that you've been taken for a ride. You will get next to no profits from TAW Co while Anna lives the high life jet-setting to various countries, which YOU have funded for her.
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Did she frame Anna something for her birthday and she spelt the text wrong too? šŸ¤£
or was that when she took Anna out for lunch for a ā€œXmas partyā€ and gave her some employee/employer of the year certificate - or similar shit - and there were grammatical and /or spelling errors throughout?!
Hahaha - Iā€™m just scrolling through my photos trying to find aforementioned certificate - and came across this photo that Iā€™ve titled ā€œNumber 422 on the list of things that never happenedā€ Dec 2022

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Chatty Member
Hi, as requested a wiki has been created here

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She was a demented, thick as shit selfish bitch back through covid. Her posts were regularly full of lies, twisted narratives and delusions of grandeur. How women fell for her schtick and gave her money still baffles me.
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With meta ads, do businesses pay per click through or per view?? Either way, you know what to do if you see one!!

also - Iā€™ve been thinking about what a dreadful business model Inner Circle is.

if I joined today, over months Iā€™d outlay over $550 for access to monthly video meetings, affirmations, journal prompts and Spotify playlists.

But then if @pettybetty1 joined in twelve months time for $47 she gets access to everything that I paid over $550 for.

sounds reasonable??
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So, for 2 weeks she stayed on the GC, carrying on with her uncoordinated dancing, podcasts, taping ads and trying on shitty alibaba wear like everything was right in the world and then the shit hits the fan last week with the NFTs. By now B has been missing over a week. And here we are 17 days after the fact and she's finally with family and fobbing off the Twats. She set this up perfectly, she is a mistress at scamming people. The same happened after the Bondi murders. Shes criminally minded old munty.
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Welcome to Number Four in the series of "Fact Checking Claims Scamdog Makes".

In another podcast that she appears on (that seems to be recorded while she was doing SLS school this year - so, sometime in March or April?) Scamdog says:

(Talking about the rock bottom that she hit at age 22 that sent her in her self love journey)

ā€œBut back then, I'm so grateful for everything that happened because now I look back and I coach hundreds of thousands of women, ultimately like with my social media, but thousands, tens of thousands in my containers within self-love school, because that was my journeyā€

Letā€™s look at those separately

1. ā€œI coach hundreds of thousands of women ā€¦ with my social mediaā€ ā€¦. Before being deplatformed, her original IG platform had 70k; her current platform has 17k. her FB has 11k. Letā€™s pretend that thereā€™s no crossover between FB followers and IG followers - so at most, years ago, she had 81k followers. What in the funky type of maths is she using to therefore claim that she has coached hundreds of thousands of woman via her social media???

2. ā€œI coach ā€¦. Tens of thousands of women through ā€¦ self love schoolā€

including the course that she ran this year, she has done 7 SLS. The maximum enrolment has been 270, for this year with a large number of woman repeating the course. Letā€™s be super, super generous and say sheā€™s averaged 250 new attendees each course. Thats 1,750 women that she has coached through SLS - thatā€™s not even thousands, never mind the tens of thousands that sheā€™s claiming.
Oops - I forgot the TLDR: blatant untruths
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Iā€™m a huge swiftie, Iā€™ve been to many concerts including the eras tourā€¦but when TayTay brought Travis on stage at her recent concert, it just gave me Anna and SK ickā€¦the insertion of boyfriends into all facets of life.

Sorry swifties!! Iā€™ll be banished now.
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Lololol the way she manifests this utter tripe with such confidence. Sheā€™s fucking ā€˜killing it in businessā€™. I cannot šŸ« šŸ« 

So yeah this is the hook, the scam. Whatā€™s she going to use now I wonder? The FInAncIaL RePOrts of TAW? Showing all the profits to be pulled šŸ« 
ā€œI can get Tony Robbins in there. I can get Oprah in there.ā€
See grandiose narcissism in dictionary. Specifically agentic grandiose narcissism. This woman is so mentally unwell.
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VIP Member
sheā€™s been awfully quiet since the whole Snez debacle - canā€™t remember the last time that she didnā€™t post anything for Over 48 hours.

Also - the promised ā€œIā€™ll be dropping a podcast religiously every Mondayā€ lasted two weeksā€¦. Have she and Katybear had a bust up already???
And nothing posted to inner circus broadcast channel since Friday.
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VIP Member
Next podcast guest, someone completely unexpected, you guys donā€™t see him much as he has sooooo much of his own stuff going on.

In order to approve his appearance, he answered the below correctly:

1. What do you think about all the stuff Iā€™ve been through?
2. What level of amazing do you think I am?
3. Do you think you can coherently and accurately convey the above in the time given?

Ok, I said. Youā€™re in.


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