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VIP Member
She just canā€™t plan, obviously, shoots from the hip and get her poor Awkies excited with her passion and ViSIon then delivers on about 10% of it. But hang in there, think big picture.

Also, doesnā€™t she have a Hub plan to deliver? Why is she doing all this shit now? Just do your gym class like a normal person and then get to work!
Literally!!! Get to work šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘
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Dr Ashlee Good who was a victim in the Bondi stabbing. I didnā€™t want to refer to her as Ash as that seemed a bit reductive/overly familiar about a person that I donā€™t /didnā€™t know.
wow I didnā€™t realise she was a doctor. Totally respect that, Ash seems overly familiar.
How many tickets to the vixen event were available initially? Thereā€™s currently 46 left - I wonder if this will go the way of the Radiance Day Dance Clubs!!

Also a reminder as per @AwkwardPen post two days ago (reciept attached below) that Scamdog said that community events would be free for TAW holders.

So far, sheā€™s charged then for the TAW launch party (except that all her besties attended for free) and is now attempting to charge them for this first community event.

TAW/SLS community - if you are reading this, what further information do you need to show you that the only thing that makes Anna care about her community is how much money she can squeeze out of you?
Someone sleuth šŸ•µ upthread (canā€™t remember) put in she wanted to buy 50 and I think it came up as it was exceeding the available amount.
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Chatty Member
Won - I just looked at

I just looked at Rareā€™s IG page and can see where Scamdog is drawing her inspo from

Iā€™ve never heard of her or her brand before but at the very least her clothes looked a little bit distinctive with the branding and the textures on the fabrics. I mean, there are dozens of others very similar but it looks like it tries a bit. The TAW one literally looked exactly the same as anything else bar the hideous 80s logo. You could have bought them in cotton on or Kmart. Terrible terrible understanding of branding.
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With meta ads, do businesses pay per click through or per view?? Either way, you know what to do if you see one!!

also - Iā€™ve been thinking about what a dreadful business model Inner Circle is.

if I joined today, over months Iā€™d outlay over $550 for access to monthly video meetings, affirmations, journal prompts and Spotify playlists.

But then if @pettybetty1 joined in twelve months time for $47 she gets access to everything that I paid over $550 for.

sounds reasonable??
A quick google search and I feel like i am already more knowledgeable than Scamdog and Co šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

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Screenshot_20240627_194031_Samsung Internet.jpg
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Comes across as such a freeloader. Has clearly never taken a holiday with his own initiative in his life.
Such a King.
Looking at temu turkey teeths' exciting diary/planner, we are in month 7 and only by a few days and he has had so many holidays. Surely the company he works for would be saying something. He has holidays in Aug and Sept and December coming up. And I'm also gathering they book these trips, and he forgets to get the okay from his employer. He wouldn't last a month with my company. He hasn't gone back to work since the NZ stop over. I wonder if he is going to be a kept man now!
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My god, Anna 2020 was, dare I say it, somewhat likable .....

View attachment 3023740View attachment 3023741
Wiki update: Iā€™m currently dumping information and media into the template just ti get it all in one place, to collate it. Once Iā€™ve gone through all sources, Iā€™ll format and cross reference everything to make it easier to navigate. Apologies for it being more than a little shambolic at the moment.

Please donā€™t feel that Iā€™m gatekeeping - feel free to jump in and add any info, screenshots, videos, links etc either in this thread or directly on/in the wiki.
This is interesting. Itā€™s almost like a completely different person wrote this. Iā€™ve noticed the dramatic difference before myself. She certainly seemed more attached to reality in the past and even presented herself and dressed more like a normal human being then. She was definitely more attractive, less freakish and exaggerated. I wonder, did she start her fully committed decent into skankhood and megalomania when Trent dropped into her DMs? She was always a narc but that seems to be a marked turning point in her psychosis. Or - and I say this in all seriousness - have we actually been watching a splitting of her personality before our very eyes (which led her to Trent)? I think Iā€™ve pondered here before that she is so fully immersed in delusion that she appears to have a dissociative disorder/split personality. Whereby the psyche creates a second or multiple personalities to cope with past trauma or stress. Itā€™s very complex of course but frequently one of the split personalities will have traits that the wounded person wishes they had had to have protected themselves from the initial trauma in the first place. For instance; strength, hubris, self-confidence, independence, power. If you think about the person Anna wants to portray herself to be now that would definitely fit. With a side order of sexual abuse survivor hyper-sexuality. Just some food for thoughtā€¦

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I thought that Iā€™d do a quick ā€œfact checkā€ of her latest podcast, as there are some glaring untruths/inconsistencies/straight out BS just within the first few paragraphs

1. This claim ā€œYou show up however you want to show up. I know for me with Ash, I absolutely took three entire weeks offline. I didn't show my face whatsoever. And I was flat on my backā€

(For context ; earlier in the podcast she said that once she found out that Dr Goode had died via the media contacting her to confirm it was Her ā€œSo when that moment happened, I went into shock, complete shock and had a panic attack. And then every morning for three weeks after that, when I woke up, that was the state that I went back into. So I couldn't really, I didn't do much other than lay flat on my back for three weeks and cry and just regulate my nervous system.ā€)

Re read that ā€œ I didnā€™t show my face whatsoever for three weeksā€

Shall we count the ways that she did in fact show her face?
Bondi stabbings April 13th
- April 14 th posted photos of her and Ash all over her IG , despite family requesting that people donā€™t (and she later claimed to be in touch with Dr Goodes sister daily she so would have known this)
- April 14th Appeared on channel 10 news
- April 15th had agreed to appear on Channel 10 Sunrise the next morning (later cancelled because of second Sydney stabbing)
- April 16th - multiple stories in IG about how female experts in DV arenā€™t doing enough and need to step up. Claims sheā€™s going to do everything in her power to change the system.
- April 18th - appears in video supporting use of pepper spray.
- April 26th - in Canberra for Shelbyā€™s graduation. And posts about it in IG; posts about Molly Ticehurst's murder and to say that Trent was still ā€œdangerously obsessedā€ with her and that tattlers were bragging about sending him screenshots of his stories to antagonise him to kill her
-April 29th - gets on IG stories to rant about women not giving Jade (pepper spray girl) enough support and to rant the the root of all the worlds issues is that women are not allowing men to lead and protect.

Thatā€™s two weeks post stabbing and not a lot of ā€œdidnā€™t show my face for three weeksā€ going on
2.ā€œAnd when I say I'm going to do something, my integrity of word is honored.

ā€œAnd so in that moment, I became even more so a woman that does what she says she is going to do.ā€

ā€œI just wanted to say that when you see me at the moment, showing up in whatever capacity I feel like online, which is still enough and a lot, because I run companies. Companies don't stop, guys. Companies don't stop.ā€

Also Anna on 14th June in the discord

ā€œI have given you my word you'll have your request of a written timeline update on the hub in 7 daysā€

That was 11 days ago, but companies donā€™t stop and Anna does what she says ā€¦ but she only does what she says when it pertains to her ā€œIā€™ll train every morning; Iā€™ll fuck SK every morning; Iā€™ll self care dailyā€

As an aside, she also mentions her sisters mental health struggles - not her place to reveal anything about her sisters issues but, you know our Anna, nothings off limited when it comes to content..
God I love your receipts. Remind me who Dr Goode is again?
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Do you have a ball park on what storage costs are? Or a warehouse that also ships?
I think that I read initially that storage costs were bundled into the delivery price ie that the warehouse fee + picking fee etc was all bundled into a per delivery charge? But, I'd suspect that would be based on a minimum delivery per week, so if TAW fell below that, she'd start getting charged for storage. Pricing structre isn't particularly transparent on the warehouses web page which is not overly surprising because its an arm of the ecommerce equation (expert meta ad people that Anna has consulted) so perhaps its also tied into the monthly fee that she pays them?
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New member
Did she do the inner circle call last night or got the money grab for the first month so can already let that fall away too?
Did she do the inner circle call last night or got the money grab for the first month so can already let that fall away too?
It's actually only monthly, I jumped the gun šŸ˜…
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Who is the mystery man in bed beside her with the hospital bracelet on his right wrist and a IV bandage on his left hand? That is not Ryan is it? The complexion is too light and no visible tattoos.

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