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Welcome to Number Two of the soon to be regular container "Fact Checking Claims Scamdog Makes".

On her "besties" podcast, our ever honorable and reliable Scamdog claims that TAW NFT is "one of the top 5% projects in the world. For what its already done, this is like, it will go to the 1%"


She's lying; or pulling numbers out of her ass; or both. At best, TAW is ranked in the top 55% of global NFT projects, but its more likely it in the top 80% (or bottom 20%, whichever way you prefer to look at it)

NFT projects are ranked by their volume - total fiat value of sales. This number varies widely though, based on whether you are basing it on the eth to fiat conversion at the time of each individual sale or at the eth - fiat conversion of the total sales at the current moment.

There are currently, approx 5,000 NFT projects worldwide. Top 5% would put TAW NFT in the top 250 NFT projects world wise.

You can check worldwide rankings of NFTs here

The Awakened Woman NFT project does not currently rank among the top global NFT projects.

Projects ranked between 250 - 300 globally have sales of between $39M - $28M (US) and guess what? TAW NFT not only doesn't appear in the top 5% - its sold, at todays ethereum $1.5M.

I scrolled through A LOT of pages to get to projects that had sales volumes of $1.5M ...and it wasn't until the 2700's that I got to projects that had made (only) $1.5M. That number is being very generous, as the bulk of Scamdogs sales occurred when eth was actually valued at approx 1/2 this - so technically, at the time the sales were made, the volume (total price of sales that an NFT project makes) was "only" about $750K US.

2700/5000 = 55%; so that puts Scamdogs unrecognised little side hustle in the top 55% (or bottom 45%) of global NFT projects.
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While I'm on a roll..... Welcome to Number Three of the soon to be regular container "Fact Checking Claims Scamdog Makes".

Scamdog (god I love that moniker @Colab Queen Sophie Trophy )regularly claims that The Awakened Woman NFT is dominating; disruptive and NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE because

- its an all female team
- its provides the most inspiring educational utility on the web
- it provides access to profit share in a merchandise/athleisure wear brand

TLDR : Incorrect; misleading

So - let's go through those claims shall we??

1. All female team
- failure at the get go! The initial project was dreamed up by Scamdog, Georgie Hubbard and Kyle Hubbard (shock horror - A MAN).
- once she parted ways with the Hubbards she brought in her then partner - a male - as co founder
- she also uses ā€œHinchā€ - a male developer

Even if TAW was female led, there are many female led projects. Just to name a few
  • World of Women (WoW)
  • Boss Beauties
  • Sad Girls Bar
  • Women Rise
  • 8SIAN
  • Women and Weapons
  • Flower Girls
  • Fame Lady Squad
  • Deadfellaz
  • Hug
2. It provides the most inspiring educational hub as its utility. Well, obviously, its not. But there are also plenty of other NFT projects that provide access to self help or coaching website or sessions including
  • Impact Theory's Founder's Key
  • iHustle Academy
  • Secret Society of Odd Fellows
  • FemPeak
  • MetaBlox

3. Provide holders access to profit share (and specifically in a clothing business). Never been done before? I think not?
There are quite a few NFT projects offer holders a share of profits from products or services:
  • The Plague
  • Rektguy
  • Kahuna Access Pass NFTs
  • Rollbit's Rollbots
  • HypeLoot
And specifically clothing
  • Mishka NYC
  • The Hundreds
  • Solana Hills and NYC Alliance
  • Nike and Adidas
True; there isnt another NFT that provides both an educational hub AND profit share of clothing business for holders. But its not the groundbreaking model that Scamdog claims - she's simply copied what other projects are doing, and combined two elements that she loves - coaching and athleisure wear.

TAW holders - you were sold a dud. Accept that you are never going to recoup the money that you spent and that you are/have simply been vehicles to provide an income for Scammie. Donā€™t spend any more money on her offerings. Lick your wounds and consider it a lesson learnt. And join us here on tattle.
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I thought that Iā€™d do a quick ā€œfact checkā€ of her latest podcast, as there are some glaring untruths/inconsistencies/straight out BS just within the first few paragraphs

1. This claim ā€œYou show up however you want to show up. I know for me with Ash, I absolutely took three entire weeks offline. I didn't show my face whatsoever. And I was flat on my backā€

(For context ; earlier in the podcast she said that once she found out that Dr Goode had died via the media contacting her to confirm it was Her ā€œSo when that moment happened, I went into shock, complete shock and had a panic attack. And then every morning for three weeks after that, when I woke up, that was the state that I went back into. So I couldn't really, I didn't do much other than lay flat on my back for three weeks and cry and just regulate my nervous system.ā€)

Re read that ā€œ I didnā€™t show my face whatsoever for three weeksā€

Shall we count the ways that she did in fact show her face?
Bondi stabbings April 13th
- April 14 th posted photos of her and Ash all over her IG , despite family requesting that people donā€™t (and she later claimed to be in touch with Dr Goodes sister daily she so would have known this)
- April 14th Appeared on channel 10 news
- April 15th had agreed to appear on Channel 10 Sunrise the next morning (later cancelled because of second Sydney stabbing)
- April 16th - multiple stories in IG about how female experts in DV arenā€™t doing enough and need to step up. Claims sheā€™s going to do everything in her power to change the system.
- April 18th - appears in video supporting use of pepper spray.
- April 26th - in Canberra for Shelbyā€™s graduation. And posts about it in IG; posts about Molly Ticehurst's murder and to say that Trent was still ā€œdangerously obsessedā€ with her and that tattlers were bragging about sending him screenshots of his stories to antagonise him to kill her
-April 29th - gets on IG stories to rant about women not giving Jade (pepper spray girl) enough support and to rant the the root of all the worlds issues is that women are not allowing men to lead and protect.

Thatā€™s two weeks post stabbing and not a lot of ā€œdidnā€™t show my face for three weeksā€ going on
2.ā€œAnd when I say I'm going to do something, my integrity of word is honored.

ā€œAnd so in that moment, I became even more so a woman that does what she says she is going to do.ā€

ā€œI just wanted to say that when you see me at the moment, showing up in whatever capacity I feel like online, which is still enough and a lot, because I run companies. Companies don't stop, guys. Companies don't stop.ā€

Also Anna on 14th June in the discord

ā€œI have given you my word you'll have your request of a written timeline update on the hub in 7 daysā€

That was 11 days ago, but companies donā€™t stop and Anna does what she says ā€¦ but she only does what she says when it pertains to her ā€œIā€™ll train every morning; Iā€™ll fuck SK every morning; Iā€™ll self care dailyā€

As an aside, she also mentions her sisters mental health struggles - not her place to reveal anything about her sisters issues but, you know our Anna, nothings off limited when it comes to content..
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Chatty Member
ā€œI can get Tony Robbins in there. I can get Oprah in there.ā€
See grandiose narcissism in dictionary. Specifically agentic grandiose narcissism. This woman is so mentally unwell.
I mean - to be fair. She hasnā€™t got Oprah or Tony Robbins in the hub (or anyone else), but she HAS got her FIFO tradie boyfriend on the podcast so - SAME SAME. You guys are so picky.
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Itā€™s hilarious that sheā€™s so far up her own ass that she thinks anybody is even remotely interested in the reconstruction of how long she had been dating baby dick before the soft launch of the hard launch of their relationship a fucking year ago. šŸ™„ Like sheā€™s a part of the royal family and her subjects have been waiting with bated breath for the past year to construct an accurate timeline of their courtship.
But do you remember the REENACTMENT of them meeting??? Like she took us through where he was standing (surrounded by girls šŸ¤„) on the dance floor at the casino, where she was when she saw him, the path she took to sidle up to him in her sequins and trainers, high pony and heavy heavy make up, stealing him away, leaving a sticky dance floor of broken hearts in their wake, his teeth lighting the way through the dark and the rest is history.
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Gosh, hasn't Scammy played all this perfectly. Off the radar with the perfect excuse. PLeAsE ReSpEcT my PrIvAcY at this time...don't ask me about any updated road maps, hub inclusions or anything work related. Please don't ask me to be accountable to anyone right now, as I laid this all out perfectly.
As mentioned previously...I kept my sister's disapearance quiet, until I could use it as the ultimate excuse to have noone hassle me about any promises I needed to keep.

It's just all to perfectly aligned for her, right?
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So Iā€™ll make that a bit more concise:
I showed up, you are so lucky
I am very busy, you are so lucky Iā€™m here
I told you what you were getting, you got it, so lucky
Iā€™m going to add some free, promotional shit from a friend, you are so lucky
Itā€™s going to be up to you to put stuff on the hub, so you canā€™t blame me if you are lazy
You are all really annoying and can you please shut up because I am very important and I donā€™t have time or energy for your whining.
I always follow throughā€¦except when I donā€™t.
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Hi all šŸ‘‹šŸ‘‹šŸ‘‹ I need some help coming up with a description of ARR for the Intro section of the wiki. Any suggestions??
I can take absolutely no credit for this except prompting chatGPT šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it has delivered!!!
*please see attached screenshot of the claim of 4x million dollar businesses

Anna Rose Richards: An Epic Saga of Entrepreneurial Delusions and Popcorn Ceilings

Behold! šŸ„ The one and only, Anna Rose Richards, the self-proclaimed extraordinaire of not one, not two, not three, but FOUR businesses, all glittering with the opulence of million-dollar dreams. šŸŒŸ Living in a vintage, oh-so-retro 80s apartment (complete with the glorious popcorn ceiling that screams nostalgia and dust bunnies), she exudes the charm of a true entrepreneurial illusionist. šŸŽ­āœØ

A beacon of MLM wonder, Anna enlightens the world with her infinite wisdom: ā€œItā€™s a beautiful day to have a beautiful day!ā€ šŸŒ¼šŸŒˆ And, of course, she struts with the confidence of someone who clearly loves herself because she moves like she loves herselfā€¦ and she absolutely, undeniably, positively believes in her phenomenal prowess. šŸ’ƒšŸ‘‘ So, grab your popcorn (ceilings), folks, because this is one saga you wonā€™t want to miss! šŸŽ¬šŸæ


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VIP Member
Itā€™s hilarious that sheā€™s so far up her own ass that she thinks anybody is even remotely interested in the reconstruction of how long she had been dating baby dick before the soft launch of the hard launch of their relationship a fucking year ago. šŸ™„ Like sheā€™s a part of the royal family and her subjects have been waiting with bated breath for the past year to construct an accurate timeline of their courtship.
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So as the smoke and mirrors continue with the huge thenominal announcement of The. First. Ever. Event. Sponsored dance class by NFT holders I would just like to drop a couple of snippets of transcript from the podcast about the vision of the NFT Hub from Feb last year, 6 months after launch. While the community still waits for the *roadmap* itā€™s important to keep the finger on the pulse and close proximity of power to keep reminding her that we arenā€™t scared to call her out on her bullshit, lies and scams.
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New member
Please do!! Iā€™ve put in a request for a wiki page with the mod; but havenā€™t yet heard back so I may not have done it correctly (Iā€™ll go back and double check!) once itā€™s linked it will absolutely be a team effort!
And - I have some words to say on the excerpts below from Scamdogs ā€œinterview by her bestiesā€ the least of which is

- sheā€™s absolutely fucking delusional
- she shits all over the investment that her community have made by saying that TAW collective was all her own money with no investors
- sheā€™s a master projector ā€œwomen are always scared of finances and technologyā€ JFC I need to check my genitals because I am not only NOT scared of finances and technology IM FUCKING ALL OVER THEM (except for the editing/blocking children and teenagers out of photos thing!!)

ā€œYeah, oh my gosh, this is like my big passion. So, Taw, I do think people, we could go so many places with this interview, but I do think that a gift of mine, I do really think is like, I can almost like pull myself back and look at the bigger picture and just see trends before they almost happen. Now, taking you back to like before all this, like the audacity I had to enter the crypto space, which it is audacious.ā€

And what I know to be true is that women are always scared. We are of two areas and that's finances and technology. And I was gutted for women because I thought it's both of those things.ā€

ā€œSo I still to this day educate for free. You don't have to invest in my NFT, but I created a space online, which was the Discord essentiallyā€

ā€œAnd I literally still today, it's all there, but talk women through step by slow digestible step on how to set up a wallet and set up an exchange and transfer crypto and do the things that you have to do to ultimately enter the space of blockchain and crypto. And also created this space and the community of women to come together to know that no question was a dumb one and that the question you're gonna ask, another woman had it, felt it or went through it and is on the other side. So we'll hold your hand through it.ā€

ā€œAnd so now, that's, I mean, the project from that perspective, no other project in the world has done it in terms of, I think there's 900 and maybe 11, 910 holders, but that's 910 to women. I think there's a couple of men. We love our men.ā€

ā€œSo NFT is, I mean, it stands for non-fungible token. And people always say, isn't that just the JPEGs online? And I'm like, yes, 100% it is the JPEG, but the JPEG is just the key.ā€

ā€œAnd the first one, and again, this wasn't done in the world when I had done it, but it just made sense to me that instead of, and this is the future, I really believe this, instead of having a username and password to an online platform, you could connect your wallet and you'd get access straight away.ā€

ā€œSo women will jump online, connect their wallet, and it will read, and then it logs them into the Awaken Woman Hub, which is again, and the most like my goal with that is to make it the most educational, motivational and inspirational space on the internet for women. And right now there's like two courses in there, but I want there to be like 2000. And that's that in itself paid for that NFT already, non-negotiable, but also then I have in time to come.ā€

ā€œSo that's what we're currently developing now, a website. So again, once TAW Collective is profitable, the athletes wear brand, and it's on its way, then I will convert that profit. And there's a huge reason why I've done this as well.

So convert the 50% of that profit back into Ethereum. Women will then, and this is, you know, there'll be like a month or I don't know, two to four week period where they'll be notified, communicated to, et cetera. You'll reconnect your wallet to this separate website and the Ethereum drops into your wallet.

So you're paid profit. Now, why I chose Ethereum for this is because it's untraceable. So, so many women, first of all, you know, I'm very, very passionate about DV, domestic violence.ā€

ā€œI'm passionate about financial literacy for women. And women are on Centrelink. Women are trying to save money.

So this, like having Ethereum, having crypto, until you want to transfer it into fiat, which is like whatever, AUD, USD currency, no one knows about it. The government that doesn't know about it. Now that's, that's legal.

But until such time, so if I was just air dropping, like my goal is that, you know, LSKD right now, so Jason, he's about to do, he's gonna hit it. He'll hit $100 million revenue this year. LSKD, it's an Australian brand.

And I'm like, okay, he's done it. I wanna do it more and I wanna go faster. Correct, that's who I am, right?

ā€œAnd we know that and I don't stop until I do it. So I'm not talking about, you know, a couple of dollars of profit going to every woman that owns an NFT. I'm like, my goal is thousands, tens of thousands forever.

This is my legacy. And I want financial literacy for women, but I want them to also be educated in a space, which is crypto. I want them to have access to that space, which is they do with the project.ā€

ā€œBut yeah, it's a big project. And like I said, right now, venture capitalists have started to come sniffing around, which is incredible. And I'm like, it was honestly the proudest day of my life when my accountant and financial planner had called and was like, look, they're interested.

And I was like, how do they know? And he's like, I'm talking about it, which was very humbling itself. But I was like, wow, and it's all men.

We're talking millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars that they want to put into the project. And I'm like, no, I don't need you yet. I've done this until this point and I want to finish my job.ā€

ā€œ. We said like four of them now, by yourself, independently, yes, from your community, who's believing in you, but because you invest in your community and you've been able to build these, you're funding them too.

You have done without any loans. That's a pretty big thing for people who are running businesses, and especially like a merchandise business, like merch with tour, like that's all been funded by you.

Yeah, and again, I'm really proud of that. I have no investors, no bank loans and no nothing. And I credit that, you girls know this, but I credit that to network marketing.ā€

ā€œ. So when I wanted to, when I was launching TAW Collective, even TAW, so The Awakened Woman, I knew what it could do.

That's, I think, it depends on crypto, right? But ultimately, even just at, I mean, a year ago's rate worked out, that'll be like a $4 million project at Mint Out. And plus, plus, plus, because there's 5% passive income on that forever.

But for me, that was a new number for me. Like that was a new, and I haven't done that yet, it's like 2 million at the moment, but it was like, that was a new number. And I was just acutely aware before I even entered, I was like, this is not probably safe for my nervous system.ā€

ā€œI'm gonna celebrate my beautiful friend, Ash, who we just lost. Yeah, she was the most beautiful soul. She was an earth angel and she is with me now.

So I'm celebrating Ash and her bigness and her greatness. She taught me more about grace and love and presence and gratitude than any other woman on earth. And I always say like I was the balls and she was the grace.
The absolute dribble that comes out of her mouth is astounding. Still waiting for that hub roadmap update. A week late, 2 wks since she mentioned an update was coming!
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