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Re: sudden bank stuff…
She’s setting the scene for June 30th EOFY.
She won’t have any profits for the awkward clip art holders because the bank lost the funds or the funds are in dispute due to a bank fuck up when setting up new accounts.

It’s all in her plan to have nothing to give back to her CoNmunity.

Let’s watch with popcorn
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Don’t forget about the “personal loan” she gave to the TAW business - “her money” (made up of these women’s money) that she has been deliberately vague about. She will want all of that loan (with interest no doubt) paid back to her as a priority. It’s all so cult-y I cannot!
Yes! I’m so pleased to see Pistachio and others speak up with valid questions. Finally these grifters are being called out for their broken promises and manipulative tactics.

I ‘invested’ in an embarrassing amount of coaching courses years ago and I cringe at some of the money I spent but I’m so thankful I saw through it eventually.

When will she announce the profits for TAW? EOFY? She will be scrambling now and possibly will feel the need to gain trust and pay something out. She does have a luxury yacht in Croatia to pay for though 🤔

Got to distract the TAW’ddlers with something! Don’t look at that actual reality of a dumpster fire that actually impacts you!!! Look at my new car!!! My new boyfriend!!! My concerts!!! My Carnival trip!! My new campaign to fight the government, doctors, DV!! Look at me being sad about something I am not connected to!!! My new course!!! My new course that is the same but still NEW! My new business!! Look pictures, so pretty!!! I take pretty pictures!!! I’m on a Yacht!!
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It has to be MORE than that- this is ANNA! It will have to be the rarest of rare conditions that has truly stumped the global eYE COmMunITy. Nothing that will require any aesthetic change, mind you, but truly another fire for her to walk though that will require time for her to HEaL.
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Yes Bex, she gave you 5 A4 pages of gas lighting drivel, why aren't you respecting her? (Dripping with sarcasm)
Anna, you idiot. You ARE being held accountable fairly, you have not followed through on a single one of these promises besides printing out some ugly canvases!
1- you didn't sell out your NFT because your greed did you in. You didn't need to have over 5000 JPEGs in the collection that was your choice you dummy. It was never, ever going to sell out.
2- that is obviously why you got impatient and needed to jump to your drop shipping scam at "30% sold out". Not because you're EXCEEDING expectations but rather because you failed in the first place. Selling ill fitting tights at 30% is not better than selling them at 100%, it's probably a lot worse for your "investors".
3- your hub started out shit, and it has stayed shit because when your NFT stopped selling to new buyers there was no new money coming in, so you just dipped out on that hoping you could bamboozle your audience with a shiney new SLS! And then inner circle and on and on and on. You haven't delivered on any promises for your stupid hub, and it's blatantly clear that you didn't expect anyone to notice.
4- it is not showing respect to your victims, I mean, investors to need a further 7 days to do something they have been expecting from you for 22 months.

Anna you are pathetic and you are furious and I hope you're scared that your whole arse is showing. You are a scam artist and you kinda suck at it. Your narcissistic tendencies fooled you into thinking your audience love you as much as you move yourself. Apparently they aren't all as spineless and blind as you were hoping they would be


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Kat - asking questions about if any advertising has been done for the NFTs

Anna’s first response - have you been on any other calls because I have answered that every single call. If you all want me to start marketing the nfts again - because I’ve previously said I was pulling back on the marketing of it because the more holders there are the more diluted your profit share will be.

Kat also asked about a general outline of profits given that EOFY is in two weeks …. Eventually she said no, there will be no profit. But she’s also now saying profit will be in your wallet the moment TAW makes a proft
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Anna Rose #13 For someone who lifts weights so often she sure can't get a grip

Congrats to @hazelnot for the comment which I made into a title thread
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Just a quick Vixen update ...if we thought embody had barely sold, the story of Vixen is dire....1362 items still available at a retail cost of over $114k (and I didn't include the four colours & 6 sizes of shorts - probably another 500 or so items - or socks, hats or mirror stickers) . So between the two ranges that she has released so far she has unsold stock amounts of over 1660 items at approx $135k retail price. Tell us again, Scammie how you are dominating the online activewear fashion industry.

With embody, she ordered 1878 items and still has 299 items left - so has sold 84% of her stock/still has over 15% unsold in almost 12 months.
Of the items included in the stock counts for Vixen, she ordered 2100 items - so she has only sold 35% of her Vixen stock/still has 65% unsold after 4 months.
TAW NFTs are still sitting at only about 38% sold after almost 2 years still over 60% unsold

The people love to hate Tattlers - but that was better financial analysis than these women have or will ever have 👏
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A couple of additional bits and pieces from last nights bored room call

- She was exasperated that her community didn’t appreciate how hard she works for them and how much value she provides. The calls alone are an amazing coaching opportunity that she could charge thousands for *** (put a pin in this statement). And why does last nights call qualify as a coaching call? Because, she passed on a golden nugget that she had learned from ecommerce equation to not pay for the services of a media agency (to buy and place meta ads) but to learn to do it yourself…..that’s what her $1900 a month with ecommerce equation got her - don’t sign up with a media agency; pay ecommerce $1900 per month to be guided through how to do it yourself!!

other than that, she just wanked in about how brilliant she is, how hard she works, how much the community just doesn’t see that she does behind the scenes, the risk she takes m, the stress she holds …. Funny how she constantly says how she takes them along the journey and shows them everything …. Yet apparently not?

- According to Annie you have to qualify/be selected/approved to work with ecommerce – they have to specially select you and you have to meet their selection criteria. Okey dokey – bet that their selection process is – is the money in our account? Yep – ok welcome to “working” with ecommerce equation

- She also made the statement that TAW NFT is the only project in the world still selling so strongly – which, is such a concern because
a. It is in fact, not selling (other than Annas purchases) and
b. She’s basically saying that the ass has fallen out of the nft market so the TAW NFTs are worthless.

I can’t get over the circular argument of
- She decided to bring the active wear company forwards before the nft project was sold out
- By doing so, she created a situation where there is basically no incentive to continue selling NFTs as the more holders there are the more the profits are diluted
- As a result of the decisions that she made to not focus on marketing the NFTs, they are now (and will continue to be in the foreseeable future) valueless and not anything close to being the incredible investment that she touted that they would be.
- She’s devoted all her time and energy to TAW co active wear – so hasn’t had the time or bandwidth to focus on updating the hub or marketing the NFTs because she can’t do both
- Yet, she does have the time and bandwidth to create a whole new website, content and business (Inner Circle). So – has no time to update the TAW hub/website or add new content – citing that she does not have the ability to focus on both – but she does have time to (do exactly what is being asked if her for TAW hub) to devote to inner circle. Basically – she has the time and energy to focus her attention on something that brings in more money versus focusing on something that she’s already got the cash out of people for and won’t bring her anymore money

Is that about right? I’m sure that someone else can articulate this far more succinctly than I have, but hopefully my points are getting through.

*** Getting back to her claim that she could charge thousands for her coaching …. Except she can’t! Because we all know that if this money grabbing grub could charge more, she would …but $650 for her 8 week SLS (so - what’s that – 8-12 hours) is actually all that she can charge /is worth. I have no idea where she pulls these numbers from with regards to the value of her” coaching calls” being worth 1000s of dollars per hour – they are just numbers that she completely pulls out of her ass. No one is charging - and actually making - 1000’s of dollars an hour from the kind of unqualified “coaching” that she claims to do (calling what she does “coaching” is pretty dubious too!)

It will be interesting to see who this alleged “brilliantly successful” woman who wil be providing all the content for the updated hub is? My money is on it being either Peta or Tina Tower (or is her name power? No idea - she’s some online marketing, self proclaimed guru).
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So.. when is Anna gonna start doing anything for her gLoBaL coMPanies? Literally NOTHINGGGG has been done.. for MONTHS!
There are ZERO updates about anything.

The vixen collection website is STILL a shit show months after launch.

Where’s the next collection? Photoshoot? CoMMUnIty were supposed to be choosing the next collection “name” Is this going to be another “pre order” situation?

Zero effort to sell more NFTs - so does this mean she doesn’t need to pay her confused investors?

Zero updates about her meta ads that she flew to sydney or wherever to learn about, way over a month ago. As an investor this issue alone would be making me anxious, why is she not putting Taw ads out there?

Where are the profit updates? When will the profit be paid out to confused admirers? It’s nearly tax timeeeeee

Where are the hats? Stickers? Drink bottles or whatever junk she bought from ali express. So many promises and no delivery all the time!

An explanation on why there isn’t a taw drop EVERY month like Anna once promised there would be - fooling the confused investors into thinking there would be a lot more collections = a lot more profits

Of course, STILL, zero… ZERO hub updates. None. Nothing since the launch of the hub nearly 2 years ago? When it was promised there would be guest speakers, updates, classes, courses. There’s just nothing?

Taw tour of aus 🤣🤣🤣 sorry I can’t even say that with a straight face. What about the floral carpet material jumpsuit she bought for it!

Also, I’m sure she will sweep under the rug the fact her social media manager failed and scammed people with their own NFT and didn’t distribute any profit.

I’m sure there is much much more i haven’t included.

Anna seems to have lots of self care time, holidays, wee man short king massages, time to drink alcohol and go to the gym, and neglect everything business related. Not very SHE-E-O of her.

Tough lesson but when you are a business owner (which Anna is - with investors especially) you really don’t just get to take a month off and drop the ball, especially when you don’t have staff to pick up the slack. But, let’s be honest the balls had been dropping all over the place even before her friend passing.

This whole thing is an absolute shit show, and her confused investors need to start speaking up. Not much of what Anna has promised has been delivered and there’s plenty of video and photo evidence of that.


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Morgans ex wife

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Snez is Anna.

Her Insta account was made in May 2019.
Promoting Anna and SLS hard. Even offering a discount code and disclosing she had a affiliate link.

Snez follows

All her GC besties.
Ryan Aka TT
Jazze Jervis ( mlmer was a perth based boss babe )
Her skin care queen Rachel
Kyle Hubbard
Her biggest Die hard fans
Stevie - Taylor Weinstein sister
Taylor and Mr Weinstein.
And the funniest one … her ex Husband M

Looks like a burner account.

Only fake accounts follow her.


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Anna you moron, in a genuine business no one would have needed to bring all this to your attention. I mean, obviously she has been scamming since day one, that's the root of the problems... It's not your "investors" expectations that were ever the issue.
Either you are ignorant or you are malicious because none of these concerns are complicated or obscure. You can't get out of this looking like a competent and trustworthy She E O.

(Edit)PS- you CAN have it both ways Anna!! 🤣🤣🤣 How's that "Yesth and both" lifestyle going??? Ignorant AND malicious
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It’s the “I’ve now genuinely dominated in all 4 industries” that took me out. Dominated??? LMAO.
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I mean… just open the door and put your shoes on? Lol? Can’t imagine what her neighbours thought seeing wee man carrying a praying mantis but ok
‘I LIterALly turn my brain off around him’. Let him think for both of you girlfriend. Good luck with that 🫠
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