Anna Rose #11 Through RuPTUrES TAW Vixen designed in a rush = bodysuits designed to give bad thrush

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Just jumping on here to share Scammas latest email musings .....

" What launching global companies, falling in love & achieving dreams all have in common "

Beautiful ,

The last time I dropped into your emails with a big personal life update was a few weeks fresh of becoming a solo sky diver last year, which is a fact w-i-l-d to me because although it was 'only' May, that feels simultaneously like a minute and a lifetime ago.

But I'm back.

And I am back with the promise that in 2024 I will be coming to you at least monthly with an email sharing my life & all the lessons contained within it as I go.

Let's cover it all though shall we, it's only fair that if I am going to catch you up, I am going to catch you up properly and to do that, I have to take you back to where we left off, which was me off pursuing my wild goal of solo skydiving.

A beautiful thing happens when time has passed though whilst you have continued to watch and share in my own life over on Instagram or Facebook and that is being able to fill you in on all the private moments that didn't make it to social media.

Take the last email for example, skydiving What I shared then was alllll my wild and exhillirating stories and lessons from throwing myself out of a plane solo again and again and again.

What I didn't share because it was so new and sacred, was at the same time I was throwing myself out of a plane over & over again, I was also throwing my HEART into the (safe) hands of a man I had met only a few weeks prior to leaving for that adventure - Ryan.

During sky diving week whilst I was falling out of planes, I was also falling for HIM.

Many if not most know the story of how my now King came to be in my life, but I can't have a subject line of "What launching global companies, falling in love & achieving dreams all have in common" and not go a little deeper into the falling in love part.

We had met April 14th on the dancefloor at the casino, so when I took off for skydiving 7th May, we had been catching up & dating for 3 weeks, him, honest & open about being in a fun stage, me honest & open about not being in a serious dating stage. Him - doing it from a healthy masculine clear energy. Me - doing it from a 'recovering wounded feminine 'I'm scared to put my healing to the test in the container of a healed King' energy.

But the power of doing the work and being committed to putting that work in to action, was I kept choosing for my highest good, I kept choosing ME, which meant I kept choosing HIM.

You have to understand how sneaky & crazy we as complex humans (women) are. We attract & hold what is SAFE & FAMILIAR for our nervous systems, but that doesn't mean it IS safe.

My nervous system my entire life had only ever known fight or flight, and I had attracted wound mates from that place. So my nervous system believed (new) that 'love isn't safe' and 'I am unloveable' and I had attracted men from that space that would affirm that belief, because that's how we are wired.

So when I had done alllll the healing to heal that, to remember and learn in my body (mind & soul) that love IS safe & I AM loveable, along came HIM (Ryan).

But old habits die hard. And the week I had met him, we knew. We both say, we knew. We knew the other was different, we knew we had something big, we knew there was more to us regardless of what stage we were in.

Now, old Anna & her nervous system would have run. Truly. Because he was safe, clear, healed. And my nervous system a) wouldn't have attracted that, but b) had I of as I had, I would have done something to sabotage it. Like telling him I wasn't seriously dating - HA.

But the power of doing the work is within 2 weeks of meeting, I recognised my wound coming up and regulated myself back to safety. KNOWING it was safe to choose myself, and him, and what was transpiring between us.

That was 9 months ago, and day by day, moment by moment, month by month, expansion by expansion, our love has grown; steadily, healthily - and powerfully (and rest assured there is SO MUCH more to come on our journey & adventure month to month).
Not only has my own greatest love story been growing though, so has my 3 companies.

Self-Love School.
TAW Collective and
The Awakened Woman (NFT).

There are no shocks nor surprises when I say 2021 to 2023 I was in the greatest death(s) and re birth(s) of my life. I have documented and shared aspects of all of that as I journeyed facing my shadows, finding my wounds - and healing it all.

And although I launched & began TAW & TAW Co. within that time, I was in start up AND survival mode. Start up mode with the companies and ultimately survival mode as I not only faced & healed my wounds (the greatest and deepest work of my life), but fought for my own safety successfully getting the DVO against my violent ex (Trent).

Just as an aside to this part of my story & update, as promised, I will be doing a podcast episode on my story of that whole chapter for a multitude of reasons, but namely, because I want other women to never carry shame around their own stories if they have found themselves unfortunately in a narcissistic (& in my case violent) relationship.

BUT, and it is a very big and important but, I can't do that (my own decision) until I find some experts in domestic violence who can offer advice to women currently still in it, to ensure if they hear my story & are ready to leave or make changes themselves, they are able to do so as SAFELY as possible.

My story is horrific, and I got myself out, in a way most women can't, because of my own financial situation. But ALL women can - and I want to find the strong professional voice who can co host that episode with me to unpack DV and narcissistic relationships so we can have a VERY important conversation for women still healing or still in it.

I also want to add whilst I have taken this short (but deeply important) detour, that although my story ended in violence, I can categorically say, the emotional abuse hurt me far more and that emotional abuse IS violence. So please, never think your story isn't 'as bad' as another's because your's doesn't involve physical violence. MOST women who have suffered both will say it's the emotional abuse that hurts the most.

As promised though - the podcast is coming on that and when that happens (soon), I'll also give it written words in here, with you.

But as you can see, this was all that I was navigating and leaving then healing 2021 & 2022 - and then 11 months of a narc playing the court system 2023 (more on THAT to come in the podcast too).

So I was busy and the companies were as I said, in that start up phase, where I was launching & then learning the industries I had entered, putting the strongest foundations, systems & structures as possible in play for their growth and success.

Although that job will never be done, because the bigger the companies grow, the bigger the responsibility to ensure those foundations, systems & structures grow with them, that IS done now and it truly has felt like I have begun to hit flow state.

2024 is where everything goes (& is) click click BOOM.

Self-Love School is just under 2 weeks away from opening her doors again for the one & only time in 2024 and I bring to it the most evolved & ignited woman (me!) I have ever been. I also know this will be the biggest intake we have ever had with the interest & excitement that has been happening behind the scenes for months. The upgrades & additions to the program as well have made it feel like the most potent work I have ever coached.

TAW NFT is getting some exciting global & big player attention from important people invested in it's concept & success for the industry at large (more on that to come!).

Then there is TAW Co. the legacy company created to not only inspire millions of women around the world to Move like they Love themselves, but with the first of it's kind business model with a 50% profit share back to TAW NFT holders, to inspire women to Earn like they love themselves too.

That company however is off.and.AWAY. The first collection drop was wildly successful with a 90% sell out without $1 being spent on marketing (a WILD feat no one still can comprehend in the business world - we're doing it loves!).

Collection #2 is weeks away from dropping, Vixen, and this time I have ordered in hundreds more units so I can do what I want & need to do as a brand which IS start to market to a wider audience. So I am SO excited to sink my teeth into META Ad's which I have been learning by the best in Aus.

As far as the vision for that goes, it's tight, but the execution of it is just as tight and it's all BIG & up from here.

So that leaves me here. With you now with some lessons to impart around dreams coming true, because everything you just read above - are mine.

I've met the absolute love of my life, we are building out a beautiful life together (which has never felt so right or certain).

I am focused, motivated & supported more than I ever have been in business with the right teams & advisors around me - growing 3 companies safely but powerfully & in true alignment.

And just from a personal level, life is beautiful. My word for the year is limitless - and I already feel it in all ways (always). My physical, spiritual, mental & financial health has never been better & I know it only gets better (& better) from here again

So, what DOES launching global companies, falling in love & achieving dreams all have in common?


Because it did. Because it DOES.

Whether it's my health, my mindset, my finances, my businesses, my relationships, my spirituality or my friendships - I have for 11 years lived with the ideology of beginning with the end in mind.

I think of the boldest, most true & beautiful vision of my life in each of those areas, and I BE HER NOW.

I act 'as if' I already have achieved that vision or goal and choose the habits & choices to support it.

Because I wanted to make sure I didn't share ALL this goodness now I AM out of the haze of the last 3 years without a roadmap for you to follow yourself when it comes to this ethos, I recorded a podcast episode for you on just this.

"Beginning with the end in mind".

It's 45 minutes of me giving you a deeper understanding of what this looks like and feels like in your own life, with real life examples from my own lived experience (so you can see just how central & critical this actually is to ALL my success).

You can listen to the episode now on Spotify or Apple Podcasts both of which I have linked below for you (you'reeeee welcome my love) .


That's it from me beautiful one, for now. Next time you'll hear from me will be Sunday February 4th when the doors for Self-Love School will officially open to you on the waitlist (if you are receiving this email you are on the waitlist!) with the discounted price of $649 (vs $699).

That whole week I will be personally sending an email a day inviting you to take a look or join me in class - before doors shut on the Sunday 11th, and class kicks off Monday 12th (here.we.GO).

For now though, as always, I am just lovingly reminding you it IS a beautiful day to have a beautiful day, and I hope you're out there Moving like you love yourself.

Love Anna xoxo
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witch could sell ice to a daft Eskimo. Her fans are lapping it up. She bought an experience dancing on a float. Congrats Scamma, coulda come to Melbourne and done a Moomba float but go off sis. Spend that NFT cash on impressing women who are lost. The money would be better spent on improving her smile arc, buccal corridors and propensity to spit. Edit- acknowledging Eskimo isn’t an acceptable term and the be used it in the context of a common saying
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“The honor”??? 😂 A “prestigious position”??
Dopey witch.

To be honest, I can’t tell whether they are scamming the duck out of Anna or Anna is scamming the duck out of her audience.


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Up for grabs.
I’d use it but just found myself a sweet new shot of Crystal Bailey’s tragic lower lip for my new profile pic.
You’re welcome.

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Does this munted grasshopper realise that 99% of the men and women are stunning and can dance that are going to be on the floats and the other, 1% being her and turkey teeth aren't stunning looking or coordinated at dancing. She really thinks she's all that and more. That email was sooo long and poorly worded. For the life of me I can't work out why these women follow her.
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fist pumping in the car to some tit random Brazilian song no one knows the words to and is frankly pretty tit.
Amazing content.
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How wasted is Anna going to be the whole time they’re in Brazil? 🥴

Do you think they’ll install a champagne bucket on the float beside Anna’s “prominent podium” so that she can shake her ass with a glass of champers in her hand the whole time? Since they have “honored” her majesty with place of pride on the float, surely they would go out of their way to accommodate their esteemed guest, no?


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I really feel this will be the first real test of their relationship and I’m here for it.
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So they’re doing pre sale for vixen 😈🤢
But the photoshoot won’t even have been done then. How does she plan the showcase all the super sexual body suits? Who wants to buy without barely seeing them?
Probably needs the early cash injection for the incredible trip to Rio to dance like the most sexual woman ever on a float 😵💫
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At this point it literally doesn’t matter how/when Vixen drops and whether there’s a shoot or not. Scamma will spin it to be the most thenominal, sexual launch in hithstory even though she’s been having to drum up engagement on her own reel from the TAW Instagram account. Maximum 35-40 women are interested in purchasing from what I can see and all of them are either TAW holders or SLS suckers. I live close to the GC and was almost expecting to see TAW ads in my feeds but so far I’ve seen nothing.
I’m interested to see if this apparent trip to Europe they are planning will eventuate, considering Vixen won’t sell well and the amount of cash they’ll have to drop to get over to Brazil at the last minute…
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