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New member
Definitely not her first work event.
And she looks ridiculous, made so much worse by her smug face and awful ringlets. Completely agree that the bag and shoes don’t go and are just another way for her to smugly show off. I have found a ‘gap’ in her wardrobe for some actual nice clothes. She is the worst.
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I think every man and his dog knows about the ‘’speakers in the ceiling of every room that dont work and look so bad omg’’
I swear she mentions them every week. We get it, you don’t approve of the old owners decor style. That’s why we buy houses and redecorate them to our own style. 👍🏻
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There was no rudeness in that message at all. No wonder she ‘works’ in social media. Can you imagine her coping with feedback in an actual job?
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Active member
Good lord. I can't believe her husband or one of her friends doesn't pull her up on this/put her phone in the freezer when she kicks off.

None of those issues sound insurmountable and there is no need for these entitled hissy fits.

"I'm so close to naming them" - as if they give a fuck Rudolph.
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I thought her story about people making a note of links was a bit aggressive tbh
So rude! Imagine at work if you said to clients ‘please stop ringing me with your queries, remember them the first time I tell you’. If you don’t want to answer queries, stop trying to flog people shit and making money out of it!
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Aunt Lydia

Well-known member
This is just so grim. I hate these posts that normalise women getting into debt. It is pretty obvious she is loaded but I hate the influence that this lot have on this being normal!
How can she even pretend she’s ‘skint’ and then go on to tell us how she’s bought Adele tickets, a Diptyque candle, a trip to Paris, new Elizabeth Scarlett pyjamas, Gucci loafers, LV bag etc etc. 🤢
What planet is she on. I get so much second hand embarrassment when watching her stories.
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Well-known member
Mate! I was literally about to type a message to her but I'm honestly too angry to do it in a controlled fashion. Plus, I have so much to do tomorrow, I can't be arsed with my boss asking me why some Rudolph nosed potato in a Victorian frock is harassing him.
I think this is my favourite comment in the whole history of Tattle!
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But she’s never wrong! Remember, she ‘has a lot going on in the background’. No one else does. Just her. And she still has to come across with her bloody air of superiority. ‘My friends and I can take a joke, but you lot can’t’ vibes.
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Christ she must've got some backlash for her to offer up an apology of sorts No idea how but she even manages to make an apology snarky, insinuating everyone "offended" are delicate flowers and not as cool as her and her friends,

She likely cooked that post up staring at the sill grazing curtains and that makes me happy
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I feel quite sad for her. Juice cleanses and #gifted fat freezing treatments are not painting the picture of contentment.
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VIP Member
I feel for them with their fertility journey but if she doesn’t want people to message her about it (except friends, obvs) - then don’t tell us! It’s no different to checking into hospital on FB and then saying ‘PM me hun’ No need for the doxxing either. If she’s in a bad place just stay off. And don’t show off either. It’s January ffs.
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I feel bad for her. She may have many faults, but she really cared about Lopez and unlike a lot of the Insta crowd, really looked after him well.
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Is she going to do something to this person re her job! Why find who this person is. Just block her and move on.
I found it very mean girl and vindictive
She has her opinion about Amber but so is everyone else ! I did read this post and thought !!! Geezzzz
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Is it since she got married ? 🤔
I think she's always been an ignorant idiot with nil thought for anyone but herself. But perhaps her newfound financial stability has jetpacked her into a new stratosphere of arseholdedom.

To follow on from my comment above, we know she reads here, hey hun (EDIT sorry, pal as she likes to use). She will presume we're the unwashed masses, stricken by poverty and awestruck at her lifestyle, which isn't quite the case.
I'm sure its easier for her to decide we are jealous haters rather than erudite people who have sincere criticisms of her shitty, shitty behavior.
She doesn't seem to reflect or learn from her mean girlisms. I don't think she has much potential to improve.

She's a cunt.
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She's a nasty piece of work, puts herself online but not willing to take any form of criticism. Imagine contacting someone's employer because they commented that they didn't like your Chloe bag.
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New member
It’s absolutely embarrassing, the way she showcases her friendship with Carrie. We don’t care, we aren’t jealous , we aren’t impressed . We just think you are a desperately sad, attention seeking , insecure individual who seeks validation through a photo app. Jog on Anna, you are one of the most insincere individuals.
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The irony of 'I will not be so kind in the future' - Anna is never kind. To be fair, I don't know why anyone DM's her anyway, she's always so rude and scathing about people who do. And doxxing isn't even a new low for her.
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New member
Probably an unpopular opinion, and as someone who is generally first in line to point out Anna’s flaws 🙋🏻‍♀️, but I think the woman messaging comes across as a bit nippy. If an influencer recommended something to me, it wouldn’t enter my thought process to message them asking for an alternative if the one recommended didn’t suit me!

Having said this, I do think Anna is highly sensitive at the moment and yes she’s definitely losing her way. I find myself feeling quite bad for her with all that’s going on (dog/infertility).

I’ve no doubt something she does in the future will rile me up soon enough however 😀
Except if you ask for feedback and present yourself as the oracle then it’s not unreasonable for someone to ask you for an alternative person to follow- given she supposedly knows anyone and everyone. It sounds to me like that person really did look up to her and was asking for advice.
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Active member
FUCK SAKE she is an idiot. "Reading festival so nice so safe, parents don't fear etc etc" as she leaves from her private parking space early doors with a hot chocolate. Tents being set on fire and the likes didn't enter her simple head because she's safely tucked up shielded with her 3 foot long curtains.

She is an example of the most insular cunt spouting constant shite.

Anna take your Wuthering heights wardrobe and your wank attitude up to your loft and go be Bertha Mason.

SUPPOSED TO BE TWO POSTS. next post below

LOL hadn't even seen her stories telling people off for telling her what happened after she left. Whyyyy is she so aggressively insufferable. YOU were spouting shit, people called you out, but THEY'RE the issue.

Also love her new freebies. I swear if she even tried to look polished once she'd pull it off, instead she'll continually arse about red nosed and in these blouses and gowns that 6'1 models would struggle to pull off.
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