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VIP Member
And on top of that as others have mentioned that sticker on her car that says "your body is the least interesting thing about you" and then makes literally everything about her body and their bodies

But really it would actually be quite nice to see a plus influencer (actually no down with influencers 😅) create content solely around their personality's and interests.

slim women can be influencers in any regard but plus size women just seem to revolve around body image and positivity
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I followed her for ages used to really like her content but she is getting quite rude and condescending in her replies and also getting a bit of an ego I think.

He's definitely not the type I go for I prefer a non gym everyday guy but he clearly loves her but him being with her seems to be her personality now
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Maybe I'm just confused then.
Because I didn't think you had have to have been with both male and female to know you're bi-sexual.
Or have acted on it or whatever.

I didn't see the comment she made though.
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When Scott realised she had the camera on in her latest story he totally changed his pose & features into a ‘thirsty’ look 😬
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It's actually wild how much she's changed. I used to really like her and I thought their relationship was cute because at the time she didn't over post him so it felt natural. Obviously she realised she could tap into the "fat woman finds objectively fit husband shocker!!" market for attention and dollar and now she's just obnoxious.

it's a weird one too because lately she has come across a lot like "look I can get a hot husband!!" Which makes me think she's very insecure because if it's not a big deal that a muscle gym dude is married to a fat woman, then why post about it so much?

To be honest, they're probably both laughing at their followers behind closed doors seeing the money and engagement they get off their bullshit. When they're not constantly shagging that is 🫣😂 thanks for the TMIs by the way
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She’s making me cringe. She’s backtracking because the company have Contacted her. She could’ve destroyed their livelihoods
I was shocked at her attitude. Yes the man was out of line but her response was beyond spiteful. Not sure she can take the moral high ground when she is soo nasty in her responses. I think it's also hilarious that she has a burner account that she uses to go after anyone that annoys her ..I mean who behaves like that ? She's going to come unstuck very soon. Her content with the husband is already starting to get repetitive and is clearly staged now.
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That's what they used to look like (from his page). Not what I would call handsome😂 neither of them.
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I've just come across this video of hers.
Her saying that in people's minds, their relationship doesn't "Add up" in people's minds and she says that everyone tries to add something to it to make it make sense like she's rich Ooor she wasnt fat when they met.
And she's saying it isn't always like that. There doesn't have to be some other reason.

Which is all good and well her saying that but? She wasn't big when they met?
That literally is their relationship.
She didn't start gaining weight until a few years ago and has then rapidly gained it.
So her points are pointless when it's relating to their own relationship 🤷🏻‍♀️

No idea if any of that made sense 😂 I knew what I was trying to say haha


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She looks like she has doubled in size recently. Also he always looks so miserable and her fangirls say “the way he looks at you, I want it” 🤭 he looks sick of it.

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Fat or thin she was no looker, fat doesn’t equate ugly but this one has such an inflated opinion of herself considering how homely she looks in both guises. She also does that thing that I notice a lot of women online do which is to make herself look as nerdy/eccentric as possible which looks cute if you’re actually cute to begin with, but just makes her look like a bit bonkers ( the glasses, the hair etc)
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Her period talk was definitely TMI
She’s actually gross, talking about free bleeding, & it not being acceptable for travel!!!! Hell to the No would I want to see blood stained clothes on any civilised person ffs 🤦‍♀️
She’s trying to be edgy for edginess sake. If you’re a grown woman who’s used tampons up to last year, you know the drill 🤬
She should stay in her lane, promoting god knows what for the BoPo life that she supposedly loves
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Ugh i cant stand her, just because you're confident being that size doesnt mean its healthy and good for others 🙄 if i was her husband it would piss me off taking her to "work out" youd never get anything done! Her stomach looks like her arse ffs 🤦‍♀️ the energy drink thing is a joke too 🙄 how can she expect anyone to take her seriously..her husband jumping to her defence all the time " are you saying that because she's fat" well yea they are, she is? Not just a little bit a whole bloody lot not everyone has to feel the same..
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