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VIP Member
The comments under each video fawning over him and hero worshipping her are sickening.
“You are such an inspiration”
“I love how he loves you”
“Does he have a brother?”
“Omg you are both so hot”

Neither one of them are hot but I guess he is more conventionally attractive than she is.

If anyone dares to make a less than positive comment her followers launch themselves on them to defend her and she doesn’t try and stop it. In fact she actively joins in.

I don’t want see anyone bragging about their sex life on tiktok and definitely not her. It’s almost like she has to prove how sexually attracted he is to her, which I would naturally assume he is because they are married, but the posturing on the internet makes me think she isn’t as secure as she makes out.
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I have no issues with periods, but I’m a grown woman I don’t need to see someone insert a tampon. She’s been producing boring content lately so I think she wanted the shock factor, when in reality it was the ick factor.
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I just had a look at her replies on her TikTok comments. She is so rude and she's even misconstrued some comments as being rude and been extremely rude in reply when the person wasn't even being mean.

she's become so horrible.
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I find her nauseating sermons from her bed so insincere and patronising.

She's completely milked her toothache story and having stuffed her face and drank herself silly she's now saying she's almost back to normal? What ?? 🙄

How no one in her life has pulled her up on the fact it was just a toothache is baffling...she hadn't broken a limb or been diagnosed with cancer. Her behaviour is ridiculous 🙄
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VIP Member
I'm another that can't stand her.
I agree that she does seem rude and takes everything as an attack.

I don't get why having a muscular husband is her whole personality.

I went on his account but he seems to have deleted his videos.
All his videos seem to focus on her weight too
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I realise it's not always straightforward to understand but in her case I don't believe her and I think it's just another way for her to increase her followers and make money.
Sure I agree with you, I was just referring to your question on how someone could technically be bi despite having only had one opposite sex relationship.
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Chatty Member
OMG, so glad to discover this thread.

I completely agree with the comments - the obese woman married to a gym guy being their brand is so boring to me.

It's weird that one can even build their platform on it as some kind of #inspiration to all overweight women.

The 'he loves my fat ass' comments and all the sexual innuendos (I'm no prude) are getting old too.
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VIP Member
She's just got a huge shitty attitude. She really thinks she's gods gift.

In reality, she only got a big reach on social because everyone couldn't believe how someone who looks like her husband, would be with someone like her. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against larger ladies, buttt she hasn't exactly got a pretty face either, so I think that's what caused all the interest/shock around her?

I mean, I don't really find her hubby attractive either. There's no denying he has a good body, but other than that, I think he looks like a short ass!!
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It was the TikTok she made the other day of them in bed after they just had sex that tipped me over the edge, really that's too much information and I'm not a prude. Not everything needs to be shared.
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VIP Member
I've always wondered this!! That collaboration has totally rubbed me the wrong way
She's published the ingredients list and there is a form of sugar listed ...why would you add sugar to water?? Its basically a sugary drink with added vitamins- completely unnecessary supposedly to hydrate your body!

Just drink the water( and eat a balanced diet )...and if you want lemon flavour add a slice to your water!
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VIP Member
Thank god for this thread!!! I really liked her but so much recently all her content is around how she has a fit husband. It's so boring.
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VIP Member
It was the TikTok she made the other day of them in bed after they just had sex that tipped me over the edge, really that's too much information and I'm not a prude. Not everything needs to be shared.
This is something I was going to mention too.
She's constantly sharing about sex and getting to have sex with him or herself in outfits about to have sex. Whatever.
I just personally think it's too much
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Caveating this with I don't actually know who this person is, I just followed the link in the plus size thread 🤣

But on your point about fatphobia - I wonder if that comes from people feeling like it's fetishising? I.e. the only average weight or muscly men who go out with fat women must have a specific thing for fat women, rather than just liking the person they're with for the person they are, regardless of size.

As a sample of one, as a fat woman whose in a relationship with a slim man, it's the sort if thing that's bothered me in the past. Probably a reflection of my own insecurities but I've been worried that people might think my partner is with me just because he's got a thing for fat women (which he doesn't), and I've worried before that people might talk about it/laugh about it behind his back.

Obviously some people do have strong preferences and there's nothing wrong with that. Generally, 'fatphobia' as a reason to be outraged often makes me cringe and roll my eyes so they probably are being unreasonable in the comments 😂
I am similar! When I met my partner, I was a size 26. He has never weighed more than 10 stone his whole life.

He doesn't 'prefer' fat women. His ex was a size 8. He just doesn't care.

I worry he would get laughed at behind his back to the point I don't like being seen by anyone he works with and if I have to pick him up from work, I park at the back of the carpark.
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She’s making me cringe. She’s backtracking because the company have Contacted her. She could’ve destroyed their livelihoods
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She absolutely does my nut in now. I hate the way she weaponises her followers to go after people, first some Canadian politician then that martial arts guy. Plus that line in her cira thing - I hydrate everyday ... duh we all fucking do otherwise we die
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