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Old Soak

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Jeez that photo he was tagged in has nearly 500k likes!
Malice is gonna be utterly, utterly fuming 🤣

Just to add, so many comments on that photo, thinking Ioan is John Cena 🤣
That scared the crap outta me. I thought I mixed up the Rock with John Cena lol
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Like we said many times before we so need eye roll emoji..
She is not even… how from this post you take "what this person would do if she came across my kids"?! You can disagree with the post, you can say this is nonsense and made up accusations etc etc, you can say to your followers "look they live in cuckoo land" - I mean, if you absolutely must share, but to say this post somehow indicates the poster is capable of doing something… i really dont know what strange logic she lives with..
Also, "links with certain couple"?? Really?! Still?? Alice, we dont know them! We are GOSSIPING… we dont even have links with each other really, as its anonymous gossip site! Jeez…
🙄 - eye roll emoji. 😎
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A goad to Ioan perhaps? “You’ll have to support me the rest of my life, I have no plans to ever work”.

Let’s see how that goes!
The post was from Nov 2021! She's had two "cons" since then...not exactly a ton of work, eh Al? 😉
Drop some more bread crumbs. I can't even think of a British streaming service!
I was just about to say the same! Am thinking what could be on ITV, BBC, ALL 4, FIVE, etc 🤔 as you can watch catch-up/stream on all of them now. There's also freeview, which I think is English?
Tbh I don't watch much on "terrestial channels" these days, but I'm thinking what have I seen advertised of late, that's on going? Or is it a new series that I've not heard of, and I should be watching!
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It wouldn't be impossible for that recommedation to be made by the GAL and judge agreeing
Depends. AFE has 1st amendment rights. It would be more doable if it wasn't a blanket ban, but say a ban on setting up pap shots with the kids and giving permission for them to be used by media outlets.
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My husband's mother left his father when he was that age. It created a lot of lifelong trust issues for him and his siblings. There was no warning or discussion. She just left to be with another man one day. It broke his father. He had his own issues, of course. None of us are without our 'stuff'.

They were two people who clearly should have split long before. Waiting until the kids are older is just the right thing to do is a lie people tell themselves to rationalize staying and suffering. It ends up hurting the kids, IMO.

You leave before it breaks you.

From her own statements IG gave her nothing but warning he was unhappy in the marriage and wanted out. She even said she wanted a divorce and told the girls she'd get them another dad. They tried couples counseling, something I recall she mocked publicly. They moved apart and officially separated. He then filed for divorce.

It's all in her own words or transcripts of recordings he submitted.

The girls had fair warning. It wasn't a sudden move. The only surprise to them was that he started a new relationship once he left. It's called moving on. And in time that becomes the new norm if the other parent isn't exploding daily and turning a standard life event into an ugly public spectacle.

My husband's mother left his father when he was that age. It created a lot of lifelong trust issues for him and his siblings. There was no warning or discussion. She just left to be with another man one day. It broke his father. He had his own issues, of course. None of us are without our 'stuff'.

They were two people who clearly should have split long before. Waiting until the kids are older is just the right thing to do is a lie people tell themselves to rationalize staying and suffering. It ends up hurting the kids, IMO.

You leave before it breaks you.

From her own statements IG gave her nothing but warning he was unhappy in the marriage and wanted out. She even said she wanted a divorce and told the girls she'd get them another dad. They tried couples counseling, something I recall she mocked publicly. They moved apart and officially separated. He then filed for divorce.

It's all in her own words or transcripts of recordings he submitted.

The girls had fair warning. It wasn't a sudden move. The only surprise to them was that he started a new relationship once he left. It's called moving on. And in time that becomes the new norm if the other parent isn't exploding daily and turning a standard life event into an ugly public spectacle.

And to add…. Those girls, however young they were, knew their parents weren’t happy. Kids know and sense things. So I agree, the only surprise was his new relationship. Those girls had to have seen and felt that neither parent was happy at home.
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Big Al thinks she's Samuel L Jackson 😂 😂 😂 And his start in his 40's is considered rare.
I had to look that up. His first role according to IMDB was when he was 24. Not 40.
And then there's the mighty June Squibb, who made her feature film debut in a Woody Allen movie at the age of 61 back in 1990. She has not stopped since. At the age of 94 she's just played her first lead role.

Look at these credits.

It's not too late, Alice. You want to act? Act. Take a class, do some community theater, get the rust out. Do something.
That’s only half right. Jane Squibb was a successful stage actress long before she started acting onscreen.
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True story.

I recently spoke to a long time connection who lives in London. She's a successful producer with a very popular hit series out at present airing on a well known British streaming channel. Alice's name came up. She said she knew IG's work and thought he was very talented. She knew someone who worked with him on a film ages ago. She'd also read about the divorce and said it was clear the ex-wife was "deeply unwell" and "aimed to cause him catastrophic damage" in the media.

Seems her reputation is as expected and some in the film and television community are well aware of her abusive behavior.

Drop some more bread crumbs. I can't even think of a British streaming service!
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I have nothing but empathy and sympathy for Ella. That poor girl has been living with a deranged, abusive mother with very little contact outside the house for the past three years while grieving the loss of her father, a father who loved her deeply and who she was told no longer cares about her. That, the isolation, being a teenager, Alice’s influence, I wager 99% of us would be as vulnerable and susceptible to being Alice’s puppet in the same situation. I feel for her deeply. A child wouldn’t get the idea for a fake RO alone, or know how to execute that. Throwing food and drink around your dad’s apartment he shares with someone new when you have been told daily he doesn’t love you anymore is, imo, a normal response from a weaponised, distressed teen after what she’s been through. She is a child and a victim of Alice.

the question of ‘when is she held responsible’… imo, when she’s into adulthood, and has had some space from Alice, then I would hope to start to see some growth and progress, with the right therapy and support. Alice won’t let that happen though: she wants to baby both of them so they never leave.

I remember being thirteen, the stuff I got up to, even without a deliberately nefarious influence. It’s not just that she’s thirteen now, it’s that she’s been weaponised and lied to and abused for the past three years with nobody coming to save her. No outlet. It’s really no wonder the things she’s done. Alice has done very well in her quest to destroy the wellbeing of her children.
Isn’t Ella going to be 15 in a couple of months?
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The stipulated custody agreement includes something stating that she can no longer discuss the girls' private lives on her SM
Is this just a guess? I don't think so. Why would Alice agree to it? Her latest post is more embarrassing than just posting Elsie skateboarding for example.
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Clearly not, I keep spending them on transcripts of hearsay. 😂

Ioan's lawyers for custody purposes (Elkins Kalt) are unavailable at the end of the month. A new attorney to the matter filed this so the case number for the divorce is correct; however, the caption she used (the document title near the middle of the first page) is for Ella's DVRO application. I checked the docket for Ella's DVRO application case number and nothing is new, so I'm guessing that's a mistake and this is for the ongoing custody portion of the divorce case. The judge hasn't approved the custody settlement yet, so Elkins Kalt can't bow completely out yet. (A judge must always approve any settlement.)

What does the bit about advising them to read a filing about deliberately scheduling during that time mean?
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I don't believe for a second IG told the kids he would never date anyone. But AFE would have told them that if he did, it would constitute some kind of betrayal of them, not just her, the dumped one. It's a creepy, incestuous thing to do, as if he was married to the kids.
I could see him saying something like "no, honey, there is no one else and there never will be because I love you two girls more than anything" to a devastated 7 year old to calm her down. It's a white lie that no adult would or should take literally (so Alice hanging on it is ridiculous) and a child is expected to grow out of believing it literally, too.

ETA: I'm not saying it's a smart thing to say, it isn't, I'm just saying I don't find it improbable. That said, Alice is old enough to understand this can't be true.
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