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What's your point

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Anybody listened to the Bear & Scully podcast about the woman who was abused by her narcissistic ex? I'm not saying Alice is as bad but there are similarities.

It's a really long podcast episode but was eye opening for me how subtle domestic abuse can start off and by the time you realise what is happening your so deep in to the relationship it is hard to get out.
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Do you allow yourself a cheat day, AP? I mean, I’m totally disgraceful on mine - croissants, butter and raspberry jam for brekker (though I do have butter on my veg/chicken all week - fats are essential), a fried egg white bap with brown sauce for lunch, and macaroni cheese, spag bol or pesto pasta for dinner (sometimes adding shredded spinach, ratatouille and poached chicken/fish to the latter so I have SOME good food), plus vino. But I’m feeling a lot better the rest of the time. I do have a carb hangover on Sundays, so go for a whole roast chicken breast with asparagus, half a pound of broccoli, a tablespoon of peas, creamed spinach, half a packet of green beans and a sautéed courgette as a corrective. Alice should take note: this really does work. Simply cutting out bread and sugar can cause a pretty miraculous transformation. If she wants to sort out her fibro, well…
(For those who also have arthritis, I’ve found I ache a lot less now too.)

One thing that really helped me with weight around the middle was Petronella Raven (something) Human Being Diet - in 3 weeks I lost a stone and it helped me keep it off! Incredible....
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Ally Pally

VIP Member
Thinking about it I actually feel a little bit sorry for Alice. (I know, I know!)
But her fans/FM's are doing her such a disservice, not only to Ioan and the girls, her shit parenting choices, the divorce and now custody, etc, but also the way they gas her up. They are encouraging her to live in this world of make-believe and delusion where she never faces reality or takes responsibility for anything. I know she'd just abuse, block, unblock, abuse, block again etc anyone who did tell her the truth. But it's sad that there is no one in her life who truly loves or cares about her enough to actually tell her to get her head out of her ass and face reality. The kids did at one time, but she's terrorized them into compliance. There's no real love or caring in her life. Even her fans "love" is based on lies and illusions. I know this is the way she wants it, that she wouldn't accept anything else, but it's sad how fake and empty her whole life is, even the support from her fans is a lie.
Your not the only one , I can't help feeling sorry for her either, her self sabotage has caused all this misery and I'd hate to be in her skin.
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Feather fans

VIP Member
I have not been able to watch it yet to the end (not easy to watch). Instead, I watched the Body Language Guy analysis of it. That was interesting.
To be honest (hope you dont mind a bit of a spoiler) you dont need the body language by the end as she is losing her story line and is so obviously lying (still without any hesitation) that its seriously unbelievable
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Well-known member
People who have encountered FH over the decades say the same about her. There is more and more info online by each day. FH is evil and malicious and spiteful.

She is just a way better actress and has way more stamina (even for keeping her mask on longer and better) than AFE.

I am sorry, I cannot agree with you.
I could not watch Baby Reindeer (started but had to stop). I have been stalked in the past over many years for just being kind and polite to someone and willing to help when they asked my help (and I did not make the mistakes of RG, I cut any communication off abruptly the moment he turned weird overnight) and it was scary for my husband and I, our elder son who was a toddler back then... and for many friends as so very naively I had introduced him to many people. He seemed so normal, intelligent, charming at first.
Many years of horror followed. He even moved over to my country. (We left after two years luckily and lived in Paris and then Brussels for many years... he did not follow but still randomly attempted to find us online.. so even near 4 years after I thought he is gone from our life, he popped up randomly just to tell me he will always find me). When SM was born, for many many years I did not use it and even now I do not use my real name on SM, am not on many platforms, and never use a handle/username twice...

I am incapable of forgiving any stalkers, MH problems or not.

And I am very sensitive to the "bat sound" now.
This is why I have a strong gut feeling (after seeing the marathon photos of AFE) that despite of her lazyness she is trying to do some RL stalking. (I also have a feeling that the heavy breather filming kneeling Ella from behind a tree was Alice herself). And I was very nervous when hints were posted here that might lead to the new residence of Yoyo and Bee. I might be overreacting but I am still not free from that trauma and am ultrasensitive. My apologies.
I don’t think she should be given a pass for her behaviour, just the way they changed nothing and made her so quick to identify, they poked the bear of a mentally unstable woman. Whether you believe her to be ill or evil, Netflix and Gadd made a hit show about her and all of a sudden she’s a public figure of ridicule.
Malice chose to put all this out into the public for us to to gossip about and judge her, and she gives us plenty of material.
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VIP Member
@Old Soak just a thought, she story showing SD face, maybe we should take it down. I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a fuck! Just more so, because mAlice is a fucking twat!
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VIP Member
This is entirely speculation, but I am thinking, after another day comes to a close without a court order uploaded, that Judge Josh needs further information before he can rule and thus has asked one or both parties to provide further information. My suspicion is that he's asked Alice to produce her financials before a ruling can be made. But again, this is pure speculation and we'll just have to wait and see. 🤷🏼‍♀️

What happens at the mandatory settlement conference on June 3rd? Is it for finances? custody? or both?

Is there any significance that it is scheduled at a different courthouse?
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Chatty Member
Can confirm - no. I have veneers. Ive had one fall off occasionally. It gives Gollum when they’re off. It’s horrifying and getting them was the stupidest thing I ever did. Other than marry my ex. 🤣
Okay - thank you for your expertise on life choices, which I respect. So did her nose grow back?
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