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Chatty Member
We’ll be here when you want to return. I’ve had to take breaks. It’s a lot sometimes.
Like a lot of us here, I’ve been in an abusive relationship and my kids have a narc parent that I have had to deal with. I think that makes it overwhelming to read here sometimes. I mean no disrespect to anyone here and appreciate all of you.
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Interesting she said she finally got round to speaking to the police about Bianca's messages re Alice's sock accounts.
I think the police spoke to you Alice. Don't try to spin it that you are the complainant here.
You've got a DVRO. You breached it!
I also like how she is framing it. "over 90 % are from Brisbane" - the police would not tell her that since this info is not relevant as the investigation is against her. They probably told her over 90 % have no proven connection to her or around 10 % have a connection to her (which is what Bianca indirectly said too), and she concluded herself that the 90 % are Tamika.

remember when she claimed that she hired a writing style and IT expert that confirmed her that T is B? Good times

edit: at the off-chance it is true I bet she used Oz VPNs to frame the other side
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Ah, yes… 🤔: how much was ol’ Lozza fined? £140k or in that region, I think? Watch out, Malice: you may just lose ‘your’ ‘childhood savings’…
Seriously, though - someone whose mind defaults to the most sordid, obscene, disgusting accusation is someone with a mind diseased. There are few worse things of which to accuse someone. My narc ex’s baby-mama would accuse all the blokes she broke up with/who dumped her because of her vile behaviour and off-the-scales entitlement of the same thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if she were still alone. Just as Malice will be when IG and Bianca celebrate their ruby wedding, surrounded by their great-grandchildren, numerous friends and admirers, while enjoying the view from the most exclusive part of the Hollywood Hills.
(Seriously, if I were in Malice’s position, I’d be shitting bricks at this point. Money tap cut off, rent to pay, bills due, food and petrol to buy, no real work in ten years, permanently coming down from a substance bender, knotted up in hate and bitterness, convincing herself that her lies are true… but I’d go out and graft. Always have, always will. I’m not too proud to do any job. Alice thinks herself just too damned special to grub around with hoi polloi, ie us.)
I was made redundant last year just before xmas and I decided to take 2/3mths off, because I needed it...I was burnt out and stressed from the redundancy process. Anyway, I'm looking for a job currently, and am lucky I have money saved, yet I'm loathe to touch it, so I'm economising as much as i can!
I miss working so much, even though I moan about work 🤣
I can't wait to start working again, honestly I don't how she does fuck all, all day and not get bored! Luckily I learned from a young age to be dependent, as I saw the hardships we went through, when my parents split...this was back in the day where 1 income was usually enough, and my mum did work partime on and off.
Anyway my point is, I'm panicking and I've only been out of work for 6mths - 3 by choice. So I cannot comprehend how she is so blasé about not having any money, and no real career, she's not trained in anything else, like a lot of us are. It just blows my mind 🤯
And I've just seen her insta, seriously she's posting videos before a court hearing, I'd be fucking shiting bricks! Talk about keeping up appearances!
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Fake news! They're all photoshopped!
Who you gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes?
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Old Soak

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Just wanted to clean up my part in the recap about Bernard Hill. It was clumsily worded and I was trying to say, ‘Alice is grief thieving again, this time with Bernard Hills death (rip)’

And a small matter that’s been bugging me is the thread before last, I forgot to thank @MarkC1387 for starting the new one. We were floundering at page 56, much like the last thread and Mark came along and got the new thread set up. I did the recap and I forgot to shout-out so thank you Mark C!
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Ella is interacting with the porn account iirc on tiktok too. It's a bigger issue than the X account she doesn't use.
That is to say

Alice is allowing someone with a pornographic username to engage and repeatedly communicate with her 14 year old daughter and does not seem to want it to stop.

Alice allows pornographic language to her minor children.

This is in line with Alice sending men in New Zealand images of the bodies of her children, with bruises, that are publicly posted.
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Ally Pally

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If anyone made any threats whatsoever the moderators would be closing this down immediately, Alice can discredit us as much as she likes but the wiki is all her own words!
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Not at all!! I don’t interact with her account at all
Bizarre as she’s blocked from BW account so she must have gone and looked in a sock account and then noted the people who have interacted and sent the requests.

Imagine putting that much effort into your financials/job/kids how different life could be
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OK, I have to dash, but I've updated the List of Lies with these two lies (in the 'Alice's lies about Tattle' section):

  • Alice accused Tattlers of posting pornographic pictures next to photos of her daughter. However, we were showing that Alice is a poor excuse for a mother who let a pornographic account with an erect penis follow her daughter's Twitter account – an account which she created for her when she was 7/8 years old, in violation of Twitter's terms of service. No photos of her daughter were posted, and the erect penises were obscured. (NEW)
  • Alice accused Tattlers of being paedophiles. There is no evidence that this is true. Alice really does seem to have an unhealthy preoccupation in accusing people of being paedophiles, however. (NEW)
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a reminder that Alice passionately defended a woman that sexually assaulted a boy that was just two years older than her eldest and that was groomed since he was 7

I'm not saying she'd do the same obviously, but combined with her constant heavy sexual references it shows how her brain is wired.
she is now BEGGING for likes 🤣

I'm sure she doesnt just mean tattlers being mean about her with bullying. for her that's also having to produce financial info lol
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So how do attorneys deal with this kind of thing when their own client won’t cooperate? What do they tell the judge??
They can tell the judge that their client won't cooperate but at the end of the day it's their responsibility and the judge will not be happy, and will be rather cranky with that attorney. They will bear the consequences at first. But once the judge starts sanctioning the attorney, documents usually appear pretty quickly. Or a substitution of attorney form, whomever cracks first.
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Old Soak

VIP Member
Oh my fkn god. We’re back to the days of her posting strange cars outside her house instead of going to the police. “I feel safer posting it here just in case.” “We’re afraid for our lives.” “We all slept in the same bed last night huddled in fear.”
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So she spent the night before court trawling through the follower list of a woman who has a restraining order against her?

God that's psychotic. She needs help.
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The refusal to work really pisses me off.

Even if Ioan has to pay all their living costs and expenses forever (not that I think he should), she should be setting an example to her daughters.

If she’d got a job netting $25K a year and Ioan had still paid everything it would have been $250K in the girls’s college fund.

To be honest I don’t think she has the life skills to hold down a job but I would be impressed if she tried.

I don’t think she’ll ever get an acting job again. There are a lot of middle-aged mediocre actors out there without her baggage.

She clearly has no love of the craft as she hasn’t worked in 5 years and I’d bet my last penny she hasn’t taken a class or a workshop in that time.

All the derision about Bianca being an extra. Bianca has more acting credits and time on film sets and IMDb credits than Alice does in the last five years.
It's a completely wasted life. I have to admit I got a bit alice-esque (which is why i initially warmed to her when I joined this thread 84 years ago...) once up a time when I was a stay at home mum and felt isolated and went down a facebook rabbit hole (political posting etc, social media addiction, ranting addiction).... but a friend staged an intervention and helped me get a job that was "beneath" my skill set and started over and now I own my own company 10 years later. I think it's never too late (except for Alice) - she's proven she can't change, can't learn, and we can just get the popcorn and watch the hamster wheel go round and round.
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